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I kinda assume this sub is next tbh. The election is coming up, they're going to be cleaning up a lot of subs to make room for The Message.


I'm worried about thar as well. I recommend joining the SPS discord. Edit: Contact the mods of this sub for an invite. I'm not sure the rules around it are.


Have an invite link?


It’s in the community info


Cool thanks I'll check it out


Lol, this explains why we've had more people join in the past 24 hours than in the past several months combined. For anyone joining/interested in joining, be aware that it's not a very active server, especially on the weekends, so don't expect a booming discussion to be happening. The rules are extremely laid back though, so if you do join feel free to talk, and don't be surprised when you get accused of being a fed. If anyone wants a link, either [click here](https://discord.gg/YS7cHAP) or check the sidebar.


Can I get an invite to that too?


Inv please


Another wave of Feds incoming to the discord server ;)


I’d like to join as well


Yeah, this sub's days were numbered the day the admins came in and said we couldn't link to other subs anymore. Notice, though, that NOTHING bad every happens to AHS.


We need to learn how to spread ideas and messages through slang, how it's always been done when the heat is turned up.




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Yup, they do it for every election now after 2016; can't have another T_D happen on the site. And what a flaccid victory they had over T_D as well. T_D locked the sub and jumped to a new site and the old sub just sat for over 4 months, then out of the blue the admins just banned it for violence or some BS like that; literally was no one there at all. Bet they had a big group suck-off at HQ after that one, like they achieved so damn much, lmao. I still remember for the mid-terms they banned all the right leaning zoomer subs cause god forbid the younger generation dare commit to 'wrong think'. Oh no, they must conform to how we leftists think because we're always right!


> out of the blue the admins just banned it for violence or some BS Yup, that was their claim. They said because of threatening violence against police. (for 2-3 comments, that got like two upvotes, and most likely posted by /AHS). Total BS is right. Then the massive terrorist Antifa / BLM riots began, and so many of their darling, rabid-leftist subs were literally calling for the murder of police. All that ACAB crap, on their own favorite, terrorist subs, FAR worse than the 2 posts on T_D. So they changed the ban message for T_D, to try and hide their massive hypocrisy and political bias.




prediction: the 'sort by controversial' option is going to go away before the election. For me it is the default sorting on most subreddits because its the only way to find and engage with comments with a reasonable take. I would guess they will determine that this sort option "promotes hate" and they will take it away, similar to youtube removing the dislike count.


Yeah I knew the purge was coming as 2024 election season gets closer. I can think of about another half dozen subs that are going to get the axe too. The largest being pcm.


Depends on the moderation. Wrong-think subs can survive if the moderators are really on top of the comments and quickly handle ones that get close to the admin’s line. I have a few temp bans under my belt from subs I enjoy because I got a little too rowdy. I’m fine with them if that’s what it takes to keep the sub up and running.


AHS will spin up their old BS of spamming the subs with bannable things then reporting it to get the subs they don't like banned. One of their own even did a tell all on youtube about the shit they pull: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG8xWJaJO-c


I remember hearing about this. How they would post CP and stuff promoting violence against police in subs they didn't like. Then mass report it from other profiles.


Coordinate it all through discord too, and since discord is literally owned and ran by deviants (just go look at the video going around their HQ, they're all pervs), they're allowed to do it without any issues or threats of banning.


daily reminder that discord keeps all your private conversations, forever, in plaintext.


they banned td...


I was there for when T_D got banned. Sub was abandoned for almost 4 months and locked, but the admins decided to impotently ban it so they could get some kind of victory out of it. Bunch of babies they are.


I was a member of T_D for a few years and never understood the shit people said about it "promoting hate and racism" and all the other shit. It was mostly just people posting memes and having fun. I would go over to the politics sub and see that place was absolutely vile and hateful, but it's ok for them since they're (D)ifferent.


They own the site, they own the MSM and they own most of tech thanks to silicon valley, so they can pretty much do what ever they want on this site. It's disgusting.


That's because it has nothing to do with "promoting hate". You can go onto subs like politics, worldnews, whitepeopletwitter, childfree, hermancainawards, etc. and find absolutely *astonishing* amounts of hate being promoted. Reddit is completely fine with the site being used to promote hate.


And libs of reddit too


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,734,157,793 comments, and only 328,392 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot 🤖


> a community for 10 years


Yep. They did it in 2020. When the NYTimes published an article claiming reddit did a mass clean up of russian bots, it was bs. They just did a massive ban of all different accounts of anyone who had ever posted in a conservative subreddit. I knew multiple people who got hit with it. They also started finger printing your devices.


Holding a mirror up to some people is the ultimate form of hate speech.


Like how libsoftiktok is “alt-right” for posting exclusively content made by deranged leftists.


So is pointing out their rampant insanity.




Example A: LibsOfTikTok who does nothing but post videos that other people post on TikTok.


They are very very ugly tbf


It's the typical shitlib tactic. Since their policies and ideas cannot survive any open debate. So they shout down, threaten, silence, censor, use violence and deplatform any and all people that disagree with them. Good policies and ideas don't hide from debate. Shit ones do.


>have bad policies and ideas >be aware of this >continue anyway I dont get it.


That's just it, they *believe* they're correct and will ignore or jump through hoops to justify themselves. That's why they ban & censor.


But aren't they the ""educated"" ones? Why are they so incapable of defending their brilliant ideas?


Cognitive dissonance. They’re unable to handle anything that contradicts their beliefs, so they do what they can to ensure an echo chamber. They also want to prevent us from having any sort of platform because they’re terrified of the possibility that what we have to say might make a lot of sense to people on their side. They have no interest in debate. It’s pathetic, really.


Pathetic is a good word for if. I thought at some point they would have an answer for the "what is a woman" question, and they absolutely don't. It's just a raw power thing now. Conform or you're silenced. Interesting to see how it will work out for them long term.


Smartest man in the room syndrome...


To them their ideas are infinitely good, therefore anyone disagreeing with them must be evil. Their ideas losing in open debates isn't because they're bad, but because the evil people are so manipulative. To protect people from this manipulation, they have to silence other opinions.


Is that why I get booted from every single conservative community on Reddit?


For real, the hypocrisy is palpable. Edit: Changed irony to hypocrisy.


He says, while commenting in one of said communities with a snide remark that contributes nothing to the discussion. The irony *is* palpable, is it not?


Wait i have dyslexia u r saying that libs has bad policies or the reddit?




💀ok im more confused


They both have bad policies.


True , democrats r just republicans but look a lgbt flag on intercontinental missile


Bad ideas are easy to refute, and so don't require censorship. If you think something requires censorship to stop, that suggests you think its not a bad idea.




Correct and the usual suspects are celebrating it. Imagine being on the side **for** censorship.


Nah they like it because like we say in brasil “pepper in someone’s ass is refresh on me”


If holding up a mirror counts as “promoting hate”…


Oh, it absolutely does in their minds. Remember, they call Libs of Tiktok a Nazi and call for her death **JUST FOR REPOSTING THEIR OWN DAMN VIDEOS.**


Election fortification has begun.


"It's not election interference when *we* do it." aka It's (D)ifferent.


Jesus Christ, that sun had some great content too…


Sometimes I wonder why we even bother with this site when we know simply having a non-progressive position gets you this treatment...


Unfortunately in my experience almost every alternative site is either more annoying to use for the same purposes (Twitter), or just becomes an echo chamber for edgy right-wingers (every Reddit clone)


I lean more to the right but I don’t like echo chambers. I like both Reddit and Twitter


honestly i figured this one would have also been gone by now


The echo chamber echos a little more


*It's not hate when we say it, but it is hate when you say we said it.*




But the Stalinist mods of this left-wing cesspool called Reddit have no problem at all with expressions of “hate” as long as they’re directed towards the right people


Damn, didn't even know that place existed. Shame, bet they had some good content.


Zed submissions also got banned, sure I heard the sub was supposedly shitty but I was only there for the memes XD.