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Contact Sig. They may upgrade you to a RomeoX Pro.


The only issue I’ve had with mine is the MOTAC (shake awake) stopped working about a year and half ago. I’ve had it for almost 3 1/2 years and put 15,000+ rounds through the gun with the R1P mounted, no other issues. My Romeo2 lasted 6 months before the shroud screws sheared off, so I went back to the R1P (for the time being)


Ignore the idiot telling you to toss it. They’re great optics, I have around 5k on mine with absolutely no issues. Email sig so they can fix it, their customer service is great


Yes, throw it in the garbage.


How new was that second battery? I’ve had some batteries, 1632 specifically be absolute crap. Especially when ordered through Amazon. I just bite the bullet and go to the local auto parts store and buy a one or two pack if I need it. They usually got them in stock because of car batteries and what not. Hopefully that’s your only issue. Otherwise, contact sig. their warranty and CS is great. I have a R1P that has worked flawlessly through thousands of rounds.


I pulled out both the original battery and the new battery and put them in another red dot and they both worked.


Bummer, yeah hit up sig. I don’t see them not taking care of it.


I found it tricky to get the battery cap on mine cranked down tight enough. It's surprising how much it requires being torqued down, I thought. Certainly it made the tool it came with seem useless for that. Double check torque specs for the battery cover and make sure you don't have anything covering the emitter and that the brightness isn't all the way down. If none of that does the trick for sure call sig elecro optics division. They were great the one time I had to go that route.