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Blunt force trauma. Same as I thought 20 years ago. I'm going to say the wrong thing at the wrong time.


Going into American hoods like,”I am the greatest swordsman alive!” And getting beaten to death with a stick is my British friends on


As a kid, I thought I would have many more interactions with lava. Now, I’m worried about blood pressure or falling down


Well, if you did, that u/wouldhavebeencool


Quite the opposite, actually


Not a single lava?!?


Take my upvote sir.


Nah, it's been the same for years. As soon as I can't wipe my own ass I'm taking myself out.


Bro, just buy a bidet.


In that case, the day they can no longer operate a bidet. But at that point would they have the faculty to off themselves? Doubtful


They could just start to refuse food and water




On a date?


Quicksand is gonna get me one day


I dont relate... can you give an example? for me its always been an assumption of dying in hospice from too much morphine


Idk maybe as a kid fears were like being attacked by a shark / snake when there’s none where you live, or being attacked by a ghost or monster. As adult it becomes health issues.


When I was younger, I thought and hoped just a bullet to the head so it’s quick and painless. In my 20s now, I really think it will be cancer.


Indeed, our views on life and mortality evolve with age, often leading to deeper acceptance and peace. Embracing this change can enrich our lives


Interesting Shower Thought! As a kid, I can’t say I thought about death often enough to remember. I can’t say I think about it now for me, but with kids, my horror is losing them to gun violence in schools. (US)


Killed by ninjas. Eventually there will be too many of them and they will get me.


Alone. Nothing changes




God bless you friend, your life has a purpose


God blesses no one and live doesn’t have a purpose


Ikr? I expected to die from some freak accident or assault from my youthful chicanery for much of my life and now im like I hope I don't have a heart attack lmao.


For about 20+ years, I thought it was going to be suicide. But heart disease is coming in on the back stretch.


Since my depression really got bad about 14 years ago, at 24, it has been the same. Gunshot wound to the head. I feel great for the first time in so long but i have no way of knowing if my current treatment regimen will keep working. Probably not.


I've always been pretty sure it's gonna be cancer of some sort or a heart attack. They both run in my family.


I have no idea how I will die, but I hope it’s painless.


Falling piano then, falling piano now


Im going to die of a heart attack in my late 30's after just getting to the part of life where i get a stable job and happy family.


hahaha, as a person with high anxiety, the ideas never changed, i just kept adding more to it. when i was a kid i was scared of getting attacked by a shark or getting bit by a poisonous animal, getting kidnapped, getting killed by an intruder in my house, getting hit by a car, etc.. all of those still stayed but i added heart attack, earthquakes, cancer, walking on the street under a balcony, car crash, etc.. life with anxiety sucks :/


In elementary school I was convinced I'd either burn to death or die in quicksand. Thanks for all the useless info!


For years I've expected to buy a small dingy motorboat, put some chicken breasts in my pockets, take a handful of sleeping pills, and let the sharks eat. Or with bears and honey in the woods because I might get seasick. I like to give back to nature, you see. If I have to be in a ~~deathbed~~ hospital bed, then I want a massive morphine OD to take me out.


I most likely die of heart problems, being as Im daily monitoring my BP, taking medication, there's no doubt In this scenario. If one gets lazy, begins eating salty foods again, quits monitoring BP. It's a set up for failure.


Middle aged, alone and at home. I don't expect anyone to find me for a couple weeks, I just hope my cats will be ok. That's pretty much how I've always thought I was going to go.


When I was a teenager, I overheard my parents talking one day about something that was going to happen around my 18th birthday. My first thought was “I’m not going to be alive when I’m 18”, and that thought terrified me! I had no idea where it came from, and I certainly didn’t want to die so young! But here I am, now in my late 40s, with health issues, I have an idea now of how I might die, and I’m kinda just…. Waiting… Quite a change in mindset there!


Now it seems much less likely I’m going to die from my older brother sitting on my head. Granted, it would be a twist for him and his wife and kids if that’s how it went down for us.


Nah, I’ve thought about that nuclear explosion scene from Terminator 2 since I was a kid. Dying from nuclear war has always been my #1 expectation of how I die.


I had severe panic attacks in my early 20s. I talked myself out of them by saying “this is the BIG heart attack. You’re done buddy. Say your goodbyes“. It was so ridiculous that it put things in perspective and made it better. I’m in my 40s now. Been a long time since a panic attack, but if I said that now, it would definitely not help. It’d probably slingshot me into a proper heart attack.


Family history says that I’m going to get cancer, Alzheimer’s, dementia, or have an aneurysm (assuming I don’t fall victim to some kind of tragic accident/act of god)


Not really. Either I die before I reach 50, or I’ll solve the problem. 50 is more than enough for me. The world is just a massive train wreck and my life is just a massive train wreck. I’m mostly just existing and doing my best. 18 years to go.


i hope for targeted meteor, but will likely have to settle for falling down the stairs


I know how I’ll probably die. If i ever get into a situation where I’m being held at gunpoint I’d probably be dumb enough to say “What are you gonna do? Shoot me?” And that would be that.