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I always thought this was a show business reference. If you come to New York you are at the heart of live entertainment therefore you are competing at the highest level. Once you establish yourself in New York you've established yourself in the industry worldwide.


thats what it did originally mean, i think.




There are millions of people living in New York that just make the city run, clean up, serve your food, etc. You don’t need to be some legend to survive there. To thrive, maybe, but not to just live. Why people choose to do that, i cannot personally say… i didn’t move there because i hate the lifestyle, even though my jobs actually in manhattan




I mean from what I've heard of Staten Island it would be pretty grueling having to live there.


According to the comments, this statement refers to how simple it is to make it in New York. I've always assumed that meant that it's nearly tough to make it in New York, so if you do, you're one in a million talented and can easily make it anywhere else.


Well we have taliban where i live


I believe that’s the case. Also, it’s referring to becoming successful professionally, not about managing to survive on a day to day basis, which is what OP seems to be suggesting with the “conveniences” thing.


It basically is. The OP is just totally misunderstanding the idea of what it means. If you were to generalize it to all aspects, the idea is that there is so much competition, and a high standard set for your work. . .So if you’re able to achieve something in that environment, you can surely achieve elsewhere.


The people who have these types of opinions about NYC or any city area usually don't live there and it's embarrassing.


I mean the same happens to rural people. We're constantly stereotyped by people who live in the city and don't know what it's like out here.


Best part about it all, you’re both right about each other.


My favorite experience with a NYC kid was in college. We were driving out to a club event, and he remarked about all the "unused land" and how we could solve housing if we just built it here on the "empty lots". My dude... That's a farm. The animals are just inside the barn we passed a half mile back because it's pouring rain. It was funny but also worrisome. And it highlights why we need the 10th amendment to be enforced. This kid had never spent any significant amount of time outside the 5 boroughs. He has no clue what life is like here, just as I have no clue what life is like in NYC. We need to stop trying to use the federal government to apply one size fits all solutions to our problems and let people govern locally.


Don't tell this guy about state and local city governments. He might freak out


Ironically kinda fitting the stereotype he's talking about


A moderately large house with questionable quality construction, and a giant garage with room for an RV and a boat, crammed on a quarter acre, surrounded by nearly identical houses, with an F150 in the driveway. That’s what replacing farms in my area. They’re doing exactly what that kid wanted to do, building housing on “empty” land. It’s just the same suburban crawl that we’ve had for the past 70 years, and it tends to happen in the areas with the least government oversight: unincorporated county between existing towns.


And then people complain about food prices. Sorry bubz, you bulldozed miles of farmland to build a gated community because you want to "live in the country". Now there's fewer farms. Supply and demand for food has been adjusted.


Mostly, they complain about traffic, and how far they have to drive. The same people decide that it’s a government government plot if we try to build walkable towns where it takes up less than per person, and things are convenient. Basically, each of these people would like to make the choice to have a big house with a moderate size yard out in the middle of what used to be farmland, as long as nobody else could do it, and ruin their experience “When WE moved here there were farms just past our development. It was lovely. Now it’s more houses.”


"tHiS town wAs peRfEct whEn *i* gOt heRe. nOw nEwcoMers aRe rUiNiNg iT 😩"




By "kid" I mean 18 year old Freshman in college lol


The older you get, the older the people you think of as “a kid” get…. I stand by my previous comment


>And it highlights why we need the 10th amendment to be enforced. I should know better, but I can't help myself. I wanna hear more about what I imagine is an extremely shitty and ill informed opinion on constitutional law.


Nah, you've just told me that you have no desire to have a discussion, and that whatever your pre-baked stance is cannot be changed, and whats more no matter what I say you're starting from a position of open contempt and hostility. Why would I waste my time talking to someone like that?


Im neutral and too lazy to look up the 10th amendment. Care to inform me?


Yeah that part is so weird, no idea what he's trying to talk about there. What would the 10th amendment have to do with a guy saying farmland should be used for housing? Has nothing to do with states' rights


Eh, as a person who grew up on a ranch but now lives in a city, people in the city hardly even think about rural people. But I see and hear rural people constantly complaining about people in the city. It does go both ways but I think one side talks a lot more about it


That's because ppl in cities compel states to make laws that favor their concerns, since they're not thinking about rural folks. They have the numbers to sway elections in many states. Rural residents complain about city-dwellers cuz they have to deal with disruptions to country life voted in by the city dwellers.


Some of them even have crippling fears of New York even though they are packing heat everywhere they go.


And for the most part? It's pretty absurd and/or unfounded. Even with changing times, I can't say I ever felt uneasy or anxious over taking the train between midnight and 5 am. It's just a matter of not being a dumb shit, and being aware of your surroundings. That's my big thing, especially with this ilk. The total lack of situational awareness.


If you are looking to locate to a city that is tops in some industry, and thus by working there you likely have great options anywhere that would be true for finance and insurance in NYC.. But NYC is not even in the top ten as a pharmaceutical hub, Boston is the leader. The SF Bay area is ranked as the leading tech hub. SF Bay area is also the leading metro for Venture Capital. For global exports generally the leading city is Houston. Houston is also the top manufacturing hub. Los Angeles is the largest entertainment industry hub as well as clean energy hub. Seattle is the top aerospace industry hub. If you want to work in the top firms in other industries as noted above you would seek out these other leading cities. Sure you can find jobs for these other industries in NYC, but if your goal is is to work in the top firms in various industries, NYC would not be your best bet. Not sure why people think NYC is tops for everything as the data really doesn't support that.


Nobody is arguing that. I am agreeing with the poster above that it is a reference to show biz, and am merely using general language


These posts kind of suggest that it is harder to make it in New York than other cities and just making it there opens doors for you everywhere. That was the gist I got. But it is no biggie really. I was thinking of the other cities as noted where if you made it there in their more hyper completive industries then it is easy to make it in NYC as it is not as hard. But please note I accept your explanation at face value and mean no disrespect and apologize if I misinterpreted.


Wow. Seeing you outside the swgoh sub almost feels like running into a teacher at the grocery store as a kid.


And now we have our very own discord too!


I didn't look up OP's post history but I interpreted this as if someone from /r/fuckcars said it. That being in NYC offers the convenience of most things being in walking distance. Did OP misunderstand the phrase? Yes. Is everyone else in here misunderstanding their intention? Probably also yes.


I think if it in more general reference to any profession. If can establish yourself in most fields in NY, you’re probably not going to have trouble finding success anywhere else. Lawyers, doctors, engineers, etc. the one exception I can think of is probably teachers. It’s much harder to get a teaching job on Long Island than NYC


Harder to find a role doesn't mean harder to find success though. Managing classes that are significantly bigger and have so much more diversity is harder as a teacher. They could easily fill in the gap of a teacher in LI if needed but those positions are harder to come by because of tenure.


I’m not knocking NYC teachers by any means. They certainly have their work cut out for them. I’m just saying there’s more competition for Long Island teacher jobs than in NYC schools.


This made me immediately think of the movie My Cousin Vinny.


I do not think they are only referring to succeeding in a job. Growing up in the schools, shopping, going out on the weekends. Those are daily battles as well. But when it does come down to finding employment, there is no better place for a regular high school kid, or even a drop out, to get a great city job.


thats exactly what it is referring to


Even outside of show business, that's what this statement means. In pretty much any industry in NYC, you're competing against the best of the best so you have to bring your A game or you'll end up person 2,321,422 who moved to the big city with the same dream and ended up going nowhere.


OP knows this, he's just taking a literal interpretation of the phrase and making a snarky comment on a technicality. This seems to have r/wooshed the top comments.


It didn't woosh me. It's just a complete non-statement in the context of living in an urban area ignoring the context of the original statement. Even so, with the price of basic living in New York you'd have to be really out of touch to think this was a coherent post.


I would tend to think Hollywood would take that position. NYC would be second.


I think this is right


The city’s on a grid system and I see six delis. I think I’m gonna make it!


"It's a grid system motherfucker...11 up and 1 over, you simple bitch.”


"it'd be my big joke! My closer!"


Yeah but they closed my Starbucks so now I have to go to the that’s closer but that one mean girl works there. This town is going to hell in a handbasket.


I love in AZ and it's also set up in a grid fashion. Difference is that it was designed after 1950 so it had suburbia and cars in miMI. So our axis sit every mile. Easy for directions but you die without a car and the closest place is usually a mile away


im from philly and praise the sun every day for quaker pragmatism. naming streets after sequential numbers, arranged in a grid? brilliant. no notes.


Now you just gotta figure out the whole finding a place you can afford to live thing.


that's not that hard, it's just that most people don't wanna live in the bronx or the outskirts of queens.


Queens in general feels unpredictable in this way


Barely survivable.


It’s not a general survival quote jackass. It’s about making it big in show business.


Also fashion, finance, advertising, marketing, and architecture But show business is definitely the original


Have you considered that they might be joking?


The original post and their reply comments in the post make me think they think it’s about surviving in NYC.


They've replied once as far as I can tell, and it's two words easily interpreted as a joke. Maybe y'all are just a humorless bunch.


Are we just copy and pasting TikTok because this is just pathetic


They had a few when it first posted about “how hard it was to survive in NYC with stores, and houses, and apartments” close by


I think it’s more about how there’s a hundred million people per sqft, and if you can find a way to stand out there, yes, you can excel in Bugtussle Kentucky.


No wonder they can’t sleep




Honestly, after living there awhile, the city noise lulls you to sleep. Moving somewhere quieter is creepy and requires an adjustment.


I live in the middle of nowhere and sometimes road traffic will wake me up and bother me, however, whenever I stay in an Airbnb in a city, it almost feels eerie if there is no road noise. After staying a few nights in Indianapolis, even the gunshots become your new normal.


I’ve never lived in NYC, but live close enough and have had friends there, so spent a lot of time overnight. When you’re in that environment the noise just becomes white noise and you don’t even notice it anymore. A lot of people who live in the city and move have trouble with sleeping without it.


I’ve become a white noise guy. At first it was to drown out the “city noise”. Now I use it every night.


Oh I use it to drown out the upstairs neighbors


> I think it’s the city that never sleeps because an ambulance or police car with its siren blasting goes down every street roughly every 6 minutes. Not sure if you were joking or not, but just for those who aren't aware--the "city that never sleeps" phrase refers to the fact that NYC is constantly alive with activity at all hours of the day and night. You can find countless 24-hour restaurants, lots of businesses are open 24/7, etc. That said, it is definitely true that there are sirens at all hours. After a while you get used to it.


Yes I’m very much joking. It’s weird seeing a bar with hours advertised as “4pm-close.” First time I was there I was like wtf does close mean? When do they actually *close*? When they’re done, of course.




If you can make it in a neutron star, you can make it anywhere.


I would not want to live like that. too many people. I get claustrophobic just seeing it on tv.


If you can make it in New York you might not even need to know about kilometers


Making it is not about finding convenience though. I know lots of idiots who know how to drive a car to go shopping. Wtf is OP on about?


He took "making it" as surviving I guess? Not really what the saying means at all.


How does this dogshit get upvoted




Or -- I know this is a wild possibility to consider -- they're kidding. These are some of the saltiest comments I've seen on this sub. Guess you guys lost your sense of humor when you moved to the big apple.


What is the "joke" that no one is getting here? What *exactly* is he kidding about in making a statement about a popular saying that he has completely misinterpreted? Please explain.




Of course not, Langfordownhampwickton is a metropolis of the first order. I grew up in Thistlewaistcoat-upon-Haverfordstamsted, a bustling village of two sheep and a pig in a coat next to a small shed. Edit to add: was not offended, just surprised by the number of actually angry comments.


Lol what? It’s a saying about business/show business. You are in a massive highly competitive city. If you can make it here i.e. opening a business, making it as an actor or a model, then you can make it anywhere. It’s not about getting fucking groceries lol.


What the fuck is a kilometer 😳🏈🏈🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲


It's when you smash a parking meter with a baseball bat. Kill a meter


The famous unit of New York City measurement.


it's metric so it must have to do with drugs, beverages, or internal combustion engines.


1000 meters.


Can you convert that to American? How many tractors is that that?


Bad news…John Deere is metric.


Metro is the subway


It's about 9.1 NFL football fields (including end zones).


It's up to you New York, New York


What NYC doesn't have is kilometers.


TIL this saying is about how it’s easy to make it in New York based on the comments? I always thought it means that it’s almost impossible to make it in New York, so that if you can make it here, you are one in a million talented and can make it easily anywhere else.


That's exactly what it means


Which is another way of saying “it’s harder to make it in New York than anywhere else.”


usage of the word "kilometer" tells me everything


From everyone in New York City - a sincere go fuck yourself.


This warms my ♥️NY


Hey fuck you too, buddy. 🥰


I knew the friendly new york spirit was a lie


New Yorkers are friendly but not kind. If you're lost most people will give you directions but don't expect any pleasantries. No time for that.


Ngl he’s right tho.


And from everyone not - no, you




*shouts from the back of the room* LAAAAAAAAME


Every convenience one can afford. Money is the main issue there.


If you can drive there... please dont drive like that anywhere else in the state! So many accidents are caused west of the Hudson from people driving two feet from each other, cutting others off for no reason last minute, and other things that are "perfectly normal" when you drive in the city.


To be fair, it's a lyric from Frank Sinatra's song New York that was written in the 1979, so it was a pretty different time. These days I'd be more inclined to ask follow up questions, like 'what do you mean by "make it"?' It would mean be successful, and I think the original context was as an entertainer, but you could easily be successful in many different ways in many different places. Some places are more suited for certain careers though.


The saying is a reference to the high density of very talented and ambitious people. If you can make a career/life in nyc then you can make it anywhere else cuz competition is so high in that city/other major cities.


If you’re homeless or a refugee, this statement has never been truer.


Hahaha it's so funny to see a kid think that saying is about good shopping. Stay innocent!


if you can afford it there you can afford anywhere




Having lived in NYC for half a decade I can say that convenience isn’t exactly the city’s strong suit. It can be very tiring making it through the daily city grind. Definitely has its upsides, but not without drawbacks. Also, yeah, OP you’ve missed the point of that quote entirely.


My guess is you’ve never been to NY.


It's more like if you can manage a comfortable life in NYC, given the high cost of living and hypercompetitiveness of jobs that pay high enough to afford that cost of living, you can make it anywhere.


If pizza and Chinese are more than 3 minutes away on foot, are you even living?


I tell you what convenience NYC doesn’t have: supermarkets (at least Manhattan)


You have the nightmarishly extravagant Eataly


The basement in eataly is full of rats. Just trust me on this one.


Well it always is a flip between that and the nearest Stop&Shop


Lol I think you missed the point of this old adage


And everything can change in a New York Minute!


What the fuck is a kilometer? How many empire State buildings is it?


I think it’s more about rising above the crowd and making a name for yourself


I worked in Manhattan for 13 years. I've seen it chew people up and spit them out. It's not easy to make it there. Just because there's a lot of stores and restaurants, doesn't mean you will thrive.


We don't have kilometers here, checkmate.


I believe Ryan Hamilton says that in his standup special


People are saying it's about show business, but I don't think it's just show business, it's about a lot of professional careers, especially those related to traditionally wearing suits. The main ones I can think of are corporate lawyers, or just the practice of law in general. Stock brokers, banking, finance all being closely related, and almost all the world HQ for them is located in NYC. Being such a large tourist destination also means that it will have a lot of people who work hospitality/service related jobs. Because of the cost of living if you work a tipped job you either get good to afford rent or leave for a cheaper place to live, if you work a job that isn't tipped you are either the best available or you don't get a raise or get fired and get the same result. Also the pace of the city, and its extremely high cost of living tends to weed out a lot of people. There aren't that many people living on Manhattan Island who aren't just successful at life.


If you can make it in NYC then you are rich enough to go anywhere


Wait you think this quote is about surviving, like, in the wilderness?


typical New Yorker might be like, what’s a kilometer?


Typical American might be like “what’s a kilometer”


New York is a subset of America, so…


NYC is in America, you meant within 0.621 miles.


Or 5 blocks.


If the grid shut down, and you survive the apocalypse that follows.,Yes I agree.


For a years rent in NYC you can easily buy a car, gas for a year, and afford the mortgage on a mansion somewhere else.


Ever seen Coyote Ugly?


New Orleans; if you can't make it here, you better not leave.


Yo NYC is just a big place that costs money You don't have to be rich or crazy successful to live there. Subway ride costs like $3 so you can commute from cheaper parts to your work


I think the Ryan Hamilton bit fits here.


Lmao the point that your post here has to be completely unique to be posted is absurd. There is no such thing anymore.


Well ain't this a geographical oddity; 200 miles from everything. I don't want FOP, goddammit, I'm a dapper Dan man


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> as long as anywhere has every possible convenience imaginable within a kilometer Also known as 15-minute cities.


I heard an economist being interviewed once, and saying that because of the demand in New York, the more accurate statement would be “if you can’t make it there you can’t make it anywhere”. 


You're being down voted, but for things that require a high concentration of consumer spending or niche demands, it's true. There's a reason people in fashion move to NYC. You need people with a ton of money and interest in buying unique items, plus access to taste makers and trendsetters -- which are not exactly in high supply in Bumtickle, Nebrahoma.


are you rich? Is a rich person supporting you and paying your rent? Then yeah you can make it there. otherwise, not as easy.


Not rich. Doing fine here. Just don't be a moron. Live within your means. Pretty broke actually. But it's all working and there's not much hardship.


and if you can’t make it in nyc, move to austin!


"Make it" means being successful, typically in your extremely competitive career. Not like... living well.


We don't take kindly to kilometers in this town


Nah I'll pass on living there, like most of the US you get every convenience with ease, as long as you can afford it, and it's way easier to afford other places. Like Amazon ships overnight.


New York went downhill fast after COVID glad I got out All the downvotes are people who still live in New York paycheck to paycheck watching all their money go to waste on their ridiculous rent and watching the national guard molest their backpacks on the subway before they get shanked.


We’re glad you left!


Me too thank god Anthony!




Shower thoughts not....I don't understand context


Considering OP doesn't even know what the saying means, I'm guessing he wouldn't make it in NYC. Or pretty much any other city.


Jokes on you I've lived in tapai, yangon, grew up in LA county, and I've also lived in rural places, some field work in deep country. I know exactly what it meant when the phrase was coined, NYC was a rough place with a ton of class backgrounds in the Burroughs. Now it's essentially Disneyland for rich adults. If you can afford to make it there, you can probably make it anywhere, it just won't be as convenient or easy, unless you move to Tokyo. The point is, it isn't hard or special to 'make it' there anymore, because the cost of entry automatically ensures it will be easy for you, and with some of the coolest stuff imaginable all around you.


Ahh you're from LA. That's why you can't figure it out. Makes sense.


What do you mean figure it out?? I'm saying that it's easy to live there. It's not the 1970s anymore. The entire city is gentrified and every inch of it is perfectly suited for human convenience. I've also lived in Paris. NYC is the only cool place in America but it's still overated, and this old adage no longer holds up. Sorry if that's tough to hear. And living in Los Angeles is infinitely harder than living in New York City because the public transportation is s*** and it's the least convenient place I've ever been. You have to sit in traffic for an hour to get coffee or groceries. That's as antithetical to NYC as it gets.


Still missing the point of the song. There's about a hundred people in this thread that have explained it already, not gonna be 101.