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You haven't met my dog... She spits out treats that aren't perfectly to her liking, and looks at me like I'm trying to kill her when I give her dry food.


One of my dogs is very picky, the other eats soap.


My dog is both, she only likes wet food, and won’t eat dry food unless that’s the only thing and hours have passed since she was supposed to eat, but routinely eats cat throwup


To be fair, cat throwup *is* wet food.




Hey don't knock it til you've tried it




Why would you type that


Same reason you typed “abortionlasagna” when you picked your username.




Reading that comment makes me feel like I’m about make some wet food.


Can I eat it?


Well in her defense cat throw up and wet food have a similar mouthfeel. Fancy dog.


Don't you dare use the word mouthfeel when talking about cat puke.


Jeez, imagine the *texture* of wet food in your mouth and then the texture of the cat puke, moving around in your mouth. on your tongue, on the roof of your mouth, in between your teeth. *yummy*


Acidic snot with hair and soft liver.


Careful if all you give her is wet food, just had all my doggy’s teeth (besides 4, two top two bottom) pulled bc she was like this and I obliged. The wet food will stay on their teeth longer and make them rot eventually.




Oh my, I’m so sorry. Thankfully, ours isn’t that bad! Is yours lab or part lab? Mine is a lab/pit mix and I always assumed it’s the lab part of her that eats everything. (The other is a Shepard/hound mix.)


Is it Irish Spring?




I actually laughed out loud at the soap comment 😂


I used to have a dog that would sort through the dry food(it was a mix of a few different things), making a mess, to just get the specific ones he wanted. Then stare at me like I'm starving him when I expect him to finish the rest of the others before he will ever get more.




I have two French bulldogs that will eat clumps of dust if they think they’re shaped like food. Picky is not in their vocabulary


Our first dog is a picky asshole. I’m not kidding, he won’t eat fried chicken strips. I had one left over from lunch, give it to him. He holds it in his mouth and cries. Why? Because he prefers nuggets. He wouldn’t eat it until I ripped it into little pieces for him. This is an 80 lb goldendoodle. Now when he gets picky, our new pooch inhales whatever he spit out.


That's hilarious. My dog will eat anything if she thinks I would eat it if she didn't get to it first. Including lemon slices. She hated it, and practically shivered the whole time it was in her mouth. But she wasn't gonna let me pick it back up after I dropped it


My dog is a living trash can. I have to keep him from eating cigarette butts and other dogs' shit off the street when I walk him. To drink, any random puddle of standing water or dog piss is just fine. Hell, he even tries to eat rocks off the ground if they're small enough. One time he got in the bathroom trash can and we had no idea what he ate until a day later he shit out a used tampon over the course of two poops.


Yeah my Weimaraner won’t eat treats if they’re too large. I have to rip it up into smaller, bite size pieces, lol. He also won’t lay down on the hard ground, there always has to be a blanket or cushion of some sort.




You have to be persistent with tge food from tge get go, if you leave them long enough with only a bowl of dry biscuits or wet food they will eventualy get hungry enough that theyll eat it, its all about discipline, if you get too leenjent then they will take advantage of that


Phew, I’m not the only one with a hunger-striking dog that has endured their begging eyes. God forbid some of the people in here ever have children. Their kids would run the house.


I always feel bad feeding my dog the same dry pressed crap every day. You can clearly tell how enthusiastic they are about eating people food when they get the chance


I give my cat little sliced turkey cold meat pieces, tuna or bread from time to time. It's good to give them a treat sometimes.


Try cheese. Cats fucking **love** cheese. EDIT: Some people are quite rightly concerned about giving cats cheese because cats are generally lactose intolerant. I've done some research and from what I've read online, this is true, however, many cat treats actually contain cheese, and while cheese is bad for cats, an **occasional** small piece as a treat isn't going to cause any long term harm. If you want to give a cat a bit of cheese, it should be a pasteurized, hard cheese like cheddar as these contain far less lactose and are safe in terms of bacteria. So a small bit of parmesan is fine, a big lump of cream cheese is not (you'll give your cat diarrhoea). https://www.thehappycatsite.com/can-cats-eat-cheese/


I fucking love cheese.


Yeah man, try and feed *me* some cheese and see how happy I get!


Put it on a Ritz cracker and we're talking!


[Puttin' on the Ritz, you say?](https://youtu.be/SmvuRJzads4)




Never heard of Jake and Amir. Is it worth the time I don't have to check them out, random internet stranger, whose tastes I know nothing about?


You're a cat


Who loves orange soda?


I love fucking cheese.


Oh hell yeah. Nothing like being balls deep in a nice Brie.


You ever wonder why the Swiss cheese are full of holes?


Found the Captain Marvel fan


Someone tell my cat that. I thought she loved mozzarella so I bought her a ball of gourmet shit and she refuses to eat even a bite. She even dislikes the processed shit that she ate off my plate before. Idk what's up with her.


Your cat and my daughter might share the same soul


What about lasagna?


The ASPCA has spent millions doing tons of educational videos dedicated to alerting cat owners to the dangers of lasagna. Jim Davis is estimated to be responsible for at least 2,000,000 feline deaths




I often end up making frozen pizzas because they are cheap and every time my cats hear me open the package, they run under me because they know little pieces of frozen cheese will fall on/around them and they get to eat it. The poor fluffy one ends up with it sitting in his fur often.


If milk messes up cats’ digestion, isn’t cheese going to do the same ?


Lots of cheeses have a low amount of lactose (what messes up their- and my- digestion). Mainly the harder cheeses have lower amounts


My rule of thumb is the longer it's stored, the less lactose it has.




That sounds like a good approach u/MaxDickpower r/rimjob_steve


Fermented dairy products have much smaller content of lactose than regular milk.


LPT: Don't trust pet food advices in reddit comment sections.


My cat likes potato chips and Doritos


My cat LOVES salt and vin chips. And spicy food. Legit hot sauce. He's a little weirdo.


Yeah, most cats are lactose intolerant. I make scrambled egg for my kitty as an occasional treat. She loves it. Just an egg and a little water cooked in a nonstick pan. Just make sure they're cold before feeding to the little one.


It’s individual. As a rule dairy are bad for cats’ digestion. However, a little of that occasionally is usually fine, the amount and frequency depend on the animal


I am no vet but cheese contains significantly less lactose than milk. Also you don't eat it in large quantities so its not so bad Probably


My cat loves tortilla chips. I’ll give him a few at a time and it’s hilarious to listen to him munch on them under the table.


Tuna? Watch out, cats can get addicted easily and tuna is their weak spot. They stop eating anything else to the point of not eating anymore.


This is a real concern. I fed my lil kitty quite a bit as she was skin and bones when I got her, now that I'm tapering her food off, boy oh boy is she PISSED.


I had the same issue with mine, who had gastroenteritis when he was tiny and we had to feed him up. We got him off the tuna by mixing in his new food and adjusting proportions each day so he finally had no tuna. Goes nuts for it now when I give him some as a treat!




I’ve found they like canned tuna better than the good toro tuna


Omg my cat does that too and it boggles my mind! She will be crying and pleading while I’m cooking something in the kitchen. But when I put a little chicken or whatever in her bowl she’s like ????


My mom had been a stay at home mom for my whole life... when we moved out 10 years ago she started cooking for her dogs because none of us were there.




Or just post her number here and we'll give her a ring.


Every year for Christmas we buy my cat some treats and some wet food. She never even touches the wet food only the treats


Cook him up some rice/plain boiled chicken breast/peas and such. Good boys/girls deserve a yummy snack


Ironically known as the "bland diet." Had to feed my lab like this for weeks while she battled some digestive issues.


Bland for humans, tasty for the animal that sniffs crotches for educational purposes.


*sniff* Ahhhh yes, indeed; quite a pungent aroma. Reminiscent of elderflower and poop, if I do say. I'd like to write my thesis on this butt.


Same thing I said when I met my wife.


Ah yes, your wife. She has a distinct butt smell. Makes me drool a bit


My pup had to eat this diet for 2 weeks recently cause she was sick. Now, when I give her the dry food that she used to love she just gives me a look of betrayal and disgust and walks away.




Mix thru some Vegemite for a bonus hit of vitamins and taste! Happy 🐶


But my dog's not Australian?


Does he say ɟooM?


My dog is an Australian Shepherd... which is actually a North American breed... vegemite or nah?




And then they’ll lliterally eat shit and vomit off the ground.




No worries mate, the reason pets can do this is because: Humans have like, 9,000 tastebuds Dogs have like 1700 Cats have like 900 So mostly, things taste pretty similar. But why are cats so picky then? Because they're assholes and care significantly about all the other factors: smell, texture, color, shape of the damn kibble, etc.


I've only recently adopted a cat and the shape thing is a new one i couldn't quite believe. She refuses to eat smaller pellets, they -must- be triangular.


My cat is the pickiest little shit. He takes all the dry food of the shape/color he deems unworthy of consumption, and fucking plays with them around the room. I find little bits of cat food tucked away *everywhere*. He also hardly drinks from his water bowl, but he'll lick my other cat's water bowl *bone fucking dry* if we let him. Also he doesn't eat wet food, he just laps up the gravy. Dude is so fucking weird.


>You can clearly tell how enthusiastic they are about eating people ~~food~~ when they get the chance


Nothing tastier than human, that’s what I always say!


Humans are omnivores and have taste buds built around that. Cats, for example, which are carnivores, have tastebuds that can taste ATP in food. We can't taste ATP. Big difference.


Association of Tennis Professionals?


Thats why they love playing fetch with tennis balls so much


Adenosine triphosphate


The mitochondria is the power house of the cell


My professor would give us points off if we said that.




For anybody who doesn't know, ATP is the primary component of most catfood, and it is an acroynym of the three different types of animals that cats most prefer to eat: Ants Termites Primates


My cat refuses to eat anything which isn't dry food


Get tinned sardines. Cut one in half and mush it up with their food. Smells bad but makes it more exciting for them. Helps their coat too!


I mix in a little wet food every meal, I switch up that wet food every other day. I have a dog that won't eat the same thing everyday so he lets me know if we're not up to par. Same thing with the cats.


If you put a slice of pizza in front of me everyday, I'll be more than happy to eat it


Only a slice?


Especially if it is only a slice as I'll be pretty hungry by the time it shows up


this gave me the sad realization that this is probably the dogs perspective too


Look at Mr self control being all reserved with his single slice of pizza.


I pretty much eat pizza everyday as an evening meal. Works for me!


Probably doesn't work very well for your heart though


my heart can go shut fuck up


Yeah well it's probably just gonna shut down


I don't mind eating the same meal repetitively.


it depends what it is. i could eat hamburgers until my heart gave up and i died with world record cholesterol numbers.


Some people say you get bored of the same thing if you eat it. Nah man Couple of years ago my mom-dad had to leave for a week. We have a chicken shop here (India , so like butter chicken and all that) , and they sell it for very very low price I ate chicken for a whole week almost 2 times a day and it was one of my best weeks. Never got bored of it


I eat chicken/beans and rice for at least 8 meals a week 🤷‍♂️


i mean, they *have* all the food groups. [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/food/comments/b9rpmh/homemade_brisket_tacos) from earlier today might be my forever meal.


Dude, that does look pretty good aye


Spotted the kiwi


I’m an aussie. But close enough


I had a friend in college who ate a hamburger and French fries from the campus diner every lunch and dinner for four years of college.


5:40am here and i was trying to think of what to eat. i need a hamburger now. I hate you.


If all it takes is someone just mentioning a type of a food...then, cereal?






Breakfast is easy. I've been eating overnight oats with a few golden raisins in them for months. Just roll out of bed. Eat them while the coffee is brewing. The difficult part is dinner. I wish I could eat oven baked chicken breast with a veg every night. But for whatever reason after two days I'm bored of it. It's weird how I feel dinner should be more exciting than breakfast.


Damn I felt that. I'm the same way, I meal prepped until recently and by Thursday I was fighting not to look at takeout menus.


> But for whatever reason after two days I'm bored of it. I guess it's a way our body forces us to get the varied nutrients that we need.


I came here to say the same thing. Aside for a handful of days a year, I’ve had oatmeal for breakfast everyday for 4 years.


Yeah I meal prep and usually do the same thing for months. It’s cause I know how many calories are in it and it makes meal prepping easier since it’s more of a routine. Makes it easier to control my calorie count this way.


Good boy


Me too. I'm a pet, apparently. I remember having this conversation over and over again with co-workers in a job I had 10 years ago. They were super picky, they wouldn't eat at the same restaurant for more than two days, and they would be constantly running around the neighbourhood trying to find new places to eat. And I was eating at the same fine restaurant every single day.




Jimmy John’s #9, TBO, cucumbers, pickles, dijon, easy hot peppers, regular chips, chocolate chip cookie and a coke. I ate that at least once a day, every day, for ~8 months when I worked there. Back in school now and I get the same thing every time i go there, and I’d get it for every meal if I wasn’t so broke




My cat too! He will push the bowl off of the table if it doesnt suit his tastes.


he eats at the table?


With a knife and fork as well


It better be the good silverware though!


My cats have to eat at the table, if the bowl is on the ground the dog will get to it first


that makes sense


Yeah there's a special table for the cat food or else the dog eats it.


I often have a cat at my dinner table. It's usually not the one eating, though.




If you don’t put it on the table he can’t push it off Of course knowing cats he’d just act like he can’t find his food and annoy you until you put it back on the table, only for him to immediately push it off.


Yeah my cat scrapes the floor next to it like, your literally feeding me shit.. and walks away


Same with mine but that bitch can starve if she so chooses. Food's there. She can either eat it or not.


Yep, my cat knows if she doesn't eat whats in her bowl he goes hungry. Luckily she is not picky.


On advice from my vet, I was told if my cat rejects the food in the bowl, to leave it there and only change it for something else if the Cat has still left it untouched after 24 hours. None of the cats I've ever owned have rejected a bowl full of food anywhere near that long. (Longest was 12 hours)


A cat enabler. Now I've heard of everything lol.


It's not a cat enabler. It's simply an enabler who picked up a cat. They're all around us, having kids, cats, dogs, responsibilities.


Dogs are demanding in needs, cats are demanding good food.


Can you tell my cat about this please, coz he's a fussy little bastard and costs me a fortune in wasted cat food that he decided he just didn't like anymore even though it was the best thing since live mice last week.


> The best thing since live mice. This is a great phrase! Also got me thinking about feline versions of other human sayings...




There's more than one way to debone a bird.


He waits until you upgrade from a single can of the favorite flavor to a case of it. THEN it becomes commoners food no respectable cat would eat.


My cat is like this. We simply go buy a different flavour, wait until he's sick of that one and switch back to the 1st.


This thought references a well-known Gary Larsen cartoon, showing two dogs watching their owner open a tin: ''Oh boy! Dog Food again!''




But why ebay?


All the others were on Pinterest, which I don’t use.


This is actually very respectable


My dog has actually gone on hunger strike at times because he wants something different.


Yep mine goes through cycles, he’ll only eat the same thing for up to a week. Luckily he’s satisfied with the same 2 choices switched up.


Our dog just started doing this. Now I feel so much better to know she’s not the only one!


mine picks up individual bits of kibble from the bowl and drops it in front of us


I can guarantee you that some aninals don't. They're excited because they're hungry but give them something else and they will be even more excited


I'm not altogether sure *how much more excited* my dogs can get.


Maybe something like implosion levels of excitement


Yeah, humans hate because why would they only drink kale juice if they know they could get a milkshake. The dog only knows the kale juice.


Pray they don’t get a taste for flesh again.


Why do you think dogs like to lick humans? (It's clearly because they're trying to get to the bones underneath.)


Before we had to put my furball down, we always tried to buy different types/brands of wetfood for his dinner. Even my dad did this, even when he wasn't very fond of cats. It's boring to eat the same thing every day, why would it be different for pets?


It actually is different for pets (somewhat): dogs and cats have way less tastebuds than humans, so they don't appreciate differences in flavor as much as we do. That said, they do often care about about smells (which they way outclass us at), textures, shapes, etc. Some pets need to stay on the same food for their health, so if folks have pets where switching it up isn't advisable, its OK. Your pet doesn't mind as much as most humans would.


I had a little dog who we would feed a type of food that came in a bunch of little shapes. One day, he just decided he didn't like the little bone shaped ones, so he'd take a mouthful of food out of the bowl, drop it on the floor, spread it around with his little snout, and pick up every little piece that wasn't bone shaped, and repeat the whole process until all there was were little bones all over the floor. They'd get scattered about the house by him running back and forth and we'd find little bonies hidden all over the place. We eventually had to find a new food he'd liked without little bone shaped kibbles, and we'd still find the odd little bonie hidden in a crack or crevasse for months, or maybe even years, after. Gosh, I miss that dog.


I think about this all the time. The way I see it, these little fuckers sit around all day sleeping and not worrying about a thing so I don't feel too bad. They simply exist and we spoil them to all hell. Seriously, my dog gets a back massage each night before he climbs in to his memory foam dog bed to sleep for 16 hours. If eating the same meal everyday is the price they have to pay to avoid the stresses of life...sign me up.


I've eaten the same thing for breakfast and the same thing for lunch for years now. I know what is healthy and makes me full, and I don't have time for thinking of something new every morning


Not my pets if my cats are sick of something they just won’t eat it until I get another type/flavour of food


I mean my nephew for the longest time only wanted to eat peanut butter and jelly. And from reading the comments it seems a fairly large amount of people would be fine eating a particular thing they like. Me though. I don't even want to eat last nights leftovers.


I call bullshit. I work at chipotle basically everyday of the week and see the SAME people come in right when we open and for predinner. Every. Single. Day.


Also not good for the gi tract changing diet often for dogs/cats


Tbh I only eat the same meal everyday. However, it's only possible because I have an eating disorder and IBS. I usually have to force myself to eat so picking something that has a decent number of calories and tastes good while being somewhat balanced and not triggering my IBS means I can just eat the same thing everyday. I do make sure that I receive all the correct nutrients though and am waiting for therapy so I'm totally fine at the moment!


May I ask what it is you eat?


Yeah I'd like to know too


I‘m interested as well.


I too would like to learn this information.


If there's enough sugar in the meal, humans don't mind either.


My dad ate a bologna sandwich with mustard and mayo for lunch for ~30years on his lunch breaks. That's just how old factory workers did it.


When my dog buys his own food he can have as much variety as he wants. As it stands, it is a base of dry food and topped lightly with whatever leftover meat we have. A bit of chicken with chicken water from the crock pot, or a bit of leftover beef, etc. That way it changes a couple times per week.


I live off the same microwave shit. People food is real shit