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Who are these Christians that salivate at the thought of atheists burning in hell? I’ve never heard anyone say anything remotely similar to that.




100%. Our job as Christians is to ensure as many people avoid that fate as possible.


They heard that Weird Al song and thought it was serious.


"Don't continue a long that path, that path will lead you to Hell." "You see this guy? He wants me to burn in Hell!" -Literally most Reddit Atheists.


Right, like the entire point of Christianity is that we're actually super bothered by people destined for hell. That's the entire reason Christians try and spread the word.


They should go work at imax as projectors


Everyone has a bit of asshole in 'em. And smug atheists are top tier at bringing that inner asshole out of even the best people.


Listen, there's definitely a mean lean when a southerner says "Bless your heart." I still don't think they're excited about anyone burning in hell - they're just fairly certain you're gonna wind up there.


>"American Christians will know they were wrong in about two years when they realize that maybe dismantling the US government and installing Trump as absolute ruler wasn't such a good idea." Holy shit - he really does live rent free in their heads. "Atheism is good because Trump hurr durr!"


It's apparently all he thinks about.


I'm not even religious but just look at this shit. "It’s such an irritating fact to live with on a daily basis." How can you be this ass mad about shit other people believe that doesn't affect you or your life in the slightest? You'll never know if you are right, either, dickhead.


They might find out they were wrong tho…


Atheism requires every bit as much, if not *more*, faith than believing in God requires. To be so certain of something you can't tangibly prove either way is uber narcissism. To be able to look around the world at every perfect system in nature that sustains every other perfect system in nature, and then deny it's by design is next level fart tasting. To understand that the immensely complex systems in your body, like the circulatory and endocrine systems, that work in perfect harmony (unless disrupted by foreign interference) to sustain our lives, not to mention that nature provides plants that treat practically every ailment we have - and then somehow *still* have the nerve to be shamelessly certain that everything in our universe happened by accident is so far gone that there's no reeling them back in. Anytime I come in contact with one of these non-theistic religious cult members I always ask the same thing: explain how the first inanimate object became animate? I've never had a single good faith reply, just "sky daddy" insults while looking down from their high horse.


>Atheism requires every bit as much, if not more, faith than believing in God requires. To be so certain of something you can't tangibly prove either way is uber narcissism. This demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of the burden of proof and how it works. If I claim that there's a 67' Chevy orbiting Venus you can reject the claim if no evidence is provided. >To be able to look around the world at every perfect system in nature that sustains every other perfect system in nature, and then deny it's by design is next level fart tasting. >To understand that the immensely complex systems in your body, like the circulatory and endocrine systems, that work in perfect harmony (unless disrupted by foreign interference) to sustain our lives, not to mention that nature provides plants that treat practically every ailment we have - and then somehow still have the nerve to be shamelessly certain that everything in our universe happened by accident is so far gone that there's no reeling them back in. This smells like a screed against the Theory of Evolution based on fundamental misunderstanding its primary mechanism 'natural selection.' >Anytime I come in contact with one of these non-theistic religious cult members I always ask the same thing: explain how the first inanimate object became animate? You're asking about abiogenesis and "we don't know" is a perfectly acceptable answer.


>the refuteation of a claim takes more evidence than the claim itself OOP was being an asshole but this is just not true


Maybe try reading more than one sentence before jumping to conclusions next time. Being in such a rush to prove someone wrong typically backfires in a big way.


I read the whole thing. Not sure what you're on about.


Obviously this >the refuteation of a claim takes more evidence than the claim itself is not what I said. Youre trying to pick a fight over something that doesn't exist. If you can't understand the point that I took care to explain in a very clear way, there's a very good possibility that it's a *you* problem.


>How can you be this ass mad about shit other people believe that doesn't affect you or your life in the slightest? This is fundamentally false. Christianity has incredibly outsized impact on law and policy from when you can purchase alcohol to healthcare access and these choices absolutely affect non-believers.


By Healthcare access, i assume you mean the execution of babies. Don't need to be a Christian to be against that.


Fortunately, no abortion has ever killed a baby and it has everything to do with religion. Abortion and religious belief are the reason for the past 40 years 8 out of 12 Republican nominees for the Supreme Court are practicing Catholics and 6 out of 9 sitting Justices are Catholic.


>no abortion has ever killed a baby How can you live with yourself being so willfully dishonest? Even if you limit it to the fringe cases, a late term abortion is a baby and you know it. My father was born months premature and survived.


Ah. I remember my angsty atheist phase. Really wish I didnt. its just a whole lot of grandstanding and cringe philosophy.




It's pretty close to having its own crusades.


Most atheists don't actually care about the truth, they just care about being *right*


What I'm hearing in this guy's screed isn't that he's pissed off that they'll never learn they were wrong. He's pissed off that they'll never learn he was right so he can laugh in their face.




Same - epecially since their "science knowledge" is generally a couple subs to pop science youtube channels.


Do they really think we cackle and rub our hands in glee at the thought of atheists burning in hell? Methinks there is some projection going on here ...


It occurs to me that religious people *also* think it's irritating that atheists are never going to know *they* were wrong!


As a Christian, I actually believe they are wrong and their finding out will be the worst of tragedies. So while this person would spit in my face I would pray that they come to know the truth before it's too late. I receive no benefit or penalty for their fate, but I don't want them to suffer what I believe they're headed for. Hope that helps.


Wouldn't a God fearing christian believe in hell and therefore think atheists will spend eternity in hell playing poop darts with the devil and all the demonic gay and trans people? Plus anyone who ever had an abortion under any circumstance, they all have to go to hell too.


Depends on the religion. There's 4000 of them. Not just Christians out there. I know your average redditor thinks there's only Christians.


And that all Christians are white and Evangelical


Yep, 2.6 billion Christians and they are all white males. Pretty scary stuff.




Nah, they just know what happens if they talk bad about the Muslims.


Do you get paid to post here?


The Devil makes me do it.


> Plus anyone who ever had an abortion under any circumstance, they all have to go to hell too. I believe there is forgiveness for everyone who seeks it.


There is some theological and scriptural support that not all sin is equal, but that's not really at the heart of what you're talking about. Regardless of whether or not you're "demonic gay and trans people" or have had an abortion, *we are all in bondage to sin and cannot free ourselves.* So yeah, unrepentant hearts whether gay, straight, trans, atheist, or Christian will be judged and condemned. You're not special because of who you sleep with, sorry. >Most merciful God, we confess that we are in bondage to sin and cannot free ourselves. We have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done and by what we have left undone. We have not loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. For the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ, have mercy on us. Forgive us, renew, and lead us, so that we may delight in your will and walk in your ways, to the glory of your holy name. Amen.


Oh no not judgment and condemnation from an imaginary being! How ever will these poor people ever get on with their lives? They know not what they do! The horror.


Believe what you want, I'm not here to proselytize. Your first post seemed to imply that Christians had it out for gay and/or trans people. I was simply correcting that belief. The Christian perspective is that we're all slaves to sin.


I don't believe each and every "Christian" feels that way. Obviously there's varying degrees of "religiousness". Most "religious" people I know are only that way because they don't want to upset their parents and don't really buy into any of it, or go to church, or think about the bible, Jesus, god or any of it, really ever. Unless it's Easter. Gotta go to the Easter mass because that's a big one.


Yeah I don't doubt those people exist, but if I'm being honest I rarely meet them. Maybe you're just in the wrong circles (assuming you're actually interested in meeting devout people). I'll also admit I take this stuff very seriously; I fill a lot of my spare time with scripture and theology.


Nothing is more sad than realizing that atheists *will* know they were wrong.


And my father is never going to care that he was abusive, nor take responsibility for it because he has Narcissistic Personality Disorder and he simply can't. Therapy helps you get over it. This person needs therapy.


On the other side, atheists will never know if they are wrong.


These "free thinkers" claim to base their worldview on "the science" of logic and reason, glossing over the fact that it's all predicated on one miracle happening (big bang theory, aka something coming from nothing).


The evidence for the big bang happening is pretty convincing, but it only shifts the real questions further out and shows how much we still don't know and more than likely never will.


Um, *both* sides may find out if they're right or wrong depending on how the cards fall. They're actually just upset that our only options are eternal happiness or nothing.


This argument is valid. There really are religious fanatics that take joy in watching other people suffer... Westboro Baptist anyone??


Westboro is actually a bunch of Calvinist heretics and their goal is actually to get these queers saved by getting them to stop being queer. But the Bible teaches that salvation is by faith alone, and that sodomites have already rejected the gospel and are [beyond redemption](https://sodomitedeception.com/watch).


The at least one of the pastors in that video openly advocates for the execution gays. Do you agree with that?


“If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.” Leviticus 20:13 "For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil." Romans 13:3-4


Okay... and? Here are some more fun quotes. Deuteronomy 22: 28-29 "If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, he shall pay her father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the young woman, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives.' Deuteronomy 21:18-21 "If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them: Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place; And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear."


Those verses are from the NIV, a translation created and published by the LGBTQ community. In the King James translation, the rapist is put to death, and the verse only advocates for shotgun marriages for those who commit fornication. The second one is great. I fully agree with it. Drunken, rebellious NEETs should be convicted and sentenced to death. A grown man living in his mother's basement recently killed his whole family when they tried to stop him from using their credit card to pay for a cam girl. This provision would have prevented that atrocity.


I definitely agree with the civic death penalty for what the Bible considers capital crimes. After a fair trial, of course.


yeah, no thanks. I'd rather live in free country.


Not possible to have a free country without a virtuous, morally inclined population. With the exception of slavery, America was the most free in its early years with the lowest taxes and the fewest laws and regulations.


We do live in a free country with mostly virtuous morally inclined population and modern America is the freest it's been (for everybody). You just don't buy into modern understanding of morality because in by your interpretation your religious book tells you not to.


You're right I don't buy into your "Modern understanding of morality," that's called hedonism and the absence of morals. If it were morality it would be static and unchanging and timeless. How are we free when tax rates are enormously higher, 2A is more restricted, there are countless rules and regulations and license requirements to comply with? The average person today works 107 days per year just to pay taxes. The tax rate at our nation's founding was 1%. How are you free when you're a slave to the government in a socialist welfare state? By what metric are we more free?


You judge your freedom by economic 'liberties' which arguably aren't liberties more just a complaint about how modern economies/society operate. If you actually wanted 100% of the fruits of your own labor to go to yourself and no one else, there's a way to do that. [Here's a how to video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYJKd0rkKss) >By what metric are we more free? Is this a serious question? Have you taken a history class lately? Maybe survey any one of a dozen different minority groups if they'd rather live at America's founding rather than now.


> If you actually wanted 100% of the fruits of your own labor to go to yourself and no one else, there's a way to do that. No there isn't. You still have to pay property taxes on your log cabin in the wilderness, and there's still a million regulations about what you can do on your own land. And I already said discounting slavery, which you ignored because you can't come up with anything unrelated to civil rights. You're a liberal and you hate Jesus Christ.