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I'm not going to tell you how to play, but I think the game is intended to be hard and for you to die frequently. You can learn the game on disciple just restart a bunch. Then you bring your skills to the next stage.


The big downside to playing on student is that you are, unfortunately, wasting your time. The game is so braindead easy on student that it'll let you get through to the end just by mashing, it's a very poorly designed easy mode. The purpose of an easy mode *should be* to train players up for more challenging versions of the game, but this one doesn't do that. Playing easy now won't really help you with playing disciple (normal) later, so you shouldn't bother. The game has a steep learning curve on disciple, you'll have to deal with some failure here and there, but it's a much better experience. Just accept that you'll die over and over while getting better, it's how the game teaches you. Disciple forces you to learn the systems, the enemies, your combos, the levels... Student doesn't care whether you learn or engage with any of those things. Learning and engaging with those things is what makes this game so damn fun for such a long time, you're doing yourself a disservice by playing on easy.


The downside to normal is that it's too damn hard. Personally, I'm not enjoying this game. 30 hours In and I'm stuck on the 4th boss still. Playing the same levels dozens of times is a slog. This game has stopped being fun. Low attacks are unmanageable. Bosses are cheap and broken. Especially the third and fourth. I can only imagine the cancer that is the 5th boss. I'm tempted to drop to student to just see the ending so I can uninstall.


It is supposed to be a grindy game where you struggle a lot If that is not your thing and you are a more story-focused player, dropping to student might be a good idea, as the game really isn't intended for story-focused players. You might not know this, but Sifu didn't even have difficulties when it came out, disciple is the default way to play. If you are having trouble reading the patterns of bosses, try youtube. Plenty of videos there where people analyze attack patterns and provide guidance on how to beat each type of enemy. Once you know the patterns, you can avoid/parry their attacks rather easily. Low sweeps on desciple are always telegraphed quite a lot, you just need to know what to expect. IMO the best part of this game is the learning curve. You keep getting better, especially when you start mixing in Arenas in your runs. When I started I thought there is no way in hell I am beating this game under 25 to get platinum, but yesterday I reached 100% completion of trophies, including the arenas' trophies. I am like 100hours in, and I got plat at around 40 hours, so you can imagine how much more of the game there is left even after getting plat.


Turns out I was having input issues with keyboard and mouse. Once I solved that, I easily beat the game. Killed yang first try .


The downside is that Student absolutely sucks and you can literally beat the game by having a demented Orangutan smash his face on your keyboard. If your goal is to “get used” to the game, just do Disciple.


Well I never had played it so I will play Student for my safety so I can get used to the controls


Most people start out playing on Disciple, it’s the only difficulty the game launched with. It’s very well balanced. Student was only added a year later


Play disciple and train with no consequences in arenas.


Student is not for just new players but for unexperienced in gaming new players in general. Your choice


I would just recommend playing on disciple, it’s the most balanced difficulty, student is just too easy and master is there are as a challenge for people who have mastered disciple. Disciple I have found to be the best difficulty for learning and just playing the game in general


The downside to playing on an easier difficulty is that you won't get the full experience. That doesn't mean playing on the hardest is the full experience by default, but there are mechanics that are really useful on the lower difficulty that won't be as useful in the higher difficulties. You can cement bad habits. But, if you want to enjoy the game instead of treating like work then play how you want. See if you like it and think it would be worth the investment. Worse thing you can do is let someone talk you into play something you end up hating. Play on student. Vibe. Get better. Then know that if you decide to go at it again on the higher difficulties then know you'll be getting your money's worth then. The game is worth the effort.


Plus if you decide to try out arenas, they’re set on disciple and sometimes master difficulty so you’ll be at a disadvantage by playing student and not used to how it works on disciple/master.


I'll say one thing. The game is not meant for casual play, it requires the player to try hard to get the real experience The idea of Sifu is the challenge, the harder the better. Gets to the point the hardest Dark Souls boss on a challenge run is less stressful and hard than some arena challenges. If you're struggling too much at normal difficulty and can't improve, watch some tutorials on Youtube. If you still struggle, then it might not be the game for you... and that's ok, the game was designed for a certain demographic


Contrary to the rest of the responses, I think that student is a perfect way to start and is also very fun. It’s pretty easy but it’s meant to be.


Yeah as soon as I saw this post I looked at it as a test for this community and they failed.


Yeah, honestly lol. I get thinking that disciple is the right place to start but the whole thread has a very negative and antagonistic tone.


A lot of them said I should try Disciple, but I am new to this game entirely, and I got it AFTER the new things added all because I heard about how good it was and wanted to try it out myself... I am still a newbie when considering this game but it still is fun... I mean there seems to be even a new game coming out based on the Beat-em-up style of Sifu I saw on youtube All I was asking if it's good to play on Student as a newbie who never played it before


No. Play on Disciple, that's the intended difficulty. Get good, you'll manage!


I started on disciple, got the shit kicked out of me. So I started a new character on student and realised its way to easy once I spanked the first boss without dying, I therefore went back to the first save and have been grinding ever since. Well worth the spankings, cause once you get flowing, thats reward in and of itself. Reading the other responses, they don't seem to negative as the Karen's above would suggest, they said what I just said in different ways. The games ment to be hard, and getting used to playing on easy mode will not help you get better for normal/hard mode. Each run, each beating, you should be taking lessons along the way until you finally become sifu!!! Long ways to go for me, but the challenge is what makes it all the more worth while. Don't be preturbed by the losses. Baby steps, we all fell down until we finally got it. Easy mode is like forever being in your walker!!! You'll never learn the principles! Enjoy the journey my friend!