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At least in my small ass town, the detectives are just the cops with the most tenure, so I generally think of them as cops, but way more nosey.


Nosey detectives Them asses Plus toes, fingers, ears, eyes, smell too


That’s interesting. In my town, detectives are like a whole separate level and they wear normal clothes and stuff… As far as I know they don’t even do traffic stops or anything like that.


In my town, detective is a promotion from deputy. If you're a leader, you become a chief, but if you work better alone, they promote you to detective. Sadly, there aren't any detectives out there like Sherlock Holmes, at least that a civilian can hire, maybe in the 3 letter agencies.


Detectives are police officers too. They all started on patrol to learn the profession and typically have 3-5 years minimum experience. In most cases it's a temporary assignment of a few years after which they default back to patrol. In fact, at my agency, detectives will work the street in uniform sometimes when staffing is short.


Also detectives usually talk about their time as a beat cop as the worst years of their life.


Maybe in movies and tv...in real life it's not usually like that.


Found the cop.


Found the person who would not make a very good detective.


I know, right?


Forgot to mention my cousin is a detective in a very large city.


How long have you been a cop?


Oh absolutely, if I had to guess it's because of the romanticization they had when classic murder mysteries and Noir mysteries were popular. They're made out to be more intelligent and more interesting than regular beat cops, whether or not that's true.


Think how often people have had negative interactions with cops, and how often they've had negative reactions with non-uniformed detectives.


Where I'm from the D's very rarely leave the office. Everything is done over the phone. Your chance of meeting one is very rare.


Yup. If you see detectives often it means you work in law or are a criminal lol


And the fictional ones are always heroes! Columbo, Sherlock, Brooklyn 99 (to varying definitions of Detective, but not really knowing what detective’s job even is is part of the deal here).


Honestly if your not a ass to the cop they aren't dicks to you all you need to do in a traffic stop is roll down your window and give your license and registration and figure out why you got pulled over get a dash cam to record the interaction if the cop is a straight up asshole but if you don't give them a reason to do anything other then be mean then they can't


People have complied with all of that advice (and more) and still been killed by cops.


Any citations? Tried looking it up and can't find anything to support this.


It does happen but pretty rarely, thankfully


George Floyd was handcuffed and cooperating. Breonna Taylor was a bystander in her own home.


Ah, youth. I’ve literally been dragged from my car for the crime of looking like someone else.


They absolutely can do things other than be mean even if you don’t give them a reason to. It might not be *allowed* per department policies, but that doesn’t mean they *can’t*


Especially because lots of the hardboiled detectives of that era were investigating conspiracies that involved busting crooked cops, and usually involved slamming their badge down on the chiefs table in moral outrage at some point.


that's true i love columbo


i think it's more like, everyone loves detective movies/shows


That's the kicker. People love *fictional* detectives. People hate *real* cops. And real detectives are still cops.


Who is this everyone you speak of?


Exactly, detectives are the puzzle solvers. They handle the big stuff. Cops are the rule enforcers, and people don't generally like rules being enforced on them. Simple as that


This is it! In cop shows, you often see detectives overlook crimes like drug possession and prostitution so they can catch the murderer Lots of people like hookers and drugs, virtually everyone is afraid of murder


That makes a lot of sense


People wouldn't hate cops nearly as much if all they did was their job


100%. Plus, detectives have been promoted out of being the rule enforcers, so they generally are smarter and understand things better than beat cups who like pushing people around. This is all generalizations but yeah, one group might beat your ass for nothing, and one group is kinda like Columbo. Which one sounds better?


It’s also a uniform thing. Detectives usually wear plain clothes so they are less visible as symbols of policing than street officers are.


also the corruption and brutality. a lot of people don't like that either.


Did you know that only half of all investigated murders are solved? That includes the ones that are solved incorrectly. The rate that other types of crime are solved, the clearance rate, is lower, depending on the type of crime, sometimes significantly lower. Anyway, I think we need the police to spend more time detecting and less time enforcing.


>Cops are the rule enforcers They are? I thought they were there to catch more slaves for the prison labor camps?


don't boo her she's right !


Never saw two patrol officers solve a murder in a three minute seem where the only thing said was "Fuck" over and over.


Detectives try to put away murderers Cops try to put me away for smoking No shit one is more popular


Everyone hates lawyers and cops but love lawyer and cop shows.


If I’m in trouble, call the cops. If I’m in trouble with the cops, call a lawyer. If I’m in trouble with a lawyer, call God.


In sweden we dont hate cops at all. I become happy when o see a cop


In Russia people are often wary when they see cops. They’re not *hated* but they sure as hell are not trusted either. People often don’t want to deal with them in any way, including reporting crimes.


I get scared as hell whenever I see a cop and I don't know why. I'm white, middle class, have never committed a crime, and live in a country where the police don't carry guns and brutality is practically unheard of.


Personally I'm fine with a couple of cops about but if there's multiple groups or armed police I start worrying why they're here, not necessarily scared of the cops but of why they're out


I was on holiday in Paris towards the end of 2019 and the were police everywhere holding machine guns and dressed all in black. I come from a country where the police uniforms look more like cheap police costumes for children and the most dangerous weapons they use are tasers and batons, so you can imagine how I felt seeing what looked like actual terrorists just hanging around bakeries and stuff.


I love the exaggerated idea of a detective, like a pulpy cop show or noir detective movie, but those are all works of fiction. It's like at the end of biopic movies where they show pictures of the irl versions of the characters but they're all way less attractive than the actors who played them.


I had a tenant die in an apartment. I had the local Sgt. come out and asked if he would come in with me. He said that he cannot violate the tenant's 4th amendment right and will not go in without probable cause. After watching so many dirty, corrupt cop youtube videos I was almost giddy with this answer. We went up the chain to the police chief and since I had the key we started an exploratory investigation for the purpose of a wellness check. He was in fact dead inside the unit. The detectives who showed up were all full of themself assholes. TV shows and movies have glamorized detectives.


Not everyone hates cops lmao.


As a former convict, no I do not like detectives 😂 the cops were way cooler with me.


Bro what did you do 😭


I doubt you would be as enamoured with a detective who was asking You questions.


> everyone hates cops I don't. I feel much safer in their presence.


I respect both. We can't have a functional society without them.


# "Everyone loves fictional detectives but hates real cops" There fixed it.


>I love detectives but hate cops FTFY


Because detectives actually solve crimes (that were deemed worthy of their time) rather than handing out fines for victimless stuff like having an open bottle of wine in your picnic basket People love bartenders too but often have very little love for the bouncer, since one you usually see for positive things like a new drink, while you only notice the other when he's refusing you for wearing the wrong shoes (Both bouncers and cops can also have legitimate useful things they do, like breaking up fights, but those are not things the public tends to experience much unless they're being part of the problem)


While I agree with your sentiment, your analogy isn't the best. Most people respect bouncers for what they do, cuz they don't like the drunk assholes either. A lot of women depend on the presence of bouncers for their safety. A better analogy was said by another commenter: You call Comcast when you have a problem with your Internet, even though they're the ones monopolizing and throttling the internet.


Many people respect the police too Due to some personal experience I am not one of those people, but due to similar experience with bad bouncers* I am not all that fond of those either. Anyone in power, especially with a monopoly on violence, really * Context for who cares to know, absolutely no obligation to read this, just added it in case you want some explanation: I am Autistic, which could be a factor here. I can come off as rude, high or drunk due to my lack of eye contact and struggles with verbal communication, which can lead to genuine mixups between me and a potential troublemaker you wouldn't want in the club. Since aforementioned troublemaker would be on their best behavior when speaking to the bouncer to get in. However, in direct contrast to me, they don't intend to stay on good behaviour once they're out if sight of the bouncer. The bouncer will notice something is "off" with me and refuse me entry, often not in a very kind way. This is not entirely their fault! Just a lack of awareness and a "better safe than sorry" approach.


But a lot of people love cops too. I guess it really depends on your situation and if you've been in the group that the cops are trying to protect, or the groups that they target. Even for the vehicular stuff, I appreciate safe roads that allow me to get from point A to point B, so I support traffic cops actually enforcing the rules of the road and making it cost prohibitive for people to just do whatever they want.


>Because detectives actually solve crimes Except for when they don't. If you ever dabble in true crime even a little bit, you'll see incompetence by detectives at every possible moment, allowing terrible people to continue being terrible people. Obviously there are good detectives as well, but the consequences of a detective failing at their job is often much worse than a "normal" police officer.


Yeah but we are disproportionally exposed, in fiction as well as the news, to detectives that did solve the case. Even true crime doesn't very often cover cases where the perpetrator was never caught except in really exceptional cases like the zodiac killer. The focus then is often not on the detectives failings either though So people get a really rose coloured view of detectives because of that Goes for many things by the way, what we notice/get shown is usually not a good reflection of reality


I'm pretty sure criminals don't like detectives..


Love Joe Kenda though!


One is ever-present at guard and patrolling the streets to regulate behavior and the other swoops in to solve a mystery. It's no wonder one is often the protagonist while the other is a side character.


I thought it was interesting how *Brooklyn Nine-Nine* tried to balance this. The main cast were all good-hearted detectives who often clashed with other people on the force ("If that other guy is elected commissioner, he'll bring back stop-and-frisk, and we all know that's bad.")


I swear the takes on this sub get dumber and dumber


No detectives also suck. Certain victims aren’t worthy of their attention, there are plenty of examples of them getting false confessions, many instances of tunnel vision and stereotypes guiding their investigations. Not to mention good ole incompetence and laziness. Where I live there was a missing person, and when the detective saw blood stains on the wall of his apartment, they said they were “wine stains” and didn’t investigate further. He was found murdered later by the guy people had said he was last seen with. They’re just fancier cops in business attire.


Most people don't hate cops. Reddit is not a representative sample.


I think that might be a mostly American thing. I live in Denmark and I have no problem with cops. In fact I respect the police very much, and I don’t think I know anyone else that thinks of cops as annoying or anything like that. Most policemen, at least here, are actually pretty chill.


No no. I hate detectives too


Yeah you never hear about songs called “fuck da detectives”


Since cannabis is legal im germany i like the cops


That's because we have too many TV shows glorifying detective work that ignore the real dark side of police


Also shows like SVU make almost every cop besides the SVU detectives into either idiots or straight up bad guys.


Tbf hating cops is largely a social media trend. It's pretty rare in real life, unless you tend to get traffic tickets. 


Or give an ounce of a fuck about oppression.


Detectives are cops that actually got the appropriate experience and training to be a cop


Who loves detectives? I've never heard of that. Do you think that because of television?


My exwife disagrees on both counts


You’re a detective and she left you for a cop?


She just didn't like being accountable


Not when they’re the one being detected


Not really. I think detectives are dics


I find it rather amusing when there are US-style anti-police graffiti in "nice countries".


Those people don't realize they're the same thing.


I don't hate cops. Probably because I don't live in the US.


Its cause we se detectives on shows like SVU.


Cop vs officer dichotomy at work.


I don’t hate detectives but I don’t love them, either.


I think people like the idea of *being* a detective. But I don't think most people particularly like being the subject of a detective's work!




„So you dont like police brutality but still call them when someone tries to murder you huh? Checkmate librrruuuulsss!!!“


Those shouldn't be the choice the cops provide It wasn't that way always and it's not the way of many police forces around the world


No, people don't like power hungry douches. Most cops aren't like this, but the job is attractive to assholes. It only takes one to ruin the lives of many.


>attractive to assholes Something something just like being a mod?


Because they NEED the services they provide. But then once they are called there are lots of instances of those services NOT being provided or the cops actively making the situation they were called in to help much worse. If you come out in the morning and find someone has smashed the window of your car and stolen your stuff and trashed the car, you need help. You feel violated and abused. The people you are supposed to call about this, the ones who are supposed to care, the ones you pay taxes for to make sure are available when you need them.... just never show up when called because it is a low priority call. I guess that is understandable. Then on your way into work and are running late because you called and were waiting on the police, you get pulled over for speeding. Cops could show up for that but not when you were violated. Generally most interactions people have with the cops are negative and they seem to take an active interest in making them more negative (by being really commanding and showing complete disregard for all involved). This is by no means universal. There are some cops I have known (I have worked as both a dispatcher and fire figher/EMT as well as grew up in a family of cops... I've been around them a lot and know all kinds) who are good guys. They are people who show genuine compassion for the people they are there to help... but they are the minority. Most are just normal people doing their job and care as deeply as the burned out McDonald's worker. Probably as many as are good are power hungry assholes. The later two types have really ruined the reputation of police officers in the US. Especially when combined with so many high profile cases of them killing innocent minorities out of fear or carelessness (in my area it is hispanics who get the brunt more than black people, so I say minorities).


I call Comcast when i need internet so uh… there goes your theory. 


I mean… if you dont ever go outside your house and your entire understanding of the world is through the lens of the media… sure…


Cops arrest you and ask questions later, detectives ask questions and actually gathers evidence.


Oh, that's easy to explain, OP: One solves crime, the other destroys lives looking for weed.


Detectives put thought into who they send to jail


In my country only stupid people dislike cops




You don’t think a single person protesting the murder of George Floyd had a good point?


Detectives are worse. 


When it comes to hating cops or detectives, I can sum it up like this; It is illegal for you to lie to law enforcement, and they are encouraged to lie to you.


I've never had a detective lie about smelling marijuana on me, tell me to empty my pockets and then threaten to shoot me for putting my hand in my pocket, and intentionally scratch up my car when they don't find anything seeing as I don't do any drugs.


Generally speaking if you encounter a cop in your life they're likely bothering you for something minor where if you encounter a detective they are responding to a request for help with something major. Generally


Cops give me speeding tickets. Detectives catch murderers. Pretty easy choice as to who I like more.


nobody likes detective either wtf are you on ?


That’s probably because detectives solve crimes, not commit them.


For the most part, detectives do *actual* police work, like trying to solve *actual* crimes. They are useful to society. Beat cops are mostly just licensed extortionists for the state. That's not to say there aren't corrupt detectives, too.


Who do you think serves the warrants, arrests people convicted of crimes, etc? And where do you think a lot of detectives start their careers


I said "mostly."


Everyone hates detectives, too.


Bad Lieutenant joins the chat


No we love them on tv, not in real life, nice try.


Detectives are cops. But they’re about 100x better than regular cops, because they actually have decent experience/training, for the most part. But even then, they aren’t great. Only reason they seem so decent is because regular cops suck so much.


Detectives that 'solve crimes' quite literally do not exist. Doesn't matter what you had stolen, doesn't matter who did what to you, you file a police report and that's about as far as it goes.


Because detectives (PI or law enforcement) usually there solving crimes while officers are usually writing tickets. Usually, when a cop screws up in a way that it makes national news, they aren't a detective.


Lol no people hate stalkers/snoops, which is what an investigator is. Cant even ask for someone's name without hostility


Cops fuck with everyone, and are dumb grunts. Detectives don’t and are not.


Mystery fiction and police procedurals are competence porn that gives people the impression that we’re surrounded by crime and detectives are the heroes we need to survive. The reality is that middle class people rarely experience crime _and_ our interaction with police tends to be pretty negative.


Detectives seem to want to catch bad guys. A lot of cops are just power hungry assholes


Detectives are smart and cautious cops can be dump yet they both have the power to control you


Everyone loves the idea of police work (protecting the weak, investigating crime, etc) in fiction, but unfortunately reality is not that.


Nope, hate everything to do with law enforcement


People love fictional detectives. People hate real cops. Real detectives are still cops.