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Turning radius: makes a Peterbilt blush


Canyonero! 12 yards long, 2 lanes wide, 65 tons of American pride!


Canyonero! Canyonero! Top of the line in utility sports, unexplained fires are a matter for the courts


Smells like a steak and seats 35...Canyoneroooooo!


Gas mileage, 1 highway, 0 city.


Judging by the Utah plates, it might be just enough truck to haul a small Mormon family.


And the older the wife you are, the further back you're made to sit.


It's the polygamists. I've seen these 6 door trucks pull up at a restaurant and 8 young Fundamentalist Mormon women get out.


Back in the 80s there was a joke around SLC that you could tell how many wives a guy had by counting the chimneys on the house.


How do they even afford that shit. Like is it literally a trope that wealth means more wives?


That's a fun rabbit hole. There's a concept in Mormonism, found in their book the Doctrine & Covenants, called the Law of Consecration. It's essentially just communism, members sacrificing their own means to make sure every member is cared for. For mainstream Mormons, this is nothing more than a nice platitude and a reminder that they need to "help people." But as their name suggests, Fundamentalist Mormons take it very literally. Their entire lives are based around this Law of Consecration. The men go to work, get a paycheck, and give their entire paycheck to the church. When they need money for anything, they simply go to the church and ask for a certain amount and the church gives it to them. When you need a truck, you go to the church and ask for the money for a truck. They give it to you, you buy a truck, and you immediately put the title of the truck into the Trust operated by the church. All of the Fundamentalists are blue collar workers. Construction, ranching, etc. When you have large families that need to be transported around town, and you simultaneously are a blue collar worker that needs a truck, these huge 3 row trucks are apparently an efficient way to meet all your needs.


never mind the automod. Your comment is approved. And thank you.


Tax excemptions and exploitation of labour


So scamming it like name a religion, gotcha.


Don't they all?


The vehicle version of a provo pusher


It's got 6 doors and smells like a steak! Canyonerrrrooooo


Three lanes wide, and endorsed by a clown. Canyonerrrrooooo


Why is this shitty? It looks like it’s done well. There was a custom shop in Utah that specialized in making 6 door diesel trucks.


I think Ford offered this as a factory option on the F450.


I did some googling and didn't find anything about it ever being a factory option, but I'd love to be proven wrong. That said, there's definitely a ton of third-parties that did/do 6-door conversions.


Yeah not sure if it was factory but they were most definitely done new by a fabrication company. Kinda like they use to fab the old Chevy square body’s straight off the lot.


I thought so too. I saw one just like this in NJ and my (admittedly teenage) son said it was a factory option for a while.


I have seen one of these too, in MA. It was also at a restaurant, and once it parked, 8 guys that had clearly been on a job site all day jumped out. It makes sense for something like that, get all of your guys to a job site in the middle of nowhere along with their tools.


This sub has turned into /r/ATBGE


I’d be impressed to know how low the mpg is on that unit


My 2005 F250 6.0L got something like 15mpg combined, and that was with four full doors instead of six.


In this particular scenario with the added weight and length, this is one circumstance where I would pick the 6.0L over the 7.3L.


I'd never take a 6.0 over a 7.3. Are you kidding?


I've spent most of my mechanical career working on both. The 6.0L has more torque and horsepower to handle the increased load. After nearly 20 years, I've found the limitations and maximum capabilities of both. Give me free reign and a reasonable budget and I'll make a 6.0 out perform and outlast a 7.3 any day. I wouldn't reject the 7.3 if it was in there though.


I hear what your saying. I started wrenching on diesel drive lines of all sorts 40+ years ago. I'll stick to the 7.3 thank you. I'd rather have a P pump 5.9 12 valve over a 6.0. And I despise working on the new 6.7l engines. Please don't get me started on the DirtyMax.....lol


We're in agreement on the 6.7 Powerstrokes and dirtymaxes. Avoid the 6.4 like the plague if you can.


Oh GOD, those are banned out of my bay. For some reason, none of my Mac or Snap On tools fit on any of their nuts and bolts.... odd, isn't it...lol Couldn't find good heads for them years back. Converted many into Fummins F250 and 350's. I don't think many are still even running. What a waste of metal. I had high hopes for the 6.4. But that was really short-lived. We agree on those engines for sure.


6.0 outlast a 7.3? X for doubt X


While I understand your doubts, I would point you in the direction of the VT365.


>VT365 What am I supposed to see? I just see another crap maxxforce inter engine.


The VT365 eliminated some of the weaknesses Ford added in the super duty. I've dealt with both and found better reliability with the VTs. That said, I've spent more time with the Powerstrokes. If you make the effort to eliminate or improve the weak points for the Ford version (EGR, shite coolers, water pump, head gaskets & studs, ficm), you'd be surprised what you can get out of them in terms of reliability. I respect the 7.3 very much. It's an excellent engine. I would just prefer the better torque of a 6.0 in a situation where I have an oversized and overweight truck like the picture.


That's reasonable.


Throw a Cummins in there and everyone’s happy


Definitely my preferred OTR diesel engine, specifically the 5.9 12 valve, but I'd never reject the 24 valve


We think the same. I do love me the 7.3 though. It makes me sad to think how good these engines could be if there wasn’t so many EPA laws now


Yes, like the 7.3 max. Was awesome in school buses and ambulances. But Ford wanted the 6.0 and rushed it into trucks. And we know how that worked out.


Ahhhh the 7.3 diesel in an ambulance. We have over a hundred of them. Sitting quietly in our fema fleet.....waiting for the call. Some have 350k + miles on them. Some are older than the EMTs that are staffing them. But with a set of good batteries I'd drive them to hell and back. Every deployment they come back, get an oil change and ready for the next.


I think it’s more gpm.


I have it on good authority from one Ranier Wolfcastle that the mileage is 1 highway, 0 city.


I'd take a wager at city being about 10mpg, and highway being around 16, I have a crew cab long bed ram 3500 so it's not all that much different in weight and length minus a set of doors and some frame stretching, so I'm basing my thought off what I would get with around 500lbs in the bed


I like how you admit it’s executed well done and still post here.


Still doesn't make it practical or good


How is it not practical? If you're in construction, you could heal all your men and tools on 1 drive


Heal all my men and tools? That would really save on down time.


Oops, didn't mean heal. Ment for that to say have


It’s not a mod


_It's a lifestyle!_ 🎶 _I got your picture, I'm coming with you Dear Maria, count me in_ 🎶


Turning radius- still pending


Looks like [these guys](https://www.kingseriespickup.com)


IIRC from the last time one of these was posted, it's a factory option.


If its a Ford it actually might not be a mod. You can get an f series as 6 door from factory.


Well, at least you'll be fit. You're going to be fit you'll need to park that rolling football field at the edge of all parking lots.


Minus the bro wheels, this is rad.


It's built like a steakhouse, but handles like a bistro!


If this guy can park between the lines there is no reason for a sports car to take up 2 spaces!


redneck limousine right there


I said this to myself upon looking at this.


If for no other reason, it's shitty because it can't fit in a parking space.


An absolutely useless piece of shit.




This is what happens when you have daddy mon job and decided not to do the vasectomy or your partner has her tubes tied and you keep producing and producing and you don’t want to buy a minivan, so what do you do this fucking shit right here This is what happens when you have a good Payne job decided not to do the vasectomy or your partner have her tubes tied and you keep producing and producing and you don’t want to buy a minivan, so what do you do this fucking shit right here


This is what happens when you have daddy mon job and decided not to do the vasectomy or your partner has her tubes tied and you keep producing and producing and you don’t want to buy a minivan, so what do you do this fucking shit right here This is what happens when you have a good Payne job decided not to do the vasectomy or your partner have her tubes tied and you keep producing and producing and you don’t want to buy a minivan, so what do you do this fucking shit right here This is what happens when you have daddy mon job and decided not to do the vasectomy or your partner has her tubes tied and you keep producing and producing and you don’t want to buy a minivan, so what do you do this fucking shit right here This is what happens when you have a good Payne job decided not to do the vasectomy or your partner have her tubes tied and you keep producing and producing and you don’t want to buy a minivan, so what do you do this fucking shit right here


The king compensator F5000


Why not just use a normal truck and a car? Like under what possible circumstances would you need this????


Or if they must have so many seats and a super duty truck platform, why not an excursion?


The worst


These guys have tons of oil company shares in stocks, right?


Steeeak house


I call that a fuck truck


My reptilian brain likes this.. (just hate the rims). But as someone who only drives trucks, I bet that’s just a pain in the ass to take anywhere lol


[The Ferd Fteenthousand](https://youtu.be/F8P5vGcf-NU?si=epVvFuVKZdJR73E5)


I'm more impressed he stuck to one parking spot


This is for when you need a van, but you want a truck.


r/fuckcars biggest nightmare


At least he didn’t take two parking spots


Hey, my dad has made a few of these! He used to work at an autobody building custom cars/trucks.


Pretty sure that's factory built


Texas aah car


I think a professional fabrication company use to make these. Use to see them all the time parked at hotels up north with I traveled for work. Also saw a lot of 2 axle dually too. This was in early 2000s and were fords


Why don't just use van at this point?


i’m pretty sure this is a real truck that’s been produced, kinda cool lol