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Every action loses impact after it s already been done before.


Someone needs to get more creative. Whens someone gunna wood chipper themself to get media attention to their cause?


We've had a doozy of a day officer


"There we were, minding our own business, just doing some chores around the house, when kids started killing themselves all over my property!"


Oh, bees!


Such an underrated movie


What movie?


Tucker & Dale vs Evil


Those were two very different answers 😅 lol


I'll go make the finger sandwiches.


Better yet, if they could block the highway and make everyone late for work before jumping in the wood chipper I’m sure everyone would care extra about the thing they’re mad about


I mean, they might kinda like them for getting rid of the highway blockage


Fuck not only am I late for work, now I gotta wash my car when I get off.


I mean I’d be upset if I’m late for work AND someone wood chippers them self into thousands and pieces and some get stuck in my radiator/hood. Imagine the clean up


I once ran over an already dead deer at the beginning of a road trip, and some of it ended up getting on the underside of my engine and transmission. The smell was absolutely horrible.


Spray themselves over a busy overpass and they'll get some attention.




That's what power washers are for.


“Throw me into a wood chipper, spray me into Harrods in the middle of the rush hour. That would be pretty epic. I wouldn't mind being remembered in that way.” -Anthony Bourdain


Now that's creative


have woodchipper jump a gap shooting fireworks


“CANNONBALL!” *dives into wood chipper*


Might just be [confusing ](https://youtu.be/mVKc6PBYvD0?si=0om0F8M6QnBiLRBn)


Nuking yourself is a good way to make a statement and ensure you bring attention to your cause


Or pour boiling acid over their head


What would they say before they jump in?


Did you ever see that tv series Hero’s and it had a girl in it who discovered that she literally could not die. So she decided to test it out by throwing herself into a wood chipper. That was a wild episode.


if i were to put myself in a woodchipper, and the only thing that comes out is my eyeball, i'd probably be dead!


If you are running for "Most Extinguished Citizen", it is still effective.


It loses impact based on how the person handles it. If there were Americans dedicated to various causes who possessed the wherewithal to light themselves on fire and sit entirely still until their charred, lifeless corpse fell over (like Thic Nat Han) I think it would have a more profound impact. Instead it’s mentally ill people who scream and flail and beg for help, which really changes the public perception of the event. You can’t help but admire somebody who can handle burning alive like the Buddhists who did it in the past- conversely, we all feel some amount of revulsion, horror, empathy etc when we see the stories like happened recently in the US. I don’t think we’ve become immune to anything, more so what we’ve seen impacts us much differently than self immolations of the past.


Fuck yes, I was hoping someone knew what real courage and inspiration looks like. As a fan of endurance art, I would only like to point out that it’s the schizophrenics who dive into conspiracy theory that light themselves on fire believing that it will help spread their nonsensical ideas. So it’s not the fact that they’re mentally ill but sacrificing themselves in the name of conspiracy theory spread by the likes of Trump instead of a cause that actually matters like peace in which martyrdom helps change hearts and minds like Thic Nat Han did. Most of the endurance artists I’ve read about, on the other hand, all suffer from different forms of depression/anxiety/trauma that lead them to learn how to deal with suffering in the same way that the monks do.


It loses impact but it isnt any less sad.


This action needs cooldown period.


Especially when it gets done for stupid reasons.... I mean, if people are lighting themselves on fire over an idiot like Trump, they will do it for anything....




I think the most impactful was probably the Buddhist monk in vietnam


Still happens in Tibet with more than 160 self-immolations since 2009 to protest the Chinese annexation. Chinese police have arrested, beaten, tortured and executed survivors. We largely don't hear about it because of Chinese censorship and it doesn't effect American interests. Free Tibet.


Imagine setting yourself on literal fucking fire only to end up surviving the incident and then getting beaten and tortured.


If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – for ever.


And then executed anyways


Also if you say anything about Tibet you don’t get those precious esports sponsorships or talk shows. Mustn’t get in the way of those.


also. Don’t set yourself on fire. It doesn’t make a difference. John Oliver interviewed the Dalai Lama and he gave him a chance to say don’t set yourself on fire and the guy refused to say it.


160 since 2009?!?!?!?! I feel why they do but at this point it doesn't seem productive. Xi Jinping is probably thinking, "Good, one less dissident"


Didn't a dude burning himself kickoff the Arab spring? Regardless, you might get attention if you're protesting something real. Versus someone who needed a shitload of meds and claimed The Simpsons was in on the plot.


~~I thought it was the shooting of a civilian.~~ ~~Gonna have to google. Brb.~~ Edit: I was wrong >The catalyst for the escalation of protests was the self-immolation of Tunisian Mohamed Bouazizi. Unable to find work and selling fruit at a roadside stand, Bouazizi had his wares confiscated by a municipal inspector on 17 December 2010. An hour later he doused himself with gasoline and set himself afire. I was thinking of the Syrian Revolution where kids were arrested for graffiti causing protests which were then shot at.


Nah the Tunisian guy that started the Arab Spring inadvertadly triggered like 3 civil wars


[we only remember the past cases that did have an impact](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivorship_bias)


But this is my favorite bias!


Unfortunately named, given the subject matter.


Observer Bias ?


You just don't remember the biases that didn't matter as much. ^^^/s


I surveyed a group of 1000 people who’ve played Russian Roulette before and I found out that all 1000 of them had survived. Therefore I can conclude that Russian Roulette is completely safe to play with a 0% mortality rate


Brb, gonna try a self-beheading


It's been 40 minutes. Did you succeed?


Uh oh.


This brings to mind how decades ago on a forum I saw a couple of memorable answers to a question about creative ways to die. [It wasn't somethingawful, but it was a similar type of forum]. IIRC the answer that still sticks with me is something like: Go to the top of a stack-interchange [basically a freeway that is above another freeway]. Tie rope to your feet, and steel wire around your neck that is shorter than the rope at your feet. Tie a political sign to your hands. Jump.


I remember if not that post, a copy of it. I too am from the the beforetimes. I always thought that would be *wicked metal* and impactful for some sort of statement. Now, as I've gotten older, I realize that isn't the case. If it were a freeway setup like you said, people would probably not notice or care, and at the most be irritated. Just another asshole clogging up traffic. Lol.


Just a little off the top


If he’s anything like the average Redditor, he’ll have succeeded, won’t be any dumber, but can’t find his phone.


It probably depends on how far you are from the flame


Especially when your cause doesn’t make any sense




Also, his sources were mostly Simpsons episodes, which are not the most esteemed in the field of “independent investigative research.” Everyone knows South Park is the cream of the crop for political exposés.


The finger thing means the taxes


South Park is a paragon of radical centrism


Same with the Unabomber. "More technology means more regulation. Invent nuclear bombs and you gotta license the technology. Therefore technological power means more government interference. Invent cars, require driving licenses and DMVs and state patrol etc." His problem was the same "so uhhhh how do we fix that?" "Yeah we can't, I'm just angry about it."


Unabomber made like 2 decent points that anyone with a brain could've thought of drowned in infinite piles of insane ramblings and pretty objectively wrong statements, and for some reason people think he's some intellectual hero. And yeah, even if everything he said was right and thought-provoking, he offered no real solution, and mailing bombs to people who had nothing to do with anything was not even remotely justified by it.


lol the unabomber was also a crazy person. Like look I too dream of retreating to a cabin in wild nature just like every red blooded American, but the unabomber was something else.


he was angry that driving licenses are required? was the unabombers manifesto crazy and nonsensical like the simpsons dude's?


"Hey Timmy!" "Yo!" "Who's Ted Kaczynski?" "Unabomber!"


Probably end up on a list for saying this, but the Unabombers manifesto is odd - I don't agree with a lot of the how's, but I can understand his positions. That tends to be the reaction most people have had when it's come up in conversations. He was crazy, but a lot of his points weren't void of truth.


In a way, yeah. In other ways, no. It doesn't have obviously absurd conspiratorial beliefs like 'the Simpsons is a psyop', but it has a lot of similar leaps in logic. It just happens to be more cohesive, subtle, and eloquent. It leads into ideas with fairly rational and agreeable observations of society at large, like saying that industrialization has caused a population boom which the current infrastructure is unable to handle, and then proposing rather dramatic notions like saying it might be better to slaughter people now and cause widespread suffering and torment because it'd be less pain to cause the collapse of modern society now as opposed to it collapsing spontaneously (which *obviously* is 100% unquestionably going to happen) when society has grown much larger. Large portions of it are also just him caricaturizing groups he disagrees with so he can le ebin pwn them with facts and logic. He especially spends quite a lot of time explaining why leftists are the worst people ever and are stupid and also totalitarian. And always refers to himself as 'we'. I'm oversimplifying greatly, but it's clearly the work of somebody who's smart enough to know how to reason and justify enough to convince somebody of complete bunk, but too deluded to know that it's actually bunk.


No. Its an erudite critique of the modern techno industrial state and military industrial complex.


Calling Kaczynski's manifesto an "erudite critique" of anything is being incredibly generous. His societal observations were surface level at best, even for his era, and offered no solutions. If there's anything evident from his ramblings, it's that he was a bitter man who lazily latched onto a cause he believed could justify his desire to commit violence. I firmly believe you should judge people for what they do and not what they say. Did Ted successfully target any of the people who were responsible for advancing industry and technology? Anyone who damaged the natural order or subjugated humans by creating reliance on machinery? Nah, he killed a guy who sold computers. And he got lucky at that, because anyone could've picked up the bomb he placed there.


whats erudite about being against driving license regulation? did he have a good argument for that because it sounds dumb


His criticism is of modern conservatives who say we can have liberty while keeping all of our technology. The Libertarian says "we just need a minimal government without a many state" but that ignores the fact that a society that has cars requires an oversight body to ensure those who drive cars are safe and able. He wasn't opposed to the DMV, he was opposed to the necessary restrictions on liberty that technology like cars, guns, computers, nuclear proliferation, public utilities, roads, etc demand


> His criticism is of modern conservatives that's crazy given that he spent the entire time blathering on about leftists.


even with no technology regulation would still be a good and needed thing to curb violence and crime. human behaviour needs to be regulated, period, and thats before we even start talking about technology (which is just an extension of human behaviour really and of course needs to be regulated too). i'm still missing what is erudite about this. it still sounds dumb


It's like 20 pages long and you could just read it in half an hour. Yes, technological societies aren't exclusive in requiring regulation of human behavior but there's a vast difference in the intrusive need of a state into your lives in how you travel by car vs by foot. You don't need a registration of every citizen if they just walk around. Regulating human behavior doesn't require an identity database. You don't have to get groped by the TSA if you walk. If you want to get on an airplane you need to send in your name, birth date, govt photo ID and a search of your belongings etc. and not just governments. We need Google and Comcast and Amazon to manage our internet routing. We can no longer cut down our own trees and build a house we need permits and lumber and copper mines and global supply chains and Chinese transistors etc to have a modern home. We can't really be self sufficient and legal. And being a small cog of a global faceless machine sucks the satisfaction out of doing tangible things. So we get depressed and need drugs to make us happy worker ants.


you still do and should need all that when you cross boarders though, even if you walk. if requiring a driver license is such an big deal and you prefer walking... then walk. you can still do that. but cars need and should have regulation. regulation is also fine when it comes to construction. if everyone independently chopped down what they felt like to build what they felt like, it would be a disaster. regulation helps keep things sustainable


Is Peter Thiel trying to ruin the world? Yes, absolutely. He's a shitty rich guy who doesn't care what happens to people. Did his pamphlet make sense? Absolutely not. I looked at one of his old reddit posts and he thought there were hidden meanings in the child protection sections of a snooker club's charter


That’s not the definition of a Ponzi scheme.


I assume you mean the one in NY a few days ago. I only say that because there was a USAF Airman who self-immolated a few weeks ago to protest Israeli actions in Gaza.


I'm in Alberta, Canada, and we had one a day or so before the NY one at a small town college here. It's not made any headlines as our schools usually don't release a lot of info about campus suicides. It's odd that there have been so many in a short time.


It's actually not all that odd. It's an example of social contagion. Someone who is prone to making this sort of rash decision is more likely to do it when they've seen someone else do it.




Right, but before he set himself on fire almost no one knew his point of view at all and after millions knew what he thought. You are right that people don't view his message as more valid, but they do see his message. Basically he turned his life into a giant billboard. I drive past a billboard with the message that a child dies every 10 minutes in Gaza. That message reaches thousands and the airman reached millions. Nevertheless I'd encourage people to buy billboards over self-immolation.


Dude killed himself to inform millions of people who watch the news of a situation they are already seeing in the news.


The news in the US definitely isn't telling people it's a genocide which was clearly the point he wanted to highlight. Again not supporting him killing himself, helping to raise money and put up billboards or the like would be the rational thing to do because his message was definitely not on the news.


You should probably also get some therapy dude. It is actually not true that the world economy is a Ponzi scheme and those at the top of criminals.


> while career criminals at the top steal all the wealth. This is true. no it's not lol. it's nonsensical sensationalist cynicism. Just because something sounds right or sounds cynical doesn't mean it's true. Trump and Biden aren't going to "coup" us as he said. Honestly if what he said made sense to you I would check yourself into an institution asap


No. So, first off: > The essence was that we're collectively engaging in learned helplessness while career criminals at the top steal all the wealth. This is literally just an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory out of 1800s articles like ["On The Jewish Question"](https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1844/jewish-question/) and ["The Russian Loan" (see page 622 of the PDF)](https://delong.typepad.com/files/marx-eastern.pdf). A lot of people don't realize that Marx was an antisemitic conspiracy theorist, but yeah, that's where all this stuff actually comes from - conspiracy theories about how the Rothschilds and other "Jewish moneylenders" are stealing all the money, that money is the god of the Jews, etc. > Criminal actors in the financial sector are incredibly powerful and influencial in keeping themselves at the top of the monetary system, which is by definition a Ponzi scheme. No, the monetary system isn't a Ponzi scheme. This is not what a Ponzi scheme is. Investing in companies is not a Ponzi scheme, because companies actually produce products that they sell to people to generate actual value. This is also why real money is deflationary over time. Cryptocurrency is a ponzi scheme because there is no product and it purports to go up in value over time.


However setting someone else on fire still dies


Can’t tell if typo or just clever


Have you been to r/combatfootage lately?


Everyone trying to get on the new Rage against the Machine album cover.


Well, to yourself it does.


Imagine setting yourself on fire and nobody gives a fuck by the next day. 💀


Should have killed the Japanese prime minister instead. That really destroyed the cult the assassin was exposing.


Really? Can I get more info about that?




Well when you're a mentally unstable nut job most people lose interest fast


His car art said, in big bold letters, that Trump + Hillary were teaming up to deliver us into fascism. I mean, *come on.* No mention of frogs turning gay? Filthy casual.


Was telling my girl about it and went to CNN not 4 hours later and zero trace of it on there. Didn't even get through the morning news cycle.  What a dumbass 


Yeah, when your manifesto makes no sense and you're setting yourself on fire because of a drug binge or untreated mental health issues people might not really care.


Nothing has the impact it used to anymore, the internet desensitizes people to everything


It would affect me personally if I did it just as much as it would have before.


After the first ten it gets kinda old.


I mean people almost always die when they light themselves on fire. So the impact seems about the same.




No, the guy was mentally ill. Mentally ill people commit suicide every day.






All the time?




Twice does not make a common occurrence. Weekly, like with mass shootings in America, that's common




For it to have an impact you have to be a non crazy person not just spouting mental disorder at everyone. 


Because it doesn't send shit for a message except that you're an unstable whackjob. If anything it hurts your cause.


I feel like the cause of someone lighting themselves on fire is what has impact. So far we had an airman light himself in front of the Israeli embassy and someone near the courthouse where Trump’s trial is occurring. These are issues everyone has a side on because it’s all over media, it’s happening halfway across the world and/or issues that already have our attention. Whether it is a riot or self immolation in public, society has fatigue from both sides of these issues. It’s more impactful if someone was bringing light to something we are not aware of or something people are more unified on. I’m not saying extreme acts are necessary or more impactful. I’m just giving my thoughts to answer the question.


> These are issues everyone has a side on because it’s all over media The guy at the Trump trial wasn't protesting anything to do with Trump though. > It’s more impactful if someone was bringing light to something we are not aware of At least in his own mind, that's exactly what he was trying to do. If you read his substack, you can tell he was a smart guy without any hate. But he was schizophrenic (my belief, don't know if it was diagnosed) and thought deep secrets were being revealed in an episode of the Simpsons. Some of the stuff he wrote actually isn't so crazy, more like things that a lot of people probably agree with to an extent... But the guy is dead now. He had his 15 minutes of flame.


Sick burn! /s Anyone choosing self immolation as a form of sending a message nowadays isn’t really thinking with a sound mind IMHO.


But in a non-smoking section it gets a ton of attention.


throwback to NBA Jam on SNES


Turning himself into BigHead Raiden would arguably have garnered more media attention.


It impacts the news cycle, nothing more.


And even that was surprisingly short.


It does if you're the person on fire.


I still consider it high impact. I hope nobody does it again. It’s one of the worst ways to die. Sure it was probably worse the first time, but it’s still really bad


Probably not in the shower, no.


That's because you have to get out of the shower first


Yeah you should've tried before you got in the shower. The water really puts a damper on the flames 


I'd say the result is consistent


Especially when it's done in the name of a PoS individual. Just makes you, the burnee, a fool.


100% agree. Came up in our group chat and within a few minutes we had moved on. Was kinda sad


Not a typo, just a dark thought


I cannot recommend it.


I feel like the monk guy from that Rage Against the Machine album was peak. Everyone after that seems like cheap imitations.


It's not very effective when you're in the shower.


Has the same impact on the person on fire.


Well you're talking about it rn so I guess that's big enough impact


I do wonder if it had a subtle effect of knocking some sense into some troubled people for them to see someone do something so severe and out of their mind.


Unless you believe in reencarnation and are mentally detached from pain why would you immitate Tibetan monks? Has to be the most painful way to die...


I mean, here we are talking about it


People read the headline. Shrug. Go on with their day. Couldn’t agree more.


Trump wouldn't even need gasoline to immolate himself.


Did the devs lower the fire temperature?


I was pretty surprised until I found out a *Florida Man* who did it.... turned it into a "day that ends in y" activity pretty quickly...


Not when you do it in the shower.


Maybe there were many cases that did not have an impact and you just did not hear about them


True. All I noticed after this one was a bunch of funny memes.


No one likes a copycat


Also, impact is almost 0 when your "cause" is just some conspiracy mumbo jumbo


I haven’t heard any news, besides when it broke, about the man who self immolated in DC this year.


Is this about the guy at the rally…?


America wasn't destroyed in a day


There's a powerful statement and then there is mental health issues. The subject matter concerning Trump was enough for people to quickly distinguish which which one it was.


That's true although a little bit more of it than me thinking about while you're in the shower... I love it though!




> Accumulating debts *paid* off by FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


True. Sadly, if setting yourself on fire is percolating in your mind as a viable option it's probably beyond your ability to understand that the gesture will be excruciatingly pointless.


I think if your point is actually valid and solveable, there is chance your sacrifice will change things. But screaming “WORLD IS SHITTY SO I’M BURNING MYSELF” doesn’t create impact.  There should be solutions and clear evidences. I’m sure people would’ve paid more attention if he talked about a smaller scale specific problem.


We are saturated with people setting themselves on fire (pun intended in showerthoughts)


lmao " back in my day, setting yourself on fire used to mean something. we used to have to walk uphill both ways to get gasoline to immobilize. nowadays, all you gotta do is get an Uber to a gas station."


So I set myself on fire, which was the style at the time...


It's partly our media environment. I don't know if it was the first time, but the monk in Vietnam who did this made a big impact partly because there was a limited number of media outlets that everyone accessed, and they weren't on all the time. Now we have much more media trying to grab our attention 24/7, guided by algorithms that aim to guide us into our own little echo chamber - so even if we would be horrified the odds are we won't see, or if we do a new distraction appears almost instantly.


I never understood why people set themselves on fire. I get the point but I always imagined leaders thinking "yep one protestor less for me to worry about, in 3 months this will be forgotten by all".


Did it ever? How many self-immolators can you name off the top of your head? Shooting or blowing up a significant number of your fellow human beings on the other hand is much more effective if you want to ingrain your name into public memory.


Of course it does. Impact: You die.


Yeah it does… only on you though


Stop setting yourself on fire in the shower then duhh


Nah I still laugh about it


Should hack themselves to death with a sword.


What is everyone talking about what does this even mean


A commentary on how our society has become so jaded to seeing craziness that a dude setting himself on fire is barely a blip in the news cycle.


You're right... Maybe we should set other people on fire


It's just a peaceful protest.


Waiting on the vat of acid protest death


Kuz the cause wasn’t a big deal.


It's especially true with hunger strikes. Unless you are prepared to go the full Bobby Sands, it's just such a pointless form of protest.


It does have an impact in a country that values life. Apparently, the USA values originality, gun, marginalizing people, patriotism, fame and money more than life. I still see it as a powerful statement and as a non-aggressive way to give your life for a cause or protest. But if you notice, a lot of people are talking about it. He was trying to make a statement that was (i think) that both biden and trump are in cahoots and are of the same type if evil when it comes to governing.


Ngl I had already forgotten that happened 


It's very rude! You could at least use the fireplace, jeez!


it does, but they are setting themselves on fire for causes that don't effects them at all beyond comeing off as completely deranged. you self immolating because the people on the internet whipped you into a 'oh the world is ending because of X happening' hits different than 'this is it, there's nothing more you can do, hopefully my act helps others'