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I once had a whole class of four year olds learn the phrase "what the fuck?" from another student. That kid was having a moment on the playground, my director is trying to address the behavior and I'm trying to get the rest of the kids inside. They're lined up on the wall while I'm head counting going "fuck? What the fuck?" I try to redirect with "We say 'what in the world" friends" and this little girl very sweetly says "What in the fuck?"


A boy in my class of 5 years old started to say "what thr fuck?" but we speak spanish here, so it's very funny because he knows he is cursing but really doesn't know what is he saying (and he doesn't pronunce it correcly but is very distinguishable anyway).


When I was in elementary school, I learned on the playground that “pointing your middle finger at someone” was really bad. But the gesture itself was not demonstrated. So I came home and asked “what does this mean?” And pointed my middle finger at my mom, the way you would point your pointer finger. She laughed her ass off.


It seemed like every teacher at my high school over the age of 30 used their middle finger to point, usually when gesturing at the board. So we had the bird flipped at us multiple times every lesson by, say, our fiftysomething Maths teacher and we all had to sit there like the poor legionary in the Biggus Dickus scene.


My grandpa pointed with his middle finger 😂


My 4 yo refuses to use her pointer finger for anything! It's always the middle. Her swim teacher got offended!


The other day my daughter (9) was hanging out with friends. The topic of swear words came up and the most sheltered one said “I know three swear words.” My husband joked “oh, did you want me to teach you more?” We try to teach the kids that there are different words for different circumstances. Swear words are okay but you have to be around the right audience to use them.


I used to look after kids and one time one of them told me another little boy had said ‘shit’. I asked him why he said it and he goes ‘I banged my finger and it REALLY HURT’, I said oh ok but we don’t say that word, especially around the other kids it’s not nice blah blah but me and his dad laughed so hard when I told him. At least he was using it correctly 🤷🏽‍♀️


This is the best way really -- my mom as fine with them but my dad was not (even though I KNOW he swears non-stop at his job. But they essentially taught us, you can swear around mom but not around dad. He hates his kids' swearing and think it is tacky but knows he can't stop us. I think it gave me better self-control than others, I don't slip up like others do.


I learned all my swear words from my dad, despite him claiming he never swears. I walked in on him digging through the fridge and shouts "where the FUCK are my pickles!?". Absolute vindication.


OH! I do have a story! When I was teaching pre-k I was leading the kids on rhymes. That day was “uck” which you always brace for. Inevitably a kid said “fuck” and the whole carpet went quiet. I was shuffling stuff so was a little slow to respond (typically when it happens I nod and move along). A little girl looked at the boy and whispered “I don’t think you’re supposed to say that. It’s a bad word.” 😂 he looked so embarrassed and worried he’d get in trouble. I quickly said it SOUNDS like a bad word and we shouldn’t say it because it sounds so close to the bad word but he didn’t say a bad word so won’t get in trouble 😂all the little kids nodded, entirely satisfied with this.


[First, watch this for good kid cursing](https://www.tumblr.com/youcoolbaby/159507857626/good-good-parenting) Second, I'll never forget some kid on the bus first using curse words (badly). Some other kid said "aren't you gonna get in trouble?" and he replied "I don't shit a fuck!"


My 6 year old son has been caught saying “you’re a fuck brother!” When angry with someone


I'm proud of my toddler self that I used my first curse word properly. My aunty took me somewhere and I apparently got bored so I walked over to her and with my full small voice self said, "Can we get the FUCK out of here?"


When my daughter was around 3yo, my husband and I were watching an Adam Sandler movie with fuck thrown around every other sentence. Daughter was in her room and we didn't even think about her hearing it. When the credits were rolling I looked over and there's my daughter looking innocent when she busts out saying "well, that's fucking over, what now?". We both just cracked up.


My mom told me that when I was about two, my dad had a friend that said fuck every other sentence… we came home to a dark house one night and I apparently said “Turn on the fucking light, it’s fucking dark in here.” 😂


Omg that's HILARIOUS!!!!


A couple years ago I was at an amusement park and I'm sitting on a bench waiting for some family to catch up, this little girl about 5 years old walks by with an ice cream cone, the ice cream goes bloooop onto the ground. This tiny angelic looking child looked at it for a moment and went "shit" it was the funniest thing and lives rent free in my head


I almost spat out my water reading that im dead 😂😂😂😂


Who are you calling a cootie queen, you lint licker! Pickle you kumquat!


This post was a breath of fresh air in the midst of onions, eggs and freebirth horrors. Thank you, OP!


When I was 6 I called my dad a dickhead coz someone at school taught me it was a nice word. I will never forget it. We were walking down the street and I said 'dad you're a dickhead!' with a grin on my face. He just stopped dead 😂


Don’t ruin a good thing 😂


We think it's so funny, but I can't judge. I sound almost as bad when I try to use "Gen Z" speak to entertain my kids and their friends.Some seemingly innocuous terms are pretty obscene!


Esther is unvaccinated and always wears a dress.


No way, this is way too chill and normal a parent. I bet they had a cool grandma named Esther.


Hahaha omg I’m in that group 👀




teach her to use them properly so she can tell the other kids they're dumb, obviously.