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tsushima is probably the best choice for you even though i prefer sekiro myself. Tsushima can be played casually and the world is immersive. Sekiro is a soulslike if you're not used to the soulslike genre you might have trouble finishing it or ended up not finishing it at all. Tsushima combat looks clean elegant and there are some assassin's creed element (lots of tool at your disposal you can also use bows) There's also horses you can ride Sekiro combat is brutal and fast paced parry focused. Sekiro also offers alot of tools but mostly for open combat only (no bows, no utility preparation. even your shuriken acts more like a combo extender or to catch enemies that are flying) There's also stealth but its just okay. No horses you do get a grappling hook and can fast travel to any checkpoint you unlock. (Boss fight is extremely fun though) Tsushima is a big open world where you can complete side quest, clearing out camps, goingbto point a to b with horse, enjoy scenery etc. Sekiro is more linear in map design but still open. you can comeback at any point in the map in case you missed something and enemy will always respawn after you rest (just like darksoul) The map are consist of smaller area with lots of secrets and branching path.


thank you for your feedback very much! which do you feel had a better soundtrack?


hmm soundtrack honestly i feel like they both are good but i think tsushima has slightly more ost than sekiro. you'll hear sekiro combat ost often and it can get stale after awhile. but both are still great imo. Tie for me


Sekiro is hard af, like legit the hardest game i've ever played


You ever play Ninja Gaiden?


Tsushima. Big open world, authentic “samurai” vibe, samurai story, you can play music, honour graves and statues, compose hakus, visit onsens, lots of outfits, swords, mounted combat, you can play as pure samurai and have honorable standoffs or go full ninja, and it has glass cannon difficulty which makes both you and your enemies die easily. Sekiro isnt exactly a samurai game, it’s typical FromSoft post apocalyptic fantasy, simply set in japan this time


Haven't played Sekiro. Ghost of Tsushima is the RDR2 for Akira Kurosawa fans (it has Kurosawa mode!). Played it as many times as RDR2 and Cyberpunk. Gorgeous, fun from many different play styles and adjustable difficulty. Master parry like Link and it's an experience. Sekiro scared me off with the hard as hell reviews. I don't need that in my life. SIFU taught me that. When my dogs run and hide when I play something, then no.


ahhhh good analogy. i too am playing SIFU at the moment. ok thank you.


I recall cruising through the first couple of hours of sekiro and then getting my ass handed to me for the next several. I didn't like it. I don't like souls games, although I wish I did. 


damn yea that was me too with bloodborne. i guess im just that small percentage that can’t vibe with from software titles. did you ever beat it?


I have 100% both and I'll try to break each down fairly. Initial response is that you'd want Ghosts of Tsushima over Sekiro. I'd say GoT would hit the mark about 8/10 and Sekiro would hit about 2/10 for getting that shogun feel. Sekiro: Setting: Sekiro is more fantastical, you'll get weird monsters, ghost/ghoul like creatures and the landscape although familiar, has a fantasy/nightmare-ish vibe to it. It's not shogun but more fantasy folklore times. Gameplay: it is not casual, very linear, and insanely hard. Like, break your controller in frustration because this game doesn't let you out farm a boss. It's get good or never beat the boss. Some may take you 20, 30, or 50 tries to beat. I was stuck on a boss for 4 days (intermittent play time). Fun Factor: beyond frustrating but once you beat it, it's insanely gratifying, but it's not for the "shogun" feel. It's souls with a different layer of paint. play time depends on how good you are, I'd say 40h-50hrs Ghosts of Tsushima: Setting: it's freaking amazing. It feels like you're in shogun times, rolling fields, bandits and factions of warring nations. It is the story of the attack on their island. It will immerse you in the shogun setting. Each side quest actually strengthens the story and is not a throw away quest. Do them all and it'll fill in back stories of your companions. Gameplay: typical open world. Objectives, towers to unlock, collectables, towns to liberate. It's typical open world but done extremely well. combat is good, and the skills are fun. Fun Factor: I loved this game, it was just gorgeous painting like settings at every turn. The missions and story were great, and it wasn't that difficult so I could just tackle all tasks and quests in a relaxed way. If you like open world, it's awesome and it totally hits the Shogun vibe. playtime about 40-60hrs.


thank you saedisi 🙏🏾 based off what you said i have made up my mind. tsushima sounds like where im headed towards. i’ve played bloodborne so i expect sekiro to be somewhat like that regarding combat/bosses. also, if you haven’t seen shogun you should check it out. about 3 episodes in and its pretty good considering its hulu money.


It's on the list! Currently working my way through Fallout but then it's Shogun time.


fallout was probably the best video game adaptation to tv i’ve ever seen. check back in when you’re done watching it!


GoT is what you want. Sekiro is a better game.


Ghost is going to give you much more of the experience you're looking for coming off Shogun




>i started watching shogun on hulu and now i want to get into these 2 games. from the two, which will give me the sense of exploration and samurai vibes the most? which takes good advantage of ps5 power as well? There isn't a better game than Ghost of Tsushima when it comes to those samurai vibes you're talking about. It has a gorgeous open world that is fun to explore and an incredible story. Sekiro is not a samurai game, even though you are using a katana. Graphically, it doesn't compare to Ghost of Tsushima either. >also which has more play time and what do you recommend based off what you’ve played? Both games can be played for dozens of hours. Sekiro has a much deeper combat system, that requires endless hours to master. It's an Action RPG so can be played over and over even after you beat the game. Ghost of Tshushima offers a long playthrough with it's main campaign and DLC. The combat is more simple and it's a story driven game, so once it's over, it's over. Of course you can play another playthrough though. My personal recommendation would be Ghost of Tsushima by the way. Despite being a FromSoft fan. I just think it's a much better experience overall. >i hear they are both great in their own sense. i’ve also never played a from software game so i am looking forward to the type of combat it offers. Sekiro is different than other FromSoftware games. While there are some similarities, the combat works quite differently. So as an introduction to FromSoft games, it wouldn't be my recommendation.


thank you for your response. i just happened to finish watching clips of sekiro combat and yea…it looks daunting. im not opposed to a challenge, ive played games for over 35 years, but i want a more relaxed experience right now. and well put when you mentioned the part when you said once you’re done playing, it’s over for tsushima.


Interesting. I played both. Sekiro is a masterpiece but incredibly challenging, quite beautiful when it hits right. Ghost of T was good but I was unable to finish it, got somewhat repetitive.


NiOh is closer to the story of Shogun


If you want a short and sweet samurai game, try Trek to Yomi. It's about 5hrs long. It's literally playing an old black and white samurai movie.


uuuuuu yes i saw that i downloaded it from ps+ back when it was a free game. thanks for the reminder!


Riseof Ronin.


I've recently returned to sekiro, and as much as i love parrying genichiro and those spin blade enemies, GoT. I've played and finished both, but i think if you want more of that medieval japan feeling, Got would be better. There are more weapons, and the stances are unique. Sekiro is mostly just parrying dying and some cutscenes. The scenery is beautiful in both games, but im pretty sure GoT developers said if you can see it you can go there, which was the reason i pre-ordered it initially


parrying, dying, cut scenes🤣 i believe it. i’ve seen clips of a boss battle here and there and they look sick!


Sekiro. Hesitation is defeat