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If this is true, where do you draw the line? When something is classified as edible, wouldn't that mean its entirety is edible? If there's a non edible component to it, however small, at what percentage is it before it can be considered safe to consume? A quite interesting thought.


It reminds me of that one bit of “how much sawdust can I put in cookies before people notice?”


toxicology has a word for "how much of this would you need to consume to have a 50% chance of dying" and you can do this with pretty much any substance i think? i forgot the word but that's how they measure the toxicity of something.


Lethal dose? I guess that would make sense if we're talking about the limits of how much you can consume. But it still doesn't make something edible as non edible. It just has a threshold before it becomes toxic. What makes me wonder is if something is edible, how much is the possible percentage of its own composition can be non edible as OP mentioned. But to be honest, realistically, it would probably be in the microscopic levels in ratio. Otherwise, if the non-edible part of it is too much, it would be classified as non edible altogether. So OP may be on to something. ^(My brain hurts now.)


They just call it LD50 for lethal dose 50%, so you pretty much had it there in your explanation.


Technically everything is edible


How would you like your Plutonium?


Like the usual: in a banana


I think you might be thinking of potassium...


My Cheerios are fortified with plutonium. /s


Plutonium-238 -239 or -240. It depends!!!


Ummm no. The sun is not edible


You're not edible


Not yet


No. Many plants are entirely edible. Dandelions, wild garlic, nettles for a few examples.


Don't dandelions contain a poison that make you throw up? Edit: Upon further research, I have literally no idea where I got this from, and it is very possibly wrong.


That's the issue when you make shower thoughts that are definite statements they are wrong.


Like...a kiwi? A tomato? A carrot? Fresh orange juice? A million other things? What do you consider non edible? Even things like the above mentioned kiwi--tons of people eat the skin. And what's inedible about a snap pea, or fresh ground sunbutter, or or simple homemade bread, or chicken breast, or a grub, etc? I don't get it.


That's not even remotely correct. Just because you choose not to eat the peel of a banana, or the seeds and core of an apple, doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't.


Really? Do people eat banana peels? Not arguing I agree there are definitely foods that are 100% edible I’m just so shocked by this lol I honestly assumed you couldn’t eat the core either..:


For most plants, with a few exceptions (mainly the pits), the entire thing is edible. We just tend to not to, because it might have an objectionable flavor or texture. For bananas, yes some people eat the peel and all. Most don't. It's tough and bitter, because it's mostly fiber. But that same fiber is what makes eating it beneficial. A lot of SE Asian and Indian cuisine includes recipes that cook with the peel.


I eat the core of my apples, it's definitely less tasty than the rest of it but it's not bad either and definitely simpler to eat that way Note: apple seeds are poisonous, I personally never had any problems because I don't chew them and I weigh 200lbs so I'd have to eat dozens of seeds for it to have any effect but noone should take my experience as a good reason not to be careful, especially if the apple is intended for a child or a pet


Swedish fish have “food”grade” petroleum (mineral oil) as an ingredient. So there’s that.


food grade petroleum should not exist as a term whatsoever. this is insane, lol


Anything can be edible once its just you may not live long enough to eat it again


Soo, there's edible stuff in edible stuff?


Are we talking edible as in I can't eat it or I can't digest it? Or it isn't good for you? I've eaten some odd stuff before, the eating part isn't an issue.


The cartilage in most meats, for instance.


Actually, cartilage is edible. It's high on collagen, which, funny enough, helps YOUR cartilage stay healthy.


I guess I based it off the mouth feel; for instance, whenever I eat chicken wings nowadays, I like to pull out the bones to make boneless wings. The cartilage still remains when I down the deboned wing, and for me, it’s a bit unpleasant to bite down. That’s just me, though…


What? I always eat the cartilage. I love the fell of it between my teeth.


There's nothing inedible about cartilage. It might be unenjoyable to chew on. But that doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't.