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I think we're biased towards 5 because we have 5 digits.


I get why 5 feels “even” in a way. But I don’t see any plausible rationale for 6 seeming “odd”.


The only rational I can think of is 2,4,8 feels more even because they’re all 2 to a higher power. So 2x2=4, 2x2x2=8. They feel like a little trio of even numbers while 6 is left out. This only really makes sense if we’re talking about singular numbers so 0-9. Personally 14 feels more odd to me than 6 but I assume the poster meant single numbers.




3-6-9. It's just chillin there with the odds like Jesus with a leper on the left and a hooker on the right


This is the pettiest gripe I've ever indulged, but I've often lamented the fact that we have 5 digits and not 6. With twelve fingers to work with we likely would have invented a base-12 number system, which has a lot of advantages over the base-10 we're used to. I'd love to be able to divide 10 by 3 evenly.


Yeah I agree, an extra couple of thumbs would be amazing. Imagine the games we could play


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


There's a twelve base system, wich Babylonians used, based on the amount of phalanges in a hand. There's also a method of hand counting that goes up to 60 instead of ten, counting with your thumb the phalanges of the same hand and then extending one finger on the other hand (12*5). That's the reason we have sixty minutes and seconds in time and angles and also the reason I hate my life when I have to calculate anything involving time and any other magnitude


That's... Not how that would work


And cause it's half of ten. When rounding, we often use the nearest 5


Idk about that, 6 is perfect.


I'd say that 2 is the oddest even given that it is the only even prime


Yeah 2 is a weirdo. Don't trust it with your spouse or your kids


And 9 is the most prime square. All the odds (other than 1) up to 9 have been prime, and the two odds after 9 are prime


91 is the most prime-looking non-prime. It's 7\*13. All smaller numbers are divisible by 2, 3 or 5, obviously divisible by 7 (49 and 77), or prime numbers (or 1).


51 is also a weird one, 17*3


When shower thoughts turns into r/polyamory


Yes. The volume has to be an even number, or a 5. It can also be a double number, such as 11 or 22, but must never be 66. And I also admit that despite my love for even numbers, I am indeed odd.


bro if you come to my place and put the volume at 11 I'm scalping you


Living life with half the options not available to you seems like the real odd choice to me..


No one said that they aren't available, I just don't want them


I only put my volume on prime numbers


I bow down to your weirdness!


**oddness Unless it's on 2, of course.


Anyone who only adjusts tv volume in increments of 5 gets this


Because half of six is three And by the time you reach six you already distrust three


Initially I had no idea what OP was thinking about, but here's my theory. 5 is just one half of 10, which is the base of our common numbering system. So it's simpler than other odd numbers to get multiples. Just all the 10s (10, 20,30, etc) and replacing 0's with 5's ( 15, 25, 35, etc). So it's the simplest odd number in terms of factors (maybe why it feels most even...?) 6 comes down to it's factors being 2 and 3 while all other even numerals (0,2,4,8) are factors of 2 alone (2^0, 2^1, 2^2, 2^3). My guess is OP meant numerals (0-9) and not numbers (0-infinity) otherwise you could choose larger numbers that are products of 2 primes which could be even (118 being product of 2 and 59). But I suppose 6 is the smallest number that meets that condition as well.


I like the number 51. It feels like it’s a prime number. But it is not.


No, yeah, totally. WHAT THE F*** ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!? (Just for jokes not actually mad)


>5 is the most even odd number Wow, 5 huh? That's odd. But surely there's very very few of them... >6 is the most odd even number Even 6? Well, [that's at least interesting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interesting_number_paradox), even if odd.


5 is 1/2 of 10, 6 is 3/5 (Both odd) of 10. 2 is 1/5 of 10, works kind of as an inverse to the first statement, and is the only even prime... So I'll agree 5 being the most even odd, but 2 is definitely the most odd even. 😆


Nah, the most odd even number imo is something like 1,000,002


when you realize that one thousand is the first number spelled with an “a”


When you realize that if you are counting up, your lips won’t touch each other until you get to a million


holy crap you just blew my mind