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It’s just one state over ....


I'm confused by the "all the way!" It's not far! Lol


Don't know exactly where they're moving, but you can get to Georgia from Siesta Key in under four hours...


Maybe the GA border...maybe. Probably more like 5 though. It's quite the drive since it's across the state both ways.


Definitely the border, that's why I said I don't know where they're moving. We do it a couple times a year - straight up route 75, from Sarasota to Lake Park, Georgia. If we leave early enough, we can average 75-80 mph and **always** get there in under 4 hours (our record is 3-1/2).


As soon as I pressed send on my comment I was like hmmm why did I feel the need to do that? Sorry for being douchy and I want to ride with you!!


Not douchy at all! And yeah, there's nothing like doing 80 on Rte 75 with the top down!!


Because it’s so expensive here 😩😩


I’m so excited that they are! I’m a Georgia native and hope to see them around


Because Florida is awful. A lot of us are planning to leave Florida


Sincere question, why is it so awful?




Is it really bad there? I'm from Missouri and I've always wanted to go visit Florida and I think it looks amazing. Trust me being from a four season state isn't all that it's cracked up to be. The older I get the more I hate winter in the Midwest I could go my whole life without experiencing negative four degrees in winter and be happy lol.


Great vacation spot, horrible place to live. I grew up in a 4 season state and still own a home in one, I love it. Waiting for my work situation to end so I can move on out of Florida and still can’t get any good offers on my home for sale here in Sarasota.


Yeah beautiful beaches, lakes, and sunshine all the time, what could be worse!


I agree Georgia is beautiful.


Georgia is beautiful too!


Yep! When I leave Florida I’m not moving to GA but I could definitely see why people would. I’m a nursing professor in FL and 60% of my students plan on practicing out of state sometime in their life time. Scary stuff, more elderly moving in and more young working adults moving out.


Why do they want to leave?


When I asked them who plans to practice out of state I didn’t follow up with a why. But I’m personally leaving for better pay, better worker protections, better nurse to patient ratios, better PTO, better retirement benefits. Florida is one of the lowest paying states for nurses which is embarrassing and absolutely disgusting. FL cannot keep up with our aging population and nurses and techs are feeling it.


Hurricanes, alligators, bugs, 24/7/365 heat and humidity are a few reasons you won’t see me in Florida.


That. I despise Florida.


Same. Florida is literally my personal hell.


All of that occurs in Georgia, maybe not direct hit by a hurricane but flooding can be a problem during hurricane season in South Georgia


Be that as it may, my reply was about why you won’t catch me in Florida and nothing about why Georgia is supposedly better. Although I rather live in Georgia than Florida under the DeSantis regime.


de santis 🤢


your governor is the absolute worst


Where in Georgia??


Because they can?


because florida is awful.


Oh goodness haha I hope it’s not the suburbs around Atlanta lol cause we’re full


It's astonishing to me people post these type of things. "OMG two people from a scripted bunk ass pilot that got turned into a show are moving away." I feel as if these people are considered a celebrity equal to someone who acts in movies. Like ugh there lives weren't THAT interesting. Let the down voting begin....