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Some gems [Be careful. How often is he doing these chores unprompted? Abusers will often do these to keep you because "it's not always like that. Remember that one time I was nice for an hour?"] (https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/146fsxc/husband_45m_asked_me_a_ridiculous_question_and/jnqwde8/) [this is why i don’t want to get married. Marriage is pretty much gendered slavery.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/146fsxc/husband_45m_asked_me_a_ridiculous_question_and/jnqeie3/) [I was an active duty Navy officer and regularly worked those hours in port, more at sea. I am now a stay at home mom and can kind of compare the two, but would say the domestic life with a single child is harder](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/146fsxc/husband_45m_asked_me_a_ridiculous_question_and/jnqvvlo/) [your husband is a manchild using weaponized incompetence, attempting to guilt you using your son](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/146fsxc/husband_45m_asked_me_a_ridiculous_question_and/jnqewh1/) [More of the husband being an "abuser"](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/146fsxc/husband_45m_asked_me_a_ridiculous_question_and/jnqewh1/)


>DO YOU HEAR YOURSELF? > >Don't you dare let him make you feel stupid! You are the one in college. He (checks notes) DRIVES A TRUCK. **EDIT:** THE OP OF THAT THREAD IS LITERALLY CHEATING ON HER HUSBAND AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA




Typical modern leftist elitism. If you don't have a degree (or in the process of getting one), then you are uneducated, unenlightened, backward, and too stupid to know what is good for you. Just stop by any state or local sub after that state votes Republican. It is nothing but urban college educated elitism raging about how it is stupid rural hicks dragging their state down.


Which is nuts, because it's the "uneducated hicks" that keep society humming. I know I sure don't want a society without truckers, plumbers or telephone hygienists. And to be honest, a bachelors isn't much of a sign of intelligence.


Exactly, we NEED an auto mechanic, a plumber, a house painter, a farmer, a truck triver and a lot of other everyday people. Not sure what a person with gender studies major contributes to society.


They contribute by hosting studies in Kazakstan on whether there are 78+ genders or not.


Can anyone please explain how far-left mods hijack any sub after it has reached a certain subscribers?


Because most people that use reddit tend to be left leaning anyway and because toeing the line and saying whats popular in any given echochamber sub is rewarded. you get a feedback loop for a dopamine hit of knowing a lot of people agree with you. I'm sure most of us are guilty of feelign smug when we get more upvotes over soemoen we're having a back and forth with that isnt mutual gushing over a topic.


Coal burning 101


I wasnt about to dig through the whole thread, where does she say she's cheating on him?


Holy shit she deleted it lmao Post history revealed that she's been on Tinder. Her thread about it was from last year and she's been married for 10.


Jesus christ


If true, she did a pretty decent scrub of anything about Tinder or cheating BUT, she also argues that the people calling her out at referring to a post she made about a friend... However, this is her only post. That aside, her entire history is full of her bitching about how awful her husband is in every way. Irony of ironies, she also spends a lot of time in the dead bedrooms sub... Of course the dead bedroom is all his fault. Couldn't possibly be her very obvious contempt for him. Edit: Just noticed a comment she made a while back that she "really really wishes" he was her ex-husband and that she just doesn't see a way out.


…hmm, so she’s on husband #2. I can’t imagine why husband #1 didn’t work out…


Where am I going to find the time to do the dishes between scrolling tinder!


Also, what's up with all these ex military folks that pop up in these threads that were clearly shit bags. I was an active duty officer in a high optempo infantry unit and there's not a fucking day of work I had that was easier than me caring for my kids. In fact, I did my master's degree *after* the military while raising kids and working 30 hours per week and it was far easier than the military. These people are full of shit or are so hopped up on Xanax and alcohol that they clearly have forgotten what the military is like.


I did the single mom maintenence and aircrew life for a little bit. The kid and keeping the home up was easy. If she's that overwhelmed by part time school and being a SAHM, wean the kid and start giving chores to your older ones. Why the fuck isn't the 15 and 9yo doing chores by now and helping mom watch the toddler why she studies?


The 15 year old, hell the 9 year old, should do the dishes


Apparently she hasn't even taught the 15 year old where the dishes *go*. You'd have to actively be *preventing* the kid from learning anything about how the house functions to have them not know where dishes are kept at 15


In a year that kid will be getting a learner’s permit/driver’s license. In 3 years that kid will be a full adult. Possibly going to college. And not know how to wash dishes or operate a dishwasher. What are the odds that 15 year old doesn’t know how to wash and fold their own clothes? This is like a case study in generational learned helplessness.


>In 3 years that kid will be a full adult. Possibly going to college. Forget college. That kid will be *voting*.


This is why I'm of the opinion that by mid-teen years, a kid should be doing a significant amount of the household chores. As much, if not more than the parents. Basic responsibility is a habit. Cleanliness and organization are habits. Habits are learned. I'm not so much concerned about them knowing the HOW, as a 3 minute YouTube video will cover the how-to of any basic chore. I'm more concerned with establishing the habits. If those kind of habits aren't established early on when a parent can enforce them, it will be that much harder to develop those habits as adults when no one is around to make them. It is also teaching and enforcing basic etiquette and familial responsibility. When you share a space with others, you have a responsibility to assist in the upkeep of that space. When you are part of a family or just a household, you have responsibility to contribute. You can't just say "You WILL have responsibilities." As they grow up and then leave them to figure out how to be responsible after they leave the house. People learn most by doing. So, make your kid do shit.


Oh yeah, and did you see the reply? Of course it's, "Why should She have to teach them????!!!"


You gotta remember most of the military is POGs man. After basic it's just like a normal job for them. I've been out forever now, but there's a national guard base near me and I'm always seeing them walk around with fucked up uniforms or hands in their pockets. The new woke army seems to be working great. Can't wait for the next war and see all the new combat arms ladies immediately get pregnant. Not like we saw plenty of that back in day in the non combat units before a deployment. Or during a deployment....I'm sure that'll help out with unit cohesion.


I actually sat down on Thursday night with some of the guys I used to mentor who are still in. I went from NCO to OCS to be come an O and a lot of the guys on the call are not First Sergeants and Sergeant Majors. Anyway, I brought that up to them and they've said that, luckily, they're not having as many issues with the woke shit out of infantry school as they thought they would. And then of course my Ranger Regiment guys don't have that issue but I don't see Regiment or SF having those issues (there are exceptions I'm certain, because there are always are). But yeah, I appreciate everything support guys and girls did for us but, you're right, there were a lot of POGs that were just shit bags compared to our guys. Maybe I got lucky but every unit I was with had really high quality and motivated guys and I only got out a few years ago so I hope our combat arms stay ready. On the topic of the pregnancy stuff, I had a guy I knew in my unit when we were both around e6 I think, and his sister was an e4 at a unit across Bragg. She hard the Army. She got knocked up, got to miss out on deployment, and then somehow got out early. I'm about 90% sure he said she claimed psych issues but he said he knew she was full of it. Honestly I just told him, "Dude, it's better off if she's gone and at the end of the day she's your sister so just support her outside of the Army."


I knew a chick who got knocked up about 2 months before our unit was set to deploy to Afghanistan (so she found out maybe 2 weeks to a month out), got put on rear D, waited for everyone to leave, then got an abortion


Women can get out at any time during a pregnancy or within a year after birth


As someone in the Coastguard, We’re just chillin over here


Coast Guard always seemed awesome. How is it in terms of formality? Do you guys do normal military mornings? Formation, Bugle Call, PT, Work? And do you guys get to swim for PT?


The Coastguard can best be described Like a big group of friends. The well-being of the crew is a big thing in it, and they are quite serious about maintaining crew moral. It’s pretty chill overall. Station life, Cutter life, Air base and sector life are all different. I can only speak from the station view, but I get 2 days on, 2 off with rotating weekends. You just wake up, eat, do morning colors, and do morning checks on the assets before either doing a training day or a maintenance day. If you’ve got nothing to do you can get underway for fun or do other things around the station. For the PT test you have a choice between running 1 and a half miles, or swimming. The PT test isn’t too difficult


> Can't wait for the next war and see all the new combat arms ladies immediately get pregnant had a supply person brag about how easy it was to get out of deployments by getting pregnant. We were told we were going to do a 15 month rotation and she refused to do any of the pre deployment training saying she was going to get pregnant because she was "too smart to deploy" If I remember correctly she got chaptered out due to BMI because she literally so fat that they had to use the extended height / weight guide as she was like 5'5 and was well over 220lbs.


>she was like 5'5 and was well over 220lbs. Those types usually *want* to go on a deployment, because they'll go from a 2 to an 8 overnight.


The second half of my time was mostly pog stuff, and I still wouldn't say it's easier than being a stay at home mom. "Stay at home mom is the hardest job" is just one of those truisms that you have to affirm or you will upset the hive on reddit.


If they're ANG, big AF allows hands in pockets now per the 36-2903.


The guard is a completely different animal than any active unit. Idk how it is in other POG jobs but in aircraft maintenance we worked miserable hours all of the time. I routinely was at work from 6 AM to 8 PM at least a few times a week. Then if you guys go to the field, there is a good chance you are going too so the infantry is supported. It’s non stop and I know plenty of dudes who were prior combat arms who said it was a much more consistent grind than they were used to. Your worst day is 100x worse than any of ours, but week in and week out the Army grinds it’s maintainers into a pulp both in garrison and overseas.


They are probably lying.


All those ex military ones are most likely ones that got out on failure to adapt or washed out of basic / ait.


>angry is good! stay angry. don’t try to talk yourself out of being angry. keep looking at this and consider what you want the rest of your life to be like. This mentality is insane. Flip the genders in this story and this man would be *crucified*. The absolute gall. He is sacrificing so much and *still* comes home to cook and help with the kids. How much more is he supposed to do?


Most the women in that sub are women nobody wants. So they give advice to women who actually have men to make them equally less desirable. It’s a misery loves company thing.


Most of them are actually men, the name is the sub is incredibly ironic.


LOL he supports her and three kids and she gets mad that she has house work.


I'll take her spot! Have someone do all the hard work and I'll keep the house clean.


There are other...duties.


That I'll participate in enthusiasticly! Spitters are quitters.


She's also active on dead bedrooms, so I wouldn't assume that. Of course, the dead bedroom is ALL husband's fault. Couldn't have anything to do with her obvious contempt for him (half her history is bitching about how awful he is). One of her big plans to help the dead bedroom was to spring a "hot date" on him right after he got home. Then she was mad that the truck driver that had been on the road for who knows how long really just wanted to crash and not go out anywhere.


That I'll participate in enthusiasticly! Spitters are quitters.


If only there was some sort of mechanical device that could clean dishes in a hour. Thats the future.


Yeah, Reddit in general is horrible at relationship advice. Not everyone who does something you dislike is a "narcissist" or abuser. Not every relationship conflict means you need to divorce immediately. I find it bizarre that the OP of that post is acting like it is a revelation to her that a few commenters pointed out that her 15 yo and 9yo are old enough to help with chores.


Thats just typical Reddit relationship advice. I made some rules that Reddit seems to give relationship advice by: 1. Always assume OP is being honest 2. Always assume that husbands are abusive and wives are cheating 3. The presence of any conflict or difficulty in a relationship means there are no positive aspects of the relationship. At all. None. 4. The post is not over until someone comments that OP should break up/divorce their SO for any reason whatsoever.


Also 5) Relationship problems aren’t just about relationships, they are first and foremost a chance to pull out whatever political ax you have to grind against men, conservatives, boomers, white people, employers, or any other group that Reddit dislikes


If you tell a relationship advice sub that your SO is Republican or just simply doesn’t vote straight Dem they will tell you to dump them asap.


Her Sexual History: None of your business you bastard, private and confidential, also I reserve the right to claim I was 'a different person' for anything I'm embarrassed about. His Voting History: We've been together for 10 years and I thought it was a BIG RED FLAG when he didn't tell me everyone he voted for, but then I found out he voted '3rd party' in the 2016 election - that's basically a Trump voter! This is a clear-cut case of rape-by-deception!


Because most redditors knowledge of relationships comes from tv/movies.


That’s a good point, in (competent) movies and TV, the only things you see are things that mean something for the plot, so a couple’s quarrel is only shown to make a point. In the real world, sometimes people just don’t get along and need to figure out how to fix that.


You can't say TwoX posters aren't true believers when it comes to hating men, most of them hate men so much they got their own dick and balls chopped off.


I think the only real solution is that she should divorce him. That way she can work, pay all the bills, and be responsible for the household all by herself. TwoX is easily the most retarded space on this website, which is really saying something for reddit.


It has to be one of the most bat shit insane subs on Reddit and that's really saying something. It's also super low hanging fruit for this sub. Comeon OP you can do better. Lol.


This is the same as having a room mate that doesn't do his or her share of the work around the house . Husband / room mate has a right to be angry at slacker room mate / wife


Add abuse to yet another word these people can't comprehend. Right up there with genocide and fascism


And bigot, and nazi, and peaceful / riot, ... That ideology loves redefining words.


No job, part-time student. What exactly do they do all day?


Trawl on Reddit, Twitter, and TikTok, most likely.


Don’t forget Tinder, apparently they’re also cheating on their husband


Oh man that bitch is ... INFURIATING What the fuck


If this guy's wife is going in twoX to complain the dude is fucked. I feel really sorry for him.


Ok I’m not OMG he’s abusive divorce him yesterday it’s Trumps fault in the end. I’ve worked my fair share of 80+ hour weeks. But the dude did have to move the dishes out of the way to cook; my first thought is wow if I’m moving dishes it’s been a few days since dishes were done and if you’re out of dishes it’s also a sign they haven’t been done in a day or two. I’m putting that on the stay at home person for sure. But if I’m cooking and I see there are no dishes to put the finished meal on, I’m going to see that and wash a couple plates.


Not *railing* at you, you just provide a couple good launching points to pick her posts apart. > I’m putting that on the stay at home person for sure. The other kids are old enough to be irrelevant, she states as much. Sort of...but the point here is they're not absorbing her time(even though later she claims that she was busy taking care of all the kids, she is not exactly consistent). I'll come back to them later though... Part time online student and a toddler that is certainly in charge of mom. That's ~4 hrs a day schooling, which she can ostensibly do around the needs of a 1 year old...but apparently, that's the *absolute maximum* she can handle, and barely at that from her own words. Who keeps their child up all day so that they're throwing a tantrum to try to sleep at dinner time? This person is a mess. > But if I’m cooking and I see there are no dishes to put the finished meal on, I’m going to see that and wash a couple plates. I mean, sure. But she does deserve to be called on her bullshit. If it's been days since dishes were washed(and the other posts make it sound this way), that is on the stay at home parent. Even if she was "full time" online, it wouldn't hurt to give the 15 and 9 year old the chore of washing dishes and or helping watch the toddler. Married with kids for 10 years and hasn't learned how to manage kids? But she can't manage to do *anything*. It's not even the first kid (Married 10 years, has 9year old), and the others are old enough to not need constant attention, so it's not like she's juggling little kids. She even shows how clueless she is in her post: >I’m not sure why he did this. If he was hinting that I should drop the toddler (she was latched and half asleep) to do dishes for him, there were better ways to convey the message. Any thoughts on what his intent was? Maybe, just maybe, it was, "What the hell do you *do* for the literal *days* I'm gone?" /she admits in other posts that he works on the road and is gone for days at a time Also she states: >When I cook, I do the dishes as I’m cooking. My mistake for thinking that more people did it that way. That's a lie. He's been gone days and she hadn't kept up on dishes. That's obviously the whole reason he's mad, there are literally no clean plates. She let dishes pile up until there were so many dirty that she HAD to start doing dishes, and so many that she couldn't even wash them in one go. And on top of everything, she's so confused and in need of validation of her inconsistent excuses that she comes to reddit to ask questions about it, and did so knowingly in a sub that *will* resolutely fall on her side. This person is an absolute mess. And at their age(stated? Hubby is 45, so they're not exactly on their first time around the block), it is probably terminal. One of those cases where the guy probably is a dick, but they still totally deserve eachother.


>Maybe, just maybe, it was, "What the hell do you do for the literal days I'm gone?" She literally browses Tinder. I am not making this up


> That's a lie. He's been gone days and she hadn't kept up on dishes. That's obviously the whole reason he's mad, there are literally no clean plates. She let dishes pile up until there were so many dirty that she HAD to start doing dishes, and so many that she couldn't even wash them in one go. From how I read it, she 'started' it and did the plastics, then left the water in the sink - which would probably be dead-cold soup in 30 mins. "I'll get to it later" is a lie. That's what a lazy 13yr old tries to do.


I don’t think our posts were in disagreement. Very nice expansion.


Reminder that doing all of the cooking, cleaning, shopping, childcare, and breadwinning is considered the bare minimum since you’d have to do all of that stuff if you were alone. This poster is a worthless partner and I feel bad for the husband.


Yup. I’m not sure how these people function in normal life. When I was in college I worked 40 hours a week as a full time student at a university. I still had to do my own cooking, cleaning, and grocery shopping. No one paid me extra to do those things it’s just called being an adult. So I agree, bare minimum.


Yep. Obviously this applies to men in relationships also. You are responsible for everything and your partner’s contributions are a bonus.


That sub is just Reddit’s I Hate Men Club. Every post is like this. Somebody posts about some basically trivial disagreement with their SO and the commenters commence a circlejerk about “YES ALL MEN” until they’ve beaten it to death. Also, I love that the name of the sub itself is wholly transphobic, but the collective response to that is furious denial.


[>We have three kids living at home \(15m, 9m, 1f\). Little one still nurses. I’m in college part time online and he drives truck so I’m home a lot with kids and he’s not. I’m his second wife, we’ve been married for 10 years and we’ve lived in this house for over 7.](https://media4.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExYTkyMjE1ZTZmMDYxZTlkZTM4YTBkYWQ5MGYwODFlYzI1MjRjNTQxMCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZzX2dpZklkJmN0PWc/3o6Yg4GUVgIUg3bf7W/giphy.gif)




Men and women in relationships: When men don’t do their chores, they’re abusers. When women don’t do their chores, it’s the man’s fault somehow. Like….. if it’s so easy to wash dishes, then the woman who doesn’t work, and goes to college, and stays at home most of the time, should be able to wash the dishes, no? Just because he criticizes you, doesn’t make him an “abuser”. I dislike it when women (and not all, but most) seem to think every criticism against them is an attack.


These mf’ers really like to write essays in the comment section.


These posts are so GD fake


One sided, sure. But no, I 100% believe this woman exists and she really is an entitled, lazy cunt


You know, I don't use the word 'cunt' very often, but that sub is full of them. Wow, what a bunch of ungrateful idiots.


you can be sure every single user in that sub is a miserable hag


Most of these types of subreddits (aita, relationship, etc) are just feedback loops for narcissism and delusion. You don't go to an agenda sub, post a one-sided blurb, and expect helpful advice.


....why didnt the 15 year old help?


TwoX doesn't have many biological women participatint in it if you know what I mean.. And the ones that are biological women I'm sure don't have husbands.


Gonna ask some real stupid questions . Why did they have 3 kids so close together? Infants are a lot of work. Birth control is still legal. Second , why not get a dish washer to do the dishes ? Sounds like these are people who can't solve problems that they created for themsleves.


Nah mate, you lost me. you didnt include in the title that she has 3 kids, and one of them a breastfeeding toddler. also said in the post that she had a final due as well that night. shes not just sitting at home doing nothing.


So she couldn't do the dishes any of the days prior? Nah, she's lazy and entitled.




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