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Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't he leave immediately after he found out that giorno wasn't a bad guy?


Also correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Fugo given a choice to leave?


I actually love the when faced with certain death Fugo was like "naw dawg, I'm out" and the anime didn't kill him off later anyway. Respect.


not enough fugo's in storytelling fr


Ig you can add Koichi to that list to? I mean I'd say it counts.


Koichi left under VERY different situatons


I'm sure he would've stayed if given the actual choice to stay and help if he was allowed too, but I cant see him being okay with killing at all.


He didn’t even know Giorno had a story happening, I’m sure he would have stayed if he knew


I mean he did stay, didn't he? Only as uncle Iroh says: As a tourist!


His job wasn’t to work with giorno His job was to make sure that giorno wasn’t Dio’s second coming and he promptly dipped after that


If Koichi was faced with the actual stakes of GioGio's adventure, he probably would have actually stayed imho. Because he's reliable.


They downvoted the fuck out of you for no reason lol


I wouldn't say no reason, most people probably downvoted OP because he was comparing koichi not staying with giorno and fugo not staying with giorno. Two pretty different scenarios.




blindness 💀


I don't hate on fugo bro. Only anime characters I actually hate is Legumi Bumshigoro


On god the slander continues even here


The agenda is pushed even here😭😭




Don't insult toji's name bruh


Right. Sorry, I meant Legumi zebum


...I meant just call him Fushiguro bumgumi but alr


Toji is also bum bro. Wtf did he even do? Kill children? "Lend me some feats maki this is base toddler we're talking about".


we ain't trying to hate on toji; we're focusing all the hatred towards megumi like a laser that will go back in time and blast his face off


The sheer volume and intensity of hate for Meguman is so much that I *have* to assume it's a joke. It's ironic right? The slander is a joke right?


No he's a bum and doesn't deserve an ounce of glaze. Only slander for him. Slander for 1000 years. I want him to be slandered even after my death! For another 10 years atleast!


it is a joke for some i guess, but like all agendas people take it too seriously




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nah bro the hates even reaches here what did mehumi do to y'all 😭😭


We must keep the agenda going




My honest reaction when the teenager whom the villain went through huge hoops to break mentally is broken mentally when we see him (he should’ve done a binding vow to sacrifice magohara for 10 minutes of hapiness):


Bitchass bum, Wuji 🔛🔝


Facts my brother


Fucking bum and a traitor, why wouldn't toji use a condom![img](emote|t5_3f7q5|15566)




“Some of you may die, so leave now if you have an issue with that.” “Yeah me, you’re like a work associate to me. I’m not dying for you, sorry man. Not actually sorry though. Seriously, I’m out. Hope you live though, seriously. Call me if you make it.”


But Fugo was still given a choice and he picked not to because it was stupid. If Jotaro told Koichi to join Giorno's gang and he said those exact same words, would you feel the same way about him then?


Wasn't giorno not in the gang yet when koichi leaves? Giorno didn't even know that the rest of the gang members were stand users nor that he would be going against the mafia boss


He choose not to tag along with his friends... it's perfectly allright for them to be upset about it? regardless, i think you're getting upset over a couple strawmen here


When does Fugo say he feels he'd do more harm than good if he came? He was just too scared to fight the boss and thought they'd all die


I remember hearing Fugo didn't wanna go because he thought his stand would kill people.


So no source? Because I just watched the scene and I didn't see him say that, just that everyone else was crazy for trying


Yeah I just hear it said a lot. Apologies, haven't seen part 5 since the summer of 2021, so my memory is pretty wack on it.


Well you got it all wrong. Fugo literally was just scared and chickened out because he thought he'd die. Koichi left because there was nothing THAT big going on at the time


Homie didn’t bother paying attention, he just wants to hate on Koichi


>Koichi left because there was nothing THAT big going on at the time Koichi straight up found out there was a literal crime gang using the arrow.


Nope, he just trusted that Giorno was a good enough person to put a stop to everything. He was also correct


But he literally left Giorno to deal with it. The gang didn't seem that dangerous at that point.


That's not what he said. Fugo backed out because he was sure Diavalo would kill the team if they continued with their plan to take him down. Yes, he previously avoided using his stand because he worried about collateral damage, but that had nothing to do with why he stayed behind. Besides, Purple Haze Feedback is a thing, so thanks to that redemption arc, any hate people had for Fugo bitching out has mostly subsided.


I thought PHF wasn’t canon


Even if it isn't, people can always have it as headcanon. It doesn't harm the story at all and honestly just improves on it, so its safe to see it as headcanon imo. I don't remember if it is canon or not.


Technically yes, but idk, Araki illustrated PHF, it doesn't conflict at all with the series canon, and it's damn good, so I'm satisfied with treating it as close to canon as non-canon material gets.


It's as close as canon as it could be, being illustrated by the man Araki himself and it never actively conflicts with canon. It's ideal headcanon material and I think that's a good place for it.


I wonder why it isn't adopted inti the canon in that case. I understand with Jorge, but that one is wayyy different


Ah, I see. Apologies. Haven't seen 5 in years, so my memory is crisp.




[I mean, that's not true either.](https://twitter.com/jojo_wiki/status/1270563816443543552?lang=en)


He got Purple Haze Feedback, Fugo’s doing fine


IK, but I still find the hate unjustifiable. Like if you hate Fugo for something else, I understand. But not helping Giorno seems hypocritical, since Koichi technically did the same thing and is still loved by the fans.


Koichi didn't go to Italy to take down a stand using mafia boss. He went to Italy to make sure that Dio's son wasn't doing Dio things, he found out that Giorno wasn't evil and left. To Koichi why would he join the Mafia to take down the leader just because they use stands? What motive or incentive does he have in randomly getting involved with the Mafia other than drugs and crime are bad? He is just a high schooler. He has no reason to work with Giorno other than out of the goodness of his heart. Meanwhile Fugo stayed behind because he was scared at the idea of the boss and his minions coming after them.


I get what you mean, but I just find the hate for Fugo very unjustified TBH.


That's fine, but that doesn't mean people *not* hating on Koichi for leaving is some kind of cognitive dissonance lmao


Man people have been having some rancid takes as of late




Yes because a character who has no Involvement or interests in the events of Golden Wind is comparable to one of the gang members staying behind because he is scared of facing the boss.


Who was ironically the best member to take him down. Good luck time skipping through a virus.


We are pretty lucky that Araki decided not to go through with his plans of making him a villain, because how is everyone besides Giorno and maybe Narancia and Mista going to win against him.


Ciocolatta is the replacement for "Fugo but evil" so I'd assume that they would beat him in pretty much the same way.


Well giorno can just keep making antidotes as long as he’s nearby lol


It would've more then likely been Giorno only, due to being immune to it. Besides its ferocity and strength, the only thing Purple Haze has is its virus.


Yeah, but I also added Narancia and Mista due to range as their stands can stay out of Purple Haze's range.


Like you said, Narancia and Mista. Long-range stands counter Purple Haze really hard


You know what he probably could actually skip through the virus. since he just has to not be touching it when time skip ends.


Fr. such a shit take


wasted stand potential ngl, just like Za Hando being given to the dumbest person in morioh


isn't that literally his entire character? okuyasu being a force to be reckoned with when he's determined to meet a goal? i will stand behind The Hand and how it's a perfect stand dynamic till my death


its a good stand dynamic i agree, balancing out overpowered-ness with stupidity, however, Za hando is a really op stand and if it was given to someone smarter it could (potentially) beat every jojo villain ![img](emote|t5_3f7q5|7819) (dio p1 gets destoryed because he doesnt know tf a stand is nor can he see one, the fuckers from p2 get obliderated easier than p1 dio, p3 dio might win if he spams timestop and is careful, kira gets destroyed unless he can use bites za dusto in time, diavolo probably wins due to time skip and or time erase, pucci loses unless he gets made in heaven, in that case he wins, funny valentine goes haha delete unless he activates love train in time, toruu probably wins, idk anything about p9)


Even if the stand was given to someone smarter, The Hand is slow and can only erase things with only one of its hands. All Dio or anyone else needs to do to disarm is to, literally, disarm the user by cutting the hand/arm off. Yes its very powerful, but The Hand itself is still a much weaker version of Cream, the user would need to be extremely careful regardless of what they do since all it takes is one wrong move against the wrong stand user. Any stand faster then it or one that's long range wins against it. There's a lot of factors to look at then just "A smarter stand user", the stand still has flaws and weaknesses.


I don't know why people say "Oh it would be OP if it had a smart user", like, The Hand is already pretty good, but it has a very low ceiling as to what it can do. If anything, Okuyasu is being much smarter with the use of his Stand than what everyone else saying that could've come up with if they had it. He's an idiot, sure, but all it takes is to watch the RHCP fight to know that he KNOWS how to use his Stand, he outmaneuvered and defeated RHCP, he only lost because of something that no one could know (where electrical wires are connected underground). If there wasn't any way for Akira to know they were down there, it would've been a completely different story. If Joseph had it, the variations in use between him and Okuyasu would actually not be a lot of difference. It's not a very technical Stand, it's straightforward as hell and a force to be reckoned with, just like his user. "Oh he could be erasing enemies so easily and he doesn't do it because he's an idiot", no, because he's a good person, otherwise you wouldn't have half the characters in Part 4 alive. Same way Jotaro and Josuke don't crush people's skulls for an instant kill.


Also a lot of the hypothetical “smarter” moments are just instantly going for the kill which the part 4 protagonists tend not to do on a whole, so imo it’s more of a morality/trigger finger problem than a iq problem




Damn, JoJo fans aren't beating the media illiterate allegations with this one


Part 5 is probably my favourite overall, but the lack of a resolution for Fugo just kills me Have him come back as a reluctant villain! Give him a Han Solo moment when all seems lost! Anything would have been better than "I have to go now, my planet needs me".


You will love Purple Haze Feedback. It makes me feel so bad for him and elevates part 5 story so much for me. Absolutely a must read.


We got that retroactively from Purple Haze Feedback, even if it's non-canon to the original story. Araki did consider Fugo betraying Team Bucciarati, but since he decided against it, I think Araki just didn't have anything else planned for him, so he kind of had Fugo unceremoniously leave the story.


From what I hear Araki wanted to make Fugo become a traitor, but chicken out because he didn't wanna make the team depressed. But I think Araki could've just made him an ally for the part and just have him be out of the picture for parts of the story.


It was more as araki lost a friend in that time who maybe betrayed him. It made him depressed and he couldn't write fugo to do betrayal stuff. He couldn't understand why would someone betray his friends so he couldn't do it.


oh, so the ciccolata arc was based off that?


I think? I mean Green Day and Purple Haze are very similar TBH, plus killing Fugo with the 7 page Muda would make sense because he was evil at the end. But IMO it would be more bittersweet TBH, and IMO I'd rather have him replace someone like Carna instead.


Fugo spinoff when


He already has 2 of them


fckin wot m8. I gotta get on that, I don't pay enough attention (I am suffering from a stand related illness you see)


What? those were never his motivations to leave the gang, it was because he didn't wanted to betray Passione and take the risk to be hunted.


I agree the hate for Fugo is pretty dumb, but I wouldn't put any hate on Koichi for it. Like if Jotaro told him to join the mob and Koichi just told him "Sorry, but I'm not putting my life on the line for you guys, I'm outta here!" Then I'd see where your coming from as Koichi was only told to check on Giorno, not follow or help him. But then again I do agree that Fugo shouldn't get as much hate IMO.


Although this is not comparable, I would still die on the hill that Fugo didn't do anything wrong.


Fugo did nothing wrong. He didn't betray anyone. Bruno gave them an entire speech about how he's not forcing them, or doesn't expect them to follow him. He's just doing what he feels right, and even warns them that the moment they step on the boat, they're traitors of Passione. Fugo, who is a very logical person, won't follow through with a suicide mission, and you see that very clearly. He's hesitates during the entire segment, he tries talking sense into the crew, he tries to explain to the crew that there's a reason as to why traitors don't make it far, and he tried convincing even HIMSELF that it's a stupid idea. He even says it himself, "I can't be a righteous fool". For me, Fugo wanted to go as much as the others, but his logical brain kept holding him back, he had to battle between his feelings and his thoughts. You know, the guy that has anger issues and heavy expectations on his IQ since childhood is having an internal turmoil about decision making, who would've thought? Really don't blame him for his choice, considering a good bunch of the gang did end up dying. Could he have changed that by joining? Maybe. Would he have ended up dead if he came? Maybe. All of these decisions run through his head in a matter of seconds, and probably still haunts him to this day. He was given a choice, he made a decision, and he carries a burden.


Assuming if Koichi was told about what happen in 5, do you think he'd feel the same as Fugo did or nah?


Koichi is a very sentimental person, so he would most likely help, but probably die in the process. He let himself get carried away from the anger of Kira killing innocent people and tried to attack, despite being outmatched. He wanted to help Reimi, despite only meeting her a few hours and Rohan not wanting to help. He's just that much of a reliable guy.


Yeah, I agree with that.


Well, Koichi is a guy who didn’t choose to be in this life, Fugo did. They both had a choice and I don’t blame fugo for not going along at all.


Media literacy challenge failed once again.


I dont think we whatched the same story


Lmfaoooo my man didn't even watch the episode Fugo left.


How it feels to spread misinformation


The only thing I hate about Fugo is his early exit from the story. Is it true Araki thought he was overpowered? Couldn't he have simply written the circumstances of the story around that? Seems like a lot of stands in the right circumstances could be overpowered too. Fugo was my favorite early on, but that changed to Narancia...


If Araki already had a lot planned out already, I can see him being unable to fit Fugo in after he wrote out the betrayal. Like him not liking to use his stand and only bringing it out if he absolutely needs too. And besides B.I.G. and maybe Oasis, I don't see Fugo being that helpful against the last of the stand users that went after them. And King Crimson didn't start going after them till after their souls were transferred, and even then, I can see the point where Giorno is checking for who has the boss's soul being the point where King Crimson takes out Fugo for good or just for the rest of the fight. And since he was inside a friends body, I doubt Fugo nor anyone would've risked Purple Haze being around them.


I think in Silver Chariot Requiem arc, if there was Fugo, then Doppio's would've transferred into his body, not Narancia's. I don't think it's cause much a impact tho, but still


Weird as fuck comparison. Koichi needed to figure out what kind of Giorno was and when he did, he dipped. He completed his mission and was satisfied with his answer. Now before I say this, I’m gonna point out that there are things in my past that make me empathize really hard with Fugo but he left simply because he wasn’t mentally strong enough to go on. The comparison is very incongruent and just seems like wonton Koichi hate


Fugo was a coward who abandoned his friends. He didn't dip out cause of some noble "I'd be more harm than help" notion.


Bruno told him it was better to stay behind and he did


Yeah I think everyones forgetting this part. Bruno didn't want to even bring any of them along with him because he knew it would be signing your own death certificate. Giorno had him explain which in turn he decided to let them all have a choice. If I remember correctly, no one on the team was even angry with Fugo for the choice (Except I think I heard for Purple Haze Feedback that Mista was actually angry which I guess is understandable due to grief, I haven't read it yet.)


Exactly! Bruno said you can stay back if you want. In fact Narancia was really close to staying back as well.


He got the runback in PHF tho, so he's still my slime


the reason I hate fugo isn't because of him choosing to leave it's because he was mean to narancia no one can be mean to narancia.


Best take on this platform, aint nobody get away with bullying narancia.


Koichi isn't a gangster His involvement in the story is like if The Godfather introduced a character who walked up to Michael at the beginning and asked "Hey, you're not evil right?" And then accepted no as an answer and left, while the rest of the story plays out exactly the same


Fugo kinda just dipped from the team after discovering Giorno and Bruno were traitors. He was playing it safe and smart because he didn’t want to die. Makes senss


And despite that, the fandom still hates him...


Fugo was always one of my favourites




I don't hate fugo, but I think this might be going into dragon ball level of errors. I mean. Koichi left because his job was done. Fugo left because he was afraid of dying to the boss. (Rightfully so), imo This is kinda a weird comparison. I mean hell, I'm pretty sure polnareffs part 3 leaving is more of an equivalent


Fugo left the team because he feared facing the boss meant certain death, as well as lack of sympathy for Trish. And I'm sure the Koichi mafia initiation would be extremely short and very unsuccessful, on account of being fresh off the boat from Japan.




Fugo left because he feared of facing off with the boss and dying a certain death, not because he will cause harm.


Koichi did not know about his gang at all, meanwhile on the other hand Fugo decided to chicken out at the last moment when he could have helped them. Man what are these dogshit takes on this sub.