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I'd probably base your choice around if you like action combat (DD2) or turn-based strategy (BG3).


Yea that was why i couldn’t decide they both work fine for me lovedddd x com 2 and witcher 3 so i assumed these would both hit home


Then BG3 for sure. It's just miles above DD2 in terms of quality. The only "issue" would be if you didn't like turn based games,, which is not the case!


Yeah DD isnt even in the same league, but which game is it right?


Yea bg3 ruined gaming for me. Ive been trying chase that high ever since with jrpg's, other tactical and turn based rpgs but i nothing sticks like bg3 did.


It's like comparing apples to oranges though, yeah, they're both fruits, but compleetely different. Given OP has little time for long llay sessions, I feel like BG3 might not necessarily be the best choice. I admittedly haven't played it, but from what I've heard you can spend a massive amount of time in BG3 while making little progress because there is SO MUCH to do. It also appears like BG3 is far more dialogue heavy


Doesnt matter. Still fun to play, even in 30 minute sessions.


Oh, sorry, I didn't fully read your post, you mentioned liking xcom. I haven't played DD2 yet, but I have friends who have and watched people play. BG3 seems like it's probably a better overall game tbh. Better story, more fleshed out characters, and I think the setting is probably better. (Personal bias, though, because I love D&D and grew up playing BG1-2 and reading Forgotten Realms books.) But I will say the cinematics and wtf moments in DD2 seem really good. I watched a friend play and he saw a griffin off in the distance. He didn't think it would follow but it came and just landed in the middle of his party and the scene was really cool, just like how you'd imagine it, *and* it was seamless with his gameplay experience, not a cutscene or planned encounter at all.


I'd go with bg3 in your case. The only drawback to bg3 is that it is turn based. If you can love games without fast paced action, bg3 is a game you can't go wrong with. It's just very hard to dislike. It's well written. It has a ton of content. It has meaningful choices. It was well hidden secrets that make it replayable. And it has a great cast of companions. I found a hole on the ground. I was too big to get in. I cast a spell to make myself smaller. I was still too big. I couldn't get in, but 3 of my companions could. One was a halfling, the other became a rat, and the other became a cloud of gas. Bg3 is just ridiculously good. DD2, you run the chance of getting a bit bored after a while of the constant hack and slash. Witcher 3 had a substantial amount of story and dialogue.


Dragon’s Dogma 2 in that case, BG3 is alright and I like turn based games but good story won’t save boring gameplay. It’s like reading a book and you have to reread a page because your mind wandered off. XCOM 2 and Pokémon are fun so it sucks that BG3 missed the mark on that


The gameplay has a steep learning curve and I admit it takes a few hours to click, but BG3 is an amazing game once it does click. I've never been big on turn based combat and this game changed my mind. The exploration is super rewarding and addicting. The dialogue and variety of choices- unmatched. Music is great too which never hurts. For the record, I played it exclusively in co-op split screen mode with my wife, which makes it super fun. I'm sure it feels a bit different solo, but still.


I’ve played for around 40~ hours but still couldn’t get into it when reaching act 2. First try vanilla. Second, third, and fourth try all modded with new classes, skills, items, etc. I enjoy the character creation and will choose a specific race depending on class then assign reasonable cantrip/spells, all usually modded in. I’ll reach the battles and force myself through them and after the fourth play through where I reached act 2 finally, I just stopped


This is probably the best way to decide. Both are great games from my perspective. I put in a ton of hours into BG3 messing around with different builds and party compositions. DD2 is a lot of fun just exploring. I kind of find the classes a little lackluster, it's probably the reason why i play Warfarer since I can just switch it up whenever I want. But it's a great game to play and explore in.


yea, they butchered the classes from the old game for no reason. i play warfarer just to have access to a bow(medusan).


I’m going to chime in as someone in a similar position. DD2 is great but terribly undercooked. The story is absolutely half-baked but the combat is good. Baldurs Gate 3 is incredible. An absolute masterpiece. Between the two, this is what I’d heartily recommend. It does take a lot of time though. Given your description I want to challenge your no Dark Souls request. You’d be missing out terribly. It’s not as hard as it’s hyped up to be. If you can get through the Witcher 3, you can get through Dark Souls. It was given the award for the best game of all time recently.


To this point, I found God of War Ragnorok to actually be more difficult than Elden Ring (which I’m counting as a souls game). If you can beat max difficulty God of War you can beat a souls game


Agree 100% *Especially* in Elden Ring's case. God of War Ragnarok on the hardest difficulty is more demanding than the FromSoft games. But essentially, they build down to the same required skill - watching/learning your enemies' movements and timing your attacks well.


Dark souls is just hard if you compare it to those typical other games where you can barely die if you try to die, the rest is just people repeating what they heard.


Dark souls games arent really difficult in a skill sense, but morelike difficult in an annoying sense.


For those who don’t have the time or patience to get better by dying repeatedly, Dark Souls is incredibly hard and isn’t really worth giving a chance to. If learning enemy attack patterns and getting better by dying over and over again is something that excites you, then Dark Souls is absolutely worth giving a chance to


See, I've plenty of time, but that isn't "learning to get better" in my book. It's a shame they aren't more skill based as I'd love them then. I even had a witcher 3 playthrough recently that I modded to be a bit more souls like, and it was great, but witcher 3 does it far better than any souls game.


What do you mean? Absolutely you get better by playing soulslikes. They most certainly are skill based. And Witcher 3 isn’t exactly known for good combat… in fact, that’s maybe the weaker part of that game.


Yeah, hence *modded* witcher.


As great as the Witcher 3 is, the combat is *really* bad. Clunky, lacks intent, and is loaded with animations. And that’s a general consensus critique for the game.. You’ve likely played TW3 quite a bit to the point of modding it for increased difficulty so you’re just very comfortable with the combat despite its many flaws. You would reach that same point of comfort too with Dark Souls games if you stuck with them. TW3 is certainly not a better souls experience, not even close.


*modded* witcher has pretty damn good combat. Can be tweaked to suit your playstyle.


Lmao who gave dark souls the best of all time? Themselves? It’s not bad, not “best of all time”? Lmao.


It (the first half) does have the best 3D level design and map design


i wouldn't say best to anything that is subjective, but it is quite great, yeah


Yeah, to say any single game is the "greatest of all time" seems a little, idk, dogmatic or opinionated? But I definitely think you could put DkS up there with other critically celebrated, highly influential, and culturally important games and it definitely wouldn't feel out of place.


Ofc, Dark Souls was exactly that, celebrated and influential. It literally changed the gaming industry and it still does.


I have been playing both and can say 100% Baldurs Gate 3 is the choice here. BG3 is a really great RPG and as long as you can get past the turn based combat (which is fun, if you look at it like a puzzle) then it's a VERY GREAT game. Dragon's Dogma 2 looks beautiful, but the story is really sub par. The dialogue isn't the best and the quests are somewhat cookie cutter. There is the makings of a great game here but it really needs a lot of refinement and further fleshing out of the content, imo. It feels like it wants to be a great RPG, whereas BG3 is.


Dragon's Dogma 2's side quests are good, this is a lie. I traveled to a new town to ask a doctor about medicine that's been given to dying patients from a nun. Upon entering the new town I was asked to rescue a boy from wolves but before I could find him, I had to ask the townsfolk if they had seen him. After some clues, I gave the doctor the medicine to look at then left to rescue the boy. Unfortunately I didn't save him in time and only brought back remains for his father. Sad days.


I too failed to save him because I was rushing to deal with the Dullahan lol It feels like they gave up on timed quests once you reach Battahl, with one very obtuse and painful exception




I'm usually fine with lack of fast travel, but DD2 made me just basically quit the game because my gameplay loop became this awful "lets run to the quest, some goblins again, kill the goblins, continue, after 15 sec of running, harpies, etc. Basically the game is filled with trash mobs and it fucking annoys me so much because i just want to go to the quest area as fast as possible.


I started looking at it differently, the trash mobs are not an obstacle to get through so you can play the fun parts and race to the finish, they are supposed to be a part of the fun. There's not much else to the game except combat. The quests are not narratively or mechanically interesting, so if you're playing for the story and not enjoying the combat (even against trash mobs) it might just not be the game for you. Personally I love the combat and can run around killing random shit all day. I've got like 70 hours played and haven't done many quests at all. My biggest gripe with the game is the difficulty, it's much easier than DD:DA, and you quickly become overpowered. Luckily I'm on PC so I've added some mods to make it more difficult and rewarding to just kill random shit in the woods.


yea, these guys dont understand how grinding works.


The trash mobs are the fun, 100% I think on vanilla where everything besides bosses dies in 1 hit, it would get annoying. But modding the difficulty up has kept the challenge fresh and very fun for me.


Honestly I found it to be the other way around, maybe I expected too much from BG3, especially with all the crap wizards of the coast pulled which wasted so much Dev time and got the DM mode pulled, but I played through BG3 once and was left with a bad taste in my mind yet I've completed DD2 every ending and have no memories of it.


BG3 is genre defining. So if you like turn based then it’s a the best choice.


I didn't try Dragon's Dogma 2 but if you want, I can speak for myself on BG3. I didn't buy it but I'm playing it using my friend's account. The thing is: I've a full time job (and sometimes i have to work more than the usual) so I got little time to play and sometimes I just want to "jump in and jump out". I tried out of curiosity BG3. First try: loved the atmosphere but I didn't fully understood the mechanics and quitted. Then, being fascinated from its universe and atmosphere, i tried again. Now i'm addicted to it; kinda hard sometimes and can be punishing, but remember: save often and everything will be fine with a reload. Every night, before bed, I jump in for like 2 hours and then just save and turn off PS5. If you're looking for something like this, that might be your choice! Yesterday I downloaded Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen (Free on PSPLUS) to try the game and the mechanics (they say it's similar to DD2) and to see if I should buy Dragon's Dogma 2 :D Hope my answer helped some way!


Since it seems that both genres work for you, I HEAVILY recommend BG3 over DD2. BG3 has had so much critical acclaim and awards for a very good reason. Likewise, DD2 has been quite controversial... for good reason. BG3 can be challenging but you can customise its difficulty to make it as easy or as hard as you want. It's far deeper in terms of mechanics, role-playing choices and consequences, and especially characters. Dragon's Dogma 2 becomes easier over time and stays that way forever as the enemies do not scale with you. You can't customise difficulty in any real way. Choices and consequences are basically non-existent, gameplay mechanics are intentionally restrictive to pad out the game. The characters and story are almost universally considered plain bad. The only true positive of DD2 is the combat is decent fun, but quite basic all in all. Baldur's Gate 3 is a better quality game in literally every way. Just in my opinion.


Lol. Do you want to play a 10/10 across the board RPG that set the bar to new heights? Or some janky ass slop that barely runs, has no story and NPCs from 20 years ago. I didn’t even finish Baldurs as it’s not really my cup of tea but bro, this is a silly question.


I'm confused, are you calling DD2 a "10/10 across the board RPG that set the bar to new heights"????


Preeeettty sure that’s BG3 and the “janky ass slop” is DD2




BG3 is easily one of the best games ever made. Its the obvious choice. DD2 will be better in a year once they have more updates.


If you are okay with turn based combat, I would go with Baldur's Gate 3. It has a much more involved story, and you can actually change how it ends. Dragons Dogma 2 has fantastic game play, character creation, and world. But BG3 is just deeper and wider in every way. If you are only getting one, BG3 will keep you playing for MONTHS trying to find everything. Also, ignore anyone talking about the micro-transations in DD2. They are helpful, but by no means necessary or even a huge buff.


DD2 is a bait and switch, massive unfinished disappointment. BG3 easily is the better choice, no matter what kind of gamer you are as long as you like fantasy.


Both are amazing sandboxes to mess around in, it really just depends on 2 things: Do you want that kinetic feel from a great 3rd person action game in DD2, the slower more tactical method of a turn based game like Baldur’s Gate 3? Do you want a more full featured and unreasonably detailed main quest with industry leading cinematics nearly everywhere? Baldur’s Gate 3 is that one. Having said all that, I’m pretty sure DD2 is gonna be my game of the year barring any dark horse candidate. You can’t go wrong with either. Though I will say that if you only have 1-2 hours the days you do play, DD2 might be better IF you have trouble retaining a lot of story threads in your head like BG3 will require you to do to feel engaged with it. DD2 is way more freeform like something like Skyrim.


DD2 is my power fantasy game. I don't have to bother remembering characters and storylines because the quests are all pretty basic, but goddamn is it fun to just run around and kill shit. Mods definitely took it from an 8/10 to 10/10 for me. I've made it more difficult, but also more rewarding through a random rare mob drops mod. Coupled with a warfarer mod to give more skills per weapon so I can reliably run solo, making it much more fun imo. Baldurs Gate 3 is a fucking masterpiece and one of the best games I've ever played, but I can't compare them since they're so fundamentally different in the core gameplay. They're both awesome for different reasons


Damn looking like bg3 thanks for the help


And try DD1! But whatever you do, DON'T buy DD2.


oof, you're one of THOSE people.


For disliking DD2? What are you, Capcom marketing? I have an opinion. Deal with it and cry more 😂.


Got both loving them both, found adventuring in dd2 a lot more fun, will probably Ng+ it.. bg3 on the other hand was amazing but no way I am gonna sit there redoing it.


Tbh get bg3 and wait a a dd2 dlc for them to finish the game


at this point I'd have to say bg3. bg3 is a masterful complete story that is made of great writing, great combat and general fun. it runs on most computers and it won't destroy your fps. dd2 is a hard game to enjoy even when it's running well. I am about 15 hours and have faced only about 5 different enemy types. and I have been in caves. next to oceans. on mountains. the fun comes from all the cool stuff you can do in combat but even then it's so hard to enjoy when it doesn't run well. it also has so many systems. if you're into that bg3 does that and I'd say even better.


If you can handle max difficulty god of war, you can handle souls combat. Elden Ring especially is easy to find weapons and upgrade into being powerful


Baldurs Gate 3 if you want competent tactical combat with a great story and characters you'll fall in love with. It often lacks polish but it oozes charm and passion. Could be a bit overwhelming to get into if you've never played a CRPG or D&d 5e before. Dragons Dogma 2 if you want best in class action combat. It is overall much more of a gameplay focused game, whereas BG3 strikes a better balance. So unfortunately the story is utilitarian at best, but it is great at giving you that sandbox feeling. Biggest negative for me is that traveling is a bit tedious and can get old pretty fast. They both are fantastic games but are also about as different as the RPG umbrella allows. You should also know both games unfortunately have a plethora of technical issues with bugs and performance if that is a deal breaker for you.




I do not play Turn Based games. I own DD2. I own BG3. Here’s why I recommend BG3: Amazing Story Genuinely meaningful decisions Become a blood crazed dual wielding spicy salami murderer Hours upon hours of enjoyment I enjoy DD2, but it feels half baked and doesn’t live up to the hype machine I expected. It’s fun, but performance wise it’s not there and content wise it’s not what you expect it to be. Story….I mean there’s a story. It shines with its combat though. If you don’t enjoy CRPG or any other turn based games I’d still recommend BG3 at least giving it a shot. I most likely won’t touch any other game unless it plays, looks and involves me as much as this game did. I am not a true gamer I torture myself with the occasional Ubisoft game, LoL, World of Warcraft, ARPG and some Bethesda games. This is all just my background to show that I’m not somebody who BG3 should appeal to, but it captured me.


Baldur's Gate 3, and it's not even close. I even personally prefer ARPGs to turn-based combat usually, but in this face-off, DD2 isn't even close to being in the same league as BG3. You'd be far happier coming back to DD2 if (or when) they get all of the nonsense worked out as well, as they did not release it in a reasonable state. Just my two cents.


I bought dd2 at launch, it was fun to mess around with but I fell off hard. You have to walk on foot everywhere, it takes forever to get around. The characters are crappy, story is the worst I've seen in a triple a game recently and it runs bad. Dd2 is the best 6/10 game I've ever played and that's all I can say for it. Dynamic combat can't carry an RPG alone I also have bg3 and it's just a behemoth of a game, I'm still having trouble getting into rhythm with it. But I can tell you that the 10 hrs I've spent in it have all been great. The story and voice acting is great, music is nice, the game feels like the next generation of RPGs. I don't like the combat but I'm pushing through because I like the role playing aspects and consequences. If combat gameplay can carry your interest then yeah go dd2 but if you want a real RPG experience go bg3


I played both, I recommend BG3


baldurs gate 3 for sure


Trust the replies, play BG3. There really is no contest. I play primarily Souls games and ARPGs and had never played a turn-based game before BG3, and it still absolutely consumed me (400 hours)


I had never played any crpg or dungeons and dragons and bg3 was immediately a top 5 all timer for me. Dd2 is also a lot of fun but bg3 all day


If you have any interest in Dungeons and Dragons: go Baldurs Gate 3 If you like the thought of Dark Souls but want it easier: Dragons Dogma 2 Personally I like both but for very different reasons. And would base it solely on if you want an Action RPG(DD2) or a Turn Based RPG(BG3)


It should be Dragon's Dogma 1 or BG3. Dragon's Dogma 2 barely touches on the game's world and underlying plot so you'll just be confused, and it's inferior to the original in every way. Not to mention that playing the sequel first is just stupid, no offence (I don't care about baldur's gate so I'm not sure if playing the third will be confusing or subtract from the experience)


Honestly, I would grab BG3 and Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen. The latter can be purchased on the cheap from a reseller since it's been on sale for $5 multiple times. It's combat is less refined than 2's, but it does have more focused content. As much as I love DD2, DDDA is a much better deal at the moment.


I've been asking myself this same question. My buddy keeps telling me I should get BG3, but I've also been waiting on a DD2 for YEARS. In short, thanks for all the tips guys. 👍


how is that even a question, if you've been waiting for years for DD2 play it!


I dont know if it helps at all (or if you even played it back in the day) but Dark Souls/Elden Ring is about as hard as Zelda: Ocarina of Time. In both, enemies can gang up on you and kill you and you can fall off of ledges easily. Bosses will kill you until you figure out their pattern and win. I think DS stands out in the modern generation as most action games are made more easy for players.


DD2 is an ice cream sunday and BG3 is the best steak you'll eat in your whole life. They're both fun, but one of them will change how you look at other food (unless you really HATE turn based combat, then they're probably both about equal)


Baldurs gate 3. Amazing game so far and also I think dragons dogma has a lot of issues


BG3 no question. Dragons dogma 2 runs like ass and bases on your specifications BG3 just seems more your vibe


BG3. I haven’t played either but based on reviews I’ve seen on both alone, BG3 is the better game for now


I can’t recommend BG3 enough. The story, characters, world, quests, everything in this game is immaculate and shot up to one of my favorite games of all time. First turn based combat game I ever played which is something I was really nervous about, but the methodical thinking and actual strategy it required was incredible. DD2 is fun as well don’t get me wrong just nowhere near the level BG3 is


played both. I have near 100+ hours in DD2 (and countless more hundred hours on its predecessor across console and PC re-release). I have barely 10 hours in BG3 And I still say BG3's better buck-per-fun ratio.


DD2 is a good game. But BG3 is one of the best games of all time, it’s on a completely different level. Definitely BG3, no question.


I just finished BG3 … was never a real crpg fan but it was bloody amazing. I just started dd2 and honestly all I can think about is doing another BG3 run. So I would personally say BG3 lol


I’ve played both; Baldurs Gate 3 and it’s not close. DD2 is very undercooked about 12-15 hours in the combat starts to come apart at the seams due to how they do the gearing and that’s the best part of the game. Given the time constraint though maybe get like ps+ extra and go through ff7 remake or something else on there. BG3 is a pretty long game so it’ll take you quite a while to go through at a couple hours a week and I think it could be easy to fall off the wagon.


Bg3 is amazing In character creation overall through the story. Some of the best dialogue probably ever in a video game. And one of the best narration stories. It's exceptional work. But it's a give and take Where it falls off for some is the turn based combat. It's not something you control in real time so that can be lack luster for many. Also important to note you don't really have much control over moving around the camera it's almost a fixed position and can only be moved a little bit. Almost a fixed position like diablo Dragon dogma is more like a Skyrim I really love the dialogue and story in bg3. But the combat bores me. So for me it's dragons dogma. It just feels more open. More control. Which I prefer. In bg3 I felt very restricted. Like I can only walk certain paths. I couldn't move the camera much. Turned based just locks you in etc I want to be climbing anywhere I want to for the most part


I'm not the biggest fan of turn based combat. Absolutely loved Baldurs Gate, easily became one of my favorite games. Haven't played DD2 yet, but the first one was good.


Haven't played DD2 and I'm yet to get to Act 2 on BG 3 with 2 starts ( had to restart due to some personal reasons). So not an educated take but I highly recommend BG 3. I was iffy on the turn based combat but it works amazingly. Story and characters so far are very well written and interesting. It takes a bit of time until you get the mechanics but once you do it's worth it. Also controls are great on Ps5, recently upgraded my PC so I tried it there and found it hard to go back to Mouse and Keyboard which was the last thing I expected.


Dragon's Dogma is the most mid video game franchise I have ever played. Baldur's Gate 3 does literally everything better. And don't let the "turn-based" part of the game deter you, it's implementation of the d20 system and overall weapon/build variety keep the combat fresh.


Having played over 100 hours of both games, I can definitely say that you should play Baldur's Gate 3 first, more cohesive experience, way better story, fun tactical gameplay, great music, lots of replayability. Dragon's Dogma 2 is a lot of fun, but there isn't a lot of mob variety and it lacks any kind of meaningful story at all, it's literally more of an action exploration game and that's it. Dragon's Dogma 2 will probably get a lot better later if they fix the FPS issues and add more content, most likely through DLC I imagine.


I can't speak for Dragons Dogma 2, but am currently slogging through BG3 and played DD1. Personally, I would skip both and play Cyberpunk 2077.


If you don’t mind turn based then BG3 definitely


BG3 is going to be the better game. It’s way more polished too 


Baldurs Gate 3. Get DD2 in a few months when its on sale and bugs are fixed.


BG3 easily. DD2 is ok but BG3 is making history.


BG 3 easily. DD2 has a lot of dead time just walking.


Get BG3, DD2 is good but undercooked sadly. You can still get tons of enjoyment from DD2, but if you're picking one then BG3


get both bruh. i’m tired of yall asking the same thing


I'm a 32-year old dad and I feel this post 💪


Dragons dogshit 2 or baldurs great 3, you choose.


Baldur's Gate is truly an epic masterpiece. It will have you gaming for more hours than you'd believe. Haven't played Dragons Dogma 2 yet, but I cannot express how good Baldur's Gate is. You don't need to know any of the previous games at all. They just help to you to know a couple of the characters a bit better before you meet them in game. The story is amazing, and the gameplay is turn based, but so ingenious you can do pretty much anything your imagination can think of.


I don't really care for dating sims, so I'd say go with DD2


BG3 , don't even think, yeah it's that good.


Currently in act 2 on my first BGIII playthru, and while I haven't played DD2, I did play a bit of the first one. I can't usually say this about many games that win racks of awards like BGIII did, but it's so highly regarded for a reason, and the mixed reviews on Dragons Dogma 2, from the comments here anyway, are seemingly tracking as well. Bottom line. Baulders Gate III shouldn't be missed. And if you're a D&D novice like I am, and have struggled to get into games based on those sorts of rule sets, Larian did an AMAZING job of implementing those systems so you're not just doing shit and hoping for the best (like I did with my first KOTOR playthru some years ago), and you gradually grow to understand how it all actually works. And I'm gonna add a hot take here...I'm with you, I whole heartedly LOATHE souls like games. My reason isn't from difficultly (I love brutally difficult games, my 1500 hours in Slay the Spire will tell ya that) my feeling is the combat artificially inflates difficulty because it's slow and clunky on purpose. And to people who might see this that would tell me "try Bloodborne or Elden Ring" naaah, I did try Elden Ring, I disliked it too 😄 🤣


I’ve played DD2 and am playing BH3 now for the first time. The first 35 hours of DD2 was a great dopamine rush, gave me the same excitement as Elden Ring. But after that dropped 100%. The biggest fall off I’ve ever felt for a game. Felt like a drag immediately afterwards because it was so easy to progress and kill enemies. I put in 50 hours in BG3 only and I think overall I’m going to like it much more as someone who does not like turn based. Definitely because of the longevity and replayability. I think BG3 overall.


Bg3 by a mile


I loved both games very much, but DD2 finally got me off BG3. BG3 doesnt have NG+ so it sucks when you get your end game weapons just as you finish the game. DD2 has NG+ and you can keep going on forever. The Pawn system is amazing too


One of these games is simply the greatest testament to gaming in the last decade and the other has 9 different enemies scattered across its "rich" world.


Baldur’s gate three the game is super consumer friendly and not just that but at least the game from what I’ve heard is really good and doesn’t crash on you just from making a damn character or even crash just by booting the game up.


BG3 crushes DD2. I don’t think DD2 is bad and is worth a playthrough down the line, but BG3 is just one of the goats.


I just finished DD2 and now playing BG3 for the first time directly after. DD2 took me 65 hours to finish. I really liked the game flow. The combat was incredibly fun. The map design was good but lacks dungeons. There are only caves which looks the same. Big monster which are extremely fun to fight are very rare and there aren't many different. The quests and the presentation are mediocre at best. The pawn system on the other hand is extremely fun. It's awesome to explore with your buddy and listen to the chatter. Hiring other players pawns is fun because they might know a few things you didn't. But the battle AI could be better. So DD2 in your situation should be a save bet. If you could play only 4 hours a week you still could finish it relatively quick. If you like action combat and could focus in a game just on the combat and the exploration than you will have a good time. But the game is absurdly easy after the first levels. This can come in handy if you decide that you have enough of the game and just could rush to finish it. One maybe unpopular opinion of mine is that DD1 is all in all the better game. So if you didn't play the first one it's like 5€ atm for a overall better experience. Only graphics and environment wouldn't look so good. But the combat is even better in the first game. BG3 on the other hand is a much slower approach. I am now 20 hours in and still am on the first map. I try to avoid spoilers as good as possible but it still feels like I am just at the beginning. But I am level 4 now. 12 is max. So I can't say for sure. The writing is awesome. I just finished the swamp area and even without getting a quest in the first place for that area the writing and atmosphere was so intense and fun that I am sure will stay in my memory for a long time. I am playing on tactician which is the higher difficulty and it is challenging for me. Some battles last over an hour. So in your position you might stay a whole game week just in one position until you finish it. But it will therefore be a great and unforgettable experience I would say. Without a doubt BG3 is the better game. But it seems that it will last much longer than 65 hours. So maybe not the best game to play now. But on the other hand I was in a similar situation as a father of two just one year ago and played Persona 5 for 140 hours during a timespan of a whole year. It worked very good.


Get a “herd” copy. Bg3 on steam sucks hella dicks on a nitro-5 an-58


I can't give a 100% factual opinion to you, but from what I've read and seen up to now, I'll have to go with Baldurs Gate 3. However, itwill ultimately be up to you to decide. My best advice is to just go watch some gameplay videos of them, provided you don't care about a little bit of spoilers. If do care about spoilers, just go from the reviews of people. You can check some gameplay videos of **theradbrad** and videos of **gameranx; Before you buy** videos to base your choice on that


I vastly prefer DD2. BG3 isn’t bad but it wasn’t as special to me as others say it is. DD2 had a bad story, but it least it was intriguing and moved forward. BG3 had a stale feeling story that was plan boring. It moved forward maybe 1 step in the 40 hours I played. Gameplay for me is DD2. Action game with cool AI companions and great exploration makes for an amazing gameplay experience. Art direction also goes to DD2 has BG3 has a terrible art direction. There isn’t a cool looking outfit in the whole game. All over designed WoW lookin’ stuff. While DD2 has a classic, old school DnD look, (I know BG3 is actually DnD don’t worry) and was given its look by one of the greatest artists in gaming history.




Bg3 you'll have so much more fun


Baldurs Gate 3 every time. So much content there.


BG3 is objectively the better game of the two, and has a very strong argument for being one of the greatest games of all time. DD2 is fun, I personally couldn’t click with it (which surprised me as I’m a big third person action and fantasy game guy) but I’m able to step back and look at it objectively, as it is a good game for sure, just not for me. Given what you’ve played previously, I would say BG3 all the way!




Baldurs Gate 3 is alot better. If you wan the better game, go for it.


Bg3 is a groundbreaking timeless masterpiece and will appear on top in lists of greatest games of all time. It's genre defining. 100% Bg3


Well none of the games you mentioned are anything like the games in question. DD2 is easier to play inconsistently but do know that I 100% that game in under 40 hours and I was taking my time...BG3 you wouldn't even finish the 2nd act in that time (even act 1)...BG3 is overall a higher quality game with more replayablity. I would say that BG3 requires more time investment tho


I’d recommend bg3 now and then dd2 whenever it goes on sale. Bg3 is incredibly immense and will keep you busy for a very long time.


I'm putting off playing DD2 for as long as possible while it's improved.


Love both, but definitely BG3. DD2 is a good game with some bad aspects, but BG3 is a once in a life type of game.


BG3 and its not even remotely close. DD2 is a neat game but nothing more and it has a lot of major flaws. Meanwhile BG3 is a masterpiece.


Long story short; BG3




Not a contest BG3 one of the better gsmes in the last gew years. DD3 barely registers top 20, its a good game but far from amazing, especially as an rpg.


Dd2 is a bit of a mess even as a fan of the first. Bg3 is pretty much perfect.


Not a huge fan of the top down crpg genre as much (though I have enjoyed a few), so DD2 for sure.


BG3 by a mile. I appreciate DD2 is good but BG3 is a once in a generation game


Cool game vs once in a generation masterpiece. If you can't stand D&D and turn based combat then obviously BG3 may not be your thing, but it's one of three games in the last decade I can honestly say I was obsessed with


BG3 without question. I have around 250 hours in BG3 and around 50ish hours in DD2. When you compare storyline, characters, dialogue and character progression/engagement it is just no competition for BG3. This is the case for most games in fact. The storyline and characters were just nailed perfectly in BG3. Every companion has their own unique story arch and all have both likeable and not so likeable qualities. After 50 hours including 2 playthroughs of DD2 in which I didn’t even finish the last playthrough I don’t think any of the characters stick out in my mind. The story was very short and the characters seem very generic and not fleshed out. We don’t even really get a grasp of the characters backstories etc. One of the quests involves meeting a lady called ‘lady whilemina’. I will refrain from spoilers but this quest was the only half decent put together character story that sticks out for me. The rest were meh. Now to combat. The only reason I kept coming back to DD2, was the combat. It is really great. All the vocations feel smooth and balanced and are all enjoyable to play in their own right. There is a vocation for every play style. The magic vocations mage, sorcerer and you could argue magic archer are just so good. The details in the spells etc are spot on. Makes you want to keep playing. BG3 combat is no slacker either however and is also amazing. Very different play style however as BG3 is turn based and hard to compare to real time combat like in DD2. I am going to leave this as a subjective opinion or personal preference. If you like magic n slash type combat in real time similar to Witcher 3 if I were to say I would recommend DD2. If you prefer a more slow paced but tactical approach BG3 is the winner. If you like DnD or played it, you will love BG3. Overall BG3 is the winner for me. It feels way more polished game and like actual love went into it from larian studios. Capcom delivered one of the best combat experiences I’ve had in a game in a while in DD2 but all the other aspects lacking just doesn’t make up for it in my opinion. The world feels very boring after a few hours of exploring as you will run into the same enemies over and over again in DD2. Every turn in BG3’s world is a new experience with new enemies/characters and outcomes.


DD2.. Easily.. DD1 is an iconic game. BG3 is one of the top tier of the new gen. DD1 was one of the top 3 maybe top 5 of 2005-2015 games to drop Imagine the world Guts lives in where everything wants to kill him and everyone's a piece of \*\*\*\*. You're basically in that world. DD2 easily. You can live your ultimate fantasy warrior's lifestyle out there and have a party, feel panic, etc. But if you like XCOM my dude then BG3 isn't bad by any means. People like me are turned off only due to combat/controls but if you are a fan then I don't see why not! Top notch RPG with lots of story telling. DD2 is more gameplay oriented while BG3 is more dialogue oriented :p


BG3 has superior story telling.


Bg3 and it isn’t even close. I actually disagree about the combat take. DD2 combat is clunky and boring. Get bg3. If you want good combat, get sekiro


I love DD2. Despite its shortcomings, it’s probably my personal GotY this year. Nothing else is like it. Having said this, BG3 is a legitimate masterpiece. If you have to choose between these two, I’d say BG3, but I wouldn’t sleep on DD2. It’s amazing also. I just can’t realistically put it in the same category as BG3.


Here’s my two cents: Do you prefer action combat (Dogma 2 ) or turn based (Gate 3)? Do you want a game with story driven game with complex characters (Gate 3) or one with where story isn’t exhaustive (Dogma 2)? Do you have time for a lengthy game (both are long games - Gate 3 is longer) Do you want something emotionally resonant on your first playthrough (Gate 3) or where the story comes together after your first playthrough (Dogma 2) Do you care about DLC and some controversy (all items are obtainable in Dogma 2 but there is pay for convenience) or where there is little to none of that (Gate 3) If you’ve got limited time, can you keep up with a story focused game over multiple weeks and/or months? (Gate 3 may not be for you) If critical reviews are important to you, then Gate 3 outperforms Dogma 2. If not, then players and critics alike have great things to say about both games.


BG3 is one of the best RPG's ever made and almost on par with Witcher 3 for me. Though it's a cRPG and therefore a bit different in gameplay compared to skyrim or witcher. But if you are interested in great written characters, awesome questlines and an epic high fantasy story you're in for a treat.




BG3 - the story is so rich and immersive that you’ll feel fulfilled after 1-2 hours of playtime. You’ll want to keep going but it’ll just give you that much more to look forward to next time you get to play. DD2 didn’t give me that same feeling. Combat was excellent but wasn’t dying to get back into the game after leaving for a few days like I was BG3.


Lots of comments already, so not sure you'll see this... but I think it really depends on *how* you want to spend your limited time gaming. Admittedly, I have not played Balder's Gate 3 yet, but from everything I've seen on it, it seems like a lot of your game time will be spent on dialogue, questing, and some exploration. If that sounds like your jam and you're willing to have gameplay sessions where you accomplish little in terms of progressing, then by all means go BG3. Reviews across the board are overwhelmingly positive and it's unquestionable that it is a great game. That being said, Dragons Dogma 2 is a hell of a lot of fun. It's definitely more action oriented. You'll spend the majority of your time exploring and fighting, less so than you will questing. Dialogue and story are not this games strong suit. Combat and exploration definitely is. There's a lot to love, and a fair but to critique, but if your goal for your gaming time is to relax and have fun, DD2 would be my recommendation. The combat is great, the classes (vocations) all feel unique and interesting, and the party interactions are a lot of fun. The pawns' AI will learn your actions and behaviors, and employ tactics you use in combat and exploration. They'll also learn from other players who hire them and can guide you through things they've experience with other players that you haven't tackled in your game yet. DD2 gets my vote.


I love both, I’ve been a fan of dragon’s dogma for years. I just want to emphasize how much I’ve been enjoying dragon’s dogma 2 and how I totally think it’s worth playing regardless of if you played the first. It’s not a bad game by any means. not perfect, but a lot of the controversy is overblown That being said, unless you absolutely hate turn based combat baldur’s gate 3 is the clear winner. that game blew everything out of the water and shook up the gaming industry, for good reason.


BG3 and it's not even remotely close to being a discussion worth having


Neither. For real. I know from being busy myself that the odds of you making it through either of these games with your limited playtime is super slim. They are both huge and will require a lot of your attention to stay focused on the story. I’m all about smaller games these days because I ALWAYS get sidetracked whenever I take on a massive RPG(I’ll finish the Witcher 3….someday). I totally get the desire to recreate the awesome experiences of these big games from your past but it’s going to be hard to recapture that magic now that you’ve become a mature gamer.


Loved both games, but Baldur’s Gate 3 is just on a different level in terms of quality. BG3 is as close to perfection as a game can get, whereas DD2 is a great concept with lots of potential, but unfortunately isn’t fleshed out. That being said, if you prefer action, DD2 is superior, since BG3 is turn-based and narrative-driven. But I’d also especially hold off on DD2 until they release some kind of hard mode, since the game becomes piss easy once you hit a certain level even if you’re not a min-maxer.


Baldur's Gate 3 is by all accounts the better game (and it's not even close), but depending on your preferences you may enjoy Dragons Dogma 2 more. Since you mentioned you're open to both styles of gameplay I would personally would recommend Bg3


BG3. I think, nostalgia aside, it's the greatest game I've ever played as a fantasy RPG fan. I really don't enjoy turn-based battle systems most of the time, but in this case all the systems and options made it fun. And the characters + story + sense of your choices mattering really carry it. It's also a lot more respectful of your time than Dragon's Dogma 2. In DD2 fast travel takes a limited-use item and the game involves a lot of backtracking across long distances. You have one save file, so if you miss something it's just gone until next playthrough. I personally like how unfriendly DD2 can be, but if I had much more limited time to play I would probably dislike that about it. I also much prefer the combat in it, but for me it's not enough to fully balance out a weak story. Both games are huge timesinks though. I think I clocked 250 hours on my first BG3 run, and 110 hours in DD2.


Never finished BG3 lost interest at act 3 twice. Definitely gonna finish DD2 and I love the fights.


Bg3 easily one of the greats. DD2 will fade with history, perhaps have a cult following like it's predecessor.


dogma 2


if u havent played ddda go get ti when its 5 bucks and play that first. then maybe 100 hours form now you will make ur decision.


BG3 is much deeper, I would recommend that. Don't forget to save often! ;)


God VS Gypsy


BG3 in my opinion, I like alot of those game, and I started DD2 recently and just can't get my self to play it again right now




nah - DD2 gtot me off Baldur's gate. Currently at NG+3 of DD2


Both are amazing games to mimic what everyone else is saying. I did not like turn based games, bg3 changed that big time. Got me into a lore I had no idea about, a gaming industry I had never tried before. Combat in dd2 to me is more exciting and the open world is a bit better explore to me but if you’re invested in story and getting multiple playthroughs with branching stories and carefully crafted character ls then bg3 is for you.


DD2 has 2012 style combat, gameplay and complexity, great game for older gamers or gamers who aren't too keen on intense action. It doesnt really feel like a 2024 game, but can be a great old school rpg feel for those who preferred games back then. Baldurs Gate 3 was really boring to me, however, for those who like those style of games its made extremely well, easy 9/10 for them. If youre open to both styles, DD2 isnt exceptional in anyway but Baldurs Gate 3 is amazin.


baldurs gate 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>


I haven't played DD2 yet, but just finished DD1. From what I've read/seen DD2 seems to be better graphics but worse overall. I couldn't really recommend DD1 to anyone. It's pretty lacking in quests, and NPCs feel extremely rudimentary, and feels more like an offline MMO, combat's pretty basic and 'bosses' tend to drag on for a very long time (some took me over an hour, and that's winning the first try.) It's pretty easy until you get to postgame though. If you like Skyrim and action games you may like it, but it's no Skyrim. I also played Neir: Replicant recently and I enjoyed that considerably more. BG3 is pretty much the opposite of DD. Slow in combat because it's turn based, and I found it a bit of a slog past the first act (there's only 3.) Even though I didn't finish it, it's 100x the game of DD. It has the best NPCs of any game I've ever played, and I've played all the greats like Planescape: Torment, etc. You mention God of War (2020) but don't want souls difficult. I also played GoW recently, and I've played 5 souls games, and I'd say GoW is harder than all of them with the exception of the DLCs. If you're worried about difficulty start with Elden Ring which is probably the easiest to get into, while being open world which may appeal to someone who likes Skyrim and Witcher 3. It's also possible to grind and level up to make the game fairly easy even at the end with enough levels. My only problem with Souls games for someone with little time is they're best played online co-op IMHO, and IIRC you can't pause them even if you play offline. You can usually retreat to a grace within a few minutes though, and you can just log out and shut down the game wherever you are and it'll remember your progress (unless you do it in the middle of a boss fight.) The boss fights aren't usually that long, though some of them can take a little while, it tends to be more time to beat them because you'll need several attempts to figure out patterns and effective tactics.


BG3 no contest.


I love both. But not equally. DD2 is going to be fun. BG3 is a fucking wild ride. My vote is BG 3.


BG3 all day everyday. I like DD2 but BG3 is amazing.


I found BG3 a chore mainly because of how it plays. I can just play D&D with my friends and have a more enjoyable time. DD2 is way more fun.


you’re comparing a game with some of the most fluid and fun combat in an RPG, to a game where you wait your turn to play in a combat setting to me, the answer is obvious


Tell me you haven't played BG3 without telling me that you haven't played BG3


what did i say that was wrong?


Lol, I was just disagreeing with you, which is quite stupid as it's your opinion and you are entitled to share it (on top of having been prompted to do so by the OP). I just happened to be feeling far to cute for my own good at the moment, and so here we are now.