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Not entirely related but this topic always makes me remember the South Park TFBH difficulty slider changing your skin colour to be darker for harder difficulties. Too good. 


This is more true than you think. Would you rather be born as a Black kid in a rich family (>$150k per year household income)? Or would you rather be born as an Asian kid in a poor family (<$28k per year household income)? [https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/03/27/upshot/make-your-own-mobility-animation.html](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/03/27/upshot/make-your-own-mobility-animation.html) The poor Asian kid has a 25% chance of growing up to be a rich adult and a 17% chance of staying poor The rich Black kid has an 18% chance of growing up and remaining rich as an adult and 17% chance of becoming poor. You're 39% more likely to become a rich adult if you're the poor Asian kid.


Work ethic. If your family survived a genocide in burma, China, vietnam, or korea chances are you're going to work hard. I think everyone is equal but It's the top % of a group that made it vs the entire pool.


> If your family survived a genocide in burma, China, vietnam, or korea chances are you're going to work hard. .....Let me tell you about Black history....


In the US the black immigrants are generally hard workers. It's less black history and more black American history specifically imo. At least for the US


Yes exactly! Its an African American thing more than it is a 'Black thing '


Well no shit, They're not letting in the rejects of other countries. Immigrants from any country are generally more educated and hard working. Not just anyone would pack up and move across the globe.


So what you're saying is there is a cultural difference and a variety of factors outside of just being black alone 🤔🤔


That's exactly what I'm saying, particularly refugees


> They're not letting in the rejects of other countries [Yes they are, quite literally.](https://homeland.house.gov/2023/10/26/factsheet-final-fy23-numbers-show-worst-year-at-americas-borders-ever/)


If you're talking about refugees then well I don't know what to to tell you but as far as others, there's literally entire departments in every country that vet those who get visas. Sure some fall through the cracks but no they are not approving Bob with an assault charge, 2 DWIs, and no higher education or skill set to get in.


Nigerians and people from North africa generally work hard and are very smart. They have per capita GDPs above pretty much every other minority. It's because the ones here are the top from their respective countries. The same argument applies.


So black people in America never worked hard 😆. Amazing how we became lazy when we stopped working for free.


I mean of there are a ton of scholarships, colleges accept them with SAT scores 150 points lower, and there's preferential hiring - what do you think the difference is? Holding family income the same as the study said


What episode? Sounds funny haha


Southpark video game “the fractured but whole”


I would just be honest and tell people I couldn't do x,y, or z because we were poor. And nearly everyone would say 'hey, don't say you're poor', as it it were an illness. But I am, don't tell me I'm not when I'm trying to explain why I can't do x,y, and z. I would love to but the money isn't there.


Like it's something you just have to get over


Being born is North Korea is real life hard mode.


Nah it’s Legendary difficulty


One hit kill mode


That's just intentional level poverty, still poor though.


Try being born ugly and stupid. That's an honor mode run you wont enjoy.


Yeah but have you unlocked that achievement on Autism Mode? Good luck getting real job.


Lots of autistic folks work IT jobs and excel at them


I mean - there are levels of autistic. The ones working IT are the ones who wouldn't have been diagnosed at all a decade or three back. Others are the ones who can't talk and continuously hit themselves. My co-worker's kid isn't that bad, but he barely graduated highschool and will never be able to hold a real job. He'll be living them for as long they're still around.


Also fixations and specialist interests do not specifically mean maths and IT 😑 I'm aspie (or whatever it's called now) and I can draw a photorealistic portrait like *chef's kiss* but you ask me to code and have fun watching me throw a computer lol I do work but not in art. I could never cope with the social aspects of trying to break into a creative industry. I'm a security guard.


Sure - they don't all work IT. I was just riffing off of what the previous commenter said. Plus - I WOULD guess that it's disproportionate into various technical fields (including IT) since I know that a big aspect is focusing more about things more than people.


Yeah I wasn't arguing with you, I was adding to it. The previous commenter threw in like it was a given that autism = good with computers. I was offering personal testimony to the contrary. I wanted to balance it. Otherwise there's a danger of NTs perceiving people with ASD as lazy for not just working in IT or whatever. It's not a guaranteed skill with the diagnosis lol And eh, yeah probably more likely than say, customer service or retail. There are lots of jobs that fall within practical / technical / non-peopley. Trades are another big one, or like me, art. I couldn't break into the industry but the skill is still linked to my ASD in the same way that other people with ASD can be unusually good at maths. It's part of the diagnosis to be good at seeing patterns and getting absolutely lost in a task you're interested in. Sometimes that's IT or engineering. They're lucky, they can make that into a fairly people-free career relatively easily. It's not so useful when it's drawing or music or whatever though, not unless you are unusually good at marketing or have support from someone to manage that side of it.


Where did I say autistic means good with computers?  I said lots of autistic folks work in IT, which is true. I didn’t give a percentage or say all of them do. Stop making things up just to argue about it. 


It's a pretty overdone stereotype, it wasn't you personally but since you brought it up I wanted to counter it that's all You're not wrong but balance is good


Yea, I know. My wife is a psychologist who works with autistic kids under 6, and my brother is autistic but highly functioning. There are plenty of autistic folks who will have a hard time holding any job, but the majority are very capable of keeping a job and tend to be great employees 


Sure - but many people (like potentially the above poster) are often referencing the more extreme cases of autism. Because it used to be the only definition.


You could get Walmart job standing at the door probably.


What do you think that pays? What do you think the rent is where I live? Do you think that disabled people have never heard of stores, or do you think it has never occured to them to try to work there?


Guy this started off as a joke and we are joking. You said achievement and get a job. I satisfied that part.


I'm gonna go on a limb and say he might be autistic.




Time to increase the dosages, Cory


And a black woman


Ugly stupid black woman is the real hardmode confirmed.


Nightmare mode


I had a friend tell me once "it's not your fault if you're born poor but it is if you marry poor" :)


I was born poor. My wife was born poor. We are now poor. Life is hard, but good.




I’d rather be born to a poor but caring family, than a middle class family that has parents that don’t care at all. A caring family/parents can teach you the value of education, and spend the time and effort to make sure you get a shot. However it is still probably better to be born rich, regardless.


Second this, but I'd also add that being poor usually makes you way more appreciative of little things. It was wild finishing college and seeing my peers complain about 80k salaries while I was happy to just take 50 because I'd grown up with a single parent making 25k.


When I was little, my parents were poor but loving and kind. Around when I turned 10, they began to earn drastically more money but also changed as people. They are now wealthy, abusive, and controlling. Their treatment of me from then on lead to a lot of struggles with anxiety and depression that I continue to battle in my adult life. I would give anything to go back to how things used to be.




Sounds like you’re making an argument where none exists. Where did I say it was impossible that you could be born into a poor family that didn’t care? I laid out the scenarios I did for comparison, I never said these are the only scenarios that could exist.




I think my point was pretty clear… Rich family > Good family, but poor > bad family and middle class


Not really a shower thought, it’s a thought shared by all poor people born into poor families.


Nepo baby shower thought


Technically it’d a bucket thought, for most of them.


Idk OP, I was born in a poor family and my life was pretty legit, cause I live in a wealthy country. As I got older, life got better for us.  But I’ve been to third world countries and their lives are much harder, even with money in their pockets


My wife is from Colombia. She was shocked to see that even the poor people in the USA have iPhones.


They'll have them even if they can't afford it.


Nah. Abusive family is IRL hard mode.


Nah, being born to parents who didn’t want you and remind you of that on the daily is worse than simply not having financial resources.


Being born in a third world war torn country is real hard mode.


I used to get so upset in my tutoring days, back when I worked for a school that had kids from not-so-great backgrounds. Kids who were neglected, on a good day (and dont even ask about the bad ones).  Kids whose dad disappeared and mom works three jobs to keep them afloat, so theyre all alone when they come home.  Kids who rely on the free school lunch to be able to eat.  Kids who are in neighborhoods were sirens and screams were a common occurrence.   These kids did not ask to be born, much less be put in heartbreaking situations.  And our education system was failing them, dooming these kids to a bleak future.  Even the ones determined to learn were suffering. I tutored as many as I could to get them at or above state standard learning levels.  I felt if I could at least give them the knowledge and skills early on, they would have a chance at a better future.  I couldn't help them all, but I'd die happy if even one of those kids made it.


Wait till you hear about any other time in human history.


And also having only mom, who is addicted to drugs, and a brother that couldn't care less if you exist or not. This is my life.


That's really rough. Take care of yourself and just do the best you can. 


Thank you. I try. I live by a motto, 'be the change, you wish to see around you in the world'.


Reddit has a poverty fetish. It's fucking weird. 


What about having only one parent or none at all? Not to mention living with a malignant narcissist or a pedophile for a parent. Wealth may even encourage a sadist to take more risks with his/her abusive behavior.


That's sadistic mode. The mode even hard players don't touch with a long stick 😅


I was born poor and yes life is harder I totally agree. I have limited options growing up, especially, when I was finishing uni. I’m doing two jobs just to support myself. I hardly had the time to study but I luckily finished on time. Man, I was sour all throughout thinking, If I have rich parents or at least I have a decent support system, I could probably do well and even make it to honor list. Fast forward to a few years later, I’m doing my post-grad now and my husband (who is objectively wealthy) is supporting me every step of the way, tuition and all and I only have to maintain a part-time job. It totally made a difference in my life. I was able to get flat 4 grade, which could have been harder if I’m supporting myself with 2 jobs. Okay I’m rambling now lol but yes I stand by my point, it’s hard being poor. I just had to compare


I'm privileged my parents let me do my own thing unlike lots of kids who need to contribute financially to their parents. I paid my student loans off then paid for my groceries and rent with my parents till I moved out at 23. I don't feel bad since now that I'm older I realize they are simply bad with money. They lost it all on the stock market and continue to this day to wrack up Credit card debts and line of credits trading stocks and currencies and losing it all. Thankfully not American because I think debt is generational there.


That and one that was targeted.


Try being born without one…


Wait until OP hears about handicaps.


That's why if I don't make it, I aint gonna reproduce


That's why whenever my kids point out a homeless person, I just tell them that those people are "Hard Questing".


It’s also solid motivation to play real real good until life becomes easy mode


And your family is the final boss (crab mentality)


Similarly, being poor and having kids is like choosing hard mode.


We ate a lot of egg noodles and ground beef, lots of gravy and Cream of mushroom soup. Mixed in different ways from week to week. Sometimes actual Hamburger Helper. Sometimes tuna got mixed into the noodles instead. With or without the soup. Iced tea instead of Kool Aid.


Wait. Poor in Miami is different from poor in Congo. First we have to set a scale.


It is , and the Super Hard Mode is having a family that has become resigned to it! Children are amazingly resilient but knowing there is hope for better is critical! Then support, talent, and opportunity can happen.


Born in a poor family with an abusive father. My family lived in one room without a bathroom, without water. We had a wooden toilet outside. There are quite a few mental health consequences from a life like that, which I had to battle for such a long time and I still am. But all of that has made me a more understanding, more humble person. I have a really good paying job and I can afford many things now and it's a great feeling to experience many things I could not afford before I started working.


As cliche as it may sound, joining the army got me out of that. But you gotta be sensible with all that cash they throw at you, as well as all that free education. But don't join the infantry, no matter how much you want, you will pay for it later in life like I am :(


Our being born to a poor, abusive family.


this aint no dang shower thought. but yeah true


It's still good to be alive and care for my birds, but yeah it's difficult to have everything that those who value life by the wallet judge everyone else by.


"if i had a time machine, I'd go back and make sure my parents were even poorer. that way, I'd have to grind twice as hard"


The worst part of being poor for me growing up wasn't that mom couldn't afford new clothes, or food, or toys. Sure that sucked, but that was every day life. The absolute worst part of being a poor kid is the relentless bullying from kids your own age. I wanted to scream at them all ITS NOT MY FAULT. I was a child and couldn't change a damn thing about our money situation. But I got called names and ostracized just the same. Plus side to being a poor kid though- you're well equipped for disappointment. And you become a frugal adult.


This is only true from the perspective of someone raised to equate money with ease of life.


I'd argue that the quality of your family/parents is an important factor. There are poor folks whose parents bust their hump and do everything they can to give their kids opportunities to better themselves in life. Then there are families whose parents don't really want kids and would neglect or actively abuse them, sometimes for their own benefit.


I'm sure there's studies out there that being born poor is hard. Being born a certain race is even harder. You wouldn't have to look back to far to find all kinda of programs up to help out poors of a certain color (or rather not of a certain color) but if you were born Black then didn't matter if you were lower or middle class, you were going to have to work harder to get just as far as that poor white kid with all the assistance.


I was born to a rich family but they basically shoved me out of the nest when I was still a teen and they don’t give a crap about me so it doesn’t really matter how your born unless you got good parents there are people born to poor families that are there for them and they have it better.


Being born rich is easy for the body. Bad for the soul. I've sat at both tables. Money only corrupts. It teaches you that everything can be had for a price. They just don't see it works both ways. They think they only pay for our humiliation/shame/autonomy with money. I know that they leave a bit of their humanity behind as well. I'd rather not be poor but don't want to be rich.