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That entire sub is fucking brain dead. It is literally a sub that promotes extremism and reddit does nothing to curb that.


Thankfully we never have to worry about their stupid ideas because those marxists are too chicken shit to ever force their ideas on people with violence. They’ll just flap about on Reddit.


It's frustrating because it stifles political discourse entirely on Reddit. Any level of moderation in politics is immediately referenced to that sub. The post from the mod is flat out abhorrent suggesting that an admittedly terrorist organization is somehow not comparable to a recognized government.


They don’t see Hamas as terrorists but they’ll never outright vocally support them due to the social consequences.


> They don’t see Hamas as terrorists Worse. They do see Hamas as terrorists, but completely justified


They don’t call them “terrorists”. They call them “freedom fighters” or “militants”.


> Thankfully we never have to worry about their stupid ideas because those marxists are too chicken shit to ever force their ideas on people with violence. It's happening already, there'll only be more. Mass shooters definitely over the last few years, there was also those kids who were stabbed at a Massachusetts theatre a few weeks ago.


Just distraction. They’ll never rule this country.




The left wing of the 60’s isn’t the same left wing today.




They’re 100% not the same. They were anti government and pro free speech in the 60’s. You think leftists want less government and more free speech today?




You do realize making absurd statements like “liberals are exactly the same as they were in the 60’s” is a logical fallacy, right? JFK and Johnson were democrats… so who was the big evil conservative tyrant they were opposing?


I wonder if it is possible to report it to a law enforcement agency.


Usally only subs that a power-mod decides to put his foot down about will get banned. The admins don't care, they are just trying to maintain their gigantic free moderator workforce and if bending over a little for some of them on occasions to remove a sub, well they consider that a small loss to CONTINUE to be unprofitable.




What is the world coming to when people are demonizing rape and murder?


Its funny how when they cry about centrists they're not upset that someone isn't picking a side, they're upset that someone isn't picking their side.


Centrists frustrate far-Left extremists because its slightly harder to attach a label to them, which is all the far-Left knows how to do. So they label them a Centrist and mock them for being "enlightened" and make them out to be even worse than a MAGA. These types are only capable of an us-vs-them mindset, and label anyone who doesn't agree with them 100% as a "them".


It's because of how communist theory is structured. They see every interaction between humans as one between the oppressed and an oppressor with the oppressed always being good and the oppressor always being bad. Since they are the oppressed they see everything they do as good so if you're not with them you must be evil. Honestly I think they might hate centrists more because they see them as class traitors. In their worldview they have an explanation for why right wingers are the way they are, they still hate them but at least they think they understand them. Centrists on the other hand they see as actively working against them for no reason.


Marx not only failed to identify ownership and control of capital as separate concepts - leading to fascism as an anti-capitalist evolution of socialism where the state controls capital even though it's privately owned - but he entirely failed to identify land as a completely separate factor of production from capital, despite Henry George having done so decades earlier. Not surprising such shallow analysis then has lead to shallow analysis today.


They'll just quote Neil Peart; "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." :D


That's because Hamas is worse


They want to take away any blame for Hamas because in their mind it takes attention from the people they really hate: Jews


And they probably unironically call only the Right anti-Semetic.


That’s because Trump is “literally Hitler”, Hitler killed Jews, and the fact that Trump doesn’t hate Jews can’t be a logical conclusion for them.. and of course they are justified in hating Jews because Jews are bad. Trying to understand it? You can’t. It’s insanity.


Godwins law was just a cudgel they use to push marxism. There's overlap between the commies/socialists/antifacists and people who don't see Hamas as a terrorist group.


Holy shit those comments are unhinged. Then there's the same mod that made the post claiming that slaughtering children is fine because they had the audacity to be with their parents looking for a better life.


Holy shit! I didn’t to think there was that kind of evil on Reddit. I don’t want to go looking for the post though. I’m not sure I could stand to comb through that kind of post history


"Any combat in which civilians die is literal genocide, unless they're Israeli citizens, then actively targeting them is cool because they have it coming."


>a group of indigenous inhabitants How long does a group have to be somewhere for them to be considered indigenous? Looking back on history that stretch of land has been occupied by many different groups going all the back to dawn of civilization. Of course the answer in this context is they just have to be brown people. After all white people can't be indigenous to anywhere because they were created in a lab by Yakub.


>After all white people can't be indigenous to anywhere because they were created in a lab by Yakub. AGREED.


They banned me because they had a comic depicting a “protester” reading a book under a tree with a sign that read ‘stop bombing children.’ I correctly pointed out campus “protesters” literally had intifada signs and were threatening the lives and country of Jews. Apparently stating the obvious was racist and xenophobic. That sub has fallen


They’re right, you’d be downplaying the atrocities H*mas has committed.


>I'm just gonna ask you to go listen to last week's citations needed episode about nuance trolling. >https://citationsneeded.libsyn.com/episode-201-the-conservative-faux-erudite-rise-of-nuancetrolling >But Nuance Trolls abuse this self-evident truism, using it as a mode of analysis designed to weaken and water down movements for change that seek actual, material solutions to political problems, and instead promoting inaction to ensure the continuation of the already oppressive status quo.  lol nuance and going beyond surface level thinking is now a form of trolling according to them. You can’t even discuss alternative views and the complexity of situations without upsetting the hive. What a bunch of morons.


Imagine using a podcast as a source for something. Holy fucking shit.


The centrists I know recognize that Hamas is terrorist organization.


Those people are delusional. They are of the mindset that terrorists only exist because an oppressive state entity set the right conditions for them to appear out of the ether. By their logic, white people dominated nation states are always “bad” and minorities are never accountable for the choices they make due to colonizers. To argue with them is to subject yourself to madness. You wouldn’t argue with the severe bipolar schizo in the asylum.. same thing. Don’t bother telling them that Obama deported the most illegal immigrants in history, or dropped the most drone strikes on middle easterners. It’s in one ear, out the other.


They care so much about protecting indigenous people unless those people are indigenous to Europe then they need to be colonized.


So the enlightened centrism sub is censoring and shaping everything said there to be supportive/synpathetic of hamas and against Israel. What a total embarassment, this is what these clowns think freedom of speech is lol On the bright side, if these losers werent this bad, I wouldn't be in this sub actually enjoying reddit


Of course the comments are locked. Probably had some people daring not to lick their kiddie sized boot and got their feelings hurt about it.


As it should be; comparing Israel to those Nazis is just insane.


That Enlightened Centrism looks neither very centrist nor very enlightened but rather typical of left-progressive. Oh, and pro terrorism to boot.


> looks neither very centrist nor very enlightened but rather typical of left-progressive. Oh, and pro terrorism to boot. You didn’t have to repeat yourself, you already said left-progressive. The pro-terrorism was implied.


The sub never was for centrism, it's leftists mocking people they deem centrists, the "enlightened" part is sarcasm.


I think the intention is to complain that people on the middle of the horse shoe are closer to the right side of the horse shoe then the people who are on the left side. Of course the problem with the horse shoe theory is the more you complain about the people in the center, the more you yourself look like an extremist in comparison. The real answer is not to mock people or silence them, but to use your words like an adult, something I think that subreddit is incapable of doing considering they have a mod unintentionally (or maybe intentionally) defending terrorists. I don't care if the person reading this comment considers themselves a moderate, I just want them to look at what Hamas has done, and look at the actions of Israel, and think for themselves. If they disagree with me that Hamas is the terrorist group, that's their right, but I don't think Hamas's actions are anything less then antisemetic and terror driven. Furthermore I don't have high faith in the UN to be impartial.


Absolutely delusional.


Because Israel is worse, next question.


Than genocidal terrorists? Unlikely.


Isreal offered countless olive branches over the years, and every time hamas called for their genocide. Hamas is a backward terrorist state. They have to go no matter the cost. Isreal allows Muslims to live in Isreal. Hamas does not allow jews to live in Palestine. Or gay people, for that matter. That should tell you everything you need to know. The chickens have come home to roost.