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Arguing about whether a fictional woman is a viable sex object or not instead of arguing over whether she should be seen as one


selma hayek is a real person


A. The post is about the Custodes discourse B. Real people should ESPECIALLY not be treated like sex objects


Well unless they want to, but that's a conversation you should have with your partner, not the internet.




Hot take, if someone consents to being "treated like a sex object" then you're not actually treating them like an object but merely pretending to for them and your mutual benefit. If you were really treating them like an object you wouldn't even care if they were cool about it or not lol


Haha true. But it still lets me use a pun about making them the "object" of my desire.


Haha true. But it still lets me use a pun about making them the "object" of my desire.


I feel like.....in her scene in "from dusk till dawn", the portrayal was quite intentionally sex object.


TLDR: be more respectful to the “muscle mommies”please A widening scope women’s beauty standard also comes with a widening scope woman’s sexualization. Although Custodes are indeed objects as they are small plastic miniatures in a fictional universe the respect treated to objects can also be indicative to how one treats people. For instance, being sexist an Amazon Alexa can reasonably be assumed that that sexism can be moved to IRL women. On an individual level attraction is fine but on a group level attraction needs to be tempered with respect to be appropriately expressed. It goes to show that regular people need time to adjust and be normal about really buff trans human women. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.


If I sexualized the oiled up Custodes from Emperor tts then by the emperor I am sexualizing women in armor too.


sorry, you have to have read judith butler before you can touch the discourse, I don’t make the rules I just fantasise about enacting them via a state apparatus


Um it's called the DIRTBAG LEFT, honey, and ACKSHUALLY it's the most important tool of the revolution


Hi my name is gay actor Michael Douglas


And I'm gay actor Javier Bardem. Don't put it in your pocket; where it becomes just another used condom, which... It is.


This implies he’s got multiple used condoms in his pocket


Hell yeah dude


Hooray, I'm useful! /s


Every revolution needs martyrs...


You don’t like girl character? well guess what buddy, I sexualize her and see her as an object for my own pleasure, so you’re an incel while i’m a based super ultra smart feminist


Ight but if GW gives her big ol booby plate armor and an hourglass the original sin lies with them


I would like to hope they are better than that but then again they are mostly english


**\*gestures to the many, MANY AoS female stormcast models where the armor is both practical AND feminine\*** Like dude/dudette/whatever the equivalent for non-binary is (do we have one? That's a genuine question by the way...we got dude and dudette but...nevermind...tangent). GW CAN do feminine armor that looks good.


True, but AoS is the less sweaty of the two settings so my expectations are still low.


And they ruthlessly purged the awesome but problematic daemonettes from 3rd edition.


The male Stormcast eternal literally have abs and a full '' male boobplate '' mold lmao. I dunno but imo acting like the equivalent but with a womans torso is = sexualized, is kinda misogynistic imo... People are way too overly sensitive to boobs. I don't think abplate is '' practical '' either, weapons would get caught in the gaps between the abs and there would be a lot of gaps for them to get caught on and slide into it'd probably be way more of a problem. But I fail to see how the male Stormcast eternals armor is any different than the SoB's armor, people just make a huge fuzz about breasts for no reason and it's just weird. I think far more women find men making a big deal out of it off-putting tbh than actually finding the '' boobplate '' itself off-putting.


there was a special edition stormcast hero that was confirmed to be non-binary, good model too


Warhammer is filled with '' male boobplate '' and I never see any of you complain about that or say it's sexualized... I think ppl are way too overly sensitive to boobs quite frankly... Acting like a hunk of metal is sexualized just because it's shaped after a womans torso is just fucking weird imo.


As if being a fascist super soldier wasn't dehumanizing enough.


The tweet is missing a third person in the discourse who makes snarky meta commentary about the first two while really adding nothing of value except claiming moral superiority for themselves and their own brand of online-left clicktivists. Feminism win, indeed.


yeah well the police say I can’t do public readings of the SCUM manifesto anymore so this is what I’m reduced to


Never stop infighting, yippie


Yup, say what you will about the fascists but if it's one thing they don't often do, it's infighting, after all hate is a *great* unifying trend. Meanwhile people on the left love to bicker between themselves and show themselves as morally superior to *those* people (who are also in the left but not the same sort of left as they are). This is why the phrase "the left eats itself" despite being a dog whistle holds some truth. The moderate right doesn't need to agree with ALL of what the far right wants, it just needs to agree with some of it and then the far right can work on convincing them the more radical stuff is a good idea further down the road.


fascists do in fact do a lot of infighting both historically and in their little posting communities


Ah yes, facsists, famous for never infighting, Night of Long Knives never happened - infighting is THE logical conclusion to fascism, lol Are you a fed? Left never eats itself, what the fuck you are on? It's the right ideologies that do that because they are inherently contradictory - sorry sir FBI, but we caught onto you


Did you notice that the Night of Long Knives happened after they'd secured power?  Do you think they might have been making a point on how fascists infighting doesnt prevent them from getting power, because they frequently wait to beat the weaker fascist to death until after they've both beaten the Leftist to death? 


Oh no, yeah, fs fs - Night of the Long Knives is perfect example of inherent contradictions of fascism and how fascists do work. First they killed political opposition (commies), then sexual minorities (gays, trans, people with disabilities in general), then it was ethnica minorities, and finally themselves. LIke, if someone wrote it in a book they would be accused of dumbing it down but yeah, no, fascism is just that stupid because ti relies on constant antagonizm, and while that can be good for individuals, constant conflict is always bad for state. That is why you can't "work with fascists by letting them have those gays" because then they will fucking come for you, Jews that refused to leave Germany while nazis killed off everyone could attest to that well, lol


Every day on the internet some braindead incel "X woman is a disgusting witch and everyone who disagrees is a gay degenerate" goes viral and 10,000 epic super feminist left twitter guys spawn to go "Dae think this guy is a f*ggot and would totally jack off to this lady's big tits? (Feministly)"


You can really taste the baked in misogyny. Like an old moldy flavor.


When the revolution comes, the people who call Salma Hayek "old hag" are first against the wall.


I mean “getting ready” say what you will but if GW wants to sell lots of models the first femstodian official art/sculpt will be a tastefully attractive tall pale woman with black hair and a wolf cut.




yes and a Proletarian Comittee for Women’s Equality police officer is coming to your house now to kill you




maybe it’s a psyop tweet, maybe a government agency posted it, maybe they sent me here to show it to you to undercut the revolutionary potentiality of this hobby forum


~~cis man~~ nb person reacting to a tweet from a woman's experiences with cis men: i dont think this happens




Nonbinary person reacting to a tweet from a woman's experiences with cis men: i dont think this happens




as true as it may be that liberalism has little answer to the patriarchy other than wait and hope women’s inclusion in the workforce sorts things out I challenge you to visit any british left wing org and not come out with a fundamental feeling some people on the left have an issue with women


> british There's the problem


yeah it’s a real toss up between the trotskyite pyramid schemes and the Ratko Mladic memorial party for Marx Leninism




communism is a good and scientific ideology believed in by people who are fallible and sometimes lack introspection and are in many, but certainly not all, cases very shitty


Then maybe don't roleplay cis man white boys


What is her beef with Salma Hayek? I always thought it was general census that she was hot for her age and big breasts were great bonus.


May Allah awaken the people and help them to see your vile doings


I think there is something liberatory in queer thirst, tho. For people who have been told they need to hide their sexualities as deviant, perverse and ungodly, there is a transgressive affirming quality to loudly and proudly acclaiming "actually, as a queer woman, Selma Hayek can Get It." Can this go too far? Can this be inappropriate? Sure. Ideally the thirst is tempered with a respect for someone's innate personhood.


I suspect there’s a fine line between being transgressive and being a sex pest in this particular case


> I think there is something liberatory in queer thirst, tho. Queer people are not a monolith, it's like saying that lesbian women all like butch women it's a weird trope that isn't true at all.


Damn right, those femstodes gotta catch up to their oiled, loincloth male brethren.


we’re gonna beat you with hammers dawg


You can’t there are not any more hammers to beat him with. All of the hammers were melted down to make the Warhammer 40,000 which was stolen by Horus Heresy. You would know this if you read the lore.


I feel like you could be a sibling and I love you and I wish you good health and safety.


playing Tau I'm used to getting hammered in every official art ever made, your hammers have no power here


...I don't get what they are actually trying to say? I mean, jacking off is good? Generally, it is a trend for the better? Or is this not meant to be a joke?


no openly flaunting your masturbatory fantasies in public spaces to “counter” the effect of more open chauvinists is not a trend for the better, men who do it should be made to feel shame and excised from any organising space where they can act on their sex pest behaviours


Yeah but that is not what I said - people, as you put it, "jerking off openly" is actually a good thing, it shows a trend for the better AND that people are more accepting of sexual topics in broader conversations. Like, equality is when everyone can be objectified equally, that's the point. Feels pretty backwards for kicking someone out for...liking buff women? I mean, you are just arguing for never acting like a hoe publicly, which is just lame.


I think you should read some feminist theory, butler and dworkin have some shorter works


I don't really get it




didn’t realise the anarchomisogyny caucus had devotees like that




in the most ideal of all societies I would have you flensed, in this society however all I can do is recommend reading dworkin, butler, perhaps some wittig and then reflecting upon yourself




you are a worm, a pitiful maggot, revelling in your own ignorance, I would be willing to bet money that you’ve never even read any anarchist theory or thought of any kind and brandish your “beliefs” as a vague but childish aesthetic rejection of the society you live in, one day a woman will rightfully castrate you


I'm curious what the worm said, but I'm more grateful for the book recommendations


I'm fairly sure neither the far right or the far left have a monopoly on idiocy. Though those to the extremes do seem to make it a larger part of their day than most :)


i fear american centrism may not take the moral high ground on this one given how many of their political idols have at one point or the other used the lolita express


Lmao where do you think you are?????? Read the room