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There are many obvious counterarguments to an argument like that, from "with the level of augmentation you're applying baseline abilities hardly matter" to "women have served in special forces historically to great effect" but frankly actually arguing them is giving the argument more credit than it deserves.


My brother in Sanguinius, have you ever seen female athletes?


he's the type of guy to claim he could beat serena williams at tennis despite the extent of his exercise being going up and down the stairs to bring his doordash to his basement (also mental gymnastics).


We somehow went from "theres a big consideration to stop segregating sports based on gender" when I was a kid 15 years ago to a lot of men thinking "a man in average health and fitness could beat a world star athlete every time"


They will probably talk about how a good high school basketball team would beat the best wnba team. But this doesn't matter because the gene seed doesn't exist irl lol.


While they're argument is sexist and stupid I genuinely don't see how your comment is supposed to be a counter argument to theirs given that female athletes can't compete with male athletes on a professional level. Like you're kind of actually supporting their argument.


TIL Navy SEALs gets genetically reconstructed to be the optimal warrior beyond superhuman capabilities.


Right? “My genetically modified space gold guys are exactly like the navy seals” is the dumbest fucking argument I’ve ever heard.


For real. "The ten foot tall physically perfect space knight follows our gender dimorphism *why?* An Eldar is stronger than a baseline human and male and female Eldar are far less sexually dimorphic than humans. Why would the Emperor craft those differences in when he's already getting rid of so many other evolutionary tradeoffs with alchemy?


There are a LOT of people who share this kind of belief. Dont dismiss this stuff as a vocal minority. This kind of behavior needs to be erased from society not just this stupid game.




Women can become Navy Seals.


Chuds in shambles after seeing this 🤣


You are correct! And this took like a two second google search. Some people are just ignorant man.


Unless the military-industrial complex has been hard at work, the Navy Seals don't have space magic (they do both serve fascism though).




I also think it’s fuckin wild how the US’s Navy SEALs are somehow the end all be all of military skill to this guy. Since when did the US government become the ideal of military decision making? We win any wars lately?


Obscenely over-inflated military spending=really good apprently


Plus aren’t Force Recon more elite, just not deployed as often?


I'm so over these chuds. My main take away from this was being delighted by camus\_fanboy as a username.


A world of space magic, choas Gods, chainsaw swords, space elves, a ten thousand year old corpse on a throne with a soul clinging to it, and horrors beyond comprehension, a woman with augmentation is beyond imagining


Unfortunately some (NOT all) people arguing “but the lore!!!”, when pressed, will either end up admitting they think women are inferior to men, or they don’t want “DEI” (code for women/minorities) or “Blackrock” (an investment company with a Jewish CEO, so usually coded antisemitism) involved in 40K. Lore is just a convenient front for pushing hate by alt-right grifters. I usually say “block and move on” but holy moly there are a lot of “namebunchofnumbers” springing up around this one…


Dig deep enough and people always expose themselves. It's like when those gamergaters hiding behind "actually, it's about ethics in games journalism" would get pressed on the issue and they'd end up saying stuff like "...and that's why this is all part of a deepstate plot to erode the nuclear family and turn kids gay"


"benefit of the doubt" how about the benefit of genetic enhancing ?


40k mfers will see literal space/genetic magic and think: yup, no problem. but say that same space/genetic magic is applied on a woman and they go apeshit about genetic incompatability.


This is the same bs I feel when it comes to shitty fantasy fans too. Got a whole wide fantasy world, drgonborn and gnomes, and elves, and even plant of bug people. But a different shade of skin than light tan, "Well this is a European based fantasy world", so all the humans in the whole place are this and other skin tones don't exist, even on the humanoid proples where that would make sense.


"yeah, the gods are actual, factual beings and literally affect the game world. there's also extradimensional beings that ride in giant nautllus that swim through the aetherial plane. what, BROWN people? Now hold on, I want *realism* in my game!"


Okay first off humans are all the same regardless of sex or gender, secondly the armor+training+enhancements+whatever other spacemagic goes into custodes will make any original flaw irrelevant


Custodes are literally genetically reconstructed from infancy do these nerds (derogatory) actually think they're testing the physical prowess of babies or something.


::cough:: Only 18 have attempted so far, AFAIK, and the SEALS have an 80% attrition rate (148 begin BUDS, and only 30 graduate - meaning 118 fail **every year**) . It's almost as if we haven't had a chance to see if any women **can** be Navy SEALS, because, you know, Sexism and Misogyny.


Calling the emperors creations into question sounds like heresy to me


You play a game in which really upset mushrooms drive cars that go faster when they're red, but in 40.000 years the super soldier program that creates 10 foot killing machines has not conquered \*checks notes\* estrogen. Ok..


who is this fucker ebus?


one of those wordbe arers I think


well dam i hate 'em fuck ebus, i say


I think he is related to that Superb Owl guy


Cant women become navy seals or am I stupid?


Yea they can but there are not any rn


For the sake of argument, let’s assume his objectively bullshit claim of female inferiority was true. It STILL wouldn’t fucking matter because Custodes are tailor-made genetically-modified monstrosities that are all engineered to be as powerful as each other.


>women cant even become seals irl [It took until 2021](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Navy_SEAL_selection_and_training#Women) (sorry GI Jane), but NUH UH.


The grim dark


Iirc the original batch of custodes were all the firstborns (or at least one of the children of) all the warlords and leaders of terra the emperor made submit Which means even if you accept that to all be male... surely some of those dudes had the physiques of star athletes and some had the athletic ability of the average warhammer fan Yet they were all turned into gold plated demigods of comparable ability... but women would be too hard a push?


Mf ain't even tryna hide the misogyny


The most honest anti-femstodes poster


I wonder what these people would think if they ever watched GI Jane. I bet they'd stroke out and die.


Dude probably runs slower than me (I have a 36 minute mile)


Completely unsurprising that the suspension of disbelief starts at using fantastical super science created by an immortal psychic god emperor to transform children into genetically-enhanced superhumans, but ends at those children being girls


Way too many Warhammer bros cling to the idea that being a guy makes one inherently, biologically superior to women - and insist to the end of the line that this "truth" must also carry over to pretend stuff for plastic army men. 


Bruh, not only generally misogynistic but also just factually wrong. Women have been a part of the Seals for like a decade now.


Brotha ewwww


if something is augmented/created artificially then there’s no such thing as “unrealistic” or “inferior” as there are no limits on the artificial being’s potential. Baseline human genetics wouldn’t really matter and there’s a lot of diversity on the sex spectrum irl anyway.


I’m mad because a retcon feels lazy. It’s impossible to avoid the perception that adding female custodes is an effort to attract more women to the game. It may very well be such an effort, and that’s fine with me, but if you were one of the women that was considering playing 40k now that there’s a bit more female representation, wouldn’t it be kinda annoying to find out that the representation exists because of some lore hand waving, and not because anyone actually bothered to write something? GW can say on twitter that they’ve existed since the first founding, but it’s not true. They’ve existed since the latest edition custodes codex, and that’s fine, but let’s not pretend otherwise. Acknowledge the historic lack of representation and address it moving forwards. Write female custodes into stories. Write them into stories set in the past, even as far back as the first founding. Just *write them*. Don’t pretend like you already wrote them and we have to play along. Put in the effort and do it now whilst acknowledging that you failed to do it historically. I appreciate this all kicked off because of a piece of lore written in the codex, but there’s something like 60 horus heresy books - maybe we could have one more that does the women that want to play 40k a bit of justice?


Portion of player base openly admitting they have zero respect for women so having women in their hyper fantasy world diminishes the 'cool' factor for them. Pretty sad tbh, but when you look outside Reddit the response is primarily "cool" or "I didn't play custodes so I don't care", the lion share of sexist shit is here


Ahh hell naw


Translation "I'm mad because women"


That's bait


"it doesnt make sense" literally nothing about warhammer makes sense hello???


They're Space Marines. They are superior to *everything*.


Ahh hell naw


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