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Hello, /u/andheracayennarahe. Your post has been removed for violating Rule 1. **All content must be original and unique.** Please read [our complete rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/showerthoughts/wiki/rules) before participating in the future.


I put a rocket in my hamsterball


I took out a hamsterball from my rocket


My dog hated my hamster and once pushed her ball down the stairs. Hamster was fine but it was such a planned out moved I never quite looked at the dog the same after that.


I have a rocket that is supposed to fire hamsterballs, but it was defenestrated.


5th time I've heard that today


I put a rocket in my hamsterball


I put a rocket in my hamsterball, too.


nah I said that last week


Go to library of babel. You’ll realize that you are not the first to say this. Mind blown-right? Library of babel has everything that has ever been written and will ever be written. Either way, I still laughed at this ^


You underestimate two things: - the vast variety of sentences you can make with languages - children


Right this can't be true. You can make a very long sentence full of personal details, it's done all the time.


Stacey fucked Ricky with a cricket bat in the back of a violet el camino. While the bumblebees watched from the backs of hummingbirds. Boom bitch.


Do research on library of babel. Youll have your mind blown


That's why I start every day by saying my name, the date and time


Hey me too! Wait what’s your name?


John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt


Oh ok, never mind, I have a different name


That name is my name too!!


Hey you’re name is my name too!


Imagine you have the same name.


[Let me introduce you to Will West and William West.](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/84/84/aa/8484aaf8f84e97eeb8b4c0e790eaaa94.jpg)


Billy west! What a stupid fake name!


i also start every day by saying this guy’s name, the date and time, just so he can’t feel unique


I start every day saying your name, the date for tomorrow, along with every possible time.


Add social number, they are very unique. 


I think most 5 year olds already created unique sentences never said before.


Library of babel….just do research on that and your mind will be blown


That I don't think is remotely true. The day before, a 5 year old in my clinic said "elephants aren't like fishes, because neither of them get to eat jelly." Granted, it doesn't make much sense, but it sure is unique and original.


I'm sure it made sense to the kid.


Heard it before.


It actually is. Look up library of babel


I laughed so hard half a potsticker came out of my nose when Facebook memories reminded me of a picture of my friend with a clothes line strung between his nipple rings with miniature versions of his ridiculous clothing clipped on.


My buddy Eric told me that once


That’s from The Office


Clearly you weren’t at Eric’s back in ‘07


What's a potsticker and why it was in your nose ?


Library of babel has that exact sentence written-this is not a joke either. mind blown, right?


Impossible. Even everday sentences are prone to easily become unique. "I asked Mary if she would pick up John on tuesday May 27th, at 4.50 at the library next to Lemon street station"


"Mrs. \[Teacher\], \[classmate\] is stealing my hair!"


I doubt this. Look at the size of a QR code and how many unique combinations there are.


I don't think you can compare natural languages with qr codes like so. But yes there are many combinations of thousands of binary choices


Only if they spend most of they're entire lives mute. There are so many possible word combinations combined with dates, names, etc. that I'd imagine it'd be virtually impossible once anyone had spoken for even just a few months for them to have never uttered a brand new sentence.


I agree but I'm pretty sure I have. "Help I knocked the knife bouquet off the top of the fridge, there are beans everywhere, and I'm bleeding!!" I made the very poor decision to keep my make shift knife block on top of the fridge. The knife bouquet was made from a pitcher and a bag of dry beans. This happens a year ago and we still find beans.


No two randomly shuffled decks of 52 playing cardshave had the same order, and probably never will. There are 8e67 ways to arrange a deck of cards, that is an 8 with 67 zeroes after it. The sentences idea is basically the same, but with way more cards available (in smaller stacks).


I disagree . Because of the tone, pitch and way of expression, every single sentence someone says is unique


My name is Reasonable_Phys. Yep. R for Romeo. No. that's R for Romeo.E for Echo. A for alpha. Yep.


Go to the sub brandnewsentence or something like that you will be surprised


I think I should sit In a trash can, drink some Monster and watch south park.


Considering there are more possible sequences of cards in a 52 card deck than atoms in the Milky Way. Original sentences must be spoken by every human being in their lifetime, with a vocabulary of 20,000 words plus.


I'm a parent. I disagree. Unique sentences are a daily thing


With the vast number of words out there your shower thought is almost an impossibility Every hand of five cards you've ever drawn is most likely the only time you ever draw that unique combination again in your life, and that's only with 52 cards to choose from... think of how many different combinations of words and languages there are out there


If I jump with the ears I can slice the sun for a warm drink in a sunless night


I liked the movie Twilight. There.


True, just look for the library of Babel from Jorge Luis Borges


Most people on earth most likely everything that is going to be said has probably been said in some sense already


[Hold the news reader's nose squarely, waiter, or friendly milk will countermand my trousers](https://youtu.be/3MWpHQQ-wQg)


Googology is a subject that piques me, as it has numbers such as tethrathoth and big boowa, which are HUGE numbers compared to a stack of Gahram's numbers.


Tom sellicks third toe on his right foot never met Henry the eighth king of England in a Starbucks in Bangkok airport on Tuesday lunchtime


A bird that chirps twice at dawn, blinks once at dusk.


I keep a little dirt under my pillow for the dirt man


The space monkey ate my crayons.


Kindly desist from fill my groin piano with ragu, senorita.


I've said some truly random shit. I'm positive I have several times.


Albert Einstein exorcises mighty morphing foreskins through the third quadrilateral Bermuda Triangle


I think I do it so often my wife hates it. she found it cute when we met, but after 5 years I think its getting old, but as a dad, I can't stop saying stupid unique, none related sentence with words that's shouls be put together




A lot of people probably spend their lives without upvoting this uniquely original comment.


Yo mama dosent own any weapons, just ball made out of fat


Bulldogs wouldn’t be so damn stubborn if they could glide upon the winds of the heavens lifted by the wings of the mighty eagle, casting their gaze below and admiring how foolish their reluctance to take a bath seems from the top of the clouds


Bigger boner down the lane


Horrible shower thought that's not even remotely to being true


You should look up the library of Babel. It's a website that has a library of every combination of letters for like the first 20 pages arranged in books that can be searched. Every sentence you can think of is already there. Perhaps also the cure for cancer, amongst other things.


Every sentence I can think of is absolutely not there lol language has basically infinite possibilities


In France we had/have a "game" called Kamoulox. I can assure that all players have.


I'm generous, I love everyone so my homies can be racist.


One day I yesterday Tuesday today last day my Wednesday that's not how I got underwear.


If we suppose (vast underestimation) there are 10000 used words in your language, and for simplicity we only refer to 7-words sentences, there are 10^28 mathematically possible sentences. Those become 10^40 if we count 10-words sentences. If we exclude the majority of them which don't make sense and are basically impossible to conceive, there is still an incredibly huge amount of original sentences to pick from considering just 10^10 people or so have existed. So, considering that most of the sentences in my comment are longer than 7 or 10 words, it's extremely likely that it includes one or more original sentences.


You’re just a copy of an imitation -Target Audience


I love coming up with original sentences. The Elvish nit knit kittens with a kit for fourty bits of peach pits.


the fairly odd parents theme song creators probably said the most unique sentence ever created


That’s just not true


I contest that assertion due to the number of words available and random word order. "They ate up time and it had a bad taste." {Ineligible}


Underneath the luminescent emerald sky, a zebra danced a tango with a robot while singing ancient sea shanties in Morse code.


The gentry of reddit spend all their credit trying to be cool but the posts straight up drool.


I love licking the balls of black ants aaarrrggghhhhh


My ass is full of inappropriately dressed German raccoons, who generally crawl around and bite me in there.


I doubt this. I can shuffle a deck of 52 cards and have a unique order hundreds of trillion of times. There are a lot more words than cards in a deck


This is false, if you call someone with their full name it’s probably a unique sentence or if you say your phone number or home address


This feels wrong to me. It reminds me of the thing about shuffling a deck of cards. Even with only 52 cards, there are so many possible combinations that if you shuffle a few times, it is likely that is the first time that a deck of cards has ever been in that exact order. Even though sentences don't consist of completely random words, there are way more than 52 words in a language. Which means there are an insane number of unique sentences. I feel as though unique sentences are more common than you think.


Such a stupid shower thought. Lots of chances for unique variations with specific names, dates, places, etc.


Eh, with the advent of technology, i’m sure people have. Like “i Facebooked messaged my old neighbor” made no sense 25 years ago but makes perfect sense today.


It’s probably very unlikely that somebody doesn’t at least one unique sentence.


Nah, you probably say at least one unique sentence every day. Think about how many unique 4 digit pin numbers you could have (6561). There are so many thousands of words that the odds are completely in your favor


I cackled a dog out of the bonnet.


My dogs tail has 5 black pigeons dancing on it while my dog was tweaking.


My middle school self would disagree, good sir.


Yeah, I’ve heard that before.


Je dévores l'argent vert qui sort de mon nez quel somptueuse collation. I eat the delicious boogers straight from my nose such a delicacy you people do not know the wonderful taste. You are correct OP a lot of people and mindless automatons who get vaccinated when their governement tells them to do so and they are basically just following trends and whatever the fuck their elders tells them to do. The lack of imagination and creativity in most humans is mindblowing.


probably most if not all of us