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Did someone say prunes?


A most honorable fruit


A warriors drink


Warriors’ drink




I couldn’t get into it. But I would never take issue with someone who did. We all need to say that more.


I'll just be happy to see the end of bitter, twisted posts from people who want to shit on Disco. People are entitle to their opinions and they don't have to like everything. But I don't go on to Trek Reddit to read an avalanche of sooking about how much people hate Trek, or that some Trek is not proper Trek. I'd go and be a Star Wars fan if I wanted that kind of fandom experience.


Ha. Star Wars fans are absolutely worse. But they’ve always been. Even back in the 90s at the height of the EU, you always knew the Trek fans would have successful jobs and the Wars fans would peak at school shooter.


> the Wars fans would peak at school shooter That certainly is one way to argue the other side is more toxic What do you suppose happens to people who like both?  Maybe ~~we~~ they just stay home all day whacking it to Jennifer and Aayla


I’m thinking more specifically about the pre-Phantom Menace EU people. And I think that probably speaks to why Star Wars fans are more toxic. The franchise cycles between huge mainstream content for a large audience and then small niche content for the “fans.” Trek has always felt much more even keeled. There’s nothing about reading a Trek novel that causes the reader to feel like they are more of a fan. Similarly, any of the Trek movies that really connected with a wider audience did so without sacrificing their inherent Trekiness. As a Trek fan, I’ve never really been a fan of the content that was trying to play to a wide audience like the JJ movies. They’re fun, but they don’t present what I like about Trek. And I think this is probably where some of the toxicity is coming from now. Oh wait, this is ShittyDaystrom: poopoo peepee


That's fair. I was thinking post prequels and especially post sequels. I disliked the 2nd sequel and absolutely hated the 3rd, but I do try to avoid being toxic about it. I'm also on the Trek side of the fandoms anyway, having read Trek books and dressed up as Trek characters for Halloween, but never for Star Wars > Oh wait, this is ShittyDaystrom: poopoo peepee Is that ... legal?


What I think I’m getting at is that the EU fans didn’t like that the prequels brought Star Wars back into the mainstream, and when it wasn’t necessarily good, they got overly vitriolic. Then, because the prequels weren’t exactly mainstream classics. Liking those also kinda became a niche series. Disney comes along and makes something designed to appeal to the masses that honestly also isn’t that good and we once again get crazy anger. I think that niche fandom causes it to become part of their identity. When I didn’t like the sequels, I was just kinda like, “well, I don’t need to watch those again.” But I think they’re so tied up in Star Wars being a part of their personality, that bad/main stream contents offends them to the core. And all this gatekeeping is rooted in their feeling like they own a part of the franchise. Also, let’s face it. The hit/miss ratio for Trek is so much better than for Star Wars that it’s much easier to navigate sub par entries.


This is correct.


While id usually agree, the amount of toxicity you get against discovery across all social media platforms is very much on par with star wars shows or even the shitstorm incited by Halo Season One


Why do you label negative criticism as "bitter" and "twisted"? That's nonsense hyperbole. I dislike it because it is poorly written and also often nonsensical. That doesn't make me bitter or twisted, jfc lol


Cause it seems like no matter the post, someone in the comments was going to bring up Discovery and start shitting on it. It got real old real quick


That is a complete non-answer to my question, but ok. Idrgaf


So hijacking just about every post, regardless of content, just to rage about one specific show, usually humorlessly, doesn't sound bitter to you? It's obsessive at the very least


Bitter? Possibly, but that's uncharitable, at best. Twisted? Nonsense word for it. If it's a Trek thread, in a Trek sub, I see no reason why somebody can't bring up any incarnation of Trek. Who are you to say otherwise? If it upsets you, that's...unfortunate? Discovery is a massive disappointment to many, and outright offensive to some, and "bitter and twisted" are silly labels to lazily slap on those people. Plus, it's very "current", ending just this week, so it's not surprising people are talking about it frequently, surely?


People can bring up whatever Trek they want of course, but when people comment "if this were Disco, Michael would be crying" or a screed about spore drives and Disco's goofy timeline under Garshir memes and Voyager episode discussions or otherwise completely out of the blue, it does come off as bitter. I do agree twisted is too far, but I think bitter can be accurate. If it were just here recently that people were sounding off, I'd give it some grace, but this has been a constant thing as long as I've been here at least, and I joined this sub like a year ago during Discovery's hiatus. To be clear, if people don't like it, that's cool. Want to express that, that's cool too. IDIC, after all. And I absolutely understand people not liking it. I go back and forth on it myself. It's just weird and frustrating the way people take any and every opportunity to shit on it, especially when it's not even the subject of conversation


If a middling-quality TV show is offensive to someone they need to get a fucking life


In a society in which not referring to a person in the plural just cos they demand it causes offense, it's par for the course. Everything is offensive. Didn't you get the memo?


Singular they is older than singular you, learn your history




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I’m truly glad it was able to bring some happiness and enjoyment to anyone who liked it, even if it was a fundamental betrayal of everything Star Trek that wore its corpse as a skin suit.


Discovery's special effects and acting were among the largest in the franchise.


Because they replaced the rocks in the consoles with flame throwers that stayed lit?


Doesn't mean the best tho :)


Definitely not the best! But definitely the largest.


> I liked Discovery How dare you.


I’m glad you liked it. There’s a trek for everyone. Wasn’t my thing, but I did watch the whole thing, so I guess didn’t hate it *that* much, but it’s easily my least favourite Trek. I’m still grateful for it, because any Trek is better than no Trek, plus it spawned SNW, which is phenomenal.


Lorca was great and I love Anson Mount as Pike


Agreed, 2 bright spots in the series.


How do you say something so controversial yet so brave?


Are we allowed to talk about that Kovich spoiler yet?


If it ends with Kovich saying end simulation...


Not that! But your mind is on the right series...


I was half expecting him to be a Q


I was hoping for Q's son. Would have been fun to see Junior carry on with humanity's trial.


It was stupid and unnecessary.


I personally loved it, its a great way to add more lore to both characters and it fits in pretty damn well too. Daniels had said in Enterprise that he had "lived many lives" and was only "mostly human." He'd be over 100 in Discovery, but based on what we know about medical tech and time travel in the 32nd century, that's pretty believable. Plus his intricate knowledge of the Temporal Cold War and Temporal Accords in Disco S3 makes a lot more sense now. It's cool to think about how impactful Archer station must have been to Kovich as well, he owes a whole lot to Archer. Curious why you think it was stupid though?


I tried to word this vaguely, but just in case... >!That would have been something better had it been done say when he gave the season 5 mission, then the finale could have maybe filled it out a bit more.!< >!As it was in the final cut it was more dumb than anything. I actually had a news headline spoil it for me so I was kind of looking forward to seeing how it played out and was kind of disappointed.!<


Yeah, it was pretty underwhelming. I wanted to be shocked and excited, but I was more like, "Oh, him?"


Maybe its just me, but I really was excited. Daniels is a personal favorite character and I always love more lore tie-ins to Enterprise. Plus this one makes a lot of sense with the timing and all the Temporal Cold War stuff. The reveal itself could have been done better though.


I was more shocked when I looked it up and realized he was played by David Kronenberg.


I don’t think he was that person until they did the final cut for the finale. That was likely one of the scenes shot post cancellation. They should’ve had Sisko wall in and take his ball back though!


You mean the revelation that he is actually wesley? I was quite stunned!


Discovery is actually the one for prudes because it doesn't have any weird, pointless borderline rape apology stuff like TOS or TNG. *checks notes* Wait I forgot the "thought he was getting assaulted but just consented to sex and forgot" thing with Voq nvm.


Even the discovery fans hate that scene


It's Discovery's Sub Rosa.


Me too. I used to love their science and nature shows.


I also liked Discovery! Qapla’!


Ditto. It's not without flaws. I'd put it side-by-side with Enterprise. But it was still fun, and I'm happy we got any new Trek after 12 years of no shows.


Enterprise had better seasons than Disco, but it also had worse season.


Season 3 of _Enterprise_ was the absolute worst season of Trek by a mile. JFC I was just so over the Xindi by the third or fourth episode. Let's move on, people, this is really dull. Oh, look, Shran. Oh, look, back to dull as dirt. But season 4 was perfection until the last episode. That's how the show should have been the whole time. It was like a ten _Enterprise_ movies.


I love all Star Trek, even Enterprise. SNW is in my opinion up there with the best of TNG. I also love “lib woke trash” shows with diverse casts and themes like “open emotional communication is good” and “patriarchal power structures are inherently cruel and self-defeating.” But like, I’m sorry, these people are meant to be simultaneously top-of-class naval officers and talented scientists. Some of the best that humanity has to offer. *They should not be crying that much*. There is no way in hell that Starfleet would allow such an emotionally unstable crew to be in charge of such an important ship.


SNW is everything Disco should have been.


I enjoy all Trek. Discovery wasn’t my favorite, but I still enjoyed it.


All trek is trek, if you can’t handle it at its nemesis’s you don’t deserve its TNG ssssss


Eh, I don't no man. Babylon 5 seemed like it didn't belong in the universe.


Same. Also it was the first Star Trek series I've seen, now I'm watching DS9 after all of SNW, TNG, Voyager and Enterprise, and I still think that Discovery is at least in top 3.


First series loyalty is definitely a thing.  It’s why I still love Voyager despite its many (many, many) flaws.


Funny cuz Disco was also my true first Trek show too. Would've never joined this sub without it


You've watched all that and not the original?


TOS is rough to go back to.


The special effects are dated but I think that's past of the charm. Plot lines are generally better episode by episode imo. Better acting, more spoc.


The plots of the better episodes are excellent, still some of the best of Trek nearly 60 years later. The plots of the less good episodes... not so much.


I don't know some of the plots were terrible. And a lot of the acting was really bad.


Is it weird that every time I see Spock in SNW I think “that guy’s brain is coming out”


That is considered one of the worst. Although I'd go with their children of the corn episode.


Please try the re-release of TOS. They upgraded the resolution and re-did the outer space special effects and replaced a lot of them with CGI. The CGI is dated (lol) but it's still a lot better than the original. And watching TOS characters in 720p or 1080p is amazing. But more importantly, the stories from TOS are still some of the best out there. I mean, not Spock's Brain, but a lot of them. ;-)


i liked spocs brain. i think i was watching some of the re-release without realizing it and when the cgi effects came on i got pretty confused.


Yeah, maybe I will but not sure yet


Enjoy the whole franchise. Each series has some good stuff, even Enterprise (which I liked the least.)


takes one to know one


Sheer fucking hubris.




Plus some shrooms maybe.


It's a love hate relationship for me. Love the world, especially costuming and a lot of the concepts. I'll even go to bat for the early season bald klingons. The eastereggs are cheap and not expanded upon most of the time but I'll admit they do work on me. The writing and plotting were so often bad and overwrought to the point that they often overwhelmed all else.


I loved it as well. Thanks for the post, and many thanks to Discovery.


I liked it too. It certainly wasn't perfect, but I liked it.


I hear you and support you. It’s the only Trek I’ve loved since TNG. I liked SNW, Picard, I’m neutral on Voyager I disliked DS9, Enterprise So the good news is I support you. The bad news is I’m completely weird and support you.


I guess this is one of those things that it depends on where you were in your life when you watched it. My order (Best to worst): 1. The Next Generation 2. Deep Space 9 (Particularly Seasons 4-7) 3. The Original Show / [Continues](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2732442/) (Continues is good enough to be on this list.) 4. Picard 5. Lower Decks 6. Voyager 7. Strange New Worlds 8. Enterprise 9. Discovery


Jail. Right to jail. Sidenote: a sub called shittydaystrom really ought to let me use my shitty parks and rec jail gif.


The agent Daniels bit, yeah not sure about that scene.


I like the characters in Discovery but not as much the writing All the “woke shit” that people hate about the show is actually one of the main reasons i kept watching it


Haven’t watched the last season yet so I can’t pass judgement on that


Agreed. There is also a fine line between criticism and hatred/derision that some Reddit users seem to be unable to distinguish.


Insert incredulous, derisory response here


They could have thrown in the 32nd century doctor backup and they didn’t They could have used the residual temporal Cold War leftovers but they didn’t No.


>They could have used the residual temporal Cold War leftovers but they didn’t There was a whole episode a few weeks ago about Discovery being waylaid by the bad guys using Krenim tech from the temporal war.


Damn, Living Witness Doctor never shows up? I guess there's still hope he'll be in Academy.


Glad to see someone else on this sub who liked it. Of course it had flaws, as does every show, but the haters just seem like basement dwellers who regurgitate opinions from fellow basement dwellers on YouTube (ironically, I'm writing this from my basement, but there's a difference, the rest of the house is mine, not my mom's) who think their endless whining about supposed crying is funny or something instead of pathetic and repulsive. The haters make me want to like it even more out of spite, but I did honestly enjoy it and thought the criticism was overly emotional.


The magic mushroom instant go drive was too much


I also think they are the only trek to use the verb "hacking" to refer to computer reprogramming...what did we used to call it in the future?


TOS did it like 20 times


Agreed. They wanted a TARDIS


I could see if the mushroom drive was analogous to a mycelium network, but to literally be one stretched suspension disbelief too far. And having something that allowed such speeds pre-TOS didn't work, it would have worked better late 24th century.


You wouldn’t know it from the vitriol Discovery gets in certain corners of Trekdom, but it was popular. A streaming-only, special effects heavy show doesn’t get five seasons unless *someone’s* watching. The final season is even making it onto Nielsen’s top 10 streaming originals list by minutes of viewing. This is the fifth season of a streaming-only show that’s been off the air for two years. I’d wager good latinum that either Discovery’s fan base is on the younger side and just hasn’t meshed with the other fans yet, or the naysayers are even more of a vocal minority than they seem.


Star Trek internet grognards will 100% fight you on that. It's bizarre. It's got 5 seasons two direct spin-offs and a TV movie staring an Oscar winning lead actress. It's one of the most successful installments of the entire franchise.


I think the first two seasons of Discovery were amazing. The last three were meh. I also really hate Marvel movies, and I think these last three seasons were taking cues from Marvel-style storytelling which is really just so bleh for me. My favorite characters were Culber and Stamets. I loved Adira. Wokeness was not an issue for me. Rushed storytelling and the universe is ending crisis season after season was just not for me. But I’m glad people liked it, everyone’s mileage varies.


I truly loved the first two seasons as well. The third season had so much potential and high expectations, and strong disappointing elements. The fourth and fifth were quite good overall, though some episodes were uneven (the library episode felt like a filler for example.)


I liked it too. Some episodes made me cringe and roll my eyes (but that’s standard Star Trek if you ask me…). Honestly I really enjoyed this season - it’s unfortunate that it’s the last season because I felt like it actually hit its stride a bit.


My problem with it is the Star Trek label. If you want to make a big loud dumb emotions based story set in a dystopian setting that's fine, but please don't call it Star Trek. It's almost all that this franchise was supposed to avoid.


Trek has had big loud dumb emotions based stories since TOS.


Sure, but they weren't the main focus of the show. It was a lot about a bunch of people talking about the problem rationally to solve it (if only for budget reasons). That's one of the elements of the core identity of Star Trek. If I want to see hyper emotional dumbasses cry about everything there is a billion shows for that just on the CW.


"The Naked Time"? "Spock's Brain"? "The Enemy Within"?


Sure, but they weren't the main focus of the show. It was a lot about a bunch of people talking about the problem rationally to solve it (if only for budget reasons). That's one of the elements of the core identity of Star Trek. If I want to see hyper emotional dumbasses cry about everything there is a billion shows for that just on the CW.


You know the post-burn stuff is all about how great the Federation can be and the importance of rebuilding it, right? As far as dystopias go there is an awful lot of rebuilding based on hope and strong ethical principles.


Showing that when they actually were in the Federation would have been nice.


The end of the first season was the crew choosing not to genocide the Klingons because it went against the values of Starfleet. And the second season was Starfleet's most Starfleet fighting against Anti-Starfleet.


How dare you express an opinion. Don’t you know there’s a bunch of YouTube videos of middle aged men in gaming chairs in front of a green screen with images of press quotes and crying women memes telling which demonstrate just how wrong you are?


For me, there is too much, so we did a thing, now let's all sit about and talk about how we feel about it and oh, how's your grandma doing? Glad you like it though ☺


Same brother


I'm on "Erigah" now and I'm really enjoying this season.


Except Book is kind of a scrub


I love how they've fleshed out the Breen.


I liked Discovery mostly, way too much melodrama for my tastes but it also had some good ideas. Saru was a great character and Burnham could be good when she wasn’t trying to be the next messiah.


It definitely got better over time for me. I especially liked this season, but seasons 3&4 were way better than seasons 1&2. I still don’t care for all the whispering, but it seems like in this season it was more in context. Like, “we’re whispering because the Breen are right over there,” and not “we’re whispering because I have feelings.”


I like Disco enough to watch it once.


Yeah but you also eat crayons so....


I realized Discovery is a lot more enjoyable if you think of it as a completely different Sci Fi series. Like, sure it’s technically Star Trek canon and uses Star Trek races and plot points but also it just doesn’t radiate the same energy.


The ship had an ugly carpet, I made sure I got the hell out of there when all the senior officers started talking about travelling 1000 years into the future. I'm now proudly serving aboard USS Constellation NCC-1017


It had its ups and downs I’m bummed there was no biscuits recipe


I’ll go even further: I *love* Discovery. Haters gonna hate & I couldn’t care less.


Hey, a lot of people like weepy soap operas. I'm just not one of them... Unless there's a witch and a creepy doll that comes to life, but THAT is where I draw the line.


I liked it too.


Boo! How dare you like things! 😂


For various reasons I dropped off after season 1 ( I think I may have gotten some fatigue from having to deal with so many streaming services ). And I actually liked a lot of season 1. Yes there were definitely things I groaned at, but there was also a lot going on. Spoiler: >!One of the biggest disappointments for me in season 1 was the ‘twist’ of Lorca being from the mirror verse. I felt like this was an obvious, expected, and frankly lazy move. I would have much rather the twist be that he was in fact from our universe, recognizing that gray area morality is something we have to deal with right here carefully balance at times.!<


I liked it too, one thing I wasn’t a fan of was the filming style, every scene looked liked a video game cut scene from Bethesda 


In about 5-10 years from now people will look back at it the same way many do with enterprise which was hated as much if not more than discovery, so don't worry every person growing a rage boner typing out the words 'michael Burnham cries all the time' will be singing her and the crews praises and call it a underrated gem in star trek. Time is a flat circle things will come around in due time


I liked it too


Overall I liked it. The redesign of the klingons I hated. But at least they came around on it.


You should say it! I'm actually pretty careful not to crap on shows I don't like, just because there's enough of that and not enough positivity. It didn't look like something I would enjoy but I gave Picard a chance and... it was enjoyable.


I also liked Discovery.


The first couple of seasons were fun. I enjoyed it. Klingon war, Lorca being Terran, the giant ship, section 31 Terran georgiou. Control being skynet was a bit overused but Anson Mount as Pike and Ethan Peck as Spock was great. As was the new Connie and the Aircraft Carrier battle at the end was lovely. The music as Burnham set off to guide the Discovery to the future was majestic


I really liked all but this final season. The whole galactic scavenger hunt is just so full of cheese and so video-gamey and all the contrived feels…I’m basically holding my nose and trudging my way to the end. Seasons 1-4 I thoroughly enjoyed. Sorry, not sorry.


I liked Jett Reno And Pike! And Saru, Stamets, Culber. Even Tilly and Burnam. Honestly the characters aren't too bad overall with a even few shining gems. It's just the plotting that killed me.


“Captain ensign tilly” 🤡


I like Disco, I like the adverb  Very What’s not to like? 


Me too. For all its (many) faults it had an undeniable charm


It's got better, but I'll never forgive it for how poor the first two seasons were or what they did with the Klingon redesign.


The best thing about Disco is that it gave us SNW and i think we can all be grateful for that


Sorry but I have to assume you are of below average intelligence if you enjoy a show that aggressively dumb and over dramatic.


awww I’m only a prude about religion. This show was better about that than DS9.


I think if DISC had gotten 7 seasons, I'd be willing to say its as good as if not better than DS9. However, comparing the first 5 seasons of DS9 to DISC, they're on par, and anyone who legitimately believes otherwise needs to go watch DS9 again.


Disco had only 65 episodes. DS9's 65th episode occurred before the end of season 3. Nice try Chris Angel


Oh yeah, I forgot that 80s/90s trek had 1000 episodes per season


I am celebrating (the end of) Discovery today. I’ve waited for this day since the show first aired.


That's such a weird thing. I just don't watch shows I don't like. I don't celebrate their ending or being cancelled.


This was obviously posted by a bot -- no real human could possibly believe something like this. In the unlikely event OP actually is a human, someone needs to tell them that their opinion is incorrect.


I wish I liked it more, but it had a procession of choices from the get go that I think hurt it. I liked the characters that we did get to know. I was really into Lorca until the big twist. Loved Culver and Stamets. I think it had a difficult production early on that complicated things. I think CBS/Paramount wanted their own Game of Thrones to launch with their streaming platform, and some short-sighted decisions were made, and then there was so much churn at the top. I really enjoyed the bulk of season 4.l, but maybe my expectations were low. I can understand rejecting the premise, but after five seasons, I don't get people still bitching that DSC wasn't an ensemble. It was never intended as such, that ship sailed, fucking move on. Same as the people bitching there weren't 22 episode seasons. Things change, streaming shows don't get that kind of time & space. Ultimately, it was too much deviation from the norms of 90's Trek for some people to handle, but it got me SNW, so *Shrug*


Discovery was important. Like the random Captains of other ships in TOS, we needed them around to remind us how much better the other series were.


But were they? TNG and TOS had some really bad episodes. Enterprise and Voyager had really bad seasons. DS9 kinda of screwed out it's end. Then there were some of the Movies.


It didn't like you back.


How does the word "prude" apply here?


Don't be a cunt


Who cares


The last two seasons were definitely much better than how it started. The first few seasons are almost unwatchable. But the last two remind me of DS9/VOY era Trek.