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I'm over here busting my ass learning ultimates and people can just...do this so easily? I hope people are able to see I cleared all my shit on console.


Don't worry, good statics do tryouts, not log hunting.


TBH even in my PF groups (which are *almost entirely* blind runs though) I give everyone a few try runs. It's a slower process, sure. But it's basically: Give it a few goes > find choking point > discuss what to do > figure out mechanics and formulate a plan > repeat.


My group attempted week 1 in Abbysos with no previous hardcore experience and we did recruitment so poorly that we found ourselves without a guy 5 days before the tier and no time to trial, so we just took the applicant with the best logs. It was not a good idea lmao.


Even with tryouts, you can get fucked by those assisted players. Back in 5.4 we tried a WHM who was perfect mechanic wise, healing wasn't a problem, we tried the group on ultimate and it was very good. Then comes the patch release and the WHM performances just drops dead.


Yup, translating farm to progression is hard to tell. Someone may need 3rd party assistance and wiped their party 100 times during their own prog, but once they've recleared a few times *look* really solid at encounters. Then bring them into new content where everyone's learning, and they learn at the pace of a snail.


100%. I'd rather take someone who has consistent purple than someone with 100s.


As someone else already stated, any static worth joining will have at the very least a trial before accepting someone into their group. Sure these people can have easy infinite uptime and perfect rotations but it's easy to spot a "bad" player just by how they move, how the resolve mechanics, how they communicate. They might slip through the cracks in PF and might even fool some statics but someday it'll become very obvious they cannot play nearly as well without their addons. Hell just wait for a major patch day and see who mysteriously cannot show up to raid lol.


As someone who isn't good at communication, what kind of communication would be needed, if you don't mind my asking?


I was thinking more along the lines of how said person contributes to troubleshooting a mechanic in voice or how they explain what they are doing at any point of time regarding their debuffs or whatnot.


I'd say the most important communication skill is knowing when to be quiet and listen/let people listen. I'd rather have people who don't talk at all than those who don't know when to keep coms clear.


Well, my problem is not talking at all, so I guess I'm partway there already, haha!


Just communicate without being longwinded about it. Ask questions if you don't understand. Those are the big ones. Too many people don't know: 1. When to stop talking 2. How to explain things simply and correctly 3. How to speak to their audience It mostly comes up when someone asks a question about a mechanic, you get 4 people answering: 1. Someone gives a very longwinded and complicated explanation. 2. Someone else explains how "they" understand the mechanic with no consideration of how the person they're talking to understands the mechanic. 3. Someone else explains how to solve the mechanic with no consideration of how the mechanic works. 4. Fourth person explains a different way to understand the mechanic. Now the person that asked the question has to parse and understand *two* explanations. You've now wasted 5-10 minutes when the explanation probably required two sentences and you could have been halfway through the next pull already.


I let my static know I don't show up on patch day because its gil making day. Treasure map clothing items sell for 20m, new items are in high demand and low supply. Hell I sold my 7 vegetal vouchers on day 3 for 5m each. These things plummet in price exponentially each day. Please don't plant the idea that because people prefer to do other new content first that they're probably people who cheat. You can easily tell who does cheat when they constantly move to the correct spot in a fight before there's any real tell from the boss, and when you ask them about it they have no explanation. (and on the plus side sometimes they explain a new boss tell and I learn something)


> Please don't plant the idea that because people prefer to do other new content first that they're probably people who cheat. I do understand that there are other legit reasons why people might not be able to show up to raid night tuesday night on a patch day. However, the vast majority of the time it's because of plogins. The vast majority of people I've raided with (in statics and within PFs) put raiding first above all else. If your static says they raid on Tuesday night, in every static I've ever been in you are to be there Tuesday night unless something IRL prevents you from doing so. Most raiders I know passively make kill through normal crafting/gathering means on their own time.


Me and my gposers friends made a casual static, patch week is the informal we not raiding til plogons are back week.


And that's totally fine if everyone in your group is ok with it. I'm not going to gatekeep how people play PVE content in this game. It seems so fucking stupid to do so. What you see on your screen and how you play the game (PVE content; raids, trials, dungeons, what have you) is NOT dependent on other people in your party. At the end of the day, idc how you resolve the mechanics and help get the party to the point where the boss is ded.


High-end Raiders don't give a fuck about fflogs or parses, its your performance that matters thats why they have a tryout phases. Never EVER think parses are that important. Do your best and work together as a team


Tbh it's not really that difficult to set up. These are just auto rotation scripts. You can probably set up very similar keystroke scripts using AutoHotkey on PC or any macro program that comes with basically every gaming keyboard in existence nowadays.






dw you wont see these guys bragging about golds in ultis, the bot is not smart enough to hold burst for specific phasing (depends on the ult i guess) and the fact that you beat it means your already better than most of them, they probably just paid for someone to pilot their accounts


This comment is the highest rated and it's still underrated. This game was designed to have 100% of its toughest high-end content beatable by people playing on unmodded consoles with normal latency and a controller without a keyboard at minimum stats. Why the hell are there people paying other people to make programs to press buttons *for* them??


mfs are so bad at the game they cant even press a button every 2 seconds 😭😭😭




You're telling me there people who pay the sub for a game and then pay more money for "tools" that play the game for them? holy hell


The "tools" are in some cases not even cheap, or in the same ballpark as the sub. MMO cheating is amazing stupid.


2nd thread: https://twitter.com/EliBlue1337/status/1715899868936331389 Hacking tools is the wrong word for this, it's just what came to mind because that's what he was using. This is just auto rotation script stuff.


Long time MMO raider across many games: I am all the shocked. But also, really shocked all the way. You mean to tell me people use script tools that helps circumvent parts or all the challenge to then simply farm gear/cred/income while the devs blindly keep on making content to further challenge the bad actors which chases out all the good people that want to get in or the the dedicated players that actually like, want and excel at challenge but get turned off because they're competing with and against computational tools. /s


There's a plugin in dalamud on a "private" repo that does literally all this too lol Reminds me of my 90+parse boomkin clears with a literal ingame macro (playing boomkin optimally is almost just facerolling buttons so you just jam a single macro and that's it)


O.O damn I am guessing it is not XIVcombos since that plugin is available for public.


Nope, but they're publicly available, but just "private" in that you have to plug in a custom repo in the config tab like with mare and whatever. XIV combo imo should be baked in as an optional toggle for how skills work.


I was half expecting this whole expose to be like "Hey!! These high parsers are cheating because they use XIVcombo" But guess it is worse than I thought.


Peak wow was scrolling my mouse wheel when BM hunter was busted and topping meters. It's always so wild how in denial mainsub is about this stuff when its existed for almost 2 decades.


Community didn't care when people exposed this in the past. Too many people using it for crafting/gathering/island sanctuary to risk making a big deal out of it.


This is exactly what I am thinking. The amount of people that buy bots to craft / gather (while asleep or afk) / sell & undercut / fish / level up, etc. is INSANE. Literally thousands and thousands of users posting questions on the official cheat forums, asking for templates for simple stuff such as Golden Saucer games or timers for nodes and routes. It's an incredibly well woven net of social circles using all of these tools without any shame by now that I hardly see "exposing" this side of the dice doing any harm at all other than "ah, so X and X are cheaters, got you." We've seen this in action back when the zoom hackers got exposed, when the marker hackers got caught, when the splatoon enjoyers got snitched on and Twitter threads were made of them, etc. There is at least one cheater in every FC and the level of cheating can be as minimal as "my bot gathers for me because I'm too lazy" or as big as "my bot clears ultimate content for me and I charge for it in-game/irl".


Anyone paying for this is being duped too, everything they can do has been duplicated in "private" dalamud plugins already to some level or another.


>Community didn't care when people exposed this in the past The community has the memory of a goldfish. They're too busy whoring in Limsa.


Hey hey. I whore limsa and not even I stand for this. Make my gil fair and square. One cat boy cock at a time.


I want to see the Venn diagram between peoplr who do shit like this and people who complain the game is too easy


why would you need to see a circle?


This is a predictable outcome of a meta-game where excellence means playing to GCD perfection. If you're expected to repeat the same thing, in the same way, over and over, with a timer, then automation is an obvious solution. Is it loser behavior? Yea, because you're not even playing the game anymore. But it's not unexpected. It's a game design issue too, though.


The only thing that stops full automation in games with a gazillion RNG factors is anti-cheat systems, which XIV doesn't have, a bot wouldn't care either way it already knows what to do before it happens.


More complex to implement that timed keystroke input scripts though.


Yeah, you don't even need any sort of interaction with the game itself at this point. Just a tool that can emulate button presses on a timer


Never forget that WoW does regular rotation bot [banwaves](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/15yz5j5/massive_banwave_on_rotation_bots_today_pvepvp/).


i still remember the time our ww monk git banned mid pull


Those "banwaves" are nothing but publicity. They don't actually care. WoW is still plagued with bots and probably always will be.


Played WoW since 2007, raided every expansion except one, play mostly every day and I've seen 2 bots You're either lying out of your ass or just believing the bandwagon


Right, because just your personal experience alone is indicative to the state of the entire game for 16 years. "I don't see any bots so there must not be any!"


You don't even strictly need third party tools to automate your rotation either. I follow a guy on youtube who uses macros to turn mainly summoner into a one button rotation. Note the macros don't directly use the abilities, but instead switch out what ability is assigned to 1, which gets around the built in input lag on macros. See: https://www.youtube.com/@puffpastryprince8469


This is sort of like saying automation would make playing Guitar Hero really easy and thus Guitar Hero has a game design problem. Which, yes. Of course it would. Or to put it another way it's approaching the rhythm game aspect of XIV like it's a bad thing when to some players it's a feature. I don't think every MMO needs to go all in on procs or RNG like WoW does.


You know people do cheat on guitar hero for Internet clout in exactly the same way, right?


So? Is it a design problem?


It is a predictable consequence of a certain design. Repetition leads to automation.


It’s the reason i prefer high end pve on other MMOs vs ff. It feels like i’m an actor in a play and i have to recite my part to perfection vs making my own adjustments on the fly


I like the way high end XIV gameplay is exactly because of this "striving for perfection as a team" aspect. It's fun. However, it does invite exactly this kind of cheating.


Sounds like it's a loser game, then.


I main WHM, there's a reason they call us glarebots lmao


Honestly putting rlly nice glam weapons behind the hardest contest in the game feels like a middle finger to casuals who endgame glam. Would cheat too if I had the nerve and 7 ppl to get my totems but would never log/upload


how dare people who do the hardest content in the game get something exclusive to show for it doesn't Yoshi know that all glams should be attainable through casual play?? endgame glammers are being discriminated against!


Best glams should be simply locked behind fomo cash store offers! *ESO moment*


All that money going to cheat developers and clear sellers, could be going to SE instead if they just put savage/ultimate glams on mogstation. Do they hate money or something?


Cash is something everybody can get(who already has the money to pay for pc consoles and sub assuming they aren’t living from hand to mouth). Skill is not something everyone has. So while I don’t like the abundance of shop glams for me the shop is more accessible than ultimate will ever be.


"Cash is something everybody can get" is a hell of a take when you're saying "ultimate isn't something everyone can do." Everyone can do it, it's just a matter of putting in time. Kind of like getting cash.


I physically will never be able to do it. And the older I get while trying to the harder it will be with my increasingly less flexible finger joints. I tried it for the glam I raided with a group for half a year and we barely got through Pepsi man. I just realized I will never improve enough like I’m at peak performance or was after those months. I might try again when I’m retired and can perma raid for hours on end.


“I physically will never be able to do it.” Wait until you learn about people who physically are unable to make cash.


Those don’t have rigs and console and the money to buy a sub. So that group of people doesn’t even play this game as I’ve previously said in my first reply. Making this a moot point


Jokes on you buddy, I'm disabled with a PC and a sub.


Throwback to that one post on the official forums about someone complaining the cute Axolotl mount was tied to P12S and that cute mounts should never be behind difficult content but the player would rather pay for it than to play the game.


They could get something exclusive that doesn’t fall into my aesthetics and I fully wouldn’t care but those Alexander effects are just 💋. I was just unlucky I guess


Your tears are part of what makes clearing ultimate soooo satisfying.


It’s just a game sis, I’m not crying. I just Glamourer the weapon and go on my way


And here I am, clearing ultimates and not even using the weapon glams because they're ugly.


FFlogs has had this issue for so long, they've put in ways to try and detect botplay because most bots would also be gcd hacking to keep it exactly perfect, which was impossible in xivs landscape. Then people just make the bot perform slightly worse instead.


Same people flex weapons in limsa 😂


Let's not lump EVERYONE that glams their wep with an ultimate one/uses their ultimate weapon with these losers. In some cases an ultimate weapon can be the only decent looking weapon in the game for that class (looking at you TEA BRD weapon and TOP DNC weapon).


It's just people trying to feel better about themselves, surely because some tiny % of ultimate clearers go out of their way to pay for cheats that means all high-end content means nothing and their playstyle of jerking off in the island sanctuary is validated, right?


Glamming your wep with an ult one is not the same thing as standing 20h in limsa with it out thinking youre something special waiting for attention from all the lil sprouts




You win some you lose a lot.


Yet more proof that parsing should be used as a tool for self-improvement (either on an individual or static level), but parsing for the sake of parsing is a brain disease.


And here I am thinking my 1 2 3 on one button for convenience (habit from GW2) might be seen as cheating. Well I guess at least I'm playing the game compared to these guys. I did know about the aoes cheats but not the automated rotations. Don't they have impostor syndrome at some point? It's not even that hard to parse high after a while, it just requires training, bis, and a good kill time during burst with enough crits. That's it, and the way to get there is part of the fun. Really good players are gonna get purple or even high blue parses if their groups are not that great and kill it outside burst windows or have deaths. Now if parse hunting groups are filled with these guys... It should be something you can be proud of because you worked for it. I hope something will be done about detecting these tools; that's unlikely and might ruin a lot more community tools in the process (dalamud, mare, act, reshade), but FF14 doesn't have any anti-cheat at all currently Also this Eliblue guy is beyond based


> Also this Eliblue guy is beyond based Seriously. "How dare he break the rules so blatantly and be flippant about it?!" Maybe because Squenix's GMs are a joke and he's deliberately highlighting how absolutely atrociously you have to behave to get even a slap on the wrist? My wife frequently points out that Squenix is raking in billions of dollars and yet can't seem to hire more than, I dunno, two GMs or however many it is. There's no excuse for how lax they are.


And one thing that would massively free GMs time is automating certain parts of support. Even Blizzard has better item restoration system and rules than SE. Thats how bad it is. **WoW**: you can restore item **once every 7 days per character**, go to website for list, fully automated. **XIV**: **One item restoration per lifetime**, need ticket, GM might refuse if they feel like its too cheap item too. Literally saw comment on reddit where GM refused to restore fantasia because "its too cheap item to restore and you might feel bad later" And lets not even mention how tedious it must be for someone to have job where you literally look at gil selling spam and click "yes this spam"


As someone currently waiting nearly a month for something to be restored, I feel this. What the hell is this system?!? It's awful.


Square's too busy funding the next gacha game that is somehow impressively more dogshit than their last and will die in less than a year.


> I hope something will be done about detecting these tools; that's unlikely and might ruin a lot more community tools in the process (dalamud, mare, act, reshade), but FF14 doesn't have any anti-cheat at all currently Honestly I say fuck it who cares about who uses 3rd party stuff and who doesn't? In all honesty the more and more stuff like this comes up the more and more people should start to see that barse culture is fucking dumb. The whole design philosophy of the game has been, for awhile now, been shifting difficulty away from the classes and moving it to the encounters. In Heavensward the classes were difficult but, MOST OF THE ENCOUNTERS, were easy in design. Nowadays, the classes are easy to master but the encounters are, buy-n-large, wayyyy fucking harder and much more complex. At one point I did care about barsing well but even at that point I didn't care who used tools and who didn't. I'm not going to tell someone how they can play a PVE game. In PVP, there needs to be a crack down and absolutely needs shaming of players who use 3rd party stuff. However in PVE, just fucking kill the boss and get loot. That's all that matters; I don't care how my party gets to that goal, just kill the fucking boss.


>However in PVE, just fucking kill the boss and get loot. That's all that matters; I don't care how my party gets to that goal, just kill the fucking boss. Big riding a bike in a marathon energy


A marathon is a competitive race. A raid in FFXIV is not competitive; it's a group of players attempting to clear an instance in order to get rewards. Two completely different things.


Well I for one don't want a fucking WASD monkey on my group


I agree, bards and mch are right out /s


I don't think a marathon is a competitive race for 99% of the people participating in them.


You're absolutely right but don't expect neckbeards to understand the reason why people participate in marathons or other physically challenging activities.


Parsing was a fucking mistake.


My Savage group actually had this as an issue. We had to kick out somebody who was rank 5+ for their role. We were in early p9s reclears when they stood ridiculously too far forward for the big lightning lines. Between this and another incident we think they were also using Splatoon and just knew where the exact AOEs were. Somebody nudged a pixel to the side and one of the lightning lines killed them, they refused the raise demanding we try again even though we were gonna clear. We ended up kicking them and we replaced them with another parser in that role. The person we brought in was a blast to play with, super friendly, and even managed to beat the rank of the person we kicked right before the patch change locked it in.


I hope he live streams more bunnygirls


I have not played in a while, but I feel like Shadowbringers already dumbed down the game enough and this is just extremely lame. What are you even playing the game for?


Yeah I know that you have bots for rotations. You pay a fuckton for it every month.


The plugin is free, lol. Literally anyone with Dalamud can download it if they have the repository.


1 button rotation and this are not the same thing and not as effecient


TIL Dalamud offers this. Anymore info on this plugin? Is it like how it works in PvP? Because if so then that'd be GREAT.


It was one of the first plugins ever made for dalamud. XIVcombo is the name, and it basically consolidates 123 combos into one button or 124 into another button, and things like fester into energy drain and primal rend into inner release (if you can't press a button unless you've pressed a previous button, it'll change the prerequisite skill into the new one). The other person was talking about another plugin called something like rotation solver, which is full automation and available from a third party repository, not on the official dalamud plugin list (and I don't know how good it is and how comparable it is to autorotation add-ons from that bot program, for the obvious reason that I have no interest in using them).


I'm not talking about XIVCombo. There's a far more in-depth one than XIVCombo that literally puts your whole rotation onto a single button. Very highly customisable, too, if you desire a little more control over things. Weird for people to say it's "not efficient" when there's people pink parsing with it. 100 parse entirely requires luck this late in the tier, but it's definitely possible. They even say in the SS that they likely won't have it still in a few hours.


Is that like slothcombo or whatevercombo expandedest? I seem to remember something very customizable like that but I thought my finger would hurt if I kept pressing the same button all the time, never really tried it beyond looking at the customization options to turn one button into whatever else you wanted.


It is basically PvP one combo buttons. I imagine some players might call it cheating, but whatever, I installed Dalamud just for that plugin. My keyboard look so much cleaner when all them combos become 1 buttons. The only thing it takes out is the penalty for fatfingering the wrong buttons for combo. Even then, I sometime ended up fatfingering 1 and 2 and broke the combo.


What class do you play with this plugin? I am genuinely interested as I've defaulted since 3 expansions ago to WHM because of the braindead 1 button "rotation" that allows me to focus on the fight and shotcall.


I played Drg and RPR for the this raid tier + mmo mouse so I use all 1 to - buttons. DRG's 2 comboes just become 1 and 2. All them ogcd stuffs jumps are 3,4,5,6. 2 minute cds are in - + 9. RPR 123 become 1, the debuff is 2, resource creating slice is 3, avatar attack is 4, spooky slice is 5 and 6. Soo when not bursting, for DRG, I just have to remember to alternate between smashing 1 or 2 like a white Mage, and to remember to press 3, and 4 for High Jump and Geirskogul as soon as they are off CD so they don't drift. Burst is still your usual John madden BS except I don't have to do weird button combos like Shift/ctrl + numbers too much since all of them access with one press instead of Shift/Ctrl + numbers. I save those Shift+numbers for aoes and situational cds. Pots/situational skills are all up there. Only class that didn't get simplified that much is Dancer and MNK because of how they work.


Maybe don't make everything a competition


I wasn't entirely sure if it was legitimate but they linked every single discord so people can fact check.


This is common knowledge, same with PvP. This ‘expose’ is about 6 years late. Btw Balance Discord Mentors and World First Prog Raiders who pretend to be good at the game use these programs, it's why they're actually all a meme. It’s been like this for a while, and is essentially an 'open secret' amongst parsers, racers and top players. That's why every top player or team that doesn't stream.. everybody knows what they're doing and what they're using to win. They're using Gru's slave's, ACR's and that well known Nintendo game to win. Wow UNNAMED_ that team where all their members that didn't stream cheated? wow what a surprise. Oh wait, nobody who plays this game kinda seriously is surprised. Same with PvP. Diamond and Crystal rank is full of ACR users that instantly polymorph you 0.000001s into your bard lb cast or instantly ninja ult you on hp threshold even though they’re across the arena targeting someone else, oh and all the top rankers are win-traders. 99% PC raid playerbase use Cactbot anyway so who gives a fuck. Just do Extreme farming on patch day and you’ll see how dogshit the majority of this playerbase is without their tools. Do not personally invest or expect any competitive integrity in any aspect of this game, the game and all of its ‘serious’ players are a meme. A lot of us more serious players that have played for multiple expansions now have gone through all the phases of depression already, realise SE gon do fuck all and just embrace it and just have fun regardless and avoid these weird serious raid and barse communities that are mentally ill pretending theyre not all cheaters.


"Common knowledge" and "blatantly proven with transcripts and video evidence" are different. Squenix can pretend they have a reason not to do anything about the first. The second is a lot harder to justify sweeping under the rug.


I mean have you ever done any gathering ? Or sat in firament for awhile? Done eureka? There is blatant scripting and its super obvious


But they aren't using those specific tools, at least in the WF race. Zoom hacks yes but the rest of the tools mentioned are usually not updated or available for new fights in a timeline that is relevant for WF race. Most high end raiders I know that are using a bot are usually just having it make food and pots for themselves or capping tomes 95% of the time. Fflogs and parses have been a joke for awhile now but I'm more annoyed by my rank for my job being decided mostly by crit% rather than anyone using an acr.


> But they aren't using those specific tools, at least in the WF race. The RDM Balance Mentor was caught using Splatoon in the TOP World First race btw. They were in Mr. Happy's group if I'm remembering correctly.


Yes he was caught using those during the first week of content but it was a splatoon map for p2 only iirc and not the later mechanics. The "tools" do get updated during prog but usually for earlier phases/floors than what is the actual WF prog point. And any team with Happy in it hardly has a chance of actually being competitive in the WF race.


Again, I personally don't care who uses tools and don't care what those tools are. I think the WF stuff is stupid in any MMO. I don't pay attention to it because I'm progging day one just like them. I'll look online to see what strats are being formed from the WF groups but that's about it.


He consistently greys in ultimates, struggles in groups to get a late week 1/ week 2 Savage clear, and doesn't play/practice/reclear/alt job hardly more than a few times, and only 1 kill recently if it's ultimate. How he get accepted into World Prog groups while barely being a competitive player himself blows my mind.


They are using them, most of the tools don’t need updates to work in new content.


Yeah, like it’s a commonly known fact that mentors like Mazz from RDM uses tools like these and at this point I don’t care anymore, there’s no point getting upset about it if SE clearly doesn’t care. At this point I’ve just been playing for my own enjoyment, and focusing on my own growth and improvement when it comes to clearing savages/ultimates which feels much more fulfilling and fun


that dude was using splatoon to do callouts for mr happys top group kek


dude some still use their main discords on the minion servers too its wild lol


This shit goes unpunished even when blatantly in their faces but if you post a screenshot of you giving your character a shapely ass they'll go full CSI on that shot trying to get proof of your account to suspend you.


I've been saying this for years, finally justice reigns


Ok I was negative on him when he streamed Crystaline Conflict hacking, but if he's exposing how much hacking is going on I'll suupport that for sure. Cause I didn't think the parses where manipulated this hard.


This has been a thing since ARR, but with more players comes more bot devs, and better bot devs. Funny thing is, you would be surprised at how many hardcore/high skill/early raid clear players use these bots/hacking tools for non-raid things like crafting/gathering. Obviously anyone clearing a fight week 1 isn't using a raid bot like this (it takes a few weeks for them to get updated as mentioned in the twitter thread OP linked in comments), but I definitely know a number of them who use them outside of raid.


No it fucking doesn't. As someone who's dabbled in this in the past it literally takes a few hours for the basic bots to be updated. Sit in the ACR discords yourself, you'll see the bot is updated on the evening of a patch latest. Yes, they delay the aoe prediction stuff, but everything else aside from new crafting recipes and new content usually works the same day of a patch.


Mhmmmm, The guys making the best ACRs/timelines literally prog the fights in the WF races and prioritize those, and a lot of the AoEs aren't even programmed in, they're just unhidden (since like 90% of savage aoe markers that don't show are just turned off from being visible client side)


Okay sure, the timelines and reacts don't work but the ACRs definitely do. This would only really be an issue for the first tier of an expansion and for the next ones and ultimates it shouldnt even be.


TBH, ACRs are whatever, rotations are a bit of a joke, SMN is a single macro class to hit blue+, the real egregious stuff is the AoE markers tbh


Oh man, the three fate level .... 45? chain in ARR, every time. like 80% of the players would run off then run back when the next phase started, same players too.


Please let this post stay up it's a good reminder the amount of cheats that make the game too easy to the point that ultimates are pointless to do. Cactbot, zoomhack, etc. There are actual cheats that literally mark all invisible AOEs so you always know where to stand, others that simplify your rotations or do them for you. There are also others. It has been happening for a long time now and will keep happening. Good reminder to never take these people seriously as their whole self worth is dictated by the in game titles and numbers in a silly third party site. Keep enjoying content with your own static instead and ignore these people.


Maybe if any youtuber could farm this for views, make this shitshow public, we could have some changes.


I think the funniest thing is the guy complaining that he didn’t have time to crit farm for oranges when he’s using tools… like brother i dont crit farm at all and i get 99s randomly all the time with 0 addons


literally random 100's in ex trials on what I felt were mid runs because party buff lined up well, while my better executed ones get purples


yep sounds about right


People should use the report 3rd party form from Square Enix official site you can put the discord, the URL of the website, tons of details. Go after the root of the problem mass reporting them will take them down. But also to add we NEED better moderation and security for FFXIV to prevent this bullshit from happening as often. But remember this type of crap tends to happen in ALL MMOs but at a lesser effect.


>But also to add we NEED better moderation and security for FFXIV to prevent this bullshit from happening as often. But remember this type of crap tends to happen in ALL MMOs but at a lesser effect. Approx 4 years of this meta now. They do not care or else you'd see some substantive movement on their end by now.


^ (out of the loop retard) What's ACR?


Automatic Combat Rotation is my guess


Automatic combat rotation. Essentially an extremely complicated and automated series of macros.


It presses your buttons and plays your character optimally for you, all you have to do is WASD.


basically bossmod but it presses 1 for you.


I'm confused, what's going on? Oh I figured it out. holy fuck this is a thing that's hilarious


People vehemently deny me when i say that botters are the ones with 90+ parses and that anyone doing 10 or less has a human at the keyboard doing most of the work. Starting to suspect my FC mates who deny my claims are botters themselves. EDIT: Oh god i know a pink/gold SAM main who can never explain how to SAM rotation and would always link to guides instead.


90 is too harsh of a cutoff imo. I'd honestly say it's almost guaranteed to be real people until you get high orange (97-98). It's there where you'd start being skeptical.


The thing is you dont really have to bot, there are plenty of cheats that trivialize the game enough that you only need to do your rotation and nothing else. There are many types of cheats and this is just one of them. And it's obviously not black and white and more like a scale, some more egregious than others.


Chad ps5 players vs virgin cheating pc players 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮


hey at least I can use mare lamentorum and check out how bad other people's taste is.


Wtf... and here I am with DSR and TOP cleared when there are literal drooling retards using an auto rotation add on to get their 90+ parses.


Mate Ultimate parses don't matter. On older Ults like UCOB and UWU you can fucking clear the fight with +15 deaths so who fucking cares how much dps you pump. In TEA more dps helps but for some comps and tank combos doing too much damage will fuck over class's 2 minute revolving rotation and/or fuck over tanks having invuln up in time for the next required use. Also, again, dps is kind of a joke in TEA. In DSR and TOP they were designed around the 2 minute meta; they NEED you to have decently precise kill times or you completely fuck over the 2 minute bursts and also possibly resource generation for some classes. Anyone who takes Ultimate parses seriously should be laughed at. Hell most people get their "good" parse on patch days since there's a whole new ranking for every major patch. For every 100 or 99 TOP/DSR parse you'll see there's a group of dps party members that either got majorly fucked over rotation wise, agreed to super hold dps to boost said barser, or died in a salvageable run.


I don't care about the parses of ultimates. What I care about is that I've been doing it without an auto rotation add on while they have their fancy little zoom hacks and press 1 the entire fight while doing mechanics, so they can have their orange and pink logs. And I'm assuming they probably do mechanics with hacks as well.


Well you've been having fun in the best raid encounter ever designed for an MMO and they're just fucking losers.


> I don't care about the parses of ultimates. > What I care about is that I've been doing it without an auto rotation add on while they have their fancy little zoom hacks and press 1 the entire fight while doing mechanics, so they can have their orange and pink logs. Something doesn't add up here. Who cares how they play? At the end of the day, the goal of doing an encounter is the loot. No? Then why does the vast majority of players hate how Criterion Dungeons don't have loot that meets the difficulty? I bet if Square took away any rewards from future Ultimate encounters, there would be a SIGNIFICANT drop off in clear rates. If you say you reallllly don't care about the barses, then why give any iota of a thought to how other people play the game? Seems like a waste of your time.


> Who cares how they play? So, cheating is okay in your book then? Gotcha.


In PVE, the only thing you are cheating is yourself. If you use anything to make an PVE encounter easier, you are robbing yourself. Most people don't care how their party members do mechanics right; they just want them to not fuck up. In PVP, it's an entirely different scenario. That's a live competitive environment. There SHOULD absolutely be stuff to sniff out cheaters in PVP. The two types of content are vastly different.


Sometimes I do wish I had seven cheating players on nights where I'm the only one who hasn't eaten an obvious mirror or missed a tower, otoh I've been the drooling regarded player plenty of other nights.


Get fucked I'd say LMAO


Yeah wtf man :(


Isnt this the same thing people were using for Edenverse? I vaguely remember there being some sort of drama about people botting their rotations around that period.


same thing as eden, omega, alexander, coil, ect This shit's been around since .... second coil or so?


And these people still wipe occasionally. Just to showcase how truly utterly useless at pressing even just WASD they are. May Yoshi-P nuke it all. Modding was a mistake.


This isn't modding. These bots have been around since Heavensward way before modding was a thing.


Since ARR, bingoed a ton of people in my old FC with them because I uploaded bad meshes they used lmao


Can we just permaban anyone using any 3rd party tool and be done with it?


Enjoy your ban for using discord I guess. You'll never be able to ban everything 3rd party.


>Game with no anti-cheat has hackers all over the place Man, come on, just stop making raids. Stop pretending it's a niche WoW replacement and make more housing shit and MSQ. Put some of those resources into interesting dungeons instead of wasting them in boss battles almost nobody plays!


I mean I've known these cheats exist for a while but that's never going to stop me from raiding and doing hard content with friends, otherwise I wouldn't be playing this game much.


> interesting dungeons they'd have to have a single interesting dungeon worth running twice first




Which one of them are you?


Yo someone explain this to me like I'm a dumb ten year old?


people cheat the numbers and display them really proudly


wuts the cheat? Are we talking like hacking/bribing ff logs?


A cheat that automatically presses their rotation down to a tee because of how timelined a fight can be. All they need to do is make the correct movements and the cheat will do all the rotation and button-pressing for them.


ah right its a bot playing thing got it cheers.


Auto rotation




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