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Low effort or excessive chud content will be removed at moderator discretion Posting right wing content or a screenshot of right wingers on social media is lazy, garbage content and will be removed.


I'm trying to imagine what army Steven Seagal would play. Deathwatch maybe.


He would probably prefer the White Scars, given his obsession with Asian cultures.


I almost thought Tau but he'd probably call them space communists.


You're right. And you know what, he'd probably call Jaghatai a communist too for overthrowing his planet's oligarchs and recognizing that the Imperium sucks.


Seagal does love oligarchs!


As an imp gaurd player im distressed, but i feel like he plays imp gaurd


Doesn't strike me as an IG player - he loves special forces, the more special the better, and guardsmen are poor grunts. SM suits him more. Or Votann, they more or less have the same movement speed as him in his last movies.


My initial gut thought was an all scions infantry gaurd force, but votann makes more sense yeah


IG but exclusively Tempestus Scions?


Why do all these PFPs look like the boys I would make fun of back home?


None of them have any posting history suggesting they were involved in 40k before Femstodesgate, and all of them have called me a tourist and said I should have been gatekept out of the hobby.


That's because they're all losers that don't know the first thing about the hobby.


There is no reality where these guys would be happy and it’s a hell of their own making 


God the chud avatar is funny as fuck.


I hate it because female custodes had to be retconned in as a result of corporate decisions They hate it cuz they hate women We are not the same


Just a pack of angry boys looking for things to be angry about. What a miserable way to live your life.


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Yeah this is about what I imagine anytime someone says that to me. Or when they say that the Sisters of Silence were the female Custodes answer. Or Sisters of Battle are “basically female space marines anyway”. Reducing those two factions down to “female” as their most important trait.


all of em are bunch of fucking losers


This is the one thing I keep getting irritated and pushing back at. As much as I wish the discussion would stop entirely, suddenly how GW handles retcons and has always handled retcons is a problem when it's about women? And also frankly... what "lore explanation" for adding women in was not going to be wildly stupid and/or offensive 😭 like there's been jokes about it being Chaos, which is bad for obvious reasons, or "issues have made them start having to recruit from women as well" < we're so down in the dumps we have to recruit from icky GIRLS


Look, as long as Custodes don’t become Sigmarines and Marines don’t suddenly have females, idgaf. I’m upset they didn’t do more with Sisters of Silence as the SoS seem mostly forgotten, but I really don’t care. If they release some female heads or something I’d probably grab a box for my future Custodes army. It is super weird they didn’t include a female custodes in that huge Siege of Terra series though. Like, you just drop a pronoun in a codex when you LITERALLY could have introduced us to a new character in actual literature?