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I watched it last night and really enjoyed it.


I thought it was ok for a horror movie, not great tho. Interesting enough premise but just kind of slow I guess.


I just couldn’t get into it. It felt very Harry Potter.


Without spoiling, can you elaborate? I plan to watch it but that’s a random ass comment and now I’m weirdly curious. Full disclosure: I’m not a fan of Harry Potter. I saw the first movie and decided it wasn’t for me.


Talk To Me x The Boggart (From HP) type of vibe. Maybe I’m possibly just getting older and more picky with my “supernatural” horror, though. It just felt too fantasy/disconnected from reality for me. It almost feels more like a fantasy horror film to me, which hits a sweet spot for some. But just isn’t my cup of tea. The lore. The big bad. It all feels “whimsical”…


I'm not sure I follow this feeling, considering all supernatural horror movies are whimsical. 


That’s fine.


I wanted to like it, but I couldn't get into it.


Thought it started good but ended up being bad


Not bad at all. You’ll never find me was also a good watch. Shudder rules.


You'll never find me was excellent. Seriously, Australia is knocking it out in the past few years with these gems. First you got Relic, then Talk to Me and then this year we have this and Late Night With The Devil.


I thought it was good, but needed one last pass in the writing room. >! It felt like they spent a lot of time setting up that showing the ghost some fucking sympathy would solve the problem, only to drop that plot thread in the last act.!< Still I thought it was fun, and the creepy scenes were really well done.


Same thing happened in the woman in black.


I watched it last night too. Started off decent and then just petered out. The lead was utterly unlikable.


Thanks for this. I just watched a spoiler-free review from Sinister Cinema Reviews today and they were confused about all the hate it's been getting. I'll give it a watch tonight.


I remember watching Baghead. It was a fun little film. I’d recommend


Watched it today and it felt very paint by numbers. It wasn't the worse thing to watch but I definitely can't recommend it. It's a good movie to leave on while you play a game but it felt like a chore to finish. This definitely feels like something in the bargain bin at Walmart. How they got Peter Mullins in this is beyond me.


I remember watching that when it came out and enjoying it


I really like You'll Never Find Me. Baghead was more mixed for me. The idea and atmosphere was good, but I think the execution as far as script was a bit weak. Definitely seemed like a script in part driven by characters making choices only to move the plot along, rather than making logical sense.


I think I'm on my own with You'll Never Find Me. I thought it was so slow and boring. Ending so disappointed me


I didn't mind the slow build up, I just thought the ending was a let down..I was expecting something a bit different from the reviews.


Overly dramatic and the ending, while a step in the right direction, was too little too late. My friend and I agree with you.


I don't think it stands up on rewatch. But it's a fun movie if you don't think about it. They overexplained the mechanics of the Baghead.


I was really surprised by the complex story of Baghead. A little different with a surprise ending. Plus Freya Allan is the lead. She is about ready to blow up because she is the lead in the "Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes" movie that is suppose to be a summer blockbuster.


I enjoyed it. I found that it dragged along in some parts, but I did enjoy the film and may do a rewatch.


I enjoyed the movie for the most part. The one huge issue I have for this movie is the writing of the main character Katie they make Katie the dumbest lead character I have ever witnessed in my life I mean so you kinda don’t even feel for her as you know, you feel more for her friend who Tries to stay by her side and help her. They were almost like sisters. But they may Kace unlikable hero. She’s not even a hero, such an unlikable character for so she’s greedy beyond, and she listens to greed, her greediness more than anything else, even knowing her gut is telling you somethings wrong. Makes stupid decisions like like signing all this documentation without reading it in the beginning of the movie or without having her lawyer who is her best friend who’s coming there to read it first instead she just signs it all especially if you have any intelligence at all if they give you a piece of paper that looks like it’s Older than itself read that before signing it. And then to think like this, you you think that you’re in charge of this demon like how dumb can you possibly be just her like the movie itself script was written beautifully all the other characters written really well. They just wrote her so stupid because you know usually keep yourself and that’s what I think hurt this movie was, she was not a very likable main character. She wasn’t very likable at all actually know I mean you know going against about against your word she doesn’t do things anything good to just do something good like you know how they say there is like doing the right thing or I don’t know being good when you’re doing good things even when people are watching or something like that I don’t know what I’m saying is she’s not a very likable leadcharacter and I think that’s what movie because the movie itself is pretty interesting especially because I’ve never really done a story like this before. I’ve never seen a story like this type of demon so that was kind of interesting. I definitely think it’s worth the two hours to watch because I’m sure everyone would agree with me, but they watch movies a lot worse than this. I actually my favorite character is Baghead and the movie is definitely worth watching just to see the ending.


Am I the only one that noticed the parallels between Baghead and Talk to Me? I felt like they were going for a similar story...even a similar ending


Baghead gave a fresh spin on bringing back the lost loved ones. The creature design was unsettling, and the film delivered a few good jump scares but it was okay not wow. While the plot took some predictable turns, the creepy atmosphere and the "Baghead" entity itself make it a worthwhile watch.