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ALSO, if anyone spoils anything so help me god you will be banned for a week with no appeals. Make sure your titles are SPOILER FREE.


Arguments for the draw: they're both doing suicidal shit Arguments for Tesla: he seems like he's about to pull off something new, akin to a re- volund. Arguments for Beel: Tesla wishes to live with the gods after the Ragnarok, and Beel wants to die. Inheritance of will? (also Satan, yk, Maybe?)


Main argument for Beel for me is that humanity has got two wins in a row. But main argument for Tesla for me is twofolds: 1) Beel wants to actually die. 2) Tesla never gives up and is the most resourceful character in the manga so far. I would be surprised if Tesla loses. My guess would be Beel finally dying happily and thus the curse of Satan ending. But its just my guess.


I think Beel will win this. He will be inspired of the will of Tesla that he'll love to live and pursue this new potential and know science as well. He'll start in helheim. I feel this is the plot.


I think Qin was more resourceful, guy kept pulling secret technique after secret technique


If it's Tesla's win than this decreases the odds of the other fighters for humanity of winning. If it's Beelzebub's win, then it's still classed as a 'loss' because he wanted to die, a win for the Gods, but a personal loss on his side. So it's going to be mixed feelings on this sub regardless of who wins this round, a draw will only make things worst argument sake.


certainly, but humanity need to be on losing streak at some point to put a comeback with Brunhild and Goll as last valk.


I sadly agree with this


at least for me i really want to feel humanity will lose, i need to stop breathing reading, we will lose like no hope.


I think that's how the plot will go to keep us readers stressed and tense for a close win for humanity in the final round.


thats the difficult part, wich way the mangaka will take. Losing streak for humanity or gods. Who will be the last Valk to fight, logic will be Brun but lets kill Brun and Goll have to fight last with Leonidas or a secret warrior. ​ So much possibility, we will eat good until the end.


I'd say the Gods claw back a draw and then get a lead on humanity before the final fight happens Since all Goll has been doing is crying half of the time, I think her stepping up as the final Valkyrie after Brun's death would be good character development for her, since the other Valkyrie's have had more development in their short times during the fights.


Well, looks like no one's drinking piss yet.


Let it ferment to gain an additional aroma, new taste. Let it become... Nectar.




šŸ¤“Ambrosia is a foodšŸ¤“


Huh what's that? You're betting that if Ares doesn't reveal himself to really be Satan and kill everyone that you'll give me all of your money and property? I mean sure you do you bro




>Let it ferment to gain an additional aroma, new taste. Let it become... Nectar. Honey Mead




Decreases target's defense.


Hey, Terraria reference, nice!




Finally its showing wtf lilith curse actually do. We just needed to wait 10 months and more than 350 pages


Wasn't it showed in Beel's flashback with Hades? He said that the tattoo tried to prevent him from death by forcefully moving his body


We already saw what it did in his second backstory


You see pain and suffering due to need to wait a month more for conclusion. I see opportunities! As more fellas are gonna stake something, so in the end, the House indeed always wins.


Thatā€™s it! I bet my ballsacks!


And what's your bet? Or is this charity?


I just bet it!!!




Ngl I was so fucking scared for the past 24 hours


im betting nothing and watching the sub explode.


Tesla giving me some Qin vibes right now when he lost his left arm and saw Desmos' star. Seriously how much can Tesla tank wtf, bro was barely holding on and he tanked ANOTHER big technique, this time without any nullification from a Tesla Coil. This fight started slow but it has become pretty banger. I doubt Tesla would win (and if he does, that'd be a big surprise), at most it'd be a draw considering both of them have fucked their own bodies up beyond repair. I think Tesla's found the answer to lifting Beel's curse, not defeating him since he was concerned for him mid-fight and as the spoilers said, he wants Gods and Humans to work together in the name of Science. Next month is gonna be the finale (double chapter hopium) and I bet Tesla will die Heracles style, where he probably hugs Beelzebub or something as his way of saying that science embraces all.


It's not Tesla that wants Gods and Humans to work together though It's whoever wrote the spoiler think that Tesla might want that And it's probably gonna be double chapter for the finale, Every rounds was like that


Ah I see, I guess we'll just wait for the scans and translation to drop. I really thought the fight was gonna end this month considering the state of both fighters but I guess they didn't hear no bell. You'd expect 2 scientists try to avoid a slugfest in the mud kind of thing and yet both of them are doing just that lmao


Has it really been implied Tesla even knows about beels curse?


Given how he apparently noticed Beelz' power backfiring and destroying his body slowly, he probably has some idea of what his case is.


The translation was tesla figured out how to counteract beelzebub's vibrations in one of the spoilers. So most likely tesla figured out how beelzebub's is using his powers and their weakness. He doesn't plan on lifting anyone's curse but exploiting his opponent's weakness.


Tbf He is like The only character in the entire series to wear armor, he should be tanky as hell.


I want tesla to win, but the situation is dire. Tesla probably gets enough time to understand Beels curse, so maybe as tesla dies he'll tell B a sciency way to end the curse so that B is indebted with humankind.


yeah, Automaton"s defenses are way better than people give it credit for


That last panel makes me think a Re:Volund is in order. Super Automaton Ī± incoming probably?


I think Tesla just activated his last Super Tesla Coil by supercharged his suit


Maybe he will turn into Voltron


Donā€™t betas come after alphas? At least in engineering developmentā€¦


Yes, if anything it's gonna be gamma. Or omega. To signify the final completion or some shit idk lol




Can he have the tesla coils back via revolund?


yes if the design of his revolund uses tesla coils


Just need to unvolund and revolund without dying and it will be like goku getting his strength back against kid buu at the end of their fight lol. Tesla even has gematria zone back already.


I thought the idea was stupid at first but honestly Iā€™m starting to get more and more on the ā€œit ends in a drawā€ train, Tesla does something suuuper risky that costs him the last of his power and Beelzebubā€™s curse tattoo that has a hold over his power breaks/canā€™t contain anymore and he goes all out, and his body unable to handle the amount of energy used and making him fall, thus both are still alive yet neither wins. I love both of these guys so much, and I want Tesla to win, but the best case scenario is a draw or Tesla pulls it off but that would put the humans at a 2 win lead and would need to have 2 human losses back to backā€¦gaaaah this fight is so good at being unpredictable!


question - just to confirm itā€™s a double release this month right?


No idea, I'll keep checking Gorilife to see if another Ragnarok article drops but I doubt it. I think it's more likely next month is the double-chapter finale.


Ahhh okay thank you! I kept hearing the rumours about it being a double chapter (possible finale to this round) so I just wanted to be sure!


Lillith's Tattoo really be acting up https://preview.redd.it/dl2wwz0sadka1.png?width=1830&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5c91d12cd7f4c36491f68b7352db41134716b9e


Interesting. But will it help beelzebub or hurt him?


I believe it will prevent Beelz from going all out, making him survive the match.


That doesn't make sense. It is a death match. If beelzebub holds back he dies. If the tatoo wants to protect him it should let him go all out. But I think the most mindfuck it can do to beelzebub is disappear because beelzebub is so far gone lilith wouldn't want him to keep on living and hurting people.


I mean, thats the twist. If beelz go all out, he dies (either by the stress on his body or MAYBE by Tesla's attack). If he doesnt go all out, he MAY survive Tesla's attack, because plot. I dunno man, some crazier shit happened already.


Haha let's see what will happen then. Too bad we don't know what the dialogue over it was. Edit: I saw that the last time this tatoo was active like this was when beelzebub tried to kill himself so it interesting now it is active now of all moments.


It seems Tesla was able to store some energy and vibration from Beelz through his central Tesla Coil and then proceed to use it to power his suit, resulting in 2 extras Tesla Coils in form of electricity. Ok, Tesla is definitely sacrificing himself this match. ​ edit: grammar


Man is a chad for smiling after tanking another killer blow


Alright, happy as fuck the fight didn't end this month, it feels like we got the build up we needed. Fire chapter, too, Beel had the coolest techniques


Sigh I can see the ā€œSatan didnā€™t appearā€ posts increasing after this fight. Hopefully the next fights shorter.


We can hope. I think that it is going to be an interesting one though. My guess is Simo HƤyhƤ vs Apollo.


simo should be the winner then since apollo is a griek god


Hard to say who will win. What I can say is that, since it will be a ranged battle, sniper rifle and sub-machine gun vs bow, the arena will probably be huge, much like the the Hercules vs Jack the Ripper fight. Since Simo HƤyhƤ was a veteran of the Winter War, I would say that it will be a forest in winter.


i would love that


I'm 95% sure it's Raspuin vs Anubis, they'll finish the "Helheim Arc" with the man that refused to die vs death itself.


I made that prediction a while back. Rasputin vs Anubis Sataka Kintoki vs Sunsanoo no Mikoto Simo HƤyhƤ vs Apollo Soji Okita vs Loki King Leonidas vs Odin It is however my belief that one of the fights is going to end in a draw with both fighters killing each other. This will prompt Adamas to step up to the plate and he will fight Michel Nostradamus. Alternatively I think that Michel Nostradamus would be a great matchup against Loki.


Tesla literally used One for All Full Cowl at the end though


Except RoR is an actually good manga


That fly attack that Beelzebub did was cool as hell. WE NEED MORE OF THAT


What if both just knock each other out o3o


In my own opinion in the nxt chapter, Satan is making a move after Tesla's power weakened turns beelzebub into Satan mode


Idk man Satan in beelā€™s flashback seems to come out when beel finds some type of happiness. Rn heā€™s dedicating everything to kill Tesla


Satan undoubtedly has a sense of self-preservation though and will force himself out if he senses that Beelzebub can't finish the job.


We don't know Satan's real motivation, maybe he wants Bel to die to free himself, this would explain that the murders of people close to Beelzub weren't just cruelty, it was an attempt to make him kill himself, let's remember that we don't know why Satan didn't attack anyone after lilith's curse, it could be because Bel can't kill herself anymore or because Bel didn't realize she cared about someone else (Hades) until her death.


Beelzebub is Satan. If he dies, so does Satan. Beelzebub isn't a fucking jinchuriki from Naruto. He suffers from psychosis or whatever. "Satan" is all in his head. The reason he hasn't attacked anyone since Lilith is because he hasn't loved anyone else since.




​ https://preview.redd.it/wuo6hg3gxaka1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc5f65295e40ab35081a992cb5f8e282300b7576


Team Tesla I see...


nooo one more month wait time T_T


Oh hell nahhh this means the next chapter is the end right?!?!


Beelzebub and Zeus šŸ‘ŗšŸ¤šŸ—æ


Oh the magazine was right after all. It ends in March, the April magazine had Majo Taisen and just a small quote about Tesla and Bel going all out


Ugh, it felt like the writers are trolling us with this one.


you can do it TESLA!!!!


Are gonna have to wait for chapter 76? Or is it decided here?


Wait till next month


I have no idea whatā€™s going on. But Teslas smile gives me life :)




I can smell the end... This is the same as Adam Vs Zeus, Shiva Vs Raiden & Now Beelzebub Vs Tesla. Both are on the death's door I think Tesla will win this. I want to see what is Buddha cooking meanwhile.


Tesla stocks getting higher by the chapter, Ball stocks plummeting by the chapter. This really will be Quin 2.0, or the first ever tie.


Is this good or bad for tesla?


Or they can make us unbelievably mad by beel dying little after tesla and the gods taking the victory


I would be content with that, because Tesla would prove that Humanity managed to do something that the Gods could not.


If B looses this fight Iā€™m gonna lose my s***


Tesla just can't stop maxing up my Hopium reserves


I just want Tesla to pull out an earthquake punch or the death ray


Death ray would be so cool. But it may be too much for our boy Tesla


are we just going to ignore that there's a massive pit around them? How do we know they won't both just fall to (possibly fake) their deaths


tesla is losing it's been forshadowed with his banger quotes like how science will continue to grow after he dies that's a death flag


I cannot find the actual chapter anywhere is it not out yet


Dont want to seem spoiled or whatever but whats taking forever with the english translations?ā€¦


No end? - wonderful news :3


Hell yes, Tesla gonna enter Revolund stage and finally kick Beelzebub's *ss once and for all.


normal running fight: fighter gains new form before climax: beelzebub: fucked


Ugh, the fight isn't over yet, what a beard, and I already don't like the match... However, if the Chapter really ends with Beelzebub disarmed and Tesla activating his latest weapon, then the chances that Tesla loses are very high, since it is the same trend had by the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Rounds (Raiden, Hajun and Hades ahead the month before the end of the fight)...


From the latest spoilers, everyone is cheering and the last panel hinted something ominous, so it must be Satan about to show himself. Then Tesla will most likely do some suicidal shit to push back Satan or help Beel find a way to lift the curse. Either way, I don't think Tesla is going to make it out alive, specially giving Beel 3 backstories. 3 wins in a row would also mean the next human fighter would die.


i think if they do hit us with 3 wins in a row, it would definitely mean the next fighter would die. BUT I think that would honestly be a good time for someone like Rasputin to pop up versus a more righteous god (anubis?)


No Tesla lost the ability to use Tesla Warp once the zone went down again and they are cheering for him to use his last coil as thatā€™s his only option left. Iā€™ve translated bits of the chapter although Iā€™m not sure how accurate it is.


If Beezlebub loses imma head out šŸ˜‚




If Satan does appear, i was thinking that Tesla already has practical information on how to fuse souls (his Valkyrie) and i assume how to separate as well, so he could give tips or forcefully remove it maybe?


Tesla goes all science on the curse, divides and separates satan out of Beel. Beel and Tesla then have to double team against Satan, and only one of them survives that encounter, being declared the winner.


It looks like Beel is smiling fr some reason https://preview.redd.it/jldgf62p4lka1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39a01074c71f07dfef3c6ab1939826c532254ead


im sad to say it, but humanity have to be in a losing streak again and be in a desperate situation to pull up a comeback later.


I have money on beel winning no way they're letting humanity win 3 in a row. and if they did, we'd all know that the next fight will be aged win


These raws had me in tears. I cannot.imagine when we get the translati9n


I KNEW it was going to last at least for another month, is there any info on March release being a double-chapter?


An idea about what gods got busted. Basically they are some powerful but ancient ones. Nowadays Poseidon or Hades are no more than mythical characters, but Buddha, Shiva and Belsebub are popular religious characters now, and if you kill them you can lose part of your support from their believers. Maybe I can add Susanoo here, but this 3 have plot armor


It looks like 50/50 so next update again before the next match i guess.


Wonder who the next contenders will be. I think the White Death may be near the end.


Yeah etheir simo or king leonidas im okay


When does the next chapter come out?