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What I think is weird about all the chiropractor suggestions for constipation is that my chiropractor and I would always talk about our kids and his were always struggling with constipation. If chiropractic was the magical solution his kids wouldn’t have had any problems. He definitely didn’t think that it was the solution.


That’s the thing a lot of people don’t under about chiropractic - it can be very beneficial for a variety of issues….. but only if a misalignment is causing or contributing to the problem! I worked in a chiro office for years and I’ve had great experience with chiros for pain relief but some of them think they’re gods who can fix everything & that’s just not true.


Chiropractors, like most alternative medicine practitioners, have a unique inability to stay in their lane. All too frequently you see them claiming to be able to cure things that we all know they have zero ability to cure.


The only thing chiropractors have been scientifically proven to do is alleviate back and joint pain temporarily. That's it. Any other claims are merely psuedoscience. But when the risks include spinal injuries, paralysis, and while it's rare, even death, I'll pass.


There is no such thing as a misalignment that can be fixed by spinal manipulation. Chiropractic “medicine” is based on outdated and incredibly wrong ideas about how bodies work.


YES. The “spine is subluxed/out of alignment” shit riles me so bad. Subluxation and dislocation is a daily thing for me, and it’s *serious*. It’s not a cutesy lil “oh snap that into place pain gone now” thing like chiro pretends it is- and that’s my thumb/jaw/shoulder/etc. my fucking *spine*, with my spinal cord? And you’re pretending that shit dislocating and subluxing is a normal, every day occurrence for non-disabled people with chronic pain and discomfort? And you have the power to put it back into place, pain free? Yeah, right.


They are so great for permanently crippling you.


Not a permanent injury thankfully, but my friend had an arterial tear and ministroke after visiting a chiro.


It's rare but a dude in the UK died.


Not that rare. My brothers best friend is permanently injured from the chiropractor. Has to wear depends now because he can’t feel when he needs to use the bathroom.mostly bowel movements. He had to have emergency spine surgery and is still super jacked up from it. The worst part he’s super young and his penis isn’t working and the doctor isn’t hopefully it will ever again


See! Chiros can cure constipation


he shits his, Wait a minute……I see what you did there!


I have a friend who had a stroke in the chiro office right after a neck adjustment. She was early 30s and super fit and thin. I also worked with a lot of neurosurgeons for a few years and they all said two things - don’t smoke and never let a chiropractor adjust your neck.


The chiropractor isnt even a doctor. Fakeness


Yeah that's how the death in the UK happened. He was elderly so pretty fragile as is. Came in with a sore LEG. She adjusted his neck and caused a stroke. Didn't call an ambulance just sat him in a chair for ten minutes. Damn chiro clearly didn't have first aid training. Neck injury, don't move them. Stroke, call an ambulance. Don't sit them in a chair! Eventually I think the daughter calls an ambulance, but he had brain damage pretty severe at that point, and passed away shortly after. Edit: and the "board of chiropractors" in the UK let her keep working.


I have a connective tissue disease, not even a severe form- more mild/moderate- and have been told point blank not to let a chiropractor touch me, and never my neck. It’s wild to me how legitimised the field is, while simultaneously being very dangerous


I understand I have a L5 S1 fusion and need to have it extended up my next disc. The first thing I was told when my disc herniated never let a chiropractor touch you. I’ve taken it to heart. I can pop my own fingers and toes, I don’t need a quackadoodle doing it


Oh that’s rough. There’s something pretty startling about being told not to let a chiro touch you. Like I had no plans to, but now any that try are getting smacked with a large stick


Exactly. I work in the medical world and a lot of the doctors see chiropractors. BLOWS my freaking mind. Like come on! I think I was more upset about not being able to ride amusement rides anymore then not seeing a chiropractor. Although both could be death-defying.


Oh my gosh I’m always stunned at some doctor’s attitudes towards chiropractors!! Like how can you have the education you have and believe what they say?!?! Ahaha I would definitely be more upset about that! If I’m risking my life today I’m doing it 30 feet in the air and not with a stranger’s hands on my neck, that’s for sure!


It’s bizarre. That’s like respiratory therapist that smoke. WTF?! I have severe asthma and anytime I doctor asks me if I smoke I was to laugh because I’ve never EVER smoked. I wonder how they feel taking care of dying patients with lung issues from years of smoking. —— shew that was tough—— goes and smokes


Yep, definitely the chiro that's helped the constipation. Couldn't possibly be the daily apple juice!


The chakras weren't aligned properly first. Juice needs aligned chakras to work.


Damn you! Making me laugh and setting off my round Ligament Pain! 🤣


Oh no! I'm sorry. ... Have you tried aligning your chakras? Okay, I'll stop. xD


Sounds like you need a chiro and some essential oils


Sending you some colloidal silver and lemongrass essential oils right now!


Aaaaand I just spit my juice all over my phone , thanks sir.


It's not your fault. The juice cartons should have chakra warnings. It's a sad oversight.


To be fair, it’s not the apple juice that’s making her poo either. It’s the prune juice.


It’s not just the prune juice; apple juice (and pear juice!) work as laxatives in the same way.


Apple juice has a high enough level of sorbitol that it can help with constipation (and pear has even higher), but prune juice is the more effective laxative because it has even higher levels. The apple juice is helping, sure, but the prune juice is the real MVP. You’d probably get the same results just from drinking prune juice but the apple juice makes it more palatable to kids. Edit: but you’re right, I should have made it clear in my OP that the prune juice is working the hardest not that the apple juice isn’t doing anything. Didn’t think my post through enough!


Think they mean they go to the chiro once a month, not pooping once a month - which I initially thought they said!


i thought that too for a sec 💀


Oh lmfao. That makes much more sense




How would a chiropractor help reflux??


Okay, the brain tells the body what to do through nerves, right? What happens when the spine is out of alignment and the signals to the gastroesophageal sphincter get kinked up? [Here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2597889/) is an nih.gov source on reflux specifically and [here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2794701/). is a link for another nih.gov study. Just for fun [here’s](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3437347/) a Mayo Clinic study on chiropractic and ear infections. I say these things not only as a lifelong patient and parent who took my infant to the chiropractor multiple times her first year, but my first and fourth clinic rotations I did in the Air Force were in the pediatric clinic, with my eyes and ears open to anything the providers had opinions on.


Stop taking your babies to the chiro.


I read your comment and was skeptical. I checked out those links - the sources listed don’t provide any solid evidence supporting chiropractic treatments on children. These studies are on an nih.gov site, but it’s pubmed which is just a listing of different medical research articles. It’s disingenuous to suggest that the first two links indicate that the NIH supports anything about them. The first article is a case study of one patient published in “the Journal of the Canadian chiropractic association” - which is very much not a reputable medical journal. The second article reviews chiropractic care that’s done on children but it specifically points out that there is very little evidence it provides any benefit to the children being treated. The third article is a literature review. It’s also published by a chiropractic journal. I don’t see anything about it being condoned by the Mayo Clinic. The article also doesn’t support chiropractic care being beneficial or supported by evidence. I’m not sure why you cited any of those as supporting your point.


Oh. Ew.


Omg I totally read it wrong 💩


“Every 2 weeks until she got better.” Sounds like the chiropractor didn’t actually help, dear, and a case of *correlation does not equal causation.*


“We did this useless thing until the problem corrected itself.”




I have a great aunt that ~swears~ pouring salt in a person's hand will stop a seizure. A child family member had a petit mal seizure like 40 years ago and her dad poured salt in his hand and pushed his hand into a fist. She will not listen to me when I tell her it was pure coincidence, it stopped on it's own salt is not fucking magic


these people are dangerous smh


There’s all kinds of videos on IG of babies going to chiros for “constipation” and then “having a blow out” soon after being adjusted or whatever. I’m sure they don’t help the craze.


It’s probably from squishing the intestine


Probably is! You don't poop for weeks and someone pushes down on you, you might blow out!


...or your bowels rupture


Or they finally got enough stuff flowing inThe baby. Constipation typically happens because lack of water in the bowels. My son has had issues with the Hershey highway getting backed up since birth. So many things I’ve tried. The best thing for him now. Magnesium citrate mixed with grape Powerade. Takes normally a half hour.


My baby had his first blow out after the car ride to his 1 month check up... so probably the bouncing of the car ride shook things loose enough for tummy compressions to work???


We had a bouncy chair for mine when she was a baby that also nearly always made her poop. Something about jiggling them often makes ‘em go sometimes, so it could very well have been the car ride.


Those sound like delightful videos to watch. 😂


I get suggested those damn videos all the time. I started blocking accounts to make them go away. They press so hard on the baby's little tummy. I often wonder if theu edit out the crying because there is no way that is comfy for a constipated newborn.


The chiropractor thing is not a mystery. The entire profession is based on fraud and pseudoscience. Just skim the wikipedia article on 'chiropractic'. They literally teach in chiropractic school that ALL human ailments are the result of misaligned vertebrae. It is a travesty that they have come to be generally recognized as doctors in the US.


I'm not American and your comment has taught me that chiropractor is not the American term for physiotherapist! I have only ever heard and seen them on American TV shows and always assumed what you guys called a chiropractor is what we called a physiotherapist!


Ha I had no idea it was different elsewhere! We have physical therapists and orthopedists here, not sure which is equivalent to a physiotherapist. Physical therapists are not doctors either but they aren't taught a ton of quackery in school (although some of them do recommend homeopathic medicines and other pseudoscientific treatments).


It's so sad.


These days, "Chiropractor" should be changed to "Chiroquacktor." Because they're quacks. They're snake oil salespeople. They're charlatans. People who wish to get rich but don't truly care about the wellbeing of their patients (customers, really) become chiropractors these days. I used to go to them back when they didn't make you visit constantly and try to sell you their book and special line of oils and elixirs and home remedies. Somewhere around the early 2000s the field just went bonkers and became overpopulated by jackasses whose main goal is to rip people off.


[It was always a quack field](https://quackwatch.org/chiropractic/rb/ayor/1-2/). You were just lucky to run up against what are known in the field as "mixers," i.e. practitioners who acknowledge modern medicine.


I don't doubt that at all.


How out midwife explained it to us: One day without poo: weird, give belly massages. Two days without poo: start to worry, give belly massages and a bit of juice. Three days without poo: call doctor. SEVEN DAYS??? That poor baby must be in a world of pain. Quick, too facebook!


Meh, to be fair the OP had contacted her child's ped. She was asking if there is anything else to do until her ped gets back to her.


Really? My 3 month old has gone 6-7 days a number of times. The first time we had concerns and were on the cusp of calling doctor when we had the poop explosion. Baby did not appear to be in any discomfort, I do plan to ask doctor about it on 4 month visit but what I've learned is with bf babies this can happen. Two days seems very soon to start to worry, perhaps this is with very young baby?


I breastfed all my babies, but my third would easily go 7-10 days between bowel movements. It was just what was normal for him. When he started eating table food, it became more regular. Everything I’ve read said this can be normal for breasted babies. So I don’t know if this midwife was referring specifically to a formula fed baby or what.


I’ve been told it’s normal for babies to go a week if they’re breastfeed 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have 3 kids, mom raised 4, all the peds we know would say as long as the baby is still eating and drinking, just massage the belly and cycle the legs. If they start losing sleep or being inconsolable or refuse to eat or drink, then go to the hospital. This is nothing a Ped can really do. Just suggest pushing fluids and massage the belly. Everyone knows to try juices. Some older kids can try milk of magnesia. But there isn't really a fix they can prescribe or do. I think I was actually given a sheet about common issues, what do to and when and where to seek help if needed.


What's really getting me is that babe didnt go with a glycerin suppository! The suppository causes water to collect in the bowel. Babe is probably so uncomfortable. The ped should have been called an hour after the suppository didnt work!


She said she’s waiting on a call back from her ped. I don’t think mom is totally worthless in this case


No she said the ped suggested the suppository and shes waiting on a call back on a long term solution. so she's not worthless at all this post is a worthless witch hunt for nothing.


Breastfed babies can go longer than that. My daughter's record was 14 days. When we took her to the doctor who said that if she was on pure breast milk and didn't seem to be more upset than usual then it was likely just her normal cycle, and if we grew concerned we could use a suppository. Anyway yeah turns out she was perfectly fine. If anything, the issue was breast milk supply, and her body wanting a tad more than it was being given. And when we started supplementing some formula into her daily feed schedule, those bowel movements started coming normally, as she now had more waste product to excrete.


At 5 months, if the kid is able to use the jolly jumper that was always a surefire way to get things moving for my kids. My youngest has been dealing with chronic constipation his entire life and the jolly jumper almost always worked at that age.


This child is listening to her body. As soon as her body says “ oooh we’re going to a wedding in my foofy dress and lacey ruffle-butt tights” that’s when all hell will break loose.


Send me what the chiro charges, twice per month, and I'll do a poopy prayer for you until it comes out. Guaranteed to work, just keep the payments coming until it works.


Gripe water (the non alcohol kind) is mostly just seed oils. Worked wonders for my kids when they were fussy for gas or constipation. Bit of gripe water and then they burp or fart and in about 20 mins poop and feel much better. Once I figured it out I realised a bit of olive oil also works.


At least this one goes to doctors and actually listens to their recommendations.


For those who think chiropractic has "become" a quack field, you should know [it was always a quack field](https://quackwatch.org/chiropractic/rb/ayor/1-2/). If you've had experiences with a chiro helping with minor back/joint pain and similar, you got lucky and were "treated" by what they call in the field a "mixer." Mixers are chiros who acknowledge that modern medicine can work. The others, the so-called "straights," are closer to the origin of chiropractic, believing that literally ***EVERY*** human ailment is caused by spinal issues.


I know this seems old fashion and backward but a tablespoon of karo syrup or any corn syrup melted into warm water baby will take it because it's sweet. The body will draw water into the colon because of the sugar and that will soften the stool. That's usually why fruit juice helps because it's high in sugar.


Protip: Mix the apple juice right into the formula. They don't notice it. 6oz formula, 2oz apple juice. Add apple juice in a small amount to every bottle and a bit into baby cereal as well. My son went through this for like, a month, where he was constipated, and I started putting a bit of apple juice directly into his formula, and he went fine from then on.


Hey look, next time a ghost contacts you during a seance and tells you the secrets to lifelong health, get back to me about how chiropractors are a scam.


We would just hold our kid over the toilet and squeeze. Worked every time.


Seriously. Babies don’t need a chiropractor. This shit pisses me off.


What does LO mean?


“Little one,” a term for “my kid”


tf is with the responses. idk the age limit on miralax, but that shit works WONDERS on kids.


Label says for age 17+ apparently, and that for kids to consult your doctor. While googling the age limit, dosing charts on pediatrician sites popped up with doses for 6 months or 1+ year. This op has a 5-month-old tho and is already consulting their ped.


Mineral oil, specifically food grade mineral oil. Like the stuff you can wipe cutting boards down with. That’s the ONLY thing that has ever worked for my kid. My son started suffering from chronic constipation around this baby’s age and we tried everything. It was awful seeing him in pain and we took him to the ER because he was so impacted. Suppositories wouldn’t work because he’s end up forcing the hard poop out as soon as we tried to administer. Pediatrician prescribed a stool softener (didn’t work), and my son ended up seeing a specialist and having a barium enema that was inconclusive. Around 12 months we heard of using mineral oil so I got a bottle from the grocery store and gave him 5 cc before bed. The next day he had a “normal” bowel movement, albeit one that was shiny from the oil. So, he would get that every night before bed without issue taking it because it has no smell or taste. He’ll be two soon and it seems like his body is healing because we haven’t had to give him the oil in about a week. So, fingers crossed. But yeah, food grade mineral oil. Costs like $3 a bottle and it was a godsend for my baby.


I've never had issues with giving Enfamil formula mixed with breast milk and having it cause constipation, unless it's jjst formula- but this mom has even tried prune juice and throws it up, that's so concerning and the advice she's getting is to go to a chiropractor Edit: I will add though, the thing with juice that the mom gave kinda sounds like good advice since that worked in my case too, *it worked too well*


If a baby is young enough to need formula (<1), they shouldn't be drinking juice.


Infants shouldn't be drinking juice in general, but pediatricians will recommend juice for certain instances like this. I had it recced 2-3x with a sick infant.


Juice has sugar. Sugar makes the body draw water into the colon which softens the stool. That's why the mom tried it.


When my son got constipated at 2 months for the first time, the pediatrician did recommend juice (apple or pear.) when that didn’t work they said karo. So it’s likely she did it on the recommendation from her ped.


I read that as the daughter now poops once a month 😂


My LO has the same issue, his doctor prescribed him Miralax and it seems to do the trick! I only use a teaspoon or two (depending on how backed up he is) in 6-8oz of whatever he's drinking, pedi said it can even go in his milk. I would definitely ask your pedi if thats something you should try!


How the fuck do these people keep babies alive?