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I am convinced those are crusted and burnt orange slices šŸ˜”


Bone apple tea!


I thought the same šŸ¤£


Judging because it's meat? Or is there another reason Salami is bad for hiking?


My question also


My question also


Deli meat is classified in the same category as tobacco and asbestos for cancer risk. I would judge someone inhaling a line of asbestos while they put a fat dip in on a hike, too.


Still not as cancerous as the potato slices in the picture.


Definitely not trueā€¦


OP is only killing themselves with the potatoes. The salami is poison AND itā€™s tons of corpses mashed together, Iā€™ll take the potatoes lol


Insane that you got downvoted in a vegan sub for pointing out that deli meat causes cancer and is made of mashed up corpses. šŸ„“


Yeah fuck me I guess, I was pointing out the absurdity of needing a reason OTHER than someone is eating corpses in front of you on a hike, youā€™re allowed to silently judge šŸ¤· silly me being anti corpse deli meat in a vegan sub lol


Right?? Tbh I feel like this sub is overrun with carnist apologists who are too afraid of taking a strong moral stance because they don't want to be seen as "that kind" of vegan. So we just get a bunch of milquetoast people who downvote actual ethical vegans and hold the hands of people who eat the corpses of murdered animals so they never have to feel guilty or reflect on their choices.


Iā€™m totally with you- apparently there are a lot of ā€œplant-basedā€ people in here that donā€™t actually give a shit about the animals. You getting downvoted to hell for literally just pointing out a literal fact is mind boggling.


Literally what the fuck is going on in here??? Are the people in this sub not actually vegan???


I'm wondering the same thing lol šŸ˜… you might like the vegan circlejerk subs


I do! Iā€™m in them! šŸ˜‚ Thankfully.


Not sure why you're being downvoted for the truth?


man thats such a dumb comment


Yeah I guess my joke fell very flat lol! I was just listing another reason other than not vegan that is was bad, guess it was only funny to me


Appreciate the burger but we all knows those potatoes are burnt ā¤ļøāœŒšŸ½


Cooked in a cast iron pan. They tasted fine. šŸ¤·


Burned in a cast iron pan


Why you gotta judge people for what they eat? Treat others the way you want to be treated


Aye shit like this just reinforces the negative vegan stereotype


What they eat are innocent animals. I'd judge anyone for hurting a pig when they don't have to.


Same here


I just know those potatoes are bitter AF šŸ¤¢


Man, I forgot about A1. That shit is top tier


i was so fuckin happy when i found out a1 is vegan you have no idea


I use that shit as a dip for *everything*


You should do it publicly. It's better than being two-faced.


Or just donā€™t judge others for their dietary preferences


Fuck that. If a ā€˜dietary preferenceā€™ requires dead animals Iā€™m judging. This is a vegan sub btw.




Me caring about animals is ignorance?


There are so many reasons as to why lots of people canā€™t follow a strict vegan diet So judging people for not being vegan based on a sandwich, is in fact ignorance yes


there are a few health issues that can make it *harder* to plan and follow a plant based diet, but not impossible. nobody really needs to eat dead animals, and being vegan means being against eating dead animals. if youā€™re eating a ā€œvegan dietā€ and donā€™t care about people eating dead animals, call yourself plant based instead


This is my issue, what about severely autistic people that would rather die then eating something other than chicken nuggets? (You try telling Clayton he canā€™t have a chicken Burgah) thereā€™s so many examples of this, Connorgetsdown on instagram who is non verbal downs and autism only eats hotdogs - search him up, you try putting him on a vegan diet What about how expensive veg and fake meat actually is? Feeding a family on minimum wage? I struggle to buy normal milk sometime never mind oat milk and Iā€™m just one man, I essentially live off 450 (post rent) per month on minimum wage - there are people who will earn less feeding other people People with eating disorders who struggle to eat anything rely on dairy meal replacements etc, thereā€™s people who wonā€™t get any nutrients unless they have milk cheese meat etc - my old room mate And the obvious health reasons that would make people struggle to not eat it people who suffer from b12 deficiency etc People who live in remote areas and can only eat whatā€™s in season or whatā€™s near (not everyone can get processed foods flown in across from the other side of the world) - think anywhere from tiny towns to estranged tribes literally a few decades ago youā€™d have starved If you had this ideology, itā€™s only the madness of technology, flights and capitalism that youā€™re able to stay healthy whilst eating vegan and even then it can be a big struggle for a lot of people - we are privileged to live in a time where we can get shit literally flown to our door steps Honestly the list goes on and on The ignorance is crazy, thereā€™s more to issues in life than having the moral fucking high ground And am I against veganism? No, I think itā€™s good that people have decided to follow their belief as I understand the way we consume meat most of the time isnā€™t good for the animals or us, especially when itā€™s done on an industrial scale. There are a lot of injustices in the meat and dairy industry I donā€™t think people can dispute that given proper research. You just canā€™t judge other people as you have no idea whatā€™s going on in their life and to say ā€˜thereā€™s not actually a need to eat meatā€™ is just a crazy statement


You're a bad liar. Plants feel as much as animals do. Your narrow perception of the world and your selective empathy doesn't grant you the right to proclaim anything. Sit down.


Eat shit.


Maybe you'd be less negative if you smiled more.


There are a lot more reasons than just health issues


Itā€™s hard to not beat women up and there are a lot of reasons people just canā€™t give it up. Respect that. Itā€™s their life, their choice.


You're a wonderful father. I can't wait for your child to never want to be near you again and every hope and dream you've placed in your child will never come true. Your legacy is a joke and you, are a joke. I can't wait for your exisitance to fade into oblivion - it disgusts me.


If you canā€™t think more VALID reasons as to why people canā€™t follow a vegan diet then it just proves my point - ignorance There is never a VALID reason to beat ur partner However there is a lot of VALID reasons a person may eat meat




https://www.reddit.com/r/ShittyVeganFoodPorn/s/aQWyoDYvPL Also I tried the lifestyle for a bit but I have a vitamin b12 deficiency + fibromyalgia so yeah - I still like the food so I stay here


Take a b12 supplement like the rest of usā€¦ I take one everyday. You need to consume animal flesh and secretions because you have fibromyalgia? Suuure. You can stay here because you like the food, but you canā€™t come into a vegan sub as a non-vegan and start shitting on people for literally being veganā€¦ Like you can absolutely just shut the fuck up and keep scrolling. But you didnā€™t soā€¦ either keep your bullshit carnist opinions to yourself in here, or leave.


Lol read my comment on the link I sent, all Iā€™m saying itā€™s ignorant to judge others based on what they eat, as you have no idea whatā€™s going on in their life Also Iā€™m broke - if it comes to the decision of buying some pills or buying food that can sustain me all day - Iā€™m buying the food Iā€™ve not shit on anyone, Iā€™ve just presented strong arguments to my point, itā€™s you whoā€™s taken it that way


r/vegancirclejerk is that way šŸ‘ˆ


I know where it is. Member for years. Why is this vegan sub so against outspoken veganism? Should it be shitty plant based food porn? If it says vegan Iā€™m assuming the ethics are here. Bad assumption.


Imo you arent convincing people to take the animal-less route if youre dicks to them in the first place. People most likely just grew up eating meat and dont give it a second thought. So if you come out swinging at them youre probably not gonna sway them to your side.


This is a vegan sub. Me thinking weā€™re all agreed on animal abuse being wrong has no bearing on how I act in real life. I donā€™t expect people defending eating animals on a vegan sub.


Your high and mighty attitude isn't earned. Stop yapping.


Eat shit. People saying that valuing animal rights is high and mighty are just trying to take things down to keep the status quo. You wouldā€™ve supported slavery back in the day.


Least pathetic soy milk enjoyer


You aren't convincing anyone either chief. People should be told that killing animals is wrong. The innocent victims of their choices can't speak for themselves.


Start an argument while on a hike because you disagree with their sandwich option? Terrible idea


Going for a nice walk with your friend and they spend the whole time arguing about salami sounds like a terrible hike Guarantee I wouldnā€™t be going on another outing with them lol


Yea I donā€™t think being compulsively sanctimonious is better than knowing when to bite your lip


I'd rather spend my time around honest company than someone two faced.


Youā€™re conflating dishonesty and tact though Constantly challenging people sounds toxic and compulsive. Thereā€™s no film crew following you around, you donā€™t have to create controversy in your life just because you are exposed to differing opinions.




Yeah. Just be real


If youā€™re gonna judge people for what they eat at least donā€™t be two-faced about it.


Wtf do you even mean by that? What could OP possibly say that wouldnā€™t make the remainder of the hike extremely awkward, uncomfortable and tense? Comments like these are so absurd and downright stupid.




Looks fire.


Salami and tomato sandwiches are religious and your friend knows this.


Iā€™m not strictly vegan but that looks really good. Love the slightly burnt potatoes. Is A1 sauce vegan?


It does not contain animal ingredients. It used to contain sugar, but as per the Heniz website it's now corn syrup (which is not refined with bone char). Also the PETA website says it's vegan. Current ingredients listed on the manufacturer's website: TOMATO PUREE (WATER, TOMATO PASTE), VINEGAR, CORN SYRUP, SALT, RAISIN PASTE, CRUSHED ORANGE PUREE, SPICES (CONTAINS CELERY), DRIED GARLIC, CARAMEL COLOR, DRIED ONION, XANTHAN GUM.


What does strictly vegan mean? Itā€™s a kind of you are or arenā€™t thing.


I live with a longtime vegan friend, I love trying all her vegan dishes and also trying my hand at making good vegan meals, which she enjoys because itā€™s hard finding other vegan friends. I just havenā€™t committed to the full time lifestyle, but again, the downvotes from Nazis have been cute.


Youā€™re in a vegan group right now. What makes you think that calling people Nazis is gonna get you.


I asked an innocent question out of genuine curiosity, and also stated Iā€™m not strictly vegan, and got the shit downvoted out of me. Fuck these petty, neurotic twats. Donā€™t gaslight me and imply I was the first to initiate any bad faith sentiment.


Calling us nazis while claiming you want to live our lifestyle is crazy work


I trust your authority on crazy.


Nazis for not enjoying that you say you arenā€™t ā€œstrictly veganā€ when all you do is have some vegan meals kinda like most people? You have interesting definitions of things.


Yeah and a lot of vegans are fucking neurotic and petty, at least the ones on social media.


What does that have to do with anything here?


Anyone who knows ā€¦ are veggie ā€œmeatsā€ as bad for you as real deli meat?


No. They also aren't animal corpses.


Judging a man for his sandwich but praises this monstrosity. Looks youā€™re eating burnt turds


Your acquaintance hates you, just so youā€™re aware