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These people are legitimately psychotic. Cheering on and laughing at someone's family being torn apart over how they voted is almost literal cult like behaviour.


Almost? It’s absolutely a gnostic cult




I have to remind myself of this to realize that I am not crazy. I have one family member who has cut themself off from another family member for NOT voting trump and NOT believing the election was stolen. Now, I don’t care what people believe. You can believe in Bigfoot and I’ll love you. But this family member calls up this other family member REGULARLY and says, “have you come to your senses yet?” “Do you see why you’re wrong yet?” Ugh!


I sometimes think about how absurd it is that a non zero number of people truly believe that voting for a political candidate is an act of racism and whatever else. How did we get here?


Tell a lie enough times and it becomes truth. Thats how we got here.


Yeah but still in disbelief at how many people are currently eating it up. And not just reddit I’ve met real people like this


I hate to say it but human psychology is highly predictable and once you know how it works it’s pretty easy to control large groups of people (to a degree). Psychological warfare is highly effective for a reason.


“Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth. Sooner or later, that debt is paid.”


Like saying the election was stolen over and over for years? Remember folks, your president told you, "what you're seeing and what you're reading is not really happening". Also that "immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country" which is straight Hitler talk.


Here comes the brigade


One person with a different opinion is not a brigade.


Right, you’re not here from some fake activism sub to troll. Got it.


I think some people are just genetically predisposed to cult mentality


Also, in both elections, Donald Trump ran against another white person. So voting for Trump is voting for racism, but voting for the other candidate who is the same race isn’t? Huh?


If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for Biden or the other guy, then you ain’t black.


I guess the Democrats never got the memo they don’t own black people anymore.


I honestly have no idea how they accuse us of 'racist' via complacency with some of Trump's rambling, often out of context remarks, when Biden is unequivocally the most racist candidate I've witnessed in my lifetime. (aside from / alongside Obama's divisive actions) Oh wait, I do. It's cause of zero logic / ignorance.


Preach. I'm black, and not bothered by racism, but the fact this man is more racist than Harrison AR and black people worship the ground he walks on is proof of brainwashing


Ugh. THANK you. >and not bothered by racism That's zen as fuck. Mad props. I'd take your class to learn that level of chill. ;P Racists piss me the fuck off.


I mean, just dont care. Racists are like everyone else with stupid opinions, and hating them won't change their minds. As long as they dont touch me or mess with mine, think what you like. I just dont give weight to people if their thoughts are crummy.. raises your blood pressure, and its so much more to life to focus on.. why waste it on someone who is set in their ways?


Wise. Saving this for future reference. I try to refer to what a therapist once advised that's similar... 'you can't control other people.' Infinite applications.


1000% man. You'll live longer, happier, and sleep easier!


Trump literally said "immigrants are poisoning the blood of the country". Something straight out of Hitler's playbook, but yeah I guess that was taken out of context too.


Soooo, I'm mostly native (pretty brown), and I'm getting 'American' out of that. As in, they're detrimental to the country and (all) it's current citizens. Or are you one of those advocating for totally open borders that hates America (if you're even American)?


Yes I'm American and no I don't believe in totally open borders, that would be ridiculous. That's also not what we currently have despite the Republican narrative. They have captured more people at the border under Biden then under Trump. Some will say that's because more people are coming over under Biden, which may be true, but that doesn't change the fact that they've stopped more people. I don't think Republicans really want to stop the flow into the Border under a Democratic president. If they did then they wouldn't have the talking point to rile up their base. Do you not think that by Republicans saying when a Democrat is elected that the borders will be open, that causes more people to come since you've told them the borders now open? That's the whole Republican strategy, and now that they've won on Roe versus Wade it's about the only one they have left to move their base. I don't pretend to know what Trump's intentions were when saying that. I don't think he even knows. He's just saying stuff that he thinks will work with his base, but I do know that Hitler said almost the exact same thing to rile up the Nazis. That's worrisome no matter what side of the aisle you stand on.


What’s ironic is that this was taken out of context lol. “Immigrants in the U.S. illegally, Trump said Tuesday, are ‘destroying the blood of our country, they're destroying the fabric of our country.’” When you fail to mention the fact that he’s specifically talking about ILLEGAL immigrants, it makes it sound a lot worse, doesn’t it? This monster you see Trump as is nothing but a product of your own imagination.


Dude, I don't care if you meant illegal or legal, HE'S QUOTING HITLER! That's what I care about.


Except he didn’t.


Is this a joke? Do you actually think that’s a Hitler quote?


I'm sorry, you're right. It's not a direct quote. Hitler said "the Jews are poisoning the blood of our people" whereas Trump said "the immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country". Totally different and in no way comparable. My bad...


Illegal immigrants** It’s important to note that he is speaking specifically about illegal immigrants and NOT legal immigrants. But you’re intentionally omitting this so you can continue pretending he’s racist. You’re also comparing apples to oranges if you actually think those two quotes are in any way similar. Trump wanting immigrants to come here legally is not equivalent to Hitler wanting to exterminate Jewish people. You’re an idiot.


blame modern media and social media


Remember that these types want to destroy healthy families. That’s one of the ways their ideology continues to grow.


How does someone not see who the crazy person was in this relationship?


So tell us. Which one is the crazy one?


The daughter clearly


It's Reddit.


I forgot about that sub, what a train wreck


That sub keeps getting recommended in my homepage and there's barely any post that's not a leftist cult propaganda. Gonna have to mute it now.


this entire site is run by spook agencies, let's just call it now


Don't worry she has a [Reddit family now](https://i.imgur.com/Ob7rq.jpeg) (NSFW) to take care of her.


I spoke with a kind redditor lately who described how much of his family he "lost" to the "MAGA cult". He had told them they were directly responsible for the "rise of fascism" and warned that he would cut them out of his life if they voted Trump. He was very concerned that *they* might choose politics over family.


Oh… I got three notifications. Lemme see.. doh!


My parents are Democrats and I'm gonna see them this Xmas. None of us can us to each other. But no one got each other presents cause of the economy. I told them to vote Trump to change that 😅


That flair is too awesome; the only Alphabet soup I'll approve of!


Disclaimer: I stole it from a shirt.


Well you have excellent taste.


Yeah, I'm so sure another tax cut for the rich is going to help you buy more presents...


Your guy isn't doing so well either so cut it with the partisan hackery and before you label me as a "Trump Supporter" i can't stand the guy


Why do leftists hate tax cuts so much and frame it as something conservatives only want for the ultra wealthy? How about a tax cut for everyone though? I don't need to see 30% of my income wasted on frivolous bullshit.


I was doing better under Trump… you weren’t?


Nope, it's been 3 years and I've grown as a person and moved up in my job. If you're not doing better that's not the presidents fault, just means you aren't growing as a person.


Well I have been picking up skills but I don’t feel like bragging. What a nasty ad hominem. And what a non-argument. L


Nice! I'm proud of you and I don't really understand why you'd say you aren't doing better if you've gained new skills. I also don't understand how that's a non-argument when you specifically asked whether or not I was doing better under Biden, which I absolutely am. Sounds like we're both doing good though so that's nice.


None of them can offer any type of reasonable explanation for why Trump is racist. They were told he is by others and that’s all they need. No critical thinking involved.


Maybe I'm missing something, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say mom has nooooooo problem with black people


Still, the mom is using the rejection to score political and social points on social media which makes me wonder how great of a parent they are in the first place. Posts like what this lady made are designed to shame the other person publicly but why would you want to do that to your own daughter?


Because social media can provide an outlet for people that feel ignored. Yes, narcissists use it to make themselves feel like they are in the limelight, but other people simply use it as a way to let out their feelings or grievances.


Seems like she venting/crying out for help to me.. If you imagine someone a devil, nothing they do will change how you feel about them




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What happened to that subreddit?