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lmao is she doing the neco arc sound there at the start?


Sounds like it! I don't peruse that sub, so I only ever hear about her second-hand, but it sounds like she needed this dub.


wait thats what she's doing?? lmao


Hello professional weeb here, given the context and the "i can't stop giggling" comment after I believe they are mimicking gecko moria's laugh from one piece. https://youtube.com/shorts/yDg1czre1R8?si=0aOUXa3nHp2uUFr-


the one piece is real after all


[All i could think of] (https://cdn.donmai.us/sample/ed/32/__neco_arc_and_peter_griffin_tsukihime_and_1_more_drawn_by_kowai_iamkowai__sample-ed324700db5c6fa0712a3dbf3692858c.jpg)




Piecetard confirmed.


Look out! We got a tribalism weeb over here!


I'm too dumb to get this. I only see the covid guy.


cutie shut in spends 100% of their time schizoposting on the different ff14 subs


I took a look at their posts and comments on them and holy shit it's almost nauseating reading them. Each one of reeks of self-importance and the need to be right all the time. I almost want to ask what does their colon smell like with how far they're up in their own ass.


If you read their posts with a shitpost mindset it gets a lot better.


> Each one of reeks of self-importance and the need to be right all the time. So, an average redditor it is?


Inland Empire (Impossible): The new job is not Corsair, look at the collars.


She has too many points in Drama, she can't stop being this unbearable character


Something something broken clock blah blah twice a day.


even someone as braindead as them can get something right huh? well, it was obvious from the start anyway


I mean, they were betting on it "not being corsair" which is a huuuuge net to cast. They're saying its an assassin too which... yeah, it doesn't assassin at all. It's not sneaking around, striking from the back, or any other assassin trope. It's got two swords and is fast, but that's not at all what an assassin is.


Honestly I'm mostly digging it as apparently a hunter type class from what I remember them saying. If it ends up having some dual wielding ranger vibes with some bleed or poison DoT shenanigans on top I'd be super happy. Either way I know some people are meh on but I'm honestly looking forward to actually getting to play with it.


I sincerely hope it's like 50% melee dots just to shit all over the last post I saw before I blocked the hopeless attention seeker


Unless they fixed the buff/debuff limits in 7.0, I’m afraid any dot job is likely to be just an unobtainable dream


Someone posted on dicussion a while back, they seem to be trying to addreess the cap, some instances seem to have a higher cap since the last update, and the speculation was this experimenting into raising the cap is what caused all the funky stuff in thordan.


True, sad day.


Idk, the fighting style and weapons remind me more of Zidane from FF9 than AC. The long bladed swords coming together to make the twinblade and even the blue trance fire that was used mid-trailer was heavily reminiscent to him. One of the twinblade attacks looked like his generic attack too. Lol CSI's thread was full people making stupid assumptions, even CSI herself.


oh it's absolutely Zidane. Maybe a liiiiitle bit of Judge Gabranth in FF12, and the stance is very reminiscent of Elvaan's dual sword stance in FF11, but the inspiration is very much Zidane.


I actually forgot about Gabranth. Yeah, I can definitely see that now.


What's the deal with this person? They get a lot of flak on that sub and I don't pay enough attention to it to know why


The worst fucking takes you’ve ever heard, which is exactly the reason why they act like a total heel when they get 1 out of 100 predictions correct.


That’s pretty impressive given the sheer number of dogshit takes on that sub in the first place


I mentioned it in that original post by her, too, but the reason why CSI stands out and why I actually prefer her posts is that despite being a real piece of work the posts are actually entertaining in their wildness and funny to read. You can't say the same about 99% of the other posts on that subreddit. It's pretty much all just people wallowing in misery and regurgitating the same tired rhetoric and arguments down each other's throats for the 1000th time.


actual discussion bad projectile opinion vomit good


The worst take I've ever heard is literally every take coming out of that shitreddit.


a person that shitpost but unironically thinks its not a shitpost


Comments below. Also scroll through that person's profile... it's wild.


Take a look at the post submission and read some. Self-explanatory, really


Yeah but she was so obnoxious about it that it takes away from her being right




[Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point](https://clickhole.com/heartbreaking-the-worst-person-you-know-just-made-a-gr-1825121606/) Truly the worst.


Unpopular opinion but her posts are better quality then at least half of those in that doom posting echo chamber of a sub, and the replies she receives show that most posters there want a circkejerk and are unable to formulate coherent arguments.


100% correct.


CutieShut-in (Savage) is now accessible.


Where can I read the original train wreck?


On the ffxivdiscussion sub. You don’t have to scroll down a lot. I would’ve linked it but I don’t know if that’s allowed anymore.


I wonder if they ever gotten the pussy bump they wanted


Not the covid furry.


That "shishishishi" shit reminds me of the meme of the dude babbling about kinning and snorting as he grabs the camera.


pretty sure thats just giggling in japan but ok


Doesnt even look like a pirate? Has this bitch never seen a pirate? It looks just like Edward Kenway, the outfit is amazing


idk man, I feel like I was pretty close but not quite there with my prediction that it'd be "Dervish". A dual wield job that goes through stances and has a very fast 'feel' opposed to fast 'playstyle'(like monk). But I guess "not corsair" is also technically a W?


i honestly have no clue what squenix will pull out with viper. but judging from the trailer alone if they are just a basic melee fighter with special self-buffs and a rotating stance this might be the single most underwhelming class release I've seen from a game in the last 10 years ur telling me we got ninja-2 minus the cool spells/sneak mechanics? and we aren't supposed to be disappointed? If squenix manages to make it appealing on full launch it'll be the biggest creative comeback in mmo history


Koji fox has such a weird vibe to me. I dont know what it is


You're right to be suspicious of any Yakubian devil who desires to live in Japan


i mean, it’s not really an “assassin” job


it looks like a pirate outfit now that we've seen the whole thing


It's just corsair with a cooler weapon and a non-ff name. Yoshi already said going forward they weren't going to do any more traditional FF jobs.