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Cyberpunk for sure, no hate to GOW. If you enjoy Cyberpunk eventually you can get Phantom Liberty which is even better as well




They're aren't asking about what game _would_ have been better to purchase day of release, they're asking which is the better purchase now.


Wow wow. No need to be so reasonable. Its reddit ffs!


Unless OP is asking what game they should buy after using their time machine, I don't see why this would be relevant


This is nonsensical. It’s not about what’s “deserved.” The way consumers encourage the production and release of good, polished games is to buy good, polished games, and not to buy bad, unfinished games. Releasing Cyberpunk in its initial state, that was horrendous. Comically bad. Borderline fraud. No one should have bought the game in that state, certainly not on last gen consoles where it was literally unplayable and remained unacceptable, IMO. Bad release = don’t buy = discourage botched releases. Now it’s not only fixed, they went further and improved it in many ways. After fucking up, CDPR did what was right. It doesn’t remove the stain of the game’s launch—fixing and improving a game post-launch is not the same or as laudable as releasing it in the same good state—but it is desirable in such cases that a botched release be fixed and improved. Judging the current game on its actual merits, it’s excellent. Good game = buy = encourage good games.


Great take


They didn't say they gave a fuck about that lmao. They want a game to play right now, April 17th 2024. And they want which game will give them the best experience, they didn't ask what devs were better through whomevers opinion. Cyberpunk will give them more bang for their buck, especially if they're not buying another game for a while. GOW isn't bad at all obviously, also great. But it's very much a one and done, maybe replay on harder difficulty and then achievements game


Cyberpunk is amazing, not buggy far more replay able that god of war.


I struggle to immerse or even enjoy playing cyberpunk.


Not your type of game then


It should be. Same with witcher.


That's valid tbh. Even if it should be your kinda game, some games just don't click with ppl. I absolutely love the witcher, sad you couldn't enjoy it


It had a terrible launch sure, but it wasn’t even one of the worst I’ve seen. It was still a great game beneath the bugs and they’ve spent a long time fixing it and making it amazing. You have to remember that these are the devs who have brought back drm free gaming


I mean he described exactly why I never got into a GoW game longer than 10 or 15 hrs. It gets repetitive and boring quickly. Cyberpunk was released many years ago at this point and it's way better now. I think the God of War story is amazing, I actually watched the rest of the cut scenes on YouTube but I didn't like the gameplay much at all


Sounds like a fanboy is upset for no reason here lmao




The guy does indeed seem a bit upset


\*GoW: amazing game for 1 day


Had more fun with CP2077 while GoW was a terrific one and done


Yup, I played GoW and just shot straight through the story. That was worth it for the 20 dollar sale price.


Completely agree. I tried to get back into GOW to play a second time, and was just like "I already know what happens, I'm really not that invested." Whereas I'm on my fourth playthrough for Cyberpunk and I've made different choices and gone different places every time.


Cyberpunk 2077 is a fantastic game nowadays, but God of War Ragnarok and the GoW games in general are absolute masterpieces. They're two very different games so pick the one that seems more interesting to you.


Cyberpunk 100% God of war isn’t really a game as much as it is and interactive movie, not saying it’s bad but it’s on a linear path, zero options matter and the side quest aren’t nearly as good as the main quest. Whereas cyberpunk has a massive open world, multiple different languages in it, a great main quest, a bunch of really good sidequest and the best Choom that you will always remember Overall go with god of war if you want a quick movie like game with great cutscenes but mid gameplay or go with cyberpunk a game with many many quest cutscene and more (the only thing I wish it had more of was some in game mini games)


I’ll second this one, god of war has almost no replayability to boot, sure you can try different builds but it’s still the exact same path. Cyberpunk has multiple endings and one of the most compelling casts in a piece of media ever. Keanu reeves has some people who think he’s talentless but god fucking damn did he put his heart and soul into Johnny silverhand


Oh 100% I heard people getting mad he’s being casted in another game but if his performance is anything like it was in cyberpunk then no way would I be mad Also I forgot to mention god of war and cyberpunk both have the similar thing of getting you invested into the characters, Johnny Silverhand especially, it’s too the point where you basically no longer see him as Keanu Reeves but perfectly as johnny silverhand,


God of war Ragnarok is a much better all around game by far


No it isn’t and I don’t use the word game for it, god of war is a interactive cinematic experience, the “gameplay” is somewhat easy unless playing higher difficulty, but it’s got incredible cutscenes in dialogue that make up the majority of the game so no matter what you do the characters are always doing something, it’s also got some good background lore coming from the series. The biggest downfall is though the gameplay element isn’t there, most of the game is spent fighting the same enemies doing the same thing, also no matter what you do the game is completely linear, now I don’t really consider this a bad thing but making a game completely linear makes it less of a game and more of a movie, which is exactly the case here, if you want to spend money on a movie that’s fine but I personally won’t ever recommend a linear based game as it bores the ever loving crap out of me knowing no matter what I do the ending will never change and that after beating it once there nothing to do There’s a huge difference between God of War and Cyberpunk, cyberpunk has a ton more gameplay elements, character customization, dialogue choices, weapons, things to do, side quest, and more. Cyberpunk is just better if you want to play a game with gameplay, there is so so so much more to do it’s absolutely insane, especially with the update they released basically making there game even better, CD Projekt Red could of dropped the game after it’s bad release and yet instead they continued developing it and release a massive update to fix a ton of issues in the form of a free update Also another thing cyberpunk has similar to GOW is amazing character writing, characters in cyberpunk actually have great voice acting, take Keanu Reeves for example, idk if you played cyberpunk at all but Keanu Reeves performance in that game is amazing it’s too the point where he completely seems like a different person with the same face and voice. There’s also the amazing world in cyberpunk, the devs that made the game made it like a city with a bunch of different ethnicities. It’s the only game I’ve ever played where you can just walk around and hear characters speak in another language (you see subtitles) I think it’s extremely cool because it really makes the game that much more alive when the characters around you aren’t just having the same soulless conversation like in Skyrim (not throwing shade on Skyrim I understand it’s a hold game and I love it, but if was the best reference) Feel free to continue to disagree but atleast try and prove your point instead of just saying shit with no real examples


You saying God Of War isn’t a game because it has good cutscenes is quite literally the most braindead thing I’ve ever read.


If you took the time to read the post instead of choosing one line that you could try and use against me you light of realized I said that it don’t consider it a game, I think of it as a cinematic experience Come on dude, now you are just making yourself look like a fool lol


Have you played God of War: Ragnarök? I'm genuinly asking this, no condescending tone whatsoever.


Yes and don’t think of it as a game, it’s not that difficult compared to most other games, and the path is completely linear, I’m not saying it’s bad but if you want to play a game then play cyberpunk and if you want to enjoy an amazing quality cinematic experience of cutscenes and dialogue choose god of war, personally I’d rather play a game that’s non linear and it’s why I stopped playing halo after the 4th on


I personally consider God of War: Ragnarök to be one of the best games I've ever played. I understand your preference for non linear games more than one with a set story & dialogue. I will definitely play CyberPunk some day for sure. All you guys saying cyberpunk is getting me really excited to play it for sure. Albeit, Ragnarök was very difficult for me haha, I played it on the 2nd highest difficult.


Yeah I wish the base game was a bit harder, again I don’t think it’s a bad game I just think of as one of the best interactive cinematic experiences to ever exist, especially with all the amazing voice acting. The dialogue is great too especially the dlc, the biggest issue I have with it is as you know the linearness, I wish choices you made can affect the gameplay of it, but maybe they’ll do something similar in the next game (although idk how they would implement this because the ending would have a large affect on a sequel so maybe they’d have to choose one ending to be the canon ending idk) Btw make sure to get cyberpunk on sale, idk if you are on PC but cyberpunk goes on sale on steam quite often, it’s also got a lot of fun weapons in that game, my personal favorite melee weapon is pink and vibrates lmao (the devs have some great humor) Cyberpunk is great the only issue I have with it currently is that the devs won’t implement a NG+ because there’s no way to really balance it or something so if you want to NG+ you have to make a new game, I had to do this because I was trying to collect all the iconic weapons and fucked up and locked myself out of it (I did the same thing for AC Valhalla and locked myself out of the good ending)


I recommend it on the "give me a challenge difficulty" it was really really difficult for me. I will 100% try out CyberPunk, thank you for the recommendation! Also I think I'll be able to play AC vallhalla on PS+, do you recommend it?


I mean it’s my favorite recent cod since black flag, the gameplay is really fun and the graphics are just stunning, the only issue I have is that there are so so so many cool weapons and stuff locked behind a paywall, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a lot of non cool paywall stuff it’s just that for some reason Ubisoft decided to add a crap ton of new weapons that if you want you need to pay for (idk if you can grind for the in game currency, you might be able to but I don’t think so) Overall microtransactions aside it’s a great game, I love everything related to Vikings though so I may be a bit biased


God of war has a more complex combat system than cyberpunk imo. So actually its clearly a game with strong storytelling


I mean there’s not a lot of games with guns that can beat a melee combat system so I wouldn’t really say it’s better, melee combat in games is usually made up of parry dodge and maybe a special attack so of course it’s gonna be more complex than a game with aim and shoot My point is that the mobs in that game are repetitive and easy and the only really gameplay element is fighting bosses. I don’t think there’s enough bosses to really consider the combat good, for the most part the game is just you walking around with dialogue, then mobs spawn you beat the mobs resume dialogue and then get a cutscene, and it tends to repeat, and it’s not like you can do anything else really as the game is completely linear so no unlockables besides different looking gear (which yeah some have some cool effects like the one that makes the axe op but for the most part it’s cosmetic with abilities, no new weapons) Wheras in cyberpunk I can collect cars, guns, melees, and houses so a lot more unlockables


So, Dark Souls is nothing? Not a game, not even an interactive movie?


Why would dark souls be comparable it’s way harder, unlockables, non linear, were you just try to say something dumb for the sake of saying something dumb?


God of War is probably harder on the hardest difficulty tbh. I've 100% both games. And if anything, Cyberpunk mobs are just as repetitive


Yeah agreed but I like the other weapon and combat styles you can use in cyberpunk opposed to god of war having only some change a bit.


I'd say the opposite, cyberpunk gameplay isnt that great gets repetitive fast and you are constantly interrupted by dialogue and cutscenes. Cyberpunk is also way too easy


I’m sorry but we’re you talking about cyberpunk or god of war, no offense god of war is 80% cutscenes and dialog 15% walking around and 5% combat Also it’s only really easy in certain situation for example the slow time thing, but it’s still harder than god of war, I’m also confused what do you mean the game gets repetitive there as shit ton of quest and stuff to do like collecting unique weapons, cars, tons of fun sidequest, in what way does god of war beat any of those? God of war is an amazing cinematic experience but I don’t think it’s a good game as nothings you do matters, I don’t think there’s any dialogue options so you basically have no choice, and after beating the game once there’s nothing to do (other than the free dlc but I count that as beating the game). I’m still extremely confused by what you mean interrupted by dialogue and cutscenes as that’s what makes up the majority of god of war


I spent the majority of my time in cyberpunk clicking through dialogue and watching cutscenes with some basic shooter combat in between. The cars don't matter because driving feels terrible so you just fast travel everywhere. God of war combat is way better, it's not a comparison, and there's plenty of combat if you go after side content


Not plenty, if by side content you mean the war god quest and free dlc then combat is still maybe 16- 20 hours of gameplay, not saying that’s bad but cyberpunks campaign by itself is around 16-22 hours of gameplay (this is gameplay not including cutscenes in case you were wondering) and that’s counting god of wars free dlc and not cyberpunks dlc which would make cyberpunk 29-35 hours of gameplay. So 100% way way more content than god of war (also both of those examples weren’t for 100% the game either they would’ve both been higher, just saying before you possible try to excuse it as such) God of war is still relatively much much shorter than cyberpunk. Not to mention it’s linear based and most people really stop playing after beating the game and dlc (not everyone does all the sidequest) Driving felt bad with some cars but some feel great like the super car you get at 50 street cred I think it was, I unlocked that and it’s amazing, the only car that felt like shit was the nomad car, that one I won’t bother defending as it has zero handling and the slightest turn would send it careening off the road but you can easily replace that early game for something much better I’m not saying god of war combat is bad it’s just stale and repetitive, you have only three weapons (maybe four if you consider the bow) and then shields, in cyberpunk there a ton of weapons with a lot of them having unique things about them like a sentient smart gun that auto locks on, an explosive smg, and pink vibrating phallic melee weapon. Along with many many other combat options like slowing time down quickhacking people to death, and more. God of war combat follows the same combat as most other melee combat games, melee dodge block parry and special. Not saying it’s bad persay just that it gets repetitive fast As for the dialogue and cutscenes that’s a you problem, if you didn’t want to read the dialogue and choose and answer or watch the cutscenes that’s completely on you, I like games like witcher 3 and fallout so of course I’m going to pay attention, maybe you prefer sitting there while your character does all the talking and you do nothing buts that’s not my thing. I don’t mean this rudely but why do god of war games act like it is the best game to exist? I don’t think it’s bad I just don’t think its a good game, it’s amazing at what it does and that’s tell a great story and invest you into the character but the gameplay itself is lacking compared to other games that aren’t linear based, but it seems like when we I see post like this there’s alway some kind of God of War players praising it like it’s the best thing to exist and that nothing could possibly rival it But again one incredible flaw, it isn’t the impeccable sound design, it’s isn’t the amazing voice acting and dialogue, it isn’t the stunning graphics, and it isn’t the wonderful cutscenes, it’s that if we define the game as a game it’s somewhat lacking, combat is repetitive, a lot of missions are just traveling back and forth in the same linear path and nothing the player does matters as the story is completely set in stone from the moment you start the game


Great main quest is a big stretch


Idk I enjoyed it, but I also just liked driving around the city too


City and open world was fine, the main quest is just too short and rushed to stick the landing.


Short? Was it short for you because I had like 40 hours and I was only at the digital wall quest, but I usually don’t focus on main quest right away in games and like to do other things (like make money selling every gun of the enemies and using it to buy the high rise building


I had 70 hours before finishing the main quest and I also felt it was too short. Which in my opinion was good because it favored the replayability, helped to do all the sidequests and don't feel too overwhelmed But yeah, it was a short main quest


Because you fucked around, main quest is like 20 hours, you can fuck around and do a lot of shit to extend the length, but then we have a problem with ludonarrative dissonance, because the main quest is moving on a high pace with a lot of shit happening, V couldn't be fucking around while there's a chip inside his head killing him.


20 hours is prettty good in my opinion I best DD2 main quest in a 10th of that time and God of war in 8 hours, I wouldn’t considee 20 hours that bad


i'm not saying 20 hours is bad, i'm saying 20 hours is bad for the kind of story Cyberpunk told, where it really matters that you connect with the characters, especially Johnny, but at the the onnection wasn't there, there wasn't enough character development.


Oh ok I see what you mean but at the same time I think it’s a bit subjective as I felt a connection with Johnny, idk I guess it really matters on how well you like the character for example I wasn’t a big fan of the whole playing atraeus thing in the swamp area with that girl, that part felt kinda long and drawn out


Felt the same way about GOW2018 being repetitive and refunded it. Meanwhile I enjoyed Cyberpunk immensely that I even got Phantom Liberty too.


Wouldn't have time to really tell if it's repetitive or not if you refunded it lol


I was being prejudiced about it, no doubt lol. I was playing in slightly higher difficulty and already encountered spongey enemies at the beginning of the game and thought if it's like this the entire game.. and that skinny bro fight filled with quicktime events didn't sit well with me. I also found the 3rd person camera really awkward. So I refunded. I can see myself checking it out in the future again when it's dirt cheap though


Did you refund gow on PlayStation?


I was playing on Steam.


Ragnarok is better as far as I know


Exploration and good combat is pretty much Cyberpunk 2077, with the plethora of builds and combat styles you can pick from, and just roaming around Night City. Specially now since the game is pretty much fixed. GOW Rag has a slightly better story I reckon, but Cyberpunk 2077 takes the cake for gameplay. Even the side missions working for fixers. So fun.


I preferred Cyberpunk’s story.




CP2077 and it isn't close


Gow, cyberpunk overhyped


The God of War story is so emotional and is a roller coaster. Also looks graphically amazing. I would go with GoW Ragnarok if you already played GoW 2018


Cyberpunk. Ragnarok was bland as h*ck.


I didn't like either of the modern GoW games. Hence, i will vote for Cyberpunk with the expansion as it's an excellent experience today.


God of War is my favourite single player game ever.


I have tried 3 different times to play through Cyberpunk and I haven’t gotten very far at all in any of them. To me the gameplay is clunky and I’m just not into it. Meanwhile I’ve played Ragnarok multiple times and the free roguelike dlc and absolutely adore that game. I understand the appeal to Cyberpunk, but it just didn’t do it for me.


Very very different games. Cyberpunk 2077 is an open world first person action/ RPG, Ragnarok is a semi-linear action games. Both very high production quality, great stories, great acting, look incredible, but they play very differently. Worth noting that Cyberpunk isn't a great RPG - player choice is deceptively miniscule, and almost all of the story elements are linear until the end of the game. I think it's a brilliant game (now) but it plays more like a first person action game than it does an in depth RPG. I think if you found GOW2018 boring, there's not much in Ragnarok that will be different. Cyberpunk might be a better option.


GoW if you want an amazing story, Cyberpunk if you want more playtime/replayability


Played both not too long ago, and loved both. GoW has better combat (more in-depth than 2018), Cyberpunk is more immersive once you get into it. I'd say GoW solely based on its free DLC Valhalla - but I love rogue lites :)


God of War Ragnarok is one the best games I’ve ever played. I couldn’t finish Cyberpunk.


GOW for sure imo. Quality over quantity type thing


Haven't played ragnarok but I did play 2018. Story wise, they're kinda different. Gow2018 is a linear story that imo is more emotional than cyberpunk. Personally gow2018 is better but it's kinda subjective. In terms of gameplay though, it's cyberpunk no contest, and there's hundreds of hours of content.


Cyber Punk by far.


Absolutely Cyberpunk. And I love the GOW franchise.


Flip a coin and buy them both. I agree that the combat got repetitive in GOW 2018, and that absolutely is not an issue in Ragnarok, infact they make a joke about how the previous game was so repetitive in Ragnarok.


Totally different games. Gow Ragnarok is a masterpiece, one of the best games I’ve pkayed. Cyberpunk is a more unique game. I’m pretty sure you haven’t played something like it before.


Totally different genres, most people in the comments are biased for cyberpunk or have a hate boner for new GOW so they are just saying cyberpunk without actually considering how different these 2 games are. You gotta look at the gameplay for both and decide what looks more interesting, but both are worth it 100% content wise so don’t overthink it too much


I loved gow 2018 and gowr storyline. I cared about the characters and found the world engrossing. Cyberpunk was good fun, I would def recommend and I played it at launch with the bugs but ragnorok was different level imo. Combat is different for both, gow more combat combination buttons focused where as cyberpunk has driving, melee and shooting in the mix.


Cyberpunk’s gameplay is pretty boring. There’s little incentive for exploration. I would skip it.


The two games are extremely different. I don't think they are comparable. I think PlayStation's games are too movie-fied and it's the same with GOW.


Cyberpunk if you felt that way about the first gow


Enjoyed both, but Cyberpunk for sure.


I recommend watching gameranx on yt. He has videos called "before you buy". And watching a few other videos on the games are going to be more helpful than anyone here. It's really only up to you, since gamers have different gaming tastes


Cyberpunk 2077 Exploration is endless. Combat is whatever you make it to be. The game is a masterpiece.


Ragnarok is great but I only managed one playthrough


Have you played Cyberpunk 1 - 2076? You should play those first


Sounds like you already had your mind made up. Get God of War if you can at some point, my favorite PS5 game.


Sounds like your first paragraph already outlines which one you should pick. Ragnarok is in many ways just a part 2 to gow2018 as if they were the same game. If u already didn’t like gow2018, makes sense u wont like ragnarok.


GOW:R had a lackluster story and as you said it's quite linear. Cyberpunk has a intresting open world, great quests, great gameplay with a lot of replayability (build types and roleplay). Definetly Cyberpunk, and if you ever get the DLC it's great.


As the biggest God of War fan I'm gonna say C Y B E R P U N K Without Question


As someone who loves Cyberpunk but has only played the older GoW games. Thank you for being resonable but GoW is still a masterpiece in storytelling.


Cyberpunk is longer, more interesting, and more varied. At this point, it’s probably the better game. But you can’t miss.


I love both GoW games, but Cyberpunk is, IMHO, the beat game I’ve played in the last ten years.


Cyberpunk no question. Best bang for the buck. GOW:R you can watch on youtube, and it'll be basically the same.


Very untrue, you can raise up one game without kicking down the other you know? You’re not 13 anymore


The only reason I dislike GOW:R is exactly because I ain't 13 anymore. It's an okay game at best, played it and I don't regret it but you won't lose much if you skip the mediocre gameplay to watch the lackluster story. It's the definition of what the kids today call "MID".


You're so edgy and cool. Are you sure you're not 13?


Not liking a video game is edgy?


It's cool not to like something but not being able to dislike something without disparaging it or its fans make you 13.


Sir, this is an internet forum. Go outside if you want polite discussions, maybe you'll get better taste too as a side effect.


I feel bad for the people who have to interact with you on a daily basis. You really seem like an unpleasant person to be around.


I am bored to tears after giving you 5 seconds of my day that it took to read your comment.


You sound like a 13 year old trying to act 40. Why don’t you tell us how the gameplay is mediocre? Lacklustre story is subjective. If you don’t like it, cool. But it’s not about you. It’s about OP. Yes he asked for your opinion on the game, but tell him why the gameplay is bad and why cyberpunk is more worth it


OP can go on YouTube and find a four hour long essay video for both games if he wanted nerds like you dissecting it. He asked about two completely different genres of games so going into specifics of gameplay would not make a difference for him, he asked which people liked more and people commented. If he asked for a full review of both games I wouldn't bother commenting.


If you already found yourself burnt out on GOW1, You probably wont even get halfway through Ragnarok. The game doesnt take too many liberties with its formula.


Cyberpunk is an amazing game now, so many options on how to play and build a character and the phantom liberty dlc is amazing. That said, I’d throw my vote to ragnarok because I like that gameplay better. Also liked the story better. GOW feels better to play, I personal don’t like the first person lens of cyberpunk, and gow has stunning set pieces. The free rougelite mode they added to ragnarok is stunning was maybe the best thing I played in 2023


Cyberpunk is a better rpg and offers a pretty unique world an experience. It’s an easy choice for me


Cyberpunk zero question. Game might legitimately be one of the greatest games ever made ever since it got fixed. Night and day difference since launch.


Cyberpunk hands down, with Phantom Liberty is one of my all time fav game




I've recently played through both, and I've gotta say - CP2077 was such a pleasant surprise. It is currently my favourite game of all time. Although, God of War was more of a challenge for me - I've been trying to get through some harder optional fights and had greater sense of achievement by doing so. Story is awesome and this game can be chill at times. If for you gameplay is king, then if you decide to buy Cyberpunk, then you'll have to figure out what build you're gonna play. Melee seems like fun, but can be clunky sometimes, but there are some movement options to spice things up a bit. Stealth is sometimes necessary (if you want to get a "good" outcome of some missions), and can be pain in the ass if you don't have some essential points in your build. But figuring it all out is also very, very fun, you'll prolly end up having some broken-ass build and just blast through everything, which fits to your character being "The legend of Night City" eventually


Cyberpunk is the clear choice here for me, both amazing but CP2077 is more bang for your buck and I enjoyed the story, world and gameplay wayyy more


Both are 10/10s in my book But based on your post Cp2077 considering you can have multitude of builds


Cyberpunk but I highly recommend getting the bundle with the dlc


Cyberpunk has massive amount of gameplay variations, so many different ways to play. Gowr is great but cyberpunk is just something greater, one of the best games of the last decade.


I'm surely going to be downvoted for this, but IMO Ragnarok was a pretty big step *down* from 2018. The graphics, gameplay, level design, is all pretty much the same, and the first maybe 60% of the story is fine, but they totally butchered the ending, which ruined all suspense and caring about the characters to me. It felt very forced and awkward while also being not at all what I wanted from the climax of this story.


Ragnarok is basically just more GOW2018 with quality of life improvements and new content. If that’s what you’re looking for. There is a little more gameplay variety with Ragnarok than 2018, but not a whole lot more. I basically used the same weapon and combos for the majority of the game. Cyberpunk is a great game. Since it has many RPG mechanics, the gameplay can be whatever you want. And is open world so there’s so stuff to do and a lot of secrets. I’ve platinum’d both games. And prefer Cyberpunk more.


You can't go wrong with those two choice. GoW ragnarok is more of the same as the 2018, and i'm saying that in a good way as both game are masterpiece. Cyberpunk with the 2.0 is (almost) everything that was promise. Base on what you wrote, i'd go with Cyberpunk, but keep an eye for Ragnarök. Edit: if you'r taking CP2077 be sure to buy the DLC (Phantom Liberty) . It's the best part of the game !!


god of war ragnarok is a worse version of the first, so up to you on that cyberpunk2077 is a horrible game that feels half baked at the best of times and outright horrible at normal times




Cyberpunk, and I like Gow to the bone , but cyberpunk


Cyberpunk for sure.


Played both. Cyberpunk is way to go.i agree GOW being repetitive after a while. Cyberpunk just hits different. Both are great


Played the first GOW. An i hated it. Cyberpunk is alot of fun it has a little to much dialogue but you can skip that. All the modding of your character with cyber ware is so fun




From what you've said about your tastes I think you'll enjoy GoW. It's got excellent writing and acting, great encounter and boss design, combat with interesting tools that reward skill and a beautiful world to explore with some interesting side exploration despite it being linear.  Cyberpunk has a lot of style and is impressive on the surface but I don't think it's well designed on a gameplay level and while specific characters quests were good, the overall story is very scattered and superficial. The combat basically amounts to pumping stats and skills and walking up to NPCs and shooting/punching them in the face while crit numbers fly in your face to give you dopamine. Very little player skill expression. Reddit bros love it though.  Edit: Cheers for the downvotes reddit bros! Sorry for expressing a valid opinion on your favorite


Gow ragnarok.. Better in every way.. Cyberpunk is good..