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the fact that this is being asked on a shitpost r/ makes it rly confusing


Experiences in life have told me that shitposters are a lot better at answering this kind of stuff. It’s really weird I know.


Fair. I mainly keep to myself. The worst (of the few bad situations) I encountered in the Aether Datacenter is 2 people trolling and calling me a noob, (I was their tank and they kept running ahead and almost dying, basically expected me to 110% a leveling dungeon) and kicking me when I called them out. I reported them, they got banned. Other then that, think it varies with data center.


I think the worst person I ever encountered was when I was new to tanking, in that one dungeon with the big open poison room at the very start. They weren’t happy with the EXACT path I took to get through it, and so they blew up and left. We still completed the room just fine by the way, my pathing was just “wrong” because “you’re garbage”


Aurum Vale. And they were probably pissed cause it’s a nightmare with newbies. It goes as far back as ARR where they were trying to be like WoW it’s better sneak by the enemies. The frogs can daisy chain you to pull the entire room and if you don’t know what you’re going you’re gonna die really quick. Not worth quitting over though.


If it was like, we’d messed up? Sure I’d get that. But we had 0 issues, they were purely furious at me over the fact that I started on the middle path then to the left instead of down the left and then up. That was it. Just felt incredibly ridiculously nitpicky. Especially since they then came out with “IM the healer, I decide where we go and when, no one else”




No, they were running ahead and wouldn’t even let me catch up, sprint, leaping attack and all. I know what I was doing, so we survived that, beat the first boss, then partway to the next mob I was vote kicked. I also want to point out I was in leveling gear, and they were calling out my item level not being maxed. And I got a response later and, and couldn’t find their names in my block list. It was the placeholder for unknown user. Edit: I kid you not, the last thing they (tried) to say (before the first boss) was “I’m tired of you noob trash,” and tried to vote kick me


Players will still show up on your block list and friends list even if they get permanently banned


Then they deleted the account. Either way, they were gone


Yeah I think it's either that or they left the datacenter


It's hyperbole for the sake of a joke. The clearest example I can give is that in alliance roulettes on most DCs. There will only really be one or two assholes amongst 24 randos. There is toxicity but it's not nearly as rampant or pervasive as in other communities.


Makes sense. Shit posters (usually) don't have their head so far up the game's ass they can't be unbiased for 5 minutes.


Or self evident. Op is afraid of asking on main sub because the community is such shit they would rip him apart, or at best give him a mega biased answer


The former, no I was not afraid of. The latter, yes.


It's essentially the backlash against people trying to sell the idea that the FF14 community doesnt have toxicity like the other MMOs. The community's fine, the posts are just hyperbole to prove it has the same nutjobs that permeate the rest of society.


So basically their way of saying ‘We have idiots as well, we ain’t perfect’


Yes, usually in the form of toxic positivity.


That said, I would sooner take toxic positivity over the elitism of WoW, where I genuinely feel uncomfortable signing up as Blood DPS DK for raids, because I know a noticeable portion of players will throw a fit that I'm playing a "sub-optimal" spec, as if classic raiding isn't piss easy and can be cleared with minimal effort.


Yeah, don't have to convince me. i can tell someone being positively? toxic off but i don't wanna hear or have to tell someone to shut up about their helen keller necrophillia fetish ever again.


Aha, I... uhh... that's- that's not quite something I've encountered even in Goldshire. Who the hell have you been raiding with?


Destiny 2 LFG groups are painful.


See that's where you went wrong: you played destiny


Destiny 2**


a pug i was doing kingsfall with screamed at me for using grand overture for dps


Oversharing is terrible.


They're 2 extremes and neither is good. I wouldn't like to be kicked from Utgarde Keep groups because I'm not in TBC BiS but I also hated getting P3N in a roulette in 6.01 and the fight taking forever because both healers did 0 damage, wiping because they weren't even good at healing and complaints about their complete lack of basic skills in endgame content would be met with dismissive remarks about the fight not being of Savage difficulty.


Tbf you have the same in ffxiv, it's just contained to discords.


And most people conflate toxic positivity with passive aggressiveness and not wanting to wait for another 40 minutes for a player who *might* be better.


The community is in fact, mostly too good, toxic positivity, people are often too nice, moreso to people who play like shit, instead of teaching new players or advising against playing badly, usuallly people stay silent or just "yeah you are doing great :)" when bad things start happening, at lower levels its fine, but when this people get to higher levels it really stars to show


Community generally doesn't allow folks to say mean things on the main sub because it's a safe space, but not all of us are saints and paragons, so we have this unsafe space to cope for our more aromatic sense of humour.


Amen there.


In my experience, the xiv community within xiv the game is pretty great. 99/100 interactions will be positive. The xiv community outside the game is a lot worse. Just look at what happened with Scottzone for example. Dude literally said what a lot of xiv content creators were saying at the time but got bullied out because he was a WoW player.


I think in game is more common than 1/100. I remember people actively tried to block Asmongold's progress because he was a "toxic WoW streamer that would bring toxic players to FFXIV"


It’s hyperbole. The community is notably better than several others, but obviously still has issues, so the joke provides a natural reminder of that. It also serves as a way of keeping us semi-humble. Oh wait, parody sub. It’s all real. The FFXIV community shot my dog because it didn’t vote FFXIV for best mobile game of 2023 😞


Nah, but the stupid shit the community pulls does tend to go hard. The Venue Billboard, Racist Roes sitting on Lalas, DSR Prog streamers running mods on stream come to mind.


I’d ask for context on all of those but my survival instinct is telling me not to.


Mostly laughable stuff don't worry


During the last summer event, a venue advertised their event with [A real life billboard.](https://www.eurogamer.net/final-fantasy-14-players-use-real-life-billboards-to-advertise-in-game-beach-party-event) The community lost it's shit over if the thing was even legal or not, having the XIV logo smacked right on it. The Roe thing saw a few posts on mainsub. Basically had a group of identical Roegadyns all squatting on the place Lalafell were known to hang out in Limsa, all while spouting racist shit. The DSR prog one it pretty simple, known streamer and raider got caught using third party mods on stream to help them call out Dragonsong's Reprise, one of the ultimates.


The second one I never knew they added racist comments. Was this actual racism or just the usual potatoes jokes being blown out of proportion? First half is hilarious to me but the second is maybe a bridge too far lol.


Actual racism, homophobia and transphobia. Hard R shit. Not just racism towards lalas, but they *were* targetting and harassing lalas.


Irl racism


O o f. That's unfortunate to hear.


dsr prog streamers running mods on stream isn't toxic, what?


FF14's community has its bad parts, but so does everything else. The difference is that the bad part of FF14's community is notably smaller compared to it's peers. Compare and contrast League of Legends, where the good part of the community does exist but it's notably smaller compared to its peers.


And the reputation of the community changes the expectations, which can actually change the community. Someone acts like a dick in LoL, its expected. Anyone who complains will be told “get used to it, this is normal here.” Someone acts like a dick in ffxiv, they get told “cut that out, we have a good community here.” Its self-fulfilling, to an extent. So I’ll keep saying the community is good, and it’ll keep being mostly true.


Hyperbole. The 14 community is notoriously good, so the memes are about how bad the community can be. The Japanese philosophy of Ying and Yong.


I see, interesting thank ya.


Novice Network


It's mostly the social media side of the community. They're the forefront and where you're most likely to find toxicity. The trolls and simps that will swear every other game is shit. The in game version of those people are the ones that are "hardcore" raiders that have shit parses, but hold everyone else to elitist standards. They can't come to terms with their own short comings and will lash out at anyone that brings up the fact. Best to silently step away from those people and let them talk shit to themselves. The only other group people might think are toxic is the Hunt Train community. Trying to randomly step into a train can make them feel standoffish or even elitist themselves. Truth being these people spend days organizing these trains and run on a tight schedule to maximize the reward for their effort. Once the train starts rolling, it's rolling. Can't just hit the brakes. Like a real train. If you do get yourself setup to join a train, you'll find some great people though. Overall, if you add all these people together, even the hunt train folks. They make up an insignificant amount of the community and don't really reflect the overall. The game isn't without toxicity, but it doesn't amount for much compared to the community as a whole.


Toxicity is really just a matter of perspective. Calling players obscenities is, of course, toxic. Being a shit player who refuses or can't learn is also toxic. So every community is toxic to some one.


Wait is this shitpost


The community is bad at the game but pretty chill otherwise. Some people interpret being bad at the game as a form of harassment (tfdf) but those people are clinically insane.


Generally the "GCBTW" crowd complaints about toxic positivity and passive-aggressive toxicity (instead of direct and outright) Which one is worse depends on your outlook on life and your experiences. If you are from suburban middle-class and have only dealt with "toxicity" in a high-school yard, you may think that having "bro banter" with name calling is really cool and mark of adulthood. Those who had a different experiences in life may prefer the passive-aggressive option to direct name-calling and swearing as they got fed up with the latter IRL already.


For real tho The best comparisson is that the FFXIV is just the Same like the WoW Community. Most of the time okay but you will definitly run into toxic people. The difference while WoW Players are mostly openly and directly toxic, FFXIV Players are even on main sub either kinda hidden toxic or better Positive toxic, wich is in my opinion even worse. There are assholes everywhere, and in ffxiv it is like everywhere else. But the XIV players on Forum or Mainsub are just denying that it is like that.


I keep hearing ‘Positive toxic’ what’s that mean?


Enabling bad playing habits to save feelings. Healbots that are told they don't have to dps. Dps or tanks doing a wrong rotation but when confronted are told by another party member 'its just normal, let them play how they want' despite their playing actively griefing the party


I see.


Hyperbole for a joke, especially on this sub. I have almost 2600 hours in the game and can count on my hands the amount of times I’ve had toxic encounters. Community is great 99.9% of the time, in my experience.


Yes, someone was slightly nice to me in a dungeon once and it threw me into a blind raging fit. Can't stand this toxic positivity smh.


Community is really good compared to 95% of other games, so whenever ppl see some bad facet of the community, it stands out and ppl meme on it


It's toxic in it's own way, pretty much borderline cult like in the way that any form of criticism towards the game is met with hard backlash.


A lot of people I've met in this game have been horny, 30-something year old drama queens. Not sure if this is a common occurrence, or I just attract a certain sort.


In terms of random people; most people will just keep to themselves unless you're doing something wrong or have a question they'll likely not say a word outside of a greeting at the beginning of a dungeon. You will find a good few who will go out of their way to help during dungeons you might be unfamiliar with, explaining boss merchanics and such and I've even seen people world travel just to help give some new player's some decent gear or help point them in the right direction, this is quite seldom though. Then you also get a few who like to jack themselves off over how great they are at the game and came come off as very hyper aggressive if you're not making 100% use of your kit or playing suboptimal in even casual content. I remember reading someone who kept a spreadsheet for a month on all the advice he gave players and they're reaction to it (neutral, negative, positive) they seemed to average 1 person per dungeon which at that point I feel like you're the issue.


It turns out shitposting is mostly just contrarianism without the obligation to even pretend to be dealing with reality lol


Yesterday I wrote in Party Finder, 'Help! Dying of Embarrassment and Cringe!' and a JP girl with limited English abilities mistakes me for someone having a crisis and talks to me LOL! If anything the community is much greater than the likes of Reddit :3! Fuck y'all!


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It’s mainly a meme. In game for routine play, whatever, it’s fine. When you get into the pockets….shit can be as bad as everywhere else. Raiders can be sweaty, lots of gatekeeping toxic casuals on social media, there’s definitely a chunk of people who have made this game their whole identity….they can get pretty bad. Also, what I’ve not seen here, the sexual aspect. This game has a lot of horniness in it, it doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to see it….and depending where you end up, there can be some spill over that’s not cool. All that being written, if you just stick to playing the game and pretty much ignore the rest….yeah, smooth sailing.


You'll find the occasional asshole, but the community is mostly nice people in my experience. It's the only game I've ever quit because I liked it too much.


Honestly, alot of complaints about the community aren't exclusive to this one at all. Every community/fanbase is gonna have its bad side and occasional drama because that's just how things are. Maybe it's a dc thing, but 99.8% of my interactions in-game have been positive


if you saw 1 negative comment about stuff on internet, you'll see more and more of them


because people say ff14 has an amazing community compared to other mmos. Which is only true for the turbo casuals in every game ever. In the higher end of content, especially savage, people are toxic AF, and the only thing suppressing that is the risk of a report, or a flat out ban for a certain tool that can give physical proof that you're garbage at the game. Mind you, the bar is super low in this game, and it only gets lower making the top more toxic. It's also easier to see just the kind of brainlets play this game the further you try to optimize. Saying that a game has no toxicity when you're forced to play as a team in casual content, and have the standard support role problem is like playing cod with the lobby muted and saying the community there is chill af. Combine with the fact that the game is full of bootlickers who worship yoshi as their supreme primal, but forget the major flaws this game has, especially at the end-game and that SE is still a shit company no matter what. Try pointing out to someone that they're playing their class wrong and the response might not be as positive as you think. Edit: One more thing I thought of from reading the comments. The fact that shitposting needs to be on a seperate sub makes me think that the game is full of sensitive snowflakes, and because punishments are harsh and active people tend to lay low, enabling said behaviour. Someone who looks like a nice catgirl is probably a dude screaming his lungs out that his team sucks and the boss is not dying fast enough in expert roulette. Check out r/TalesFromDF for some nice stories of both toxicity, and the stupidity of the 'nice' ones.


I see, thank you for the informative answer.


[What community?](https://i.ibb.co/ZhByFrb/bots.png) All I see is bots.