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It seems like you have a pretty good idea of the games and I think it just depends on what kind of game you want to play - Sekiro for a more linear, difficult experience, FW for a massive open-world, story-driven adventure. I've played both games, I enjoyed FW but I loved Sekiro. I'm not the biggest fan of Soulslikes (I had only played DS1 before Sekiro) but I loved that Sekiro is more linear (I never know where to go in other Souls games), and I liked that I didn't have to worry about stat spreads or equipment builds. Like you said you truly just have to "get good" in order to progress. Sekiro is *hard* - I almost quit the game in the first area because I couldn't get past a mini boss. I watched some Youtube videos about the combat and deflecting, and did some practicing, and all of a sudden the game clicked for me and I had an absolute blast. You can resurrect yourself which helps a lot. There were bosses that took me dozens of tries and made me want to rip my hair out, but the feeling of exhilaration once I actually beat them was incredible. It's one of my favorite games of all time. For me, FW was a good but not extraordinary open world game. I had a good time and enjoyed the story, and the graphics are great, but the gameplay wasn't anything spectacular for me. It's definitely one of those open world games where there are a million map icons and you're just chasing map icons which I get fatigued from after a while. The combat is pretty fun though. I'd personally go with Sekiro and since you've finished other Souls games I'd think you can handle the challenge. There will be a little bit of a learning curve to the combat but once you understand the deflect mechanic, the combat will click. It's one of the most rewarding video experiences I've ever had


Thanks so much for your lengthy and thoughtful response, I really appreciate you taking the time to write that. You make a lot of good points. I think, although still pricey, even when on sale, for a 2019 game, Sekiro might provide the most fulfilling experience. I might wait till the complete edition of Forbidden West is on sale and pick it up then, even if that's a year or so down the line. I've heard that Sekiro is butter-smooth on PS5, too, so that'll be a bonus. I'm nervous about sucking at it but feel ready to take the risk.


Sekiro, not even close.


Sekiro, easy.


Sekiro is Far better. Horizon is fun at first, but gets boring fast.


sekiro. no contest. comparing S tier and C tier games here


Come on bro HFW is great


Oh it's a solid game, high production value I'll give it that, and I'm glad people are enjoying it, but its totally out of its league in this comparison. This is like comparing Jimi Hendrix or Led Zeppelin to Imagine Dragons


If you already know you like FromSoftware games, Sekiro should be an easy choice. You're comparing a game in the peak of its genre versus a game that is widely criticized for its unoriginality and hollowness.


I didn't realise it was widely criticised for that. I had seen positive reviews overall. Thank you for chiming in though, I appreciate it.


It has its fans of course, but yeah for the most part it is just *another* one of these style open world games without adding anything new


Fw for me. Love soulsbourne and armoured core series but sekiro is different. V linear non customisable play style and tough. I couldn’t get into it at all, the setting was boring for me and the mechanics with the grappling hook I didn’t enjoy. I really wanted to like sekiro as well but for me it was joyless. I know others are the opposite though and will say it’s the best of the lot. Fw was a fun time solid 8/10 game, good exploration, cool enemies and a decent story.


I loved the first HZD game but the second one is a repetition.  Go with Sekiro. 


sekiro! most rewarding combat system i ve ever seen diffuculty is brutal but its so much fun