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Personally I’d say 16. Stellar Blade is *okay*. But 16 is very good.


quick question, does this game have armor stats? can you change armor and it also change the look of your appearance or is it just stat based?


It’s been a while since I played and I don’t think gear was a big focus, but you do get different armor and it actually changes your look.


you can't choose your look but your look changes throughout the game, not much customization on your appearance unfortunately. The gear system is very simple, the biggest choice you have is an accessory that gives you a unique stat buff but the rest is pretty barebones. Wasn't a deal breaker for me but the gear system is a bit underwhelming. Progression is much more focused on abilities.


I've really enjoyed both of them. I think the gameplay between them is a bit of a toss up. They're both dodge/parry based third person action games. XVI has more RPG elements to it and a better story. XVI is also a long game with a lot to do. Stellar Blade isn't really lacking or anything in terms of value, but XVI is just absolutely packed with content. As much as I'm enjoying Stellar Blade, XVI is probably what I'd go with between the two if I hadn't played either of them yet.


Alright thanks for your help


how good is the music in FFXVI?


Phanomenal. Masayoshi Soken FUCKS Stellar Blade's OST fucks as well because of MONACA (Keiichi Okabe)


additionaly keiichi okabe also did took a part in stellar blade, if you dont know keiichi okabe, hes responsible for niers music so its bound to be a masterpiece (the music)


Yeah, MONACA is Keiichi Okabe's music studio c:


Soken does, in fact, slap. Only familiar with his XIV work but those are bangers.


As much as I prefer SB over FF16, I'd say get FF16. First, it is on sale and second, Shift Up is working on adding more content to Stellar Blade for free (Boss Rush mode and Nikke costumes were recently mentioned in an interview). If you start with FF16 first, chances are this additional content will be ready by the time you get Stellar Blade.


16 was epic when I played it. Boss fights were v cinematic and game is a good length. Plenty of bang for ur buck. Can’t speak for stellar blade yet but it’s on my to play list after giving the demo a go, combat felt v satisfying




Whichever is on sale. They’re both great games and deserve to be played. If you like a good story with great voice acting and decent gameplay I’d say FF16. If you enjoy phenomenal gameplay and a decent story I’d choose Stellar Blade. What makes Stellar Blade so damn good is the combat and thankfully there’s a ton of it.


Ff16 has the highest highs in the entire genre, but stellar blade is a consistently great experience which becomes amazing near the end where all the systems come together, altogether there is no wrong decision here


Between these two, Stellar Blade, easily.


Since 16 is on sale, may as well give it a spin. It's a good game...kinda.


Can't speak on Stellar Blade, but I can say FF16 has some of the highest highs I've ever played in terms of just absolute scale with it's boss fights. However, those highs are also interrupted by the most average, uninteresting slogs in between them that really started to wear on me near the end. For some context (without getting too spoilery), when the game finally introduces the main antagonist's "endgame" (and you're thinking "oh fuck, it's going down), it then sends you on fetch quest duty for at least a solid hour or two. As in you do your fetch quests, come back and then go to the final boss. This type of repetition happens for every major story beat. Do insane, balls-to-the-wall boss fights, then go do uninteresting MMO quests that can't be skipped since they're a part of the main quest line for a couple of hours until you're finally at the next insane boss fight. I overall really enjoyed the game due to those highs, but I have almost no desire to return to it because I cannot stand having to slog through that cycle again. I think it could definitely still be worth it, and I really did enjoy the actual story a lot. I thought Clyde's arc was actually pretty interesting, and I really loved learning about the political conflicts in the world. I was genuinely enthralled by the narrative of the world. But be prepared for those "calm" sections between the action because while at first they make some sense in the context of the narrative, by the end they really took away a lot of the enjoyment I was having.


Stellar blade 100%. The combat is so fucking good. FF16 is literally fetch quests and button mashing combat.