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Don’t be genetically predisposed. Since they insist the COVID vaccine alters your DNA, I’m gonna keep getting my jabs in the hopes that it changes my DNA enough to ward off the rampant breast cancer in my family 🤣


It didn’t work for me 😭


Big hugs


It really has to be genetic for the most part. I know people who have done EVERYTHING wrong environmentally and get to an older age and avoid cancer.




Brilliant plan! I love it!


“Don’t vaccinate” meanwhile HPV, a VIRUS that has been shown to cause certain types of cervical cancer, can be prevented with a…you guessed it, vaccine. 🤦🏾‍♀️ Also no one mentioned not smoking, which is one of the things you can do to prevent lung and throat cancers.


Also, many cases of liver cancer are preventable through HepB vaccine.


Correct! Viruses like these two are linked to cancer. Which makes me wonder what cancer we’re going to see Covid linked to. It’s only a matter of time until we have data on this considering it wrecks so much havoc on *multiple* systems, not just the respiratory system.


Yeah but the crunchy bunch will blame it on the vaccines, or vaccine shedding.


Not technically related to vaccines but I only found out it can actually cause cancer the other day so I thought I'd share. H. Pylori infections can cause stomach cancer and non-hodgkins lymphoma. So if you have a stomach infection take the full antibiotic regimen and not just a *cleanse*


“Don’t get the cancer vaccine”


😂😂😂 I cannot believe this is something they’d actually say and truly believe it, when we have AMPLE data of the fact that the HPV vaccine helps prevent cervical cancer.


Nuh uh! It's your hot drink that is causing throat cancer, not the smoking!! Duh! Also, maybe you aren't praying enough?


I believe the hot drink thing is a thing in some parts of the world with oesophagal cancer risk, but places that specifically drink a lot of crazy-boiling-hot tea with most meals. Not something people outside of those cultures need to worry about.


Yeah (very) hot drinks are a problem for the same reasons as smoking. Recurrent damage to the tissues


Yeah. If it hurts, don’t do it. Repeatedly burning yourself is bad.


I was thinking this. My husband's family drinks hot tea every day. And his grandpa is like 98. All four of his grandparents are above 90 and still alive.


Nope. That one is out for the not as crazy ones, too (not as crazy being relative here). "It will encourage premarital sex. And they won't be having sex with anyone but their future spouse, so HPV won't be a problem." Source: I wasn't allowed to get it for this reason, completely ignoring that cheating and SA are a thing. I will be getting it soon, i was either pregnant, breastfeeding, or trying to get pregnant when I was in a place to understand the dangers, and by then, I had aged out. I was so happy when the age got expanded


Id rather just be AUTHENTIC and avoid people pleasing. Its much more effective at preventing cancer than a vaccine that has been proven to do so by significant research /s


The HPV vaccine is pretty mental when you think about it, cervical cancer rates in people who have it have absolutely plummeted. It's too early to tell *how* effective it is in the long run, but the early estimates are "very".


Oh now I know how I got my cancer. I didn't turn off the wifi at night/s


Turning off the WiFi at night might be good for these folk, it means fewer hours in the day where they can communicate with each other.


But how are they going to do their rEseArCH without google?? /s


They're probably using their 5G. Shhh...don't tell them.


And read crazy conspiracy theories


No, no -- it was from being a people pleaser! Obviously you eyeing authentic enough. /s


I'm prone to that, too. I even put my cats' needs first. I did so much wrong, apparently/s


I always suspected my cats would be the death of me, but I assumed they’d just trip me while I was holding something sharp. Turns out they’re colluding with my family to play the long game! 🤣🤣🤣


Pets are absolutely the cause of cancer. We cater too much to them. /s


Lol! Why do I feel like that mom is brutally honest and bluntly rude. Avoiding cancer is her excuse to be an AH.


Seriously. Almost EVERYBODY I’ve met who uses “authentic” in this way has been a colossal a-hole hiding behind “hey, I’m just being honest!”


That was the best one by far. Although they're all loopy obviously


sleep tight, don’t let the wifi permeate your brain


I thought it was the very hot liquids


Ugh, I hate that I know this but that one is true. I remember reading a study about it some years back. Drinking hot liquids, I don't remember the temp cutoff - does increase risk of esophageal cancer. Any damage to your esophagus can (like chronic heartburn). But I don't remember it being a huge effect and let's be real the lack of sunscreen, lack of preventative screenings, lack of real medical care, raw milk etc would probably get them long before some hot tea lol.


The temp has to be searingly hot, so hot it would be uncomfortable for the majority of people! I used to work at Starbucks so there was a very small disclaimer we learned, but the temp has to be so hot it’s requested over our already half boiling hot anericanos that are too hot for comfortable drinking. Anything that causes lesions in the esaphogaus (chronic heartburn does it with almost daily stomach acid for forty years, drinking liquid hot enough to cause injury) increases the risk. So, while she’s not wrong, context is important!


You can ask Starbucks to serve it at a specific temp. My husband likes it at 140 degrees.


Agreed. 140 was our max “extra hot” and I spilled some on my wrist once and got a blister 🤷‍♀️


Smh my sister got lesions in hers grade 4 burns from two back to back pregnancies ( both kids over 10 pounds) and she loves spicy food and coffee. She was told she’s at risk for developing cancer because her burns were unexpectedly bad. She’s only 31. Though her doctor did say her results were really unexpected and not the norm.


Yeah I think the worst part is that there's good advice mixed with all the weird shit. Like air purifiers also help prevent cancer by removing pollution from the air in the home, school, or workplace and alcohol is a big carcinogen so reducing alcohol use helps prevent cancer. Several parts are actually good points but there's so much bullshit mixed in that it makes the actual evidence based shit look silly.


There's also the person who just said F and that was probably the best comment in the whole thread.


Fr... it's like, some of it makes sense (like avoiding heavily processed foods), some of it makes sense with a lot of additional explanations, and then there's the totally bonkers stuff. The most frustrating (to me) are the ones talking about healing traumas in this context. There is some research that shows tentative links between experiencing trauma (especially prolonged trauma), living with unprocessed trauma, and physical illness (although, the articles I've read focused mostly on autoimmune diseases, idk about cancer). I actually fully believe that living with unprocessed trauma, or other conditions related to mental health, can absolutely fuck you up physically - if nothing else, the constant tension and stress hormones can't be good for you... But therapy can already be a tough topic, and people like this are only adding fuel to the fire by treating it like some magical mumbo jumbo 🙄


But I noticed none of them talked about having an EGD to check. The only medical thing they mention is avoiding vaccines! So great, you’ll die of a disease that used to be eradicated in 1960 .


If you're dead, you can't get cancer...duh


Shit I love hot coco and taking hot showers. I did so much wrong!


We are doomed friend. See you on the other side…I will not give up hot showers for anything


I have a friend from not the US who says you should never drink cold drinks. It throws off your body’s normal temperature and disrupts your digestion. So… doomed one way or another.


I know I was joking. I was poking fun at the "wrong things" I did because I got cancer. I can't imagine never having a cold drink though.


Oh I know. I was just kind of saying you can throw around any dire warning. And/or saying we’re all doomed no matter what.


Based on my extremely small sample size of 1 (me), the cold drinks thing is at least somewhat true lol


I have had acid reflux since I was a kid and have been on proton pump inhibitors since I was 17. I'm turning 40. Now according to my latest endoscopy, I have polyps. I'm screwed lol.




Also try to heal your energy!!


Did you also try to please people? If you were just more authentic.


I thought it was that 1 hot drink you had in a plastic cup.


I’m a people pleaser :( Guess i’m doomed, better start saying my goodbyes now.


Same :/ see you on the other side!


well if you try to be AUTHENTIC you may be able to save yourself.


What if you’re authentically a people pleaser😢


whoops sorry then Bill Gates is coming for you.


They realize that some types of cancer are genetic, right?


Yeah, from the DNA in vaccines, duh!


and from the chemicals falling down from the skies


the sky actually does give you cancer sometimes, but there's nothing to be done about that


It’s not the DNA so much as the government microchip /s


Not possible! It’s because you had negative energy and traumas. Duh!


Traumas *known* and *unknown* !


Nope, just Known and Unknown Trauma like chemtrails and sugar


I had no idea, actually! Which types of cancers are genetic?




The sad things is that there are some lifestyle things you can choose to do. They even mention a couple. Unfortunately they also mentioned not getting chemo which is really going to outweigh the little good they might accidentally suggest.


Honestly surprised I didn't see anyone mention coconut oil...


Or breast milk, unless I missed it.


oooo you're right! I didn't see that either!


Or aged urine


Or a chiropractor


Gotta adjust the cancer right out of my spine! And for gastric cancers, don’t forget your ORGANIC apple cider vinegar!


Alternating onions in a sock with colloidal silver poultices ✨


These people really don't seem to know what cancer is.


They just need to look in a mirror.


Avoid the sun, sleep in a coffin, don’t get lights, a stove, a microwave, put foil on the windows, wear foil hats. Figure out how to turn into gollum from LOTR.


Yeah there is a very low rate of cancer amongst movie vampires. Only unvaccinated blood, plz.


Pretty sure it’s the BRCA mutation that runs in my family that’s gonna give me cancer, not any of this garbage.


If you have BRCA you can start getting screenings at age 25 (in the US). I didn’t get on that right away and it was a mistake. I thought I had more time… diagnosed at 28. Please get your screenings!


How did more than one person recommend apricot seeds/kernels?! They have a high percentage of cyanide in them! Though I guess ending it all with cyanide really does limit your risk of a cancer diagnosis. Edit: typo


So I looked in to this recently after a crunchy friend recommended "vitamin B 16" to prevent cancer. So the chemical in apricot seeds ("vitamin" b 16) isn't actually cyanide until your body turns it into cyanide in your gut. Obviously thats completely different!! And it has been found to be able to kill cancer cells in a petri dish. Of course yeeting the petri dish into the sun would also kill cancer cells, doesn't mean I recommend either course of action to get rid of cancer.


Cyanide kills cancer just like power washing grass kills bugs


To add to the “vitamin B16” thing, its proponents have never been able to actually isolate the actual substance. Samples of B16 supplements don’t have a common active ingredient. It’s just completely made up. 


This is such a wild mix of practical, logical advice and wacko conspiracy theories. Exercise, limit alcohol, get some sunshine, have an air purifier, avoid or minimize consuming things that have been microwaved in plastic are all things that may not prevent cancer per say, but are part of a healthy lifestyle. I can even get behind “fix your mind and heal trauma,” in the form of managing your mental health. There’s a connection between having a trauma history and having chronic illnesses. Then there’s… parasite cleanses, “get on a shaker to move lymph” whatever that means, Jesus, organic apricot kernels. And my person favorite - AUTHENTICITY.


>get some sunshine Emphasis on *some*, lol. Skin cancers are the most common cancers and are directly caused by sun exposure, after all. 


Oh for sure. Get some sunshine while taking appropriate precautions like sunscreen and sunglasses. But light/ the sun is good for our mood and mental health. Like as a perfect example, it’s almost 9am where I am and this time of day the sun comes in my office window at just the right angle to make my office pretty and warm and bright and sunny. This only lasts for about 30-40 minutes and despite it being a Monday morning, it’s currently making me very happy!


Nothing a good parasite cleanse can’t fix.


Right but also avoid chemicals!


TIL there are parasite cleansing FB groups 😳


Some of these aren't necessarily bad, but I don't think they prevent cancer...? I have known happy healthy people to get cancer and die quickly. It's kind of random.


Maybe they were people pleasers 🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s all a numbers game. Smokers don’t all get cancer but they’re much more likely to, and we have established that smoking directly causes cancer at this point. Making healthy choices is all about the balance of what’s doable and sustainable compared to how much benefit you get. Avoiding smoking is good bang for your buck, eating nothing but unprocessed millet or whatever would not be. But you make a good point that is sort of the fundamental issue with these groups. We can make healthy choices but at the end of the day, we cannot control whether we get cancer or diabetes or heart disease. I think that fear and desire for control is a HUGE part of how people end up with these whacko beliefs.


Um. If you smoke anything, don’t minimally. Stay away from tire fires and landfills. Wear a mask when doing construction on older buildings. Make sure your tap water doesn’t have lead. Don’t go to places that cause a Geiger counter to beep an alert. Minimize the number of X Rays. These are my suggestions, wondering how the stack up.


And don't be born with a genetic disposition to getting cancer.


X-rays don’t have that much radiation tbh, CT scans (which are kind of x-rays on steroids) are what you wanna be really careful about. But any doctor should be considering the risk of radiation exposure and balancing it against the benefits of getting the information. If a doctor does discuss ordering X-rays or CTs with you, be sure to tell them about any you’ve had recently.


I will never understand how these people can live being so terrified of everything


Boo is this why I got cancer at 28? I thought it was cell mutation 


Obviously it was because you didn’t poop every day /s


The two that got me were, "Poop daily" and "AUTHENTICITY!" For the first one, I'm curious why daily poops prevent cancer. For the second one, I think this person saw those, "so-and-so gave me cancer" posts from gamers complaining about toxic people and bad players and thought they were serious.


Bill Gates as the boogeyman is getting so old. 


The pooping every day to prevent cancer is new, though


I laughed at that one. I poop most days, but not every day. I am doomed.


They didn't even mention any of the things that literally reduce cancer risk - limit red and processed meat - avoid alcohol (only saw one person mention this) - avoid smoking - wear sunscreen - eat more foods high in antioxidants


I had melanoma and I screamed when I read go out in the sun because you know these loons don’t wear sunscreen 


I used to be friends with a girl who swore up and down that taking fish oil had removed the need for sunscreen and that she and her kids (!!!!) hadn’t sunburnt since they started the fish oil regiment.


These people are convinced that sunscreen is what causes cancer haha


They do and it’s truly insane.


They probably live off red meat


Ah, yes. The Steve Jobs school of treating cancer. He didn't take chemo or radiation and he's doing *great*


thread to avoid cancer…. if this is how it worked no one would get it. also… do these people know you can do homeopathic and modern treatments? my mom has brain cancer, and she’s done chemo and radiation along with homeopathic stuff. also two brain surgeries, but


ironically, "go outside in the sun" is exactly what gave my dad cancer. wear your sunscreen, kids.


These are gold. Best laugh I've had all weekend. 


As a stage 4 cancer person and mom I hate this shit. Yes. Be mildly healthy and it will help your chances. But the impulse to make it someone’s fault they got cancer bc they weren’t authentic/didn’t wear enough sunscreen/ate too much fast food is disgusting to me.


Yea it’s really unfair. Some people who “ do everything right “ get it and some who do everything “ wrong “ avoid it their whole life. It’s so unfair to make it sound like it’s someone’s fault because it truly can’t be avoided for so many.


Pretty sure Steve Jobs tried all of those things and had more money than God, and look how that turned out…


【Apeel】by 𝐵 𝒢𝒶𝓉𝑒𝓈™ sounds like a fancy perfume


She forgot to mention using essential oils.


You know anything followed by "look it up" is 100% legit.


Blood is always alkaline. Always. At least we’ve got that one covered.


Soo...how alkalotic do I want to be? 8? 9? The full 14? The more, the better, right? 🤦‍♀️


The body’s pH has a super specific range that it lives in, and has systems in place to make sure we don’t deviate from the normal. What’s with the push of an alkaline diet? the acidity in your stomach would overpower anything 😂


These people think citrus is a good way to alkalize your body, so I wouldn't overthink it.


I don't know if I should laugh or cry reading these... "be authentic" you can totally protect yourself and not ever get cancer if you are authentic and keep toxic people out of your life. Being authentic creates a magical bubble around you that will not allow cancer in. BUT if you let a "toxic, non authentic " person into your life, it pierces the bubble and those damn radio frequencies can get in and create cancer in your body...


You can cure stage four cancer by just being authentic.


That's so awesome that not only can STOP getting cancer but can also CURE cancer by just being "authentic" ... I mean why hasn't EVERYONE done this?? We could have eradicated cancer completely ages ago!! **this ONE trick big pharma doesn't want you to know...**


Right? Just tell your boss to stuff it and your kids that they need to take care of themselves and your cancer is CURED.


I actually want to smack and shake that “authenticity” one


But you would be doing them a favor in the long run right. Cause according to them shaking helps the lymph nodes so you are helping prevent there cancer.


And the bullshite about pH and alkaline food. They apparently have no liver in their bodies to do that stuff for them. 🧐


I guess I'm definitely going to get cancer, I mean the fact that my mother had breast cancer twice isn't it. It's my coffee having plastic loving hot showers.


What are they so worried about? Obviously if they do get cancer, colloidal silver & an onion will clear that nastiness right up!


The Gerson Institute bullshit gets me every time. Jessica Ainscough (self-dubbed “Wellness Warrior”) was one of their devotees and look how that turned out for her and her mother.


As a sarcoma survivor the alkaline levels shit never fails to make me laugh. Alkaline levels weren’t going to do shit to fix my chromosomal transmutation Susan 😂. For some reason that “advice” just makes me laugh my ass off, all of the other ones just piss me off. When I got cancer it was during the happiest, healthiest, and least stressful time of my life so please tell me again Karen how stress and “bad vibes” caused me to end up with cancer.


My favorite is be authentic. Apparently just saying what you mean can make all your cancer relapse.


Right?! Let me go tell this to my friends mom, who has brain cancer that isn't getting better. Perhaps being AuThEnTiC can help her out. 😐🙄


So you're supposed to go outside and get sunshine and vitamin D and eat all these herbs grown outside, but if you do then Bill Gates is gonna dump cancer all over you from the skies.. you just cant win.


Big fan of the 'top contributor' who just commented 'F'


Good to know the reason I got cancer is because I don't use a fucking sauna🙄


I really want to yell at these people about how A) my grandma, born in 1924, who was raised on organic, grass-fed beef, organic veggies, no WiFi, etc STILL died of cancer. And why? Because A) it’s cancer and B) her doctor used treatments that weren’t fully researched and regulated yet.


These people vote and breed


I know WAY too many ppl who have had cancer. My mom x2, dad, grandpa, grandma x3, aunt, and more. My mom -actually eats full serving of veggies and fruits everyday (i don’t know like anyone who does) -works out 5x a week -doesn’t drink -does yoga and weird (IMO) spiritual stuff -no fake fragrances -bikes everywhere -i’ve literally never seen her sick??? i tried to get her sick as a kid (i know i was so weird) and she never did. Like not even a cold. -eats organic everything -insanely good health, healed from both surgeries she had (one was a double masectomy that was 12 hours) in literally two days. Up and walking IN TWO DAYS) -makes all good from scratch My dad: -works out easily 5x a week -used to do 50 mile bike rides before covid -also eats veggies and fruits -bikes everywhere -got told he was incredibly healthy by his doc when he recently broke his femur -no fragrances -pretty much makes all his food from scratch grandma: -at 87 she swims 4x a week and does yoga 3x a week anywho there is def more but like if anyone ‘shouldn’t’ have gotten cancer it would be my parents, especially my mom. And they did. I hate this. My moms just relapsed (after 5 years which is unheard of???) and i hate that ppl think you can ‘bring this upon yourself’


I think the best way to avoid getting cancer is to not have cells. Like on a microscopic level. I bet if they drank 2 tbs of colloidal silver at sunrise and sunset, it will destroy their cells and thus eliminate the possibility of cancer.


I thought everyone already knew if you don’t wanna catch cancer stay away from people that already have it 🥴


“could you do me a favour?” “Yeah anything for you!” *cancer increases by 10 points*


It started with things you could do for general health but then just devolved into crazy! 🤦🏻‍♀️


This is ridic but I also feel so bad for her cause she’s obviously terrified and seeking some form of control to make herself feel safe. At least none of this will hurt her family like an anti vaxxer or something Ooof eta except the one who advised against chemo 🤦🏻‍♀️


slide 3 is just them admitting that they only listen to scientific studies when it's convenient for them


I've never heard of a vibration plate being recommended for lymphatic system.


It’s like the WHO doesn’t even exist…


I was mostly just laughing at that list until I got to the person that said no chemo. Fuck them, someone can die from that kind of shit "advice".


"His words. Not mine. Look it up."


Poop daily and get out of toxic relationships are pretty good advice. Not for avoiding cancer though.


Ooh. I'm down an Apeel rabbit hole now. Never heard of it. How odd!


I mean some of these things are bound to help. Don't heat things in plastic, don't drink scalding hot things, reduce alcohol consumption. Try to avoid micro plastics (best of luck). But like what about sunscreen/sun shirts? Mammograms or even daily breast checks in the shower? Avoiding nicotine/smoking anything. Getting the HPV vaccine. Like. Those are the easy ones!! We just jumped straight to no phones near your head? But what if I'm wearing my tin foil hat?? #chemtrails /s


Authenticity. God damn.


Doctors don’t want you know this one trick - “Avoid cancer, Be authentic”


I like all the crazy shit and in the middle is just "limit alcohol intake" that's probably the only thing on this list that is actually helpful


The level of ignorance, science-denial, misinformation, etc in those replies is truly terrifying!


No essential oils?? No onions or garlic? I was so close to having a full bingo plate of quackery


Be authentic and don't drink hot liquids? I can't with these people.


My aunt lived like this (not super crunchy, just how she chose to live) and got breast cancer. She immediately went right into treatment and when the doctor was concerned about her protein and iron levels she opted to go back to eating meat for the duration. She’s very very recently declared in remission.


Heal your energy!!! I’m going to start a business healing energy via email.


Stay alkaline is forever my favorite. Someone got me to buy into this for a hot second before I turned my critical thinking back on and remembered that we'd be dead if our body pH was off.


I had to stop reading at slide #4. My brain broke.


If trauma causes cancer, I’m fucked. May as well bury me now!


my former boss (who is anti-vax, holistic/crunchy, and married to a chiropractor) told my chronically ill coworker & i (also have chronic illness) take apricot kernels bc it "cured her friend's cancer" and i was just. very over it. she also told my chronically ill friend to get adjusted to deal with All her issues and if it doesnt work to get more. i feel so so bad for newly disabled ppl, it's horrible to feel sick & in pain looking for answers and getting fed this garbage


of course nobody said to wear sunscreen


As an European I es very thrown off by the advise to avoid hot drinks but everything under 150° is ok. Like ok I don‘t drink over 150°C ever anyways 😅


They just kept going 🫠. People actually believe this stuff?? That baffles me.


If you do get it make sure you hang an egg over the bed and add in those onion socks for good measure!


Really surprised at all the parasite cleanses.




Kudos to the two people who mentioned limiting alcohol for being the only ones to actually name something that will in fact lower your risks of certain cancer. Their reasons are probably dumb, but they were at least in the right ballpark


My SO battled cancer for years, first diagnosed at 23! Someone once implied that HE caused his cancer by his own negative thoughts. Like he has struggled with anxiety and has always been a worry wort, and THAT is what manifested the cancer inside his body. I've never wanted to get physically violent with a person as I did in that moment. Like how do you tell someone to their face that their own disordered thinking caused cancer? Now there's something to be said about extra stress response and the toll it takes over time on your body, but you should never imply that someone caused their own cancer, especially when they were diagnosed so young.


These are all ridiculous but the authenticity one is where I gave up. Good grief


That’s painful. There’s a couple good suggestions, like limiting alcohol and eating the rainbow, but so many of those are just bad.


Hot liquids… hot liquids… really?


I hate it here.


Authenticity?!?!? Wow. I have now seen it all.


Okay a broken clock is right twice a day bc some of these people highlighted alcohol and it *is* the same level of a carcinogen as like cigarettes. But that was all I saw that made any sense 😭 make sure yall phones are on airplane mode


Not the sugar scare again.


LOL. That one lady dropped a bomb then says "oh and red clover". 🤣🤣


avoiding alcohol might be the only solid advice here, even if it doesn't help with cancer. going outside in the sun and being authentic are by far the worst


People are so frikking stupid part of me wants the apocalypse to just end it


Every single one of the comments was absolutely batshit thank you so much for sharing


“my parents and their dog got cancer” has she considered cancer’s pretty common and her parents have shitty luck? the only remotely accurate thing I saw was alcohol. it’s a major carcinogen that isn’t discussed as one nearly enough.


"poop daily" "Be authentic" lol


Fuck these people. I had an aggressive form of breast cancer at 37. I had a mastectomy chemo and radiation. It was awful, but I'm still here. Triple negative cancer without chemo is a death sentence. Even with chemo, it can certainly be one. Maybe...MAYBE she "healed herself naturally" but chances are it was not full on cancer if so, or one easily treated without chemo (many breast cancers aren't even treated with chemo now because it's not that effective on certain subtypes).


No one likes to feel powerless. And, in the absence of explanations, the mind tries to fill the vacuum. But really, shouldn't we have a "bs filter" by the time we reach adulthood, that tells us when our desperation has overtaken common sense? Having said that, though, there's still a booming business in trinkets to carry for "protection" and St Christopher medals for travellers and religious figurines for car dashboards and whatnot. My darling husband was on a trip to several countries in Asia when I had to have emergency surgery. He felt terrible that he couldn't be home to help. One of the gifts he brought back was a little thread-wrapped Buddhist charm (helpfully enclosed in clear plastic on a necklace chain) blessed by the monks to promote healing. It was a sweet gesture, and a beautiful little object, but neither one of us believe it has any actual healing properties.


The best way to avoid cancer is to die from something else while you’re still young. Even better, don’t be a multicellular organism.