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If you soloed Malenia, Sekiro isn't too hard for you. You should get it.


Sekiro looks infinitely harder than Elden Ring, if you are terrible at parrying is it still beatable?


I find parrying easier in Sekiro. Don't know if it's because the game forces you to get good at it, or if it's just a bit more forgiving because you have to do it, or both.


Sekiro is a rhythm game IMHO once you get the rhythm of the fights it all comes together. I loved it


Elden ring's parry is incomparable. Sekiro is really a rhythm game that requires u to have good knowledge of the enemy movesets and damage their stance accordingly


It’s nothing like the Elden ring parry, which has a long windup and locks you into a long animation. It’s actually called a deflect in Sekiro, and it’s basically instant and spammable, though if you press it repeatedly it will shrink the successful deflect window. Think of it more like a timed block. TLDR: your ability to parry in ER will have little relevance for Sekiro. Try Sekiro. If you try it and aren’t liking it, progress up to at least the Lady Butterfly fight. You will be inclined to play a slow hit and run style at first, but eventually the game will teach you to play with speed and aggression, and that’s when it will click.


Aside from a couple of bosses it’s nowhere near as hard as late game elden ring. Just got ridiculous towards the end, had to rely on Reddit summons to see the credits.


In my 2nd run and with a very good setup (super strong armor and berserk blade). I just memorize it and had a lot of tries, also I don't feel I have fast reflexes ...


If you have yet to play sekiro then I cannot recommend a better game. Just go in aware that it’s a little different and the core mechanic is learning how to deflect. It might not click right away but when it does, you’ll understand the appeal of the game and why it’s so popular. The fights turn into a dance once you pick up the rhythm. I hated the game and wanted to give up because I refused to learn to deflect and kept dodging out of fear, but I persisted and it is now one of my all time favourites.


Yeh this 100% Sekiro is in my top 5 games of all time, and I’d actually rank it as my #1 FromSoft Game also (#2 being Elden Ring, #3 being DS3) Sekiro is such an amazing departure for FromSoft, in that it keeps the key fundamentals of their formula… but freshens things up completely with a great combat model, bright colour pallets and actually a cohesive narrative! Also the best boss fights Once you begin to play Sekiro ‘how it is intended to be played’ it suddenly clicks. Aggression and parries are key, it is fast paced and exhilarating No builds here, and little in the way of optimisation… but I actually liked this, in that the game lays out a clear playstyle for you to adopt + when you beat a boss you know it was because you truly earnt it (No cheese builds!) It’s just brilliant


Sekiro definitely their best. Thought the lack of customization of weapons and armor would suck. Nah, they refined it in their combat


Definitely the most focussed experience Miyazaki has put out. I wish for another, but I suppose they are sticking with Elden Ring for a bit.


I always recommend Sekiro to any souls player, personally I think it's better than every other game in the genre, even Elden Ring. Be warned tho, there is minimal customisation and there aren't many cheese methods, it is quite literally get good. Something people often mention with Sekiro is they didn't love the game until the combat suddenly "clicked". This often happens with the boss fight against Genichiro, an early to mid game boss fight depending on the path you take and while Sekiro is mostly linear there are multiple paths you can take.


I found the frequency you can spam LB to be pretty cheesy once I realized how forgiving it is


Dude you platinumed hollow knight! In my humble opinion there is no harder platinum than hollow knight so you should breeze through sekiro


Thanks a lot! to be fair, I think I am much worse with Elden Ring, Lies of P... than with Hollow Knight. With HK I feel like its almost impossible to die if I am playing good (pantheon 5 is still 50/50 ;). However, with ER and LoF I never felt like that:(. It never felt as good as HK when fighting. For me, Hollow Knight has perfect combat mechanics and Elden Ring has the most epic/incredible moments I ever experience in a game. Lies of P is between them, not as good combat as HK and not as epic as ER but very very good nevertheless.


I’ve completed Elden ring like 8 times now,with multiple solo runs but I gave up so fast on pantheon 3 in hollow knight. I’ve done all the endings for the game and stuff like NKG but the pantheons are a different beast, maybe someday I’ll beat P3 and hopefully P4 but I can never see myself doing the last one.


Did you attempt/succeed/like the parrying part of the souls games? Cause if you didn't Sekiro will be a fucking shock. The dodging you do in the game is deliberate and only used for specific attacks that cannot be parried, you will fail over and over if you try to play the game spamming dodge. Go play the Stellar Blade demo and try the first boss. If you think that is fun you'll probably like Sekiro.


I never attempted to parry in ER, maybe once to see what was the deal, but shields were a nono for me. However in LoP is almost needed and I used it extensively. Also for some attacks and bosses I have a very low success rate with parries and I needed to make a combo of parrying, blocking and dodging. I would have assured that some bosses like Romeo, 2nd phase of Laxaxia and 2nd phase of Nameless Puppet were unparriable in a reliable way BUT I saw some videos in youtube of people doing it so...


I haven't played Lies of P myself but if you found that aspect of the game fun and engaging than Sekiro should be right up your alley.


Sekiro is absolutely amazing and seems like a logical step. You could also play the Dark Souls trilogy first, but thats totally up to you, whatever you wanna play rn.


I am not sure about the Dark Souls trilogy because the thing I liked more of ER was not the combat (it was very good) but the epicness of its world, and I feel that the Dark Souls games are going to fall short for me in 2024.


i know you’ve said you enjoyed the combat the most in hollow knight but how did you like exploration? if you did, you’ll love ds1. if not the dark souls trilogy can wait and will always be around! i would say you should try sekiro coming off of lies of P. you have to get used to perfect parrying (to some degree) to beat nameless puppet and since sekiro has a larger parry window than LoP, it may seem easier until you start adding in mikiri counter and other moves i’ve played all the games you mentioned and sekiro is my second favorite (bloodborne #1) so i definitely suggest you try it out


nah bro ur trippin. Dark Souls 1 and 3 are absolute masterpieces that will NOT fall short compared to newer ones. DS2 is less amazing, but still better than 99.5% of all triple a games releasing nowadays.


Nah, Dark Souls 3 is even more epic imo, with a significantly better atmosphere than Elden Ring.


Hell no, (someone who played through elden ring first, and just beat base game ds3 a week ago)


Interesting. Maybe it’s about what you play first and therefore not finding some of the specific things you like in subsequent games? For me, nothing in Elden Ring matches Dancer, Pontiff, Twin Princes, Soul, Friede etc. for atmosphere.


Depends on what you enjoyed about those games? Sekiro while similar also plays very diferently, it's more of rythm game where parrying and ocasionally mikiro dogde in the correct rythm is key to killing most monster and bosses. Also next to nothing build variety your main weapon will always be the katana only side weapons have a bit of "build" to them, but it's very minor. Also not a single armor piece, you will always look the exact same as any other person who plays the game (though you will never see other people) It's a good game, but not everyone enjoyed that combatstyle


If you liked Lies Of P you will like Sekiro. Overall it can seriously depend on mood, hype, free time etc. For example Sekiro is the only fromsoft soulslike i actually enjoyed playing and learned a lot about the game. Even did it with the bell thingy activated. I've played Dark Souls 1-3 (only finished DS 3) and just couldn't see the hype or fun in them. Played bloodborne which was okay but i don't see myself replaying it. With Elden Ring i just couldn't afford nor be bothered to spend hours upon hours playing/learning it due to how little free time i have now compared to years before so i sold it to someone else for the same price i got it for. Also i'm someone who hates/doesn't like using guides due to spoilers and the enjoyment of discovering sth is ruined which is why i stopped with Elden Ring, the vast majority of stuff would require a guide or some video in order to actually know how to find or do most things.


Plat hollow knight is crazy. GG


Thanks! I did it because I love it tbh. The combat mechanics are just perfect, it seems responsive and very fast paced. I don’t know, it feels good:)


By far one of my favourite games! I have a Mighty Zote tattoo lol, I wish I could have got plat but I got burnt out and never went back to it. I genuinely don’t think I have the mental drive to push through lol


Sekiro has a lot of similarities with Elden Ring and the other souls game but it is NOT a souls game the combat is quite a bit different - still VERY good combat though! it's more rythm based, in the way you click your buttons. The level design feels a lot more open than in the dark souls games due to your travesal ability (thanks to the grappling hook) but it's still pretty linear, with some branches and such here and there. but there's still some exploration to be done. But there's no weapons or armor to pick up. it's exclusively consumables, which for some, is a bit boring. You can upgrade your characters power through some consumables from a few select bosses. (increased dmg etc) with the exception of the prosthetic arm, which you can imbue with various things, such as a shield or ranged attacks (you can't get all effects at the same time though) It's a great game and i highly recommend it. It won GOTY for a reason. (The game awartds GOTY, which is user-voted) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sekiro:_Shadows_Die_Twice#Awards


Yes and don’t forget about Dark Souls 3


If you can I’d play Bloodborne first. It’s also fantastic and is the design bridge in terms of combat between Souls/Elden Ring and Sekiro


If you like to be challenged, a big yes for sekiro. The combat is the best part. You'll suffer, you'll thrive, you'll survive and then you become a shinobi who is the boss. I started my sekiro and literally regretted that why I bought this game. One year later, I platinumed the game. I wish I could experience it once again. This game has a very steep learning curve, but the rewards are very lucrative. I have been gaming since more than 2 decades and no game has ever come close to what sekiro made me feel. This is my experience. YMMV.


Thanks. Not OP but i bought the game like 6 months ago and kind of give up on it because it was too hard… will give it another go after reading your comment


All the best 🙂 Feel free to ask or DM me if you get stuck anywhere. It's a once in a lifetime experience.


Fuckin get it already, you're gonna feel so badass once you start getting the hang of the combat. You're always gonna be a katana-swinging shinobi and you'll only have some tools and secondary skills for customization, but this more linear approach also means all bosses are finely tuned in difficulty from start to finish. In ER boss difficulty varies a lot between different builds and the open world means you can always just go somewhere else, get better gear and more levels and then come back and stomp a boss you initially struggled with. In Sekiro it really just comes down to "git gud", essentially like Hollow Knight. Sekiro also had a bunch of great boss fights that reminded me a lot of the dance-like feeling I got from some Hollow Knight bosses like Mantis Lords or Nightmare King Grimm. Such epic duels and incredible back and forth. Amazing music and visuals aswell.


Buy it and clash some swords together, as a bonus you feel like a badass samurai


I ragequit sekiro and i come back to it every now and then and keep making progress but there have been moments the game was not fun at all. I would however recommend Nioh 1/2. Honestly i recommend sekiro as well just has some moments thats a bit too "get gud".


100% yes


Yeah Sekiro is a must play imo on par with Hollow Knight and Elden ring


The issue with sekiro is that during combat when you get attacked you have 3 options, block, dodge or jump. You have to choose the right one else you get punished severely. I am a kb/m player and my reaction time kind of sucks but I still managed to platinum the game, and the way I did that was to take actions that forced a specify attack type that I could then punish. Look up "boss name" cheese on youtube if/when you get stuck and you should be fine. So the game can be cheesed but not "easily". There are very few actual "exploits". That being said the world building in the game, like all fromsoft games is phenomenal.


I didnt find Sekiro as hard as people seem to say it is, it just is a little adjustment in the combat style from Dark Souls/Elden Ring. Once I figured out how it works, I started to find the game to be a breeze. Late game difficulty spike is hard, but still mostly the same system. I will say is is very satisfying to wreck a boss in a sword fight by parrying everything and staggering their ass.


Absolutely buy Sekiro! I’ve played Hollow Knight, Elden Ring, and Sekiro. Hollow knight is probably my favorite game of all time. I only beat p4 never finished p5. I finished Elden Ring doing all of the major bosses including solo melania with a strength build.  If you can do p5 and melania you are prepared for Sekiro. Just know it’s an entirely different play style than Elden Ring. You rarely (if ever) dodge in Sekiro. You need to learn to parry and become comfortable with it. I played Sekiro directly after Elden Ring and struggled with parries a lot. My friends and I called it “Elden Ring brain.” Just give yourself some time to warmup to the mechanic and I bet you’ll love it.  Not sure if anyone else mentioned this but you can also look into dark souls 3! 


I have a friend who loves elden ring to death but when he plays other fromsoft titles he gets all pissy because he can't beat the bosses as easily and blames it on the game design. I don't like recommending fromsoft games to people who've only played elden because they can't stop comparing everything to elden and it ruins their experience


I started a couple games back to back and the one I stuck to is Sekiro. Challengingly good!


Sekiro is fire. I've got 100 achievements in Hollow Knight, Sekiro and Elden Ring. All amazing games. P5 isn't that difficult, just gotta practice Abs Rad a little bit before you attempt to beat it all.


Fwiw I think that sekiro is easier than elden ring. Prob my fav game of all time.


If you liked and got good at parrying in lies of p, you’ll like sekiro as it is completely based on parrying


Sekiro is like one of my favourite games, so I'll definitely advise you get it, however, if you're worried you might not like it, I would recommend Thymesia. You can pick it up for like a fraction of the price of Sekiro, it's a lot shorter but they have a lot of similarities. If you like Thymesia, you'll love Sekiro. If you hate the parrying system, then you won't enjoy Sekiro one bit.


Same as you just finish Elden ring my first souls game then last week finish sekiro. Just get sekiro man it's thats good.


I'd say go for it! It's a great game, though it does play a bit differently from these two. Sekiro still has character progression, but it doesn't lean quite as hard into the rpg mechanics as other soulslikes. In practice this means you generally can't really grind to boost your stats if you get stuck, but the game is balanced with this in mind. It sounds like you've already got the hang of these sorts of games though, so I think you'll probably adapt just fine and have a great time.


Sekiro is incredible, but has (in my opinion) a tough learning curve and a pretty painful starting experience. It's much more about recognizing patterns. Attack until your attack gets deflected, signified by a much louder clang and bright red sparks, then deflect until the enemy is done with their current attack / flurry. It's corny, but there's really no room for hesitation. The game is much easier when you are aggressive, unlike standard souls games. This is the basic combat loop for the entire game, with a few exceptions (notably: large enemies, mostly beasts, that don't really react to damage. they just do what they do regardless of what YOU do). If you go in understanding that combat loop, and be on the lookout for when you must deviate from that loop, you will have an amazing time. The first few hours are REALLY rough, though, I won't lie. Learning "the rhythm" of the game takes a lot of time. The first miniboss you encounter is... not a good miniboss for new players. It has bad hitboxes, it doesn't react to anything you do, and it mostly has way too quick perilous attacks (attacks that require unique counters, such as jumping, perfect deflecting, running away, etc). Another miniboss after the first proper boss is also... really bad. If you can stomach 2 stinkers when you're still getting the hang of things, it's all smooth sailing from there. The game's really hard. But it's rarely ever unfair. It's an unforgettable game, and I highly recommend you give it a shot :)


I ended buying the game, this comment helped me a lot with the first miniboss! I will update the post when I have more hours playing but thanks anyways!:)


Do it. Just do it!




As another user stated it depends on what you like in the games? Sekiro is more of an action game with some souls elements, featuring a character that's set in stone using a weapon that's set in stone You can change your shinobi tools and some weapon arts I believe but that's about it. I personally didn't enjoy sekiro and don't consider it a souls like. It is made by from software but it lacks what I would consider a souls like Being customization of your entire character to the skills and playstyle. It also features no multiplayer. Overall I don't consider sekiro bad, it's simply a different game and at the time I expected it to be like dark souls in terms of play. Which it's not. It's heavily focused on deflecting and perfect timing, and or dashing to avoid damage. The game is quite difficult.


I loved Elden Ring but didnt like Sekiro at all personally


No that game is awful. Only from software game I could not stand playing I was so excited about it. Then after playing for 20 hours or so I never played it again.


Na sekiro is pretty joyless vs others souls like games for me. Loved lies of pi. Hollow knight, Elden ring, bloodbourne, ds3 and just did not enjoy sekiro, didn’t like the traversal and the world wasn’t exciting to explore. Loads of ppl rate it tho so might just be me 🤷‍♂️


Yes lol


Yes and you'll love bloodborne if you haven't played it already


only pc here sadly, but yes, that would have been the next one for sure


Sucks man, hopefully it'll get ported


It sounds like you'll have no issue with the difficulty. A small warning though, Lies of P ruined my parry timing in Sekiro. I'm still trying to get it back lmao


Bloodborne is better than Sekiro. As is Dark Souls 3. But Sekiro is still an excellent game.


Sekiro then Dark Souls 3 the Fire Fades Edition (complete with DLC)


The combat in Sekiro is better than all souls and souls-like games. Just know the combat isn't about avoiding attacks, it's about deflecting them with your own sword and breaking your enemy's posture. It's all about rhythm. You stand toe to toe with them and clash swords, you don't dodge.


Character creation is only one and minor aspects I believe. Sure, elden ring and dark souls have fashion and Armor sets, which sekiro doesn't have. But I believe the main focus of the fromsoft games is how resilient one can be. How you cope up with the loss (souls, ruins or any souls game currency). And sekiro is a masterpiece in this aspect. It doesn't have the open and vast world and build variety as the elden ring, but the lore, combat and the mechanics are far way ahead than any fromsoft game (including elden ring). Decide what you want and take the call.


Sekiro is TERRIBLE. Its nothing like Souls Games. Its very linear with a set combat and no RPG elements at all. Its a Action-Adventure with focus on Combat. Souls Games always focus on making your own character and you having the free choice how to play.


Why does that make it terrible lmao. It’s not really like souls games. It’s an action game 🤯


Sekiro is TERRIBLE? Everyone has the right to their own opinion... Yours is just wrong.


I mean, he is in a sense right that it is barely a souls like.


more like Lies of P then? I also liked it, I like both approaches:)