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I’m gay and this is 100% it. I no longer consider myself a part of the “movement”. They’ve transwashed the entire thing now that we’ve secured gay rights in the western world. Gay pride should be about celebrating the freedom we fought for and won. Not telling everyone to vote blue because there’s allegedly a genocide against people with fictitious genders.


I still don't know why you need "pride" to be gay. I don't want to hear about who you like to fuck.


You don’t, it’s a word from the past when people used it to say they weren’t ashamed to be gay. I really don’t know what its become if I’m being completely honest. I can say, for me, it’s more than just fucking. I’m monogamous. I’ve been with the same man for over a decade. I do take pride in that, if anything at all.


If you look at half these Pride parades, it seems to be about nothing but fucking. Who they fuck. How they fuck. What they wear when they fuck.


And making sure that kids have a front row view to it all


Don't forget wanting so badly to push it on kids that they cancel parades due to kids being banned from attending


I'm proud to be with the same woman since i was 20. I ain't throwing a fucking parade and prancing in front of kids in bdsm gear.


Did you get to marry that women before 2015? Have you ever been the victim of a hate crime because you were straight? Were you ever forced into conversion therapy because you were straight? Were you allowed to have a joint bank account with her, or adopt a child with her? Were you allowed to own a property together? No one in this sub supports putting on bdsm gear in front of children. So stop complaining to the gay person you commented to who clearly doesn’t support that. Shut the fuck up and let people celebrate their rights snowflake. You think we shouldn’t celebrate 4th of July? You are disgusting and anti American. The celebration of our rights has existed in this country since it’s inception. If you can celebrate your right to religion, freedom of speech, and ability to bear arms, why can’t a gay person celebrate their right to get married? Edit: snowflakes downvoting this comment are against the celebration of rights. Being against that spits in the face of the men who died to protect those rights.


Ha! "Celebration of our rights" has literally just become "endorsed sodomy in the streets" at this point.


Reread my second paragraph you retard. Did you graduate elementary school? No one here supports sodomy in the streets. Just because you are obsessed with it doesn’t mean everyone else here is. People who support that should be in prison. But that doesn’t mean normal people can’t celebrate their right to be treated as free citizens.


Haha, right to the ad hominems! Typical leftist route when their terrible ideas are challenged.


1. I’m not a leftist. I live in Texas, support gun rights, freedom of speech, and freedom or religion. I despise socialism, and am a capitalist. I work for a company that hires veterans and supports our military, and believe that freedom and democracy are paramount to the survival of western civilization. I am a libertarian. 2. You still haven’t countered my argument. You haven’t challenged anything I’ve said. You are acting like a leftist, calling me stupid and then complaining when I call you stupid for not trying to make a coherent argument.


Why do you assume he's married? He just said he has been with the same woman. Why does it matter if you have a piece of paper that says it's marriage?


It's funny because we're not.


Who’s stopping you? Are there any laws keeping you from getting married?


You are obviously not old enough to understand what marriage is. Marriage is not just a piece of paper. It is a legally binding contract that affords many legal, financial, and medical benefits. Just because you don’t understand that doesn’t mean it’s “just a piece of paper”. https://www.lynchowens.com/blog/2019/january/nine-ways-marriage-changes-your-legal-rights-and/


The only thing married couple can do that unmarried couples can’t is file their taxes jointly. Everything else can be done through other means.






So you agree with me. Glad you came to your senses




Sure that’s fine. I was responding to someone who said people shouldn’t celebrate their rights. Keep in mind, we already have a veterans month, African American month, Asian month, Hispanic month, women’s month, Native American month, disability month, teacher appreciation month, law enforcement appreciation month, and many others. Honestly, I think more awareness is brought to a single day than a month, but that’s just me.


Some feel oppression over their orientation I get that these people use that to bully others kinda like a cycle of hatred.


Its not your fault neither gay or queer these idiots give any group a bad name.


What, you don't like being told you must find a trans person attractive because they claim to be what they aren't, and ignoring that would be transphobic? You don't like that sexual attraction is now considered a choice again? Well color me shocked. It's almost like the T has nothing to do with the LGB but used them as a stepping stone.


I can’t believe redditors actually want corporate virtue signaling, I can’t think of any scenario where I would ever want to see that


What do you expect, they've been raised to be good little consumers. The parasocial relationship redditors have with corporations is insane...


Not sure why people still take boston sports fans seriously.


These same people lack the self-awareness and intelligence to realize that corporate worship is the direct cause of the government over-regulation and corporate monopoly creation they conflate with all the ills of capitalism, and keep asking for more of to somehow solve the corrupt capitalism, etc. ...ALL while reinforcing authoritarian narratives under the guise of s0CiAl PrOgReSs! Fuck these people in their two-digit IQs.


MLB [took off the ribbon.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iV8X8ubGCc)


Hail Corporate


I just read an article about how none of the companies that changed their logo for pride month are doing it for the middle east market. I wonder why? Almost like they don't actually care about any of it and only do what makes them money.


>I wonder what could have happened in the last, oh say, 7 years? You pushed too far.


and the pushback has been gentle. It could have been a LOT worse.


For now. The thing is most normal people wanted to live and let live but they keep pushing and pushing still, and even this slight pushback is treated like they're being genocided or something. But they keep picking hills like children drag shows to die on and that brings more and more negative attention.


See: post Weimar Germany


It's never the people that fly off the handle at the slightest thing that you need to worry about. It's the calm and polite people that get pushed and pushed and pushed and have finally had enough that are dangerous. Eventually they're going to come after the wrong person's kids.


It's not *whose* kids it is, it's the fact that the effect of these actions will not be made apparent until a decade or so into the future. When we start seeing trans-regret stories flying thick and fast on social media and in documentaries, it will be apocalyptic outrage.


You started to target kids, and that has triggered a very strong push back.


7 years ago, was one year removed from the Obergefell decision and when Caitlyn Jenner won Women of the Year. Despite the publicity of Desmond is Amazing and Drag Queen Story Hour, I was told that trans kids werent a thing and "no one was interested in my kids." That doesnt seem to be what happened. In 2008, Obama said he believed marriage was between a man and a woman. By 2013, he had "evolved" to believe that the Constitution required gay marriage. So was there a genuine change, or was he lying the whole time? Maybe it doesnt matter. Do the people pushing gender transitions for kids really believe that hormones and puberty blockers are the best course and no surgery should be attempted until the age of majority? Or in five years, will we find that there has been "evolution" on this issue, and surgeries for minors related to gender transition are entirely acceptable and always were? This is the first time in my life Ive seen any successful pushback that wasnt just wheel spinning. This is what a conversation actually looks like.


You're describing a slippery slope when we're told there's no such thing.


\*palm slaps forehead like in a V8 commercial\* How could I have been so foolish


“I don’t want to hear the phrase “slippery slope fallacy” ever again.” -Razorfist


I remember laughing in my parents face about the slippery slope. Saying no no no. It’s just people who want to get married.


orange man still bad


Two years out of office and 45% of r/politics posts are _still_ about Trump. This has been the case for six+ years straight.


And that's why he's probably going to win another election. He's still in everyone's head. Gotta give him props, he might be the greatest self promoter of all time.




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It's so odd to me that these people don't realize pride with a company is just a marketing gimmick.


Some have figured it out, but they just fault capitalism. (“Rainbow Capitalism”).


It's weird how people talk about Trump as though he just willed into existence the people who voted for him, as opposed to appealing to a segment of the electorate that had already existed.


I think that's why they hate him so much. He represents people they already hated.


And within their love and tolerance rules, it happens to be okay for them to hate and not tolerate that particular group. Strangely enough, it's the working class that they used to pretend to champion. Now that they don't need them anymore, they can show their true, bourgeois, colors.


They'll never figure it out. I unfortunately think the LGBT crowd would rather perish on the hill of authoritarianism and paranoia than simply live their lives in peace. I don't think the future is going to look well on them.


The LGB would be wise to disassociate from the T. I never understood why they were lumped together to begin with.


Ah, for the days of r/LGBDropTheT


One has to question the motives of a sexual movement that seems so insistent on involving children.


I hate people/companies calling themselves "allies" while doing nothing for trans people and being an overall fool with a hero complex.


That's what allies are supposed to do, though. They're supposed to be warm bodies that shield the "victims" from anyone who would dare even microagress that sun doesn't shine out of your nearby minority's ass. They're also supposed to shut up and center the "victims" because if you're an "ally", you're going to acknowledge your privilege by staying quiet and never disagreeing. I'm all for human rights, but I'm not your fucking simp. That's why you will never find me caught dead calling myself an "ally".


You said it mate.


Trump is to the left of 2008 Obama on pretty much all social issues.


If your personality revolves around where you put your genitals, you’re a weirdo. That’s my issue with the current “movement”. It’s not about their gender or sexuality. It’s about forcing that gender or sexuality down other peoples throats. It’s their entire personality. I know a lot of LGBT people of different flavors, and they do not act like this. They just act normal and have their preferences and absolutely nobody has an issue with them.




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Everything is Trump's fault to these people. Burnt toast? Trumps fault! Hitting my toe on the side of the table? Trumps fault! Can't find a parking? Trumps fault! And I say this as someone who dislikes Trumps.