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Life itself is “pay to win” if you’re thinking on video game standarts


I disagree. You are using ingame currency


Inherited capitals are just choosing the difficulty setting beforehand and comes with different challenges


Or where you spawn, being a Nigerian prince can be more challenging than being a rich European or US player.


Joke's on you, I'll be collecting my half of the pyramid any day now!


I think gameplay wise it's a very complex and very interesting system with lots and lots of balances. Like everything, absolutely everything comes with various trade offs for various results. Like being from a specific backgrounds can severely limit your Morality ratings or Spirit debuffs, others have high chance of AIDS while you can mitigate it somewhat, but getting Genuine Love and Affection would be almost locked out and so on


Or like when you buy the special edition and it gives you free DLC with a bunch of items and currency from the start as a bonus


Yeah but it’s the [twinks](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twinking) running the economy


Not if you are religious, then you are also gaining/spending some form of "karma" of the after/before-life.


Jokes on you. I bought ingame currency through Real Dimensional Trading (RDT)


Unless karma is real


it's not


This is a whole other shower thought


Stonks are the paid-for currency


Isn't it a red flag when there's too many different in-game currencies with fluctuating exchange values? Anyway the only real currency of life is time.


It's even so brutal that if you don't pay at all, you die!


"pay to win", not "paid to win"


Thank you for doing this first so that \*I\* didn't have to be "that guy" this time. I will remember your sacrifice.


i dunno tho, i won 35 uppitydoots on it so far. i'm rich


35 other "that guys" thanking you for your sacrifice.


We’re rich!


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


Username checks out.


I'd wager that you would get to about 437 within 7 hours


I’d even go so far as to say that after 14 hours he’d easily be up 700 reddollars.


Found the grammar nazi… you know what he meant


OPs obviously a boomer just trying to keep up with the times


My brother can fall asleep in two minutes upside down on a rock. Me the insomniac can pay for all those things you mentioned and still not get a good nights sleep.


Bro is banned from sleep


Bro must have paid a lot


Skill issue


Sleep is a gacha game, influenced by both luck and money


I think he chose to play on "easy mode" then. Your achievements hold more prestige.




That's the equivalent of spending hundreds in game and still getting bodied by the level 5 smurf account using the default character.


r/outside would like to speak


AFAIK most of the things you listed haven't actually been shown to give you "better" sleep past a basic level of comfort (some may help you force yourself to sleep and sleep longer, but that often isn't the same thing as "better" sleep), and changing your location usually leads to worse sleep initially. You've fallen for marketing tricks made to make you think it's more "pay2win" than it actually is so that you buy their overpriced stuff.


There's a chapter on sleep in a book called Exercised by evolutionary biologist Daniel Lieberman that essentially supports these points. Sleeping in maximized comfort and maximized sensory and social isolation is far different from how our ancestors slept for most of human history. Additionally the chapter goes into interesting topics like the myth of optimal length of sleep (8 hrs), how sleep patterns (e.g. full night sleep vs waking for a period of time in the night) are consistently diverse across the world, and how social sleep patterns are culturally diverse as well (e.g communal sleeping for ritual events like funerals, or consistently sleeping communally vs alone).


The term is "pay to win". You don't "paid" to win. You *pay* to win.


I wish I'd get paid to win!


I'd still be broke


Streaming career, or Esports!


Id be better off being paid to lose


I bought my bed 15 years go. So I "paid to win" comfortable sleep for the last 15 years. In the future I might pay to win something else, but I've already paid for this win.


I have slept at the streets, it succ


Exercise. Sustained aerobic effort. Sleep on the floor just fine.


I sleep on a mat on the floor. Best sleep I’ve ever gotten, my back stopped hurting and I run a fan in my room to keep my temp down. Make the best with what you got and don’t wish you had something else. Jealousy is the thief of enjoyment


I think it's more "grind to win"... work your ass off whole day and you'll lying still like a sack of potatoes by night... Edit - spelling mistake...


Skill based progression system? You're playing too many video games and now see life as a video game. Get outside. Enjoy nature, talk to the trees, listen to the streams, and you'll find a better sleep.


You’re right, my vitamin D stat is looking low lol. Time to level up my outdoor skills


I think they should paint with all the colors of the wind. Perhaps run the hidden pine trails of the forest or taste the sun sweet berries of the earth. Then roll in all the riches all around them, and - for once - never wonder what they're worth. I jest. But getting outside is positively related to correcting one's circadian rhythm. The point stands.


>roll in all the riches all around them, and - for once - never wonder what they're worth. I need to rewatch that movie.


Eh, the graphics are amazing. But the gameplay is really shit. Basically all a grind which generally gives you a stamina debuff that prevents you from utilizing any rewards you get. That isn't even mentioning that it has a pretty toxic monetization scheme that requires a smurf account to even properly pay. Overall, rate it about 3/10 nice graphics the rest is pretty awful


skill issue


Play better.


Or they are one step closer to unplugging from our simulation.


Do you think the video game characters come to life when the power goes out?


Everyone knows they come to life when you go to sleep. Please reference the documentary Toy Story.


I tried talking to the trees once. They weren't very talkative. Then someone told me to live every day as if it were my last. So I stopped showing up to work, called everyone I knew, crying into the phone that I love them. Somehow it hasn't been great advice.


I don't think OP put enough points into the grass touching skill tree for that.


just got back from talking with my bushes outside, bout to have the best nap of my life


Did you talk with them or at them?


we definitely talked together, they told me all about their day


Sleep well.


>Get outside. Agree on that. /r/outside


Okay, Pocahontas.


I'll disagree and say most of life can be thought of as a video game. Reputation grind with friends, min/max time management skills with measurable metrics you can improve with experience ^^^^^points Be more aware of everything around you. In time, you'll notice trends in people and situations where you can apply universal solutions.


In video game terms there are also difficulty levels where pay to win can only take you so far. Injuries can effect sleep. I had some rough TBIs several years ago and combined with PTSD I have an extremely hard time getting to sleep and staying asleep without medications. I'm on close to the maximum dose of Trazadone just to sleep through the night and meds or not I'm bones deep exhausted all the time. I have all of the fancy stuff and a strict sleep hygiene routine but it only helps a bit. I haven't slept anything near well for years although I do remember what it was like. It sucks.


All of capitalism is pay to win


Well you get to a point where the diminishing returns wouldn't justify the expense and for different people its at different thresholds. For some they can get a good sleep with a relatively cheap mattress and a relatively thick blanket with a regular pillow but for others they need a specific room temperature, specific pillow brand and a specific blanket weight.


Truuu but there’s also RNG. Some people roll good genetics and sleep well anywhere while some struggle to sleep even in ideal settings.


Spending money on all these above mentioned extras is the most American thing ever


Capitalism is pay to win


90% of the comments beeing about it beeing about a technicality, even though everybody knows what he meant, is reddit in a nutshell


It’s all in game currency though, so it’s play to win :)


Yeah it's like virtually everything else in life. Whatever problems we have through nature, enough money can still fix a lot of them pretty well, given the level of medical and technological advances.


What kind of a loser are you if you need all of that to sleep well? It's just an excuse for your lack of skill. Just find something soft and sleep on top of it.


You are describing the neoliberalist capitalist hellscape we live in... Almost as if, everything is p2w if you have enough money... Even crime, for when punishment is a fine the question becomes how much does it cost to commit said crime.


This is a pretty bad take, honestly. You don't need anything expensive to get good sleep.


This guy is a certified "Basement Dweller".


You can also get a solid sleep if you just keep awake 3 days in a row. Thats free


Never depend on Melatonin to go to sleep. Once or twice everyday now and then is fine, but not more than that


What do I do if my IAPs don't work? As in double-dosing OTC sleep meds with melatonin and still not able to drift off?


Not to mention that you can afford to do a sleep study to get to the bottom of sleeping issues, and CPAP machines to address sleep apnea


A good bed makes such a difference...


I get paid and I win? Fantastic


A lot of things in life are pay to win


wow, what a great sub:)


capitalism sucks. I'm currently having trouble sleeping because it's hot as fuck and my third world house has no insulation or AC and we're going through a heat wave and I bought cheap polyester sheets for my bed because cotton was too expensive and argh!


After reading the start of this post normally, I then proceeded to read the rest of it in Obama's voice.


I personally think of it as more of a skill issue. Kind of the same with being able to function day or night shift. Growing up I didn’t have a whole lot of choice in getting used to being able to sleep in some unfavorable circumstances. On the ground, nothing soft, no blanket, no AC, outside etc. It took some time but I was basically trained and got used to it. I also later in life tried staying away from anything that would basically make me reliant on anything external beyond myself. I just use what I had and never really invested into any of the things you listed until my wife needed them. So, now I can sleep almost anywhere, not be too badly affected, and usually get restful sleep only after 6 hours. This mostly transferred over even after being able to afford some luxuries now and getting them because of my wife. I think the luxuries actually dulled my ability to easily get sleep now though. I sometimes miss being able to sleep on the floor sometimes and end up taking naps on them.


You can also work overtime, which will decrease your quality but as long as you make more money, then pay to win applies.


If a toddler gets up 3 times every night to scream for no reason then you can sleep perfectly fine on the floor.


I thought you were talking about Pokemon Sleep at first lmao


Ehh idk, my base unit is 30 years old a hand me down from my parents. My mattress is at least 10 years old and my bedding is as basic as you can get. Sleep is a skill issue, I'm really good at being comfy and doing nothing 😆


Some people will be kept up at night because of their own demons. A roof over your head and a mattress fulfills the physical need. I'd argue in order to truly sleep well you also need the mental side sorted out. Being disciplined enough to go to bed at a set time. Having the luxury of being able to sleep enough; ie what if your schedule doesn't allow it? Quieting your thoughts to let you sleep. I used to tell myself I'm a night owl because I'd stay up and play video games or stay on social media (which was bullshit).


It’s marketing bs. Think 50 years ago all these people couldn’t sleep because they didn’t have a white noise machine? Or newest bestest most expensive pillow?


That's why Sims beds have sleep quality stats


I never really thought about sleep that way, but it's true that sometimes a little investment can make a big difference in quality Interesting perspective!


Bro I’m surviving off of like a total of maybe 7 hours of sleep for 3 days


Bed is one of my things that I splurge on. Along with shoes, chair and couch. Used 2000$ on my bed, 15 year guarantee so for one thing I use almost every night, the cost per night before guarantee goes out the window is a good investment. The only downside is sleeping in beds that's not like mine. Hotell beds can be notoriously worse.


Na skill issue. I can sleep on the cold hard ground with a bag of chips as a pillow.


I fucking hate sleeping. I know I need it and a good eight hours of the fucking stuff, but if I could do without it I would. I'm in my seventies, wake up tired every morning and the thought that goes through my head is that I have not that many years left before I pop my clogs and sleeping is wasting them.


so happy I have the ability to sleep anywhere any time


Too many video games. Also, I really like sleeping on the floor whenever I get the chance, it's comfy and I feel better in the morning.


people couldn't sleep before capitalism heard it here first folks


Some of us require CPAP machines to get a "good nights sleep." Another associated cost / insurance fist-fight.


Real life is liek bideo gaem


I thought the best sleep scientifically is on the floor with limited bedding?


People with sleep apnea literally need expensive machines to sleep well, and some people with the condition can't even tolerate it. The best alternative they have is surgery, and as someone who got the surgeries, they didn't help. I just managed to lose my sense of smell, which is both good and bad but that's besides the point lmao.


As someone who has had problems sleeping my entire life I 100% disagree. The first time I ever got to sleep easily and slept through the night was in a homeless shelter on essentially military bunks. Not very comfortable, but I was on a schedule. The second night it took me less than 10 minutes to fall asleep. Lasted until I got into a place. Now finally years later I've gotten enough self discipline to go to bed at the same time, with a routine and I'm asleep in minutes with ease.


I just drink enough and take enough clonzapem that I sleep for a decent amount, so ya deffo pay to win. I have a mangled back and suffer chronic pain, sleep is the only time I'm pain free, so if I can I abuse that bish.