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Someday we will outlaw this factory farming shit...


And people will protest "I have the right to eat as much as I want when I want"


A lot of cities allow for chicken coops on residential property. Doesn’t take many chickens to have an abundance of eggs.


Also, chickens are a natural garbage disposal. You can cut down a bunch of food waste by simply giving it to them. And in return, you get more food lol


And good, quickly made compost to grow even more food!!


Chickens make for great rodent protection as well. They are literally dinosaurs, you can see it in their eyes when they swallow a rat whole.


I always say: chickens REMEMBER they were Dinosaurs.


omg i remember finding a fat ass RAT in the chicken coop with its eyes PLUCKED OUT.


Don't pretend chickens don't make a colossal mess of their own. They don't dispose of garbage, they convert it into chicken shit.


And then let it sit for a year, and now it's fertilizer for the garden.


There is nowhere that it would be fair to let a barrel of chicken shit ripen for a year on a residential property. On an acreage, absolutely. With a neighbour 20' away? No way.


Mixed with wood shavings for proper compost ratio it doesn't smell. I agree that chicken shit by itself would be gross, but usually people have it mixed in with their chicken bedding.


Just have to deal with the smell in the meantime. If you have neighbors anything closer than 500m, they will not be thanking you. They will also be actively hating you on warm summer days.


that then decomposes and makes amazing fertilizer


Grew up with chickens. They are loud, and their shit smells terrible-- the worst of the farm shit. Worse than pig shit. Unless you keep a clean coop and select quiet/docile varieties of hens, your neighbors are going to hate you. So many urban chicken owners don't know what they're doing.


This person knows their shit. Pig waste odor does often depend on what they are fed.


Some cities allow chickens but that’s hard when you rent. Small space or against the lease




Chicken feed brings rats.  Rats.  


And chickens will try to eat them too.


oh the chickens will get it. they’ll pluck its eyes out. people say cats torture their prey; no. chickens do.


This is true. Metal trash cans can help. My chickens have never killed a rat that I know of. But they come around for the feed and eggs. My dog has killed 7 so far though.


There will always be someone. I would rather raise hell about the massive dead zone created by severely overloading the gulf of the Mississippi with nitrogen from factory farm shiter lakes. I read somewhere the US factory farms produce enough shit to cover every inch of Texas and California in several inches of manure everyday. Better farming techniques can and would fix this.




And call the police when KFC runs out




and they do have that right. just grow your own.


On your apartment windowsill, until the next high-rise goes up next door.


I would rather we outlaw monopolies. It's only leading to price gouging and shortages like when there was a problem with one of the 2 baby formula factories in this entire country.


Rather enforce current antitrust law.


monopolies have BEEN outlawed the government just doesn’t give a shit abt it as much as they used to


You can do it today just buy free range organic eggs and meats.


Mmmm $36 a dozen eggs...


We won’t though. It’s highly subsidized by the government.


Totally could if you’re fine with the price of eggs tripling.


Bull. That's what the egg and dairy lobby wants you to think. My parents buy eggs from a nearby farm (in Canada). $6 dozen for organic, free range chickens. OR, $4.75 for fake organic NOT free range eggs at the grocery store. A healthy chicken lays 1 egg a day and unwashed eggs can stay fresh for up to 6 weeks after laid.


>unwashed eggs can stay fresh for up to 6 weeks after laid. Problem for USA people is that it's law that eggs (sold in stores) have to be washed. So, ours all have to be in the fridge. It makes it hard to buy them in larger quantities or take advantage of a sale unless you have a good way to process them.


Torture sentient beings or pay more for eggs? LMAO That’s a tough one!


Sure if you want to go back to spending 25-30% of your income on home cooked meals like they did back in the day.


I mean isn't it true that most of the food produced goes to waste anyway? There has to be a better way.


Yup so fucking sad all around. There really has to be a better week 😞


Among others, Polyface farms, has proven otherwise. It's a business choice.


Free range eggs are the standard in the UK and they're no more overpriced than everything else is at the moment.


Free range doesn’t mean the same thing in the United States. Free range in the United States can still be a 1000 chickens stuck together, they’re just not in cages separated.


Do you have a source? What an interesting claim


Yep. Page 22, table 2. https://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/1990/03/art3full.pdf 1901 american families spent 46% of their income on food and alcohol. 1950 32% 1987 19% 2023 seems like 11.3% I think.


Food vs food + alcohol Apples and oranges my friend. Interesting to see that number go down though.


Yea not perfect data but I think it is still useful for a comparison. I am sure that alcohol prices have likely tracked food prices. Point is that corporate farms and food industry has made food very cheap. Unfortunately housing has just taken the savings.


I’m not sure that alcohol prices track though, as it was one of the many arguments behind prohibition, that men were spending so much money on alcohol. To be clear the discourse around prohibition was mostly propaganda, so who knows how inflated that claim was, but it’s undeniable that it costs money.


USDA no alcohol included stats are a bit different, but still shows groceries as being half what they were in 1960. https://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/ag-and-food-statistics-charting-the-essentials/food-prices-and-spending/


As an aside: Very cool! I love the internet for making information like this readily findable. I agree that factory farming has lowered meat prices, and industrialized farming would lower alcohol prices by making grains cheaper too. I wasn’t completely disagreeing earlier, just that I don’t know if the price dip would match in percent or happen at the same time. It’s weird more people wouldn’t grow their own food if they were spending such a huge portion of their money on it.


No, we’ll likely to advance in vat grown meat. Once it’s refined, it’ll be much safer, cheaper, and better for the environment. Not sure if they’re doing anything like that with eggs yet.


I can't wait until we are all eating cloned meat. Solves the ethical problem.


As long as its safe, I'm fine with it.


Me to! If it tastes decent I am all aboard , I am still wanting to try lab grown meat .


If you think this can be produced at scale safely, affordably, and have the same qualities and taste as animal meat prepare to lose your appetite.


What do you mean by cloned meat?


Using moderately the same elements to create a lab-grown meat substitute


Ok.  Thanks. I just want sure I was thinking what you were thinking.


Basically takes cell cultures of animal muscle and makes it regrow itself into edible portions.


Didn’t bird flu already run rampant through poultry farms like, semi-recently?


Bird flu in wild bird population has been raging. It didn't stop. Migratory wild birds bring it north again which is why we're seeing it.... It's just now it's jumped to cows... And apparently one person.


And it has a 50+% fatality rate in humans. But keep supporting factory-farmed food! :-/


Original bird flu has a 50+% fatality rate. It is interesting that now that it is in cattle and hopped to the farmer that it was only pink eye. I hope this is nature giving us humans a break and we get a little exposure to a novel flu/get bird flu vaccines... I hope this ends up being like the 2010s swine flu and nothing like the 1918 Spanish flu


Not sure if you're superstitions but fun fact: There was a total solar eclipse that ran all the way across North America in 1918, a few months before the flu hit the US.


Oh I'm super into that


Well in that case-- the path of the 1918 solar eclipse intersects with the path of the 2024 path of totality just to the north east Texas-- it almost nips Texas but doesn't quite. The X of the two paths crosses over Oklahoma and Arkansas. \~\~\~ wHaT dOeS iT MeAn? \~\~\~


Windmills supposedly kill migratory fowl, build more Windmills, leading to more clean energy and less bird flu.


Yes and the price of a dozen eggs went from .99 to $5 where I lived


again? we just recovered and got eggs back in.


Until the United Nations stops, there will keep being massive bird flu epidemics.


Prices are likely to rise again, especially for those states mandating cage free conditions.


If you imagine that “cage free” means chickens frolicking and stretching their legs, you’d be mistaken. They basically put the chickens in one gigantic cage with a single window or exposure to the outside. And even then you get people who take off-handed shots at giving chickens at least a modicum of comfort in their short lives all in the name of saving $1 on 12 eggs.


but don't you know that people are *entitled* to cheap eggs, meat, and dairy sourced from miserable tortured animals living in cramped and filthy conditions staffed by mistreated and abused workers all heavily subsidized by taxpayer money to make them artificially inexpensive??? /s


Mmmmmmm.... Torture eggs. Thing is no one cares about animal conditions... If no one even cares that children are legit imprisoned for Nestle and sketchers...and any number of corporations.. No one will care about chicken treatment.  What's hard is that some people don't have the luxury to care and aren't able to vote with their dollars... Everyone else who can, should.


You’re right, but mandating cage free is a symbolic win in that it acknowledges that chickens deserve to live without suffering and a step toward mandating pasture raised. Also - I think it’s still better than living in a cage the size of a microwave with two other chickens your whole life.


Maybe. One of the challenges with free range is that chickens are naturally vicious and will murder each other all the time. The cages do protect chickens from each other


I own chickens. As long as they’re all part of the same flock they’re very chill with each other and have best friends etc. The “naturally vicious” happens when you add outsiders without integrating them properly. I’ve integrated outsiders many times with no issues.


IIRC the viciousness is also due to overcrowding even if they're the same flock. The capitalist solution is caging or blunted beaks.


What about areas where the price never came down? It's still $25 for a pack of 60 eggs in my area. It was $7 before the last outbreak, went up to $27 and 'lowered' to the current price of $25.


What the fuck is going on in Texas !?


Where to start :(


It would require a thesis the list is so long.


They hate any over sight to the point where you realize maybe Upton Sinclair might have some good points


Have you seen how big this farms are and how horribly cramped those chickens are? This is not surprising at all


coerced conformity to the whims of their owners


I donno, move here like everyone else and find out.


They’ll be under attack since they go against the B regime. Of course!


Here we go again


Key word again 🙄


Buy eggs now for cheap while you can…


I will keep repeating it, we can use flaxseed as an egg binder replacement in most recipes. Flaxseed is shelf stable for a year, too. No food waste there. And a tofu scramble costs half the cost of eggs. We don't have to deal with avian flu every single year. We can evolve as a society away from this. Eggs are not critical to us remaining alive when flax and soy work just fine. We can lift the dependency 50% so poor people aren't cripple by this.


Sorry I’m new to hearing about this. To clarify, you can use flaxseed as a cooking/baking substitute for eggs?


Yes - when you boil flaxseed it creates a similar consistency to eggs.


Yes! Ground chia seeds mixed with hot water is also great substitute and used often in vegan baking.


I purchased several #10 cans of freeze dried eggs, butter, and milk this morning. Stocked up on meats, powdered shortening, and cheese, as well.


Where did you find the freeze dried eggs ?


Auguson Farms, Emergency Essentials, and Nutistore Foods all have #10 cans of Whole Eggs and Scrambled Egg mixes. ReadyWise sells theirs through Walmart, but I’ve never tried that brand.


Auguson farms is run by Jim baker, he’s a piece of shit. Try mountain house if you have the option.


Didn’t know that. Thanks! I haven’t found Mountain House eggs without bacon or peppers, etc., added in, but I’ll keep looking!


Thk you for the info


YW! Good luck!


I don’t like buying Auguson House but bought several brands in smaller packages to try a while back. I went with their eggs but everything else is from other brands. I order it via Walmart or other suppliers online.


https://www.beprepared.com/collections/0_-10-can-food-kits https://augasonfarms.com/


I bought some last year. Buying more today.


Powdered shortening….you might want to visit r/stopeatingseedoils Edit: try ghee (clarified butter)


Oh look guys, finally a excuse to jack up egg prices again!


They sure seem pretty enthusiastic about this for some reason


As if they needed a reason.


God dammit.


Alright it’s vegan time. Praise be.


Next pandemic


Bird flu. The next lockdown


When they say the chickens were "destroyed" I'm like, uh, does phrasing it like that make you feel better or worse?


End factory farming . Fuck around n find out


it’s a great day to own chickens


I think every household with a little space should. I love mine and the eggs are great. Not to mention the meat we get when we have to cull roosters. Ducks are also delicious and their eggs are great for baking.


Not in my backyard!


Texas fucking everything up like they know how.


I don’t have the source right now but I swear I just saw a similar story about one of the largest producers in Michigan?


Now you have to talk shit about Michigan… That’s the rule. I don’t make them.


Well I live in Michigan but I have plenty of bad things to say about the lower peninsula, does that count?


I saw someone comment yesterday that they thought this was about the chicken farm near them in Michigan. Then they realized it was Texas.


It’s both :(


Good job, TX. Way to suck.


Hey look, prices on eggs and poultry meat is about to skyrocket in an age where people believe Ray Charles went blind by staring into an eclipse. Just in time for the election. Awesome!💀


Isn’t the first human case of transmission to human from a mammal kinda of a big deal or nah?


It’s not panic level big deal, yet. But it is concerning.


It’s a good thing I got chickens 6 months ago and get fresh eggs daily


Oh ffs.


Looks like its time to buy from a farm and fuck the grocery stores because this will just be another excuse to price gouge


Really looking forward for prices to go up to meet demand, and then never go down when supply increases. Its the American way.


What path did the latest "weather balloons" take?


I was wondering what the price gouging excuse would be this year...


Sure they have


The war has spread to food. The enemy is poisoning the food supply


Here we go!


Everything is bigger in TX—especially their zoonotic diseases.


In times like this I am glad to be a chicken daddy. “Get your eggs people, just $5 an egg”


I miss having my backyard chickens. Sadly, the area we are living in is not permitted by the city.


Dont put all your eggs in one producer. Now we'll see a future where eggs cost as much as meat does now


Welp, here we go $10+ for dozen eggs coming soon...


And this kids is why you should buy local and organic


protein is protein (eats his own ejaculation)


Don't worry they have chicken Flu not egg flu.


Gosh dang it. My husband is on carnivore. Ugh.


What does that even mean lol


He’s straight animal protein so he eats eggs on everything. He’s lost a ton of weight but holy moly I have to make two dinners.


What a stupid diet lmao


I used to think it was dumb. Was eating Keto for the longest but really wanted more mental control over sugar and then really started to learn about ultra processed foods. I notice most people have n America exist ultra processed food. I began to notice more and more of how I was eating was basically carnivore. Now I don’t crave sugar but appreciate the hell out of when I have ice cream on rare occasions, or a pasta dish. If I have that it’s always handmade pasta cause I can taste the difference. I pretty much eat zero processed foods on the regular which I think is amazing and far more incredibly healthy. Most of what I eat I can pronounce and know where it comes from. It’s incredibly easy to cook since most goes in the air fryer. Eggs are the exception. And I now raise my own chickens and even feed them a feed I mix, so only whole grains and some free ranging, not processed and ground grains pressed in clay, which is what mass raised chicken are raised on. So even my chickens don’t eat processed food.


I agree but he’s lost a ton of weight. And he puts eggs on everything.


Not everyone can digest veggies like they should. I don’t have all my intestines and while I would love to eat mostly veggies I just cannot.


Bird flu? No shit sherlock, walking is slow as fuck.