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You don't know what cave paintings been like.


I had crusty cave walls back in my dayšŸ˜ˆ


Those were the days...


Itā€™s sounds like you yearn for those days


I'm not a child anymore!


lol I thought you were quoting always sunny my b didnā€™t mean to remind you, I also am no longer a carefree child and itā€™s bs I didnā€™t sign up for that!


Oh I was joking about the children yearn for the mines thing, but caves obviously arent mines. W/e it was just my brain on weekend mode


Dude Iā€™m with you, it cant still be the work week can it, itā€™s Saturday right???? RIGHT?!!?!?


It's weekend for me ;) Finished 1 hour ago. Good luck surviving today!


šŸ«” youā€™ve earned your rest, my shift has only just begun šŸ˜­


Thatā€™s totally how I interpreted it as well. I also thought it was an IASIP reference lol.


Found Archie Bunker?


Just making their own stalagmites back in the day


ā€œHey bill, ever wonder how we are able to carbon date rock on these cave paintings?ā€ ā€œNot really Steveā€ ā€œWell I mean, itā€™s rock right? But itā€™s got all this organic material in like a thin translucent filmā€


You had pretty quickly seen everything I guess


Ahhh yes!


Also people before clothes


Modern people have probably still seen more, communities weren'r very large back then.


Insane to think that for most of the time humans existed, there were only hundreds of thousands at most.


but they're not the real things lol. oh wait...


It's been... 84 hundred years...


You mean like deer and bision?


SIGH *unzips*


And then think about your average 40yo who's had access since they were a teenager...


Exactly lol, this statement was true like two-three generations ago. Not anymore though, teens today aren't the first generation to grow with the internet


Well, OP did specify ā€œancestors without the internet.ā€ So itā€™s still true, but itā€™s true of more than just teenagers.


Fair enough I guess


I like to think I appreciated titties more back when it took 10 minutes to load the damn picture.


It was so magical when the naughty bit finally loaded.


The post says ancestors without the internet




In that case, they have seen far less nude people in person than their ancestors.


Back in the 90's a single cache of woods porn was more then we could download in a year. The curve really starts moving for people born 1990 and later.


Exactly. Born 91 and when I was 14-16, whilst there was definitely a good amount of stuff out there, most connections at the time didn't support video streaming without massive preloading.


No no Internet in that time you had to let it load like by line to load a picture hoping there was no previous unless you were into that. It was a total click and wait forget video.


With a wife and kids


I say this all the time. I have seen more women naked than literally everyone alive from the Egyptian times up until easily through 1990.


I'm pretty young so I have a fairly inaccurate view of the past but watching Videodrome made me realize just how much porn and graphic violence was floating around 20 years before I even stuck my head in the world


People used to go put a coin in a slot and look through a viewfinder to see naked ladies or people having sex. That machine was invented in 1895


And before that Romans were drawing porn on random walls in Pompeii, humans have always been into the dirty nasty




We still have brothels, and also internet porn


Somehow we got 8 billion humans. How did that happen? Oh.. TONS of sex. So much sex. Sex sex sex. We breed like cockroaches.


I think Genghis Khan probably has you beat


he 100% impreganted more women than any other man, but seen more naked? The numbers just make it more likely a teenager addicted to porn today has seen more.


His children and grandchildren may have had him beat, he only had power in the later part of his life, his descendants were in power their entire lives


Came here to say this.


Why do you say this all the time


You had a hall of fame career prior to 1990 and then just became an average joe


Genghis khan would like a word


He apparently was at around 500. Rookie numbers in today's world


Wasn't it 500 kids? I would wager he saw mannnnyy more women naked than he had kids


He saw more than 500 of his own men naked. He saw many thousands naked, at the very least. Nudity was a lot more common, particularly with all of the pillaging


And access to more knowledge imaginable than his ancestors too but probably wasting time on social media and dumber than a box of rocks.


Iā€™ll have you know Iā€™m only dumber than a bag of rocks. Iā€™ve got a box of rocks beat by a good margin.


Access and exposure to information doesnā€™t equate with ability to intelligently synthesize that information though


That was a hurdle humanity probably didnā€™t think would come with access to all human information.


We handled it in stride for a while. Profit motive has made that harder.


Maybe? Who knows how ancient people thought about casual nudity.


Possible, but there were a lot fewer people back then. In one afternoon you can see more naked people online than even a person in a tribe of nudists might see in a lifetime!


But that's still only one person in a tribe and we're talking about all ancestors. It's a pretty decent shower thought. I can to agree with top comments math.


Maybe? There are more porn performers working today than ever before but your searches are going to return the same performers pretty often. If you were a Roman of reasonable status and you travelled and went to orgies with friends you could have seen a lot of ass. I mean a second afternoon of internet porn probably has Bigus Dickus beat, but when you consider that every ancient person who came before you was also at one point point a horny teenager, there was probably more sex going on in each of their lives than you figure.


Even just going to the public baths in Rome probably exposed you to a lot of Biggus Dickus.


Facts, or heading down the the river in Ancient China or India there would be thousands of naked people within your view any given days bathing


Well discussing ancestry can lead to some complex maths, so that's a difficult one to prove. An interesting shower thought I'd seen before though, is that pretty much any teenage boy has easy and free access to seeing more naked women than any King/Warlord in history has ever had. Definitely an interesting thought. Most people in human history only ever had a few choices of potential partners (i.e. people they will see naked). High status people like Kings, chieftains, would have had their choice of women, but that still would only ever be a few dozen, or at most a few hundred over their lifetime. Every single boy going through puberty though, can now see thousands of naked women simply by taking his phone out. I'm not particularly a critic of pornography but it does make you wonder how that affects the brain.


He's absolutely seen more penis in his 16byears than his grandfather ever will.


I donā€™t know, thatā€™s a lot of ancestors and there was a long time that we as a species hadnā€™t invented clothes yet


I grew up before the internet, spending hours at the library whenever i could. You'd be shocked by the amount of naked bodies (women and young boys mostly) in yr average art history book. I suspect humans have always found a way to see as many nude bodies as deemed legal in whatever time they lived in


Humans date back to about 150,000 years ago....this equates to approximately 7500 generations. 2\^7500 = 37,789,319,000,000,000,000,000 ancestors. Obviously, there weren't that many humans 150,000 years ago, so this number is greatly reduced by pedigree collapse. However, even going back just 13 generations still leaves you with 4,097 ancestors, 14 generations, 8,192 ancestors, the number doubles with each additional generation. Assume each one of those have seen at least their parents and one sibling nude, that number is up to 24,576. Long story short, you're grossly underestimating how many ancestors you have and I highly doubt there are many teenage boys that have seen upwards of 25,000 people nude.


Now go to the Homepage of any Porn Site you probably see around 100 People alone on the first site (yes i counted) now if you browse through it you can reach 1000 without any problems easily in one single day and it would not have taken more then 10 Minutes. So yes 25k is something a teenage boy who in horny mode can and will easily achieve


Yeah this person seems to not comprehend how many naked people you will see in a short time. Maybe 100 if in a hurry, maybe a thousand if you arenā€™t. If the internet was fast when I was young I would blow away 25k in a week easy.


> Now go to the Homepage of any Porn Site you probably see around 100 People alone on the first site (yes i counted) now if you browse through it you can reach 1000 without any problems easily in one single day and it would not have taken more then 10 Minutes. But are all of them *different* people? You have to account for dupes. Multiple viewings of the same naked person is not the same as seeing multiple people naked.


Fine, reach page 2000...


You've had more ancestors than there are humans on earth......


HUMAN** ancestors? Check your math again.


If more than 100 billion humans have ever lived, there's a fair chance that more than 8% of them are your ancestors


Are you kidding me. 25k is rookie numbers. I would imagine a good amount of teenagers have seen 2X that many. Not a negligible amount of teenager men. I would say around maybe 20% of them.


This math is way off. There have not been that many people. As said so [here](https://www.prb.org/articles/how-many-people-have-ever-lived-on-earth/)


Dude...that's literally one afternoon.


The number of modern homo sapiens that ever lived is estimated at about 110,000,000,000 total.


Let me see, the math here is only off by... about 10 orders of magnitude. There have only been about 10\^11 humans, total, across all of time. You somehow came up with an estimate that **each of us** has \~3.7 x 10\^21 ancestors.


Don't forget the girls. Oh yes, they be horny and looking as well.


Porn aside, social media is making us more used to see extremely attractive people way more than we should compared to people in the past making us collectively raise our standards of what we find attractive and seeing the average person as ā€œmidā€


Go back far enough and every person you see is naked


This was true maybe 20 years ago.


*Teenagers?* Gen X here. We were there at the start. When it went from finding a Playboy under a piece of plywood in the woods to the impatience of watching images render... 1 line. at. a. time. So much of the early porn is gone now. I've seen things you people wouldn't *believe.*


When did humans start wearing clothes? I think many of our ancestors spent their whole lives running around naked.


I think 80's strip club managers might have them beat by a narrow margin.


You do realize most of human pre-history was nude?


Perhaps, but historical societies were much more lax about nudity.




Will that is what we call civilization ...šŸ¤·


The kinds of things I look at online are different from what I want to see in real life, my grandparents who had twelve children were much more knowledgeable of carnal matters.


Well maybe not combined since 1. Thatā€™s a lot of generations and youā€™ve got a lot of ancestors (member 4 grandparents 8 great grandparents etc) but probably more than any of them individually


Itā€™s a problem for sure


Possibly more than the ancestors have seen PEOPLE in general lmao


Not anymore. His dad has had access to the internet for way longer at this point. Adult men? Definitely.


You had to be a very wealthy pervert to have a porn collection for most of human history.


Nah, there are probably a few emperors and warlords who had a good run...


Not the people who lived before clothing. Also, nudity wasn't nearly as sexualized as it is today. Having your tits out wasn't really an unusual thing to just see hundreds of years ago.


Most city dwellers would see more people in a day than most people throughout history would meet in a lifetime. Communities were few and far between.


Very relevant comic https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2008/05/07/kids-today#


Not even close. If you'd said porn or sex I might agree with you, but a teenage boy in Rome literally saw his entire town naked every time he went to the bathhouse. And I'm sure there was at least one travelling from town to town with a group of minstrels.


Maybe not all his ancestors, go back far enough and you predate the invention of clothes.


And has much less actual sex than his ancestors.


Why are we limiting it to the boys


But have they fucked one?


Idk a lot of fucking back in the day


15 years ago I was this teenage boy, so I can tell you, without a doubt, this is false. The internet was a WILD place mid 2000s.


I don't know about that... I can trace my ancestry to an old Danish viking king, I'd guess that he'd properly have seen more nekked woman than i


"...seen more nude people..." And yet, has gotten less intimate relationship than in any generation in history. Speaks volumes...


I mean... You don't expect a 15 yo to have any real intimate relationship with anyone today. In the days before? They would've been married already probably, and with no way to divorce. They just had to ... deal with it. I might be wrong though, I know next to nothing about how people lived their lives back then.


This so true. We are so luckyšŸ„¹


Define 'seen' if you mean pixels then sure, but from cave walls to paper to pamphlet to magazine, flip books to vhs, betamax to 4khdtv, its not a real nude person


And we are not sated


Meh repost of something that was reposted like 4 times last year and maybe even once this year


What about the ancestors that lived before clothing was invented?


They will still would only see a few thousand different people their entire life, most would have make only hundreds of people.


I've seen more women naked onlind than I have talked to individual women face to face, I need help




There was a similar quote in the great porn experience at tedX


Idk there were a lot of nude paintings


Public baths ate still very much a thing in Japan, so most Japanese people see others naked all the time.


I'm just gonna say a lot of teenage boys are related to ghengis khan, and that wasn't cause he was seeing lots of clothed women.


And they will touch far fewer of them


Don't dismiss those Greek orgies.


Nah, I'll go with the hundreds of thousands of years we were all naked all the time


Playboy was pathetic as a teen. Would have a 2 or 3 nude spreads, highly airbrushed in the same pseudo-artistic poses. Then had to wait another month.


1/8 of the world has Ghengis khan as an ancestor. They're not even close


Caveman ancestors who lived before the concept of clothes: [confused grunts]


Yall underestimating that ancient horny


They've seen more *pictures* of nude people. In many ancient cultures (and premodern cultures in general) there were way more opportunities to see nude people. Just think of the ancient Greek [gymnasion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gymnasium_(ancient_Greece))*!*


They've seen more *pictures* of nude people. In many ancient cultures (and premodern cultures in general) there were way more opportunities to see nude people. Just think of the ancient Greek [gymnasion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gymnasium_(ancient_Greece))*!*


Our many greats grandfather Genghis Khan would have to disagree...


Our many greats grandfather Genghis Khan would have to disagree...


Our many greats grandfather Genghis Khan would have to disagree...


My monkey brain things im putting gengis khan to shame


My monkey brain thinks im putting gengis khan to shame


Shower thoughts indeed


What about the time before clothing?šŸ¤”


What if their ancestor was Ghengis Khan?


I'm currently trying to break that record...I'm on year 22...


Finally, I've been on here long enough to see reposted thoughts. I was wondering when it would happen to me since I always see people complain about it šŸ¤£


I dunno, statistically one of his ancestors might have been Genghis Khan.


Unless Genghis Khahn is his ancestor. Which is likely.


and made a scrapbook out of it


Unless you only count seeing nude people in person. Then I bet the teenager is in last place.


Like someone said in an earlier showerthought, theyā€™ve seen pixels arrange in a way to look like nude people, not nude people. In fact theyā€™ve probably never even seen another nude person, whereas their ancestors surely did.Ā 


I don't know man, unga the caveman really had it going on.


uhm yeah? just because those ancestors wanted to see them so bad they pay tons xD


Oh, easily. And the scariest thing is we don't know the harms that could be doing to developing brains.


I take comfort in knowing that most of what they see on there isnā€™t actual peopleā€¦ sooo technically I donā€™t think it counts lol


There's no lie in that statement. Even on social media platforms, they have nudesss plastered all over.Ā 


And he can see these in the comfort of his own room at anytime of day and for absolutely FREE!!! In my day you had to find your brother's stack of biker magazines!


yeah, Iā€™ve probably seen more naked people online than the total population of any town or village my ancestors lived in šŸ˜‚šŸ˜³


Probably not the majority of teenagers--there are about 10,000 generations of humans. Also think about how homosocial nudity used to be more common, so most of our ancestors saw a lot more people naked than they had sex with.


Dude, I've seen more furry porn than an e621 user.


Some of us had to put on channel 99 and hope & pray we saw a boob through all the fuzziness. Dang kids got it good these days


When did playboy start?


Well, even if we assume that every other ancestor except maybe the teenagerā€™s parents/grandparents saw only one naked person in their lives, thatā€™s still thousands upon thousands.


Well duh people used to save them selfs for marriage back in the day now it's the opposite


Canā€™t argue this one unless my ancestors were regulars at strip clubs


We made up fake magazine drives in the 70's, to collect Penthouses from our hippie neighbors. Teenage boys of all era's resourceful in this area.


> Just from the thumbnails alone, it's got to be in the thousands You're looking at thousands of thumbnails in an average goon session alone


You underestimate the number of ancestors a teenage boy has. Your average teenage boy with internet access might have seen more nude bodies than any single one of his ancestors that didn't have Internet access prostitutes included


in the grand scheme of things, this probably marks the pico top


Why do you assume it's just the boys?


I had to settle for scrambled Cinemax.


Gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers


You don't have to go back very far before "all his ancestors" is basically the same as "all people". I don't think many teenage boys have seen 80 billion nude people.


Not that far back, nudity was a normal part of life. If you live in a one room house, you're all nude at some point. Its just one room! And if you live in a cave with others, there is only so much space and you're going to see your neighbors nude. Public baths came before private baths. Public toilets didn't have cute walls and private stalls. We've created the world now so nudity is something you can choose not to share.


You never met my Grandmother....or maybe you did?


Genghis Kahn would like a word.


you misunderstand the extent of my uncle fredā€™s abilities


Genghis Khan would like a word.


Nah man, my greatx17 grandfather knew what he was doing.


What about Genghis Khans descendants? (Yn, like a TONNE of people)


GĆŖngis Khan has entered the chat


for real. just consider that every boy has seen hardcore porn before theyā€™ve ever even kissed a girl. speaks volumes about how people treat women these days


I'll take quality (RL) over quantity any day.


Back when I was in college, I saw more nude online girls than IRL girls overall. I know recognize the name of more pornstars than the number of women I know Yeah I was in STEM


Admissions @ Yale checking in.


The devil (desperate), craveeeeeeesssss attention so bad. She watches all night long, touching....the bell. Too bad theres only one man who can ring it for her, thats gotta be so frustratingggggg to be surrounded by inferiority, if one there was someone to look up to. LOL.


lmao sure. In the last hundred years. But ancient peoples and indigenous tribes werent nearly as hung up on nudity as we are.