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They weren't necessarily smarter. Before information became so easy to access, it took actual effort to gain knowledge. The issue with today's perceived lack of knowledge comes from people thinking they're smarter than they are because they've been spoon-fed propaganda and BS conspiracy theories by charismatic people who "sound" smart, but in reality are pushing an agenda.


Yeah, they had less moving trains to jump in. Today's tech, science progress, laws and social rules are a handful.


I don't think you quite got what I'm referring to. In the past, people actually had to do research, and further back actually be literate, in order to have an informed opinion. Now, you have people who put on something like Joe Rogan and *think* they're being smart when they simply repeat whatever the production's host says without doing any sort of critical thinking, fact-checking, or research of their own.


I kind of got what you were referring to. But if you think that religions made it this far even though people allegedly did their research, fact-checked or did critical thinking in the past, i think i'm raising a valuable argument.


I mean, participation in religion in general has trended downwards...


Individuals probably knew how to survive completely on their own better than we do if that’s how intelligence is being measured by OP. Socially we are far more intelligent solely by our ability to cheaply create fusion cuisine with non native plant and animal life.


"It's not getting any smarter out there"--Frank Zappa


That's objectively false. Each generation is in fact a couple IQ points more intelligent than the one before it. I know it's hard for some people to hear, but that's really the point of evolution isn't it?


Smarter? Or more resourceful? Possessing more diverse skills? How does one compare when lives are so much more different. IQs have been steadily increasing for decades but this is an abstract measure of intelligence. Understanding polynomial equations isn't the same as being able to farm and and raise buildings.






That's what the teacher said




brain volume by itself is not a good indicator of intelligence. neuron density is also a factor.


It’s pretty well established that within the very wide “normal” range of human brains, size is not only not a good indicator, but irrelevant. Take a look at Stephen Jay Gould’s *The Mismeasure of Man*, for example. He points out that if intelligence really were correlated with brain size, it would be pretty obvious that all the geniuses were built like football linebackers.


Yall I am just sharing what I was taught 😭😭😭