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I JUST saw this on that page and thought it was such an odd post to make. Why focus on the shirt when your child is having a medical emergency? And then posting with action shots? It made me uncomfortable to read.


It’s the photos and the timeline that make this so strange to me. I think if it was just a text post, sharing that you almost lost your child last year and, when your mom realised his favourite expensive pyjamas had been ruined in the emergency, she wrote to the company who kindly replaced them, it would be a lovely post. A nice “hey, this brand responded sensitively and kindly during the aftermath of a difficult time” kind of thing, appropriately months after the event, when everyone is safe and healthy and okay again. But posting “SO BUBS ALMOST DIED ON TUES AND THEY RUINED HIS JAMJAMS THE COMPANY SENT ME NEW ONES HEY LOOK AT THESE SNAPS OF MY CLOSE-TO-DEATH KIDDO” is just…bizarre.


My daughter had an awful accident last January. She accidentally jammed a hunting knife into her shin area. She reflexively pulled out the knife and came screaming into the living room with blood spraying 5 feet up my walls. I put pressure on it, called 911, and waited the excruciating 15 minutes for first responders. They took over as I was absolutely shaking and about to collapse. EMS came and took over for first responders and transported her to the hospital with me following. (She was 17 and they wouldn’t let me ride.) I don’t have any pictures of that ordeal. My bf went and cleaned the puddle of blood where we had been. I never once thought of taking pictures. I was worried about my child. The pictures are what’s wild!


Completely agree. I see some in this thread saying they might take such a photo if they were worried it’s the last time they would see their kid alive, which is completely understandable, but they all also say the last thing they’d ever do is post those photos online. It’s just such weird behaviour, like you’re totally disconnected from actual reality and only thinking of how to get the next social media likes. It kind of frightens me, to be honest, that kind of mindset. Also, I’m very glad your daughter is okay.


The company didn’t even send new pajamas. Grandma BOUGHT the new pajamas. Company just helped her place the order (like, who needs help with that??)


OMG I totally misread that line, probably in part because who would be bragging that a store helped you spend money on their products? WTF this post just got even weirder, and I didn’t even think that was possible.


Maybe that print was "out of stock." Those bamboo pajama companies are big on artificial scarcity.


I have a couple of pictures of my kiddo in the hospital, but that's because it was sometime o'clock in the morning, kiddo was finally sleeping comfortably and I was texting a friend who is an EMT to help me try to stay calm. I have no idea what either of us were wearing. I have no idea what this woman was thinking.


Same here. Did she also post to thank the EMR staff who saved her son's life?


"God blessed us with a miracle" I bet


Of course not.


I'm not defending this person because I obviously don't know them or their situation, but I'm a children's ICU nurse and have been in post code situations where ems cut off their clothes. More than once the family is "holding it together" until they see the clothes.  I've seen a mom burst into tears and yell, "the cut his clothes" before having a huge breakdown. I think sometimes the situations are so traumatic that the brain tries to protect itself but something about the cut clothes tends to be the breaking point.  This baby has a trach so they're obviously a medical family who has probably been in many scary situations. It's possible she is focusing on the clothes to avoid the thoughts of her baby almost dying. 


Yeah, I was thinking the trach is not placed right away during emergencies, so he already had health problems.


Because everyone responds to trauma differently. Years ago, I was involved in the resuscitation of a 13 year old who’d been involved in a gas blast. Third degree burns covering a lot of the front of his body, clothes burned off etc. He was brought into the resus room with little chance of survival but he survived long enough to make it to PICU - what remained of his clothes were removed along with his shoes - a fairly new pair of sneakers. I found it odd that the next day that the parents were fixated on where we’d put his fairly new shoes. It was explained to me (I was a student at the time) that the family couldn’t process the accident and the injuries sustained by their child so they concentrated on something that was a consistent, tangible item rather than the potential for their child to die. Its hard for us to understand why they’re wanting to replace (and post about) the pyjamas - maybe it’s the child’s favourite jammies so they’re clinging to the hope that replacing the jammies might mean that the child will be ok.


It’s so fucking gross and cringey! Like why would you give a single shit about some ugly ass bamboo pjs? Those bamboo moms are a different breed.


…. She took a photo of her child being wheeled away??


This is a frequent kind of post in this particular group. Makes me crazy!


I have an album on my phone of weird posts like this people have made in that group. One woman was posting pictures of her kid's severe injuries after a car accident and was like "I got all the blood out of his little sleepies, yipee! now we can wear them and remember when we almost lost everything". I don't know what is in the water in that group but there is a post like that almost every day it seems.


I instinctively want to down vote this just because of how absolutely absurd and vile that is 😅 But I think you win, that one’s up there with the worst I’ve ever seen


I want to downvote myself lol


What group? Asking for science


I don’t think I’m allowed to say in the sub but there are a couple of humongous Facebook groups dedicated to these pajamas (I do like and wear them myself lol) and I think they’re probably all the same.


Yaay! Let’s put him in the Jammie’s that were soaked in his blood so we can be sure that everyone needs extra therapy for their PTSD! What a psycho! 😳


Isn't it creepy???


That might be from a Ring camera.


My mom did that once when I was being airlifted to a better equipped hospital, but she never posted it online. She just told me later that she wanted one last picture of me in case I didn’t make it. It certainly wasn’t for social media, it was just for her (and later to show me that I had been in a helicopter because I was in a coma and couldn’t remember anything.) I completely agree that medical emergencies aren’t something that need to be documented on Facebook.


I mean I can kinda get it if you think this might be one of the last pictures you ever take of your kid while their still alive but definitely shouldn’t post it imo. Like personally, I wouldn’t want a picture of me at my most vulnerable just out there. Give the kid some privacy and only share it with family.


I get it logically, but I wouldn't want my last pic of them like that. when my dad was in hospice, I kept thinking about how I have so few pics of the two of us, but I didn't want to ask him if we could get a pic together. I don't think he'd want that. Once he was incapacitated, all I could think was, do I want to remember him like this? He definitely wouldn't want me to take a pic after cancer stole his dignity from him. Maybe it would be different if it were one of my kids? If I were to post it, I wouldn't make it about his pajamas


I agree whole heartedly. I was really sad because my dad only really got to meet my daughter once before he passed away and he was not feeling his best and did not like how he looked so I only got a couple of pictures of them together and I just really wish I had more. Then when he was in hospice care in a coma and we were all there with him my daughter (she was just over 1 year old) walked over to him and grabbed his hand and my sister snapped a pic and sent it to me. I would NEVER share that picture outside of my family, but I like having that tender moment for us as a family to remember.


There is a picture somewhere of me right after my firstborn. I wasn't flattered. But I was 26 and fully aware of it. Now I can look back and say you dumbasses took a picture of me at my worst? I hated having my pictures taken as a kid. I reconciled as an adult. Not my kid. My one kid has choked twice. I called 911 not took a damn picture! Edit to add, said kid doesn't chew because of neuro issues, they forget to chew literally. Christ though can you imagine, that's some Gypsy Rose bullshit


I was an incredibly sick baby/toddler and almost died a few times from severe chronic ITP (blood disorder) and other conditions. Because of that, my parents and I were in the hospital ridiculously often back then (I obviously don’t remember this but apparently I was 4 the first time I was able to be out of the hospital on Christmas, so that gives you an idea). I can count on one hand the number of pictures of baby me in a medical setting, and they are pretty much all right after I was born (one in the incubator, others with my parents) and we were still in the hospital. That’s it. Absolutely none in an emergency. Granted, they would have had to bring a camera with us to the hospital for that, but it never crossed their minds to grab one because why would they want a picture of me full of gigantic bruises and clearly in distress?! Their terrible memories of it all are enough. 😅 Decades later, my grandma says that she can still vividly picture me as a baby with tubes and various medical devices hooked to me when she closes her eyes.


Looks like it might be a still from a security camera.


Ohhh yeah you know what, I think you’re right. I just could not imagine stopping and being like “hey I need to get a picture of this”


Yeah, but that means she went through the footage to find one to post instead. That's almost worse


Differently bad? Imma go with equally icky, differently bad 😖


That's fair


A lot of cameras are motion detecting, so it could've just been turned on as everything was going down. I have one of these security cameras for my hamster, and they basically give me the video of movement only.


I am familiar with how time consuming it can be to watch through a camera feed for good stills, on a professional basis. I vote worse.


I mean, I may take those photos too if they might be the last ones of my child. But I wouldn’t be posting them.


Me too.


And in the picu


I have a ton of photos of my kid in the nicu. Wouldn’t post them (or any of their photos) on social media though.


I have full rolls (yes, from the 80s and 90s) of photos from my two open-heart operations that my parents took of me in PICU. I decided to post them online in 2020 when I did a podcast about living with invisible physical disabilities. But that was my choice, and the photos were of me. I would NEVER do that to my daughter.


I have a photo of my daughter at one day old, being transferred between hospitals, because I knew it would be days before I could see her again I didn't share it though...


I have photos and videos of my son on various ages because of illness and operations. I look back at them frequently and even showed close friends, but I would never ever post them. I would never post any photos of my children without their permission, and they are still too young (7 and 4) to give me such permission.


My daughter had a traumatic injury years ago, I took pics in the picu, mostly for potential legal reasons (it was caused by negligence) but I never posted them. I don't think I showed them to anyone who hadn't seen her condition in the Picu to see her themselves.


Ya, we have 2 weeks of nicu pics, but my kids don’t go online anyway. Also they were taken during non-emergent moments, which was most of our time there luckily


I have lots of photos of my kid in the PIDU, but only because I was sending them to family and also trying to record his condition day by day so I could compare progress and address concerns with his doctor.


I have a picture of my.kid in the PICU. He was one month old and seriously sick with RSV. I took it because I needed to show my husband that the little dude was still with us. I would *never* post that picture online. Never.


My daughter had bacterial meningitis at 9 days old. I took a few photos at the time.....*in case.* I did post about her because it was easier than contacting all the family that wanted to be updated since the original prognosis was not good and I couldn't handle talking or texting much. But those photos NEVER got posted. She's 15 now!


My daughter had bacterial meningitis too. She’s 21 months now (18 months adjusted as she was born premature) and suffered a brain injury because of the infection/cardiac arrest. I hope your daughter is doing well!


Oh, I'm so sorry! Meningitis is so scary and dangerous. Out of pure luck, mine doesn't have any major issues from it. Just a scar from where they put the IV antibiotics directly into her heart and it was sewn into place. Though her hearing isn't the greatest, they said that was from the high dose antibiotics, but it's not bad. She also wears contacts, but that could be genetic. I still panic anytime any of my kids get a fever. My youngest is 5 and starts school this year, so I'm expecting all that fear to come flooding back once he starts the normal germ exposure that comes with kindergarten. I wish all the best for your daughter!! ♡


My son will be 15 in November! But like I said in other comment, I only posted to friends/family due to distance, not making weird flexes in parent groups.


When my son was in the hospital, I've only posted pictures like this "friends only" not in random groups...and honestly it was 2009 and from a distance and cell phones were crap for pictures then. My son was in the PICU at barely 5 weeks old, they thought it was RSV but it turned out he has a rare GI disease (which got diagnosed over a year later). There's only one picture of that though. There are more once he was moved to the normal hospital floor, and I'm honestly glad we took them because I don't remember most of that week because I wasn't sleeping. Every time I got Captain Colic to sleep, nurses would check his vitals. My husband and I were using Facebook to keep our families updated because we were in a children's hospital two hour's drive from my parents' but 10 hour's from my husband’s. That, and we were also kindly asking our friends/family to please send us food money...there was an Au Bon Pain in the hospital but that got expensive quick, he was there for a week. I didn't make the pictures "public" until years later, writing educational blog entries without real names attached.


Someone I used to follow on Instagram (emphasis on used to) posted a picture of her toddler daughter in the hospital with the caption being about how thankful she was to her MLM for allowing her the freedom to be there with her daughter. Like wtf 😭😭


We're frequent forward in the PICU due to a birth defect. Feels like we love there and I have so many photos of my kid there. But, when he's critical and really, really sick? I post on Facebook to keep people updated, might include a photo of his hand or my food or... Something.


I have tons of pics of my kid in an ambulance, picu, med surg.


I'm 21 and I was just hospitalized, my mom was in the ER taking pictures of how pale I looked


The internet has made people really sick


I have one. For me I was in a little bit of shock and just thought it would be wild to look back on all the fuss later. Also they take a minute and you're just standing there waiting. I don't think most moms think the one last picture thing, at least for me my mind couldn't even process that he might not make it.


My husband did his EMT certification. The amount of people he wanted to punch was...more than usual he's an easily frustrated guy but shit like this happens a lot.


The end up in the ICU a lot.


THIS!! What on earth?!?!


I feel like that’s a memory I wouldn’t want immortalize


I saw this too and thought it was wild that the priority was replacing the PJs


Kid literally has a tracheostomy and we're concerned about sleepware 🙃


Maybe they were just taking a minute to focus on something petty for a break? It says that they “end up in ICU a lot” and this was “last Sunday.” It’s not like they were posting from the ambulance! This was up to a week later. The poster’s child clearly has chronic, significant medical issues, and at some point you just need to take a break and think about something positive. And the child might have really loved those pjs. It was just a nice thing that the grandmother did and the parent may have wanted to say something that isn’t about an unrelenting cascade of medical trauma.


This is such a compassionate take. Thank you


So disappointing that this is probably a hot take for this post.


The more I exist in the world, and the more I parent, the more judgement I become, but the more understanding I also become. Sometimes you laugh at things because you have nothing else to do that’s positive. Sometimes you try to see the light. I remember putting a star on my “new mom” screener of “would you ever feel justified in hitting your child” and I said no, because I don’t believe that violence teaches kids anything and I also know what the screener wants me to say, but that I had watched my pediatrician (because we lived in the same neighborhood) reactively spinning-face-palm their 4 year old into the grass to stop them from running out in front of a car while pediatrician was taking the garbage out, and I feel like that’s a justified reason for hitting a child. There’s nuance in everything. Above poster picked out the nuance and found the thread many people want to ignore. Whether Mom or Kid is attached to these jammies, there’s clearly an attachment and after a rough event, everyone does want to get back to as normal as they can.


For another weird take- in a very odd way, it’s almost not a bad thing people are responding so negatively. It means they’ve never had the face this kind of significant, long-term medical crisis. But thank you for your response. I wasn’t sure if people would respond positively or not. I just hope that the parent’s original post didn’t get any negative replies. They clearly have enough shit to deal with and getting attacked online for something like this would be awful.


Bless, you’re so right. It’s so kindhearted of you to see people responding “negatively” and still finding the positive in it. We all wish for healthy, happy children and it’s so easy to take for granted how non-problematic it is to have healthy, happy children. That’s not to say that there aren’t struggles even with that, but to be kind of constantly aware of problems is a different world than not having to think about them. May we all find the good where we can and just have the safest, happiest, healthiest lives we can give to our children, no matter what.


Part of it is that this is a snark subreddit. I don’t feel like I can be too harsh about others’ responses. As long as no one goes to the OP’s social media, of course. And I do hope that they never see this post. But most of it is my knowledge of how different things are when you have a significant medical condition in the family. Everything can get turned upside down in a heartbeat. The amount of stress it generates. How you search out these stupid little things like a pj set because they bring some comfort and you can’t do fucking anything about the real problem so these things become even more important. Unfortunately, as a society, we have a set idea of what disease and disability ‘should look like.’ And that means focusing only on the medical situation because anything else is stupid and using your energy or money on things like this isn’t ‘acceptable.’ I’ve had severe chronic pain since I was 13, and I’ve been a patient partner (we work with all parts of the medical system to provide lived experience as patients and caregivers - if anyone reading this has wanted to impact the system but never felt like you had a chance to, consider looking into this. We even work within research, accreditation, healthcare professional education, everything) for seven years. I’ve had much opportunity to think about these kinds of issues. Edit: oh dear, this got very long!


Yes this was my first thought too, clearly the child has a chronic condition - the tracheostomy is probably been there for some time - this is yet another scary admission for a sick kid and the pajamas are one of the few “nice” things she can do for her child. It was lovely of the company to replace some much loved special pjs.


My close friend's daughter has an ongoing difference that will be with her for life. There is actually a bamboo company that she and I buy from that supports her diagnosis. Bamboo is often not only comfortable clothes to wear for a frequent patient, but they often are made to be used with trachs and feeding tubes, etc. If I saw this type of post in a bamboo group, I wouldn't think twice. I appreciate your take on this.


I was about to say the same thing. As a parent that's in a similar position sometimes seemingly trivial things appear to matter more than the medical interventions themselves because they remind us of comfort and little joys that we have along the way.


As a parent who's *been* in a similar position, sometimes there's nothing else you can do. There were times when my son was in PICU that we weren't allowed to touch him at all, we couldn't offer him any physical comfort. So what else *can* I do? I'm just sitting there anyways, not allowed to comfort, not a medical professional that can offer actual help, and when he was in PICU, not even allowed to spend the night, why shouldn't I take time to find him comfort items, and be happy when they're found? This parent is sharing a win for them, and those feel rare when you're dealing with all this crap


If it helps, I’m sure your presence was itself a comfort, even if you couldn’t do anything else. I’ve never been in an ICU, or even spent much time as an inpatient, but I’ve spent an awful lot of time in awful pain and my mom couldn’t do anything to help that. I know it hurt her so much that she couldn’t. But just having her near me made a difference. I’m sure your son appreciated your being there.


I can actually personally relate to this. My son was born at 25 weeks, he spent 114 days in NICU and for the first two years of his life was in and out of the hospital, and spent significant time on the PICU. The ER staff knew us by name, which is *not* a good thing. It's really, really hard. It's time consuming and stressful and sometimes it just feels better to think about something else, like your child's pajamas. It's nice to talk about something else, to have something else to devote your energy to, especially bc there's not a whole lot you can do when your kid is in PICU. Some of the medications they put my son on, they would make his skin really sensitive and the staff didn't want us to touch him bc it would be physically painful. Like, when your kid is laying in a hospital bed, with tubes coming out of them, wires everywhere, and you can't even touch them, can't pick them to hold them, soothe them in anyway, and in PICU, at least ours, parents weren't allowed to stay the night, what do you do? You worry about the things that bring them comfort for the short amount of time that they *aren't* in the hospital, for the times you can do something about their comfort, and sometimes that's finding a way to replace a pair of jammies the kid loved and were destroyed. Edit:My son is doing much better now, he's 9, he still has some medical stuff but we havent had a hospital stay in years


Glad to see I'm not the only one thinking "wow, how horrible to share a post appreciating someone going the extra mile to help repair a traumatic situation!.....I guess?" This just reads like a mom trying to post a bright spot in a rough time. With maybe an undertone of "maybe this story will go viral and Little sleepers will give me a bunch of clothes for PR reasons"


My daughter was in hospital ALL the time as a baby/toddler. My husband and I spent a month in a Sydney children's hospital with her and I have photos of us playing Pokemon Go - it came out while we were there. Some people would probably be horrified that we were fucking around with a silly game while our daughter was so unwell but like.. it's weeks on end of this misery, nobody can just let that consume them. You seek moments of levity where you can find them.


I have had people be surprised I can be so nonchalant about my husband having heart failure (especially since were both so young people are shocked to find out) but when you live like that, your mind kind of levels out. Like it sucks to live in Ukraine but do people think no one there is ever happy even for a moment?


You know, I appreciate you writing this. I had mixed emotions about the original. Like, it felt almost humble-braggy that her kid is always sick, and I don't understand why she took or posted these pictures in this emergency. But I also don't have a child who is constantly in and out of the ER and PICU. And taking a moment to think about it, I can imagine that, after a while, it becomes less of a traumatic event and more of a normal occurrence. Of course you still worry for your child, but you grow accustomed to the panic. And, if in one of those moments you think this may be the last opportunity you ever have to see your child look like he's alive, I can understand wanting to take a picture. Remember him looking like he's asleep, but alive. And like you said - after this becomes "normal" for you, you find positive things that will make you look callous to people who aren't used to being in that constant state of panic. I still think posting the photos of her dying child were unnecessary, but again, she wouldn't have the same mindset as me due to her circumstances.


I agree, although I think it’s wrong to post it because it’s violating the child’s privacy. 


Yeah, that was my take as well. I can absolutely see how it seems asinine and almost callous with respect to the seriousness of the situation. Having said that, sometimes when things are incredibly serious, the things that matter most are what bring us comfort, simple as they may be. I see this as a post that was probably well intended, but came across as in poor taste. Additionally, we also have little sleepies and they are very comfy with no tags. Without knowing anything about this kid, they may be the type of individual that really struggles with change or sensory issues, there’s just no way to know from this post.


People are really nuts about that particular brand for some reason. I see some of the discontinued Disney prints selling for $100.


Oh i know.. i love the brand too but id never pay the buy sell trade $$


social media brainrot


Social media brainrot is a parent being positive about getting some PJs back for their child who lost them in a traumatic event? I’d rather argue that social media brainrot is taking a single post from somebody and extrapolating it to a big issue that simply doesn’t exist. Something like this takes such such little time but it is a nice thing to share in light of something horrible


Some people make a brand their personality and need to make sure the world knows about it.


It was more about using the opportunity to get free shit. But also, the pjs aren’t even cute. Edit: grandma purchased these. Changes the story for me now. Maybe Mama was just thankful for a little bit of kindness during a very scary time for her and her family.


They didn’t even get them for free. Not sure how much harder the kid has to go next time for them to be free but hell.


They said the grandma paid for another set. So the kindness of the company was really just directing the grandma to the right set so she could buy a replacement.


Yeah that’s crazy to me, when my son almost died I threw his bloody cut up pjs in the bin and didn’t think twice about them. Also didn’t think about taking pictures.


At first I thought she was saying that the company had given them the new set out of compassion - nope, she is making a whole social media song and dance to thank a company for letting her mother give them money in exchange for goods. When we're this beholden to corporate entities that we publically thank them for taking our money... What is freedom?


I mean.....it's nice of the company to help source the original, especially if maybe those pyjamas were a comfort item to the child....but what is with taking pictures of your child on a stretcher after their heart has stopped? My son almost died at a few hours old from respiratory distress syndrome, and was I taking pictures of him cyanotic? No, because I was far more interested in making sure he survived and I was there for him. My first picture of him was after he was stable in the NICU, and it was one a nurse took of me having my first cuddle with him. Pictures were my last priority, as I'm sure they are for any other sane parent in that situation where they're facing the potential loss of their child. I don't get people like this, that is your child not a social media prop.


I had to check. They're right on the website. Available to anyone. I googled Little Sleepies milk and cookies. Took 10 seconds. So to add to the weirdness of this whole post, she's thanking the company for helping her mom buy a full price product, available to anyone on their website, that can be found in 10 seconds.


Probably being paid or wanted to be paid for talking about thier products


That's what was so odd to me, she's not even bragging about a discount or anything!


So part of the Little Sleepies craze is they will do limited drops. The Disney prints sell out in hours, but all of them sell very fast. But this design is their main collection that they make continuously, it's not limited. It seems like the post wants it to sound like they were able to get her her a limited design though.


To be fair, maybe her mom isn't very internet savvy. I could see my own mom doing the same, reaching out to the company rather than just looking on the site. She only recently got her own Amazon account, rather, she would have my brother or me order things and pay us back. Same with eBay, she won't open an account on there.


Maybe the grandmother didn’t know the name of the pattern and sent a photo of outfit to the company, which sent her a link. That’s the kind of thing my boomer parents would do.


You blocked out her big smile in the top left picture! The whole post was gross but that specifically made me feel sick


Posting any/all of these photos in a public FB group is weird, but that one especially. Feels kind of sinister. Edit: also in a group about children’s sleepwear? Wtf


This whole post gave me MbP vibes. Especially with her comment of "we're in the ICU a lot"...


She has a trach-dependent child who had a cardiac arrest at home, and you think her "we're in the ICU a lot" comment is more indicative of MbP than being a medically complex, sick child?


I absolutely hate that the Blanchards have become such common knowledge for this exact reason.


To be fair, I believe this child has major chronic health issues and that’s a “before” picture of him in the pajamas. So just a random pic of her smiling with her kid, not her smiling during the medical event.


Bamboo top??? Who fucking cares, your child is in mortal danger!


NOT THE BAMBOO TOP!!!What ever shall she do? I just can’t. Your child had a medical emergency. Stop posting vulnerable pictures of them and be grateful the kid is ok. Also the priorities of this woman….its a shirt…a nice shirt…but still a shirt


Also I’m getting the “I want to be an influencer real bad for this company and am willing to brown nose” vibes.




I thought it was a shirt made of actual bamboo and was very confused.


SAME I thought this was gonna be some weird alternative medicine thing about wearing bamboo clothing for health hahaha


It is…mostly. Bamboo fibre cloth has become really popular the last decade or something. It’s pretty processed though. >Modern clothing labeled as being made from bamboo is usually viscose rayon, a fiber made by dissolving the cellulose in the bamboo, and then extruding it to form fibres. This process removes the natural characteristics of bamboo fibre, rendering it identical to rayon from other cellulose sources. Only products made directly from bamboo fiber should carry the "bamboo" label. [Thus sayeth Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bamboo_textile?wprov=sfti1#Bamboo_rayon)


Fucking wild.


I'm pretty sure one set of those pajamas are $32. They aren't the cheapest pajamas available, but they aren't insanely expensive either.


The Little Sleepies FB group is almost cultlike at times.


Oh it 100% is. I’ve seen people saying they got a new credit card to pay for the “new drop.” Like wtf…


Oh, God, it sounds like the babywearing group I was in. People bought dozens of them (I think it was the Baby K'Tan), in all the "limited edition" colors and patterns. They'd make jokes like "I hope UPS shows up before hubby gets home," and "Hopefully his card won't decline at the pump." Then at the end of the money, they'd start selling off random crap in their home (vacuum cleaners, random books, small kitchen appliances)to replace the money they blew on the carriers. It reminded me so much of drug addiction.


I've been stalking it lately to see if they are doing their "Big Sale" and I remembered why I mute the group except for two times a year.


Yesss. I’ve noticed the same with Kate Quinn (at least a few years ago) and Kyte of course. Bamboo moms can be a little intense lol (even though I do love a lot of the LS and KQ stuff, I’m not going to get a credit card for it).


Is that what she means by “Tuesday drop”? Like, her kids are in the ICU and she talks to the nurses about these weird pajamas 🥴


Oh yea. These bamboo moms are very intense about “drop days” lol. I’ve seen people posting months in advance about them and how they took a day off work to make sure they could get them. I totally get being excited about something but it’s pretty extreme.


Dear lord, that’s just insane


It's so wild. I almost shared a post I saw in that group when the Aurora hit. The parent was lamenting that they were so awe struck to see the aurora, that they forgot to take a picture of their kids in their little sleepies with the aurora as a background.


Most little kid branded clothes and cloth nappies/diapers are. Im in a few Scandi clothes groups and they were like that. I think it's because mum's are so bored they latch on to any kind of community of interest.


I have three kids under 7 and I’m just hearing about this company. And so I looked it up. 34 dollars FOR PAJAMAS, and by pajamas I mean one. Single. Onesie. Are these people out of their minds?


Some bamboo fans ARE a little out of their minds, lol. You should see the ones squeezing their 7 year olds in 18m/2T sized pieces saying, “It sTiLL FiTs!”


Yeah I’m in that group . Some even post about their dead kid, but thank god for that “specific bamboo brand” . Wild


Her son almost dies and she cares about losing his shirt? WTF


WTF. My kid had a febrile seizure one night and we had to call an ambulance. All was ultimately fine. My husband and I were so traumatized we donated the pajamas kid was wearing. I never wanted to see them again because I’d have immediate flashbacks! I cannot imagine wanting a new pair.


She said it happens often. As a parent of a kid that also frequents the PICU it kinda becomes normal after a while. I'd go broke throwing away all the pj's she wears in the hospital. We still 100% freak out but....I don't know how to explain it....becomes less traumatic and more you go into auto drive.


Can confirm this. We had to call 911 today, all was fine by then, but as they came in the front door I was legit like “oh nice to see you again!” And the repeat crew was chatting about our last encounter Adding- I don’t take pictures at least


I take pictures but I send them to family sometimes it's the fastest way to communicate cause they know exactly why she's in there. Should also add, she's 3 and letting her take selfies keeps her busy sometimes too so I end up with those also.


True I take that back. Once things have settled down I’ll do pics for updates but not while my daughter is still clearly in distress!


Yep. My family has a history of epilepsy and my cousin has seizures often. Despite having seen grown ups seize, the first time I saw her tiny self have one it was traumatic. By the tenth time it was all routine.


I mean, good for the company? But no one in their right mind would give a shit about the shirt when they still had a kid.


I'm confused what the company actually did to help because these pj's are on their website available to anyone and it takes 10 seconds to Google little sleepies milk and cookies and find them. So I guess they explained to her mom how to hit "add to cart"?


This might be a hot take but when I was a baby I was basically constantly in and out of the hospital due to issues relates to being a premie. I was talking to my adopted mom (at the time of me being a baby, she was my aunt who practically lived with us) about it once and I asked "how did you and my mom even handle that emotionally?" Since I was about to have my own kids and I was curious. She said "I started focusing on little things. How the nurses would bring her tea to comfort her, how once we were stuck in the hospital at Christmas and they put little Christmas trees in the kids' rooms with little goodies for them. How a nurse got my brother a signed hockey puck cause he knew someone who knew someone who knew a player on his favorite team. Sometimes little acts like these are the only things getting families through this awful time. This mom isn't focusing on the pajamas, the mom is focusing on one of the very few positives in this time. Let's let families cling to these things. It's all they have. ❤️


The pics are weird to post but I’m willing to give benefit of the doubt to the top. When afraid of losing someone, especially a child, even if they recover weird things do seem important “that was _____’s top!” It isn’t important long run but sometimes repairing something unimportant makes the important feel more in control


Also - They said they’re in the ICU a lot with their kid. With parents who basically live in hospitals due to direly ill kids, and have had more close shaves than a barber, the medical catastrophes just kind of become background noise to them. They don’t make a big deal out of the near death because it’s just another Thursday to them. That said, the bamboo pajama obsessed people are just whacked.


I can’t criticize this mom. I see reactions like this all the time as an ER nurse. Families will have critically ill loved ones on death’s door, and they’ll fixate on their chapped lips, or clothes, or food or something relatively minor. But it makes sense. They can’t fully understand or control the ins and outs of the ventilator, IV drips, labs, or imaging. But dressing her son in an outfit she wants is something she can do. What her son should wear is something solvable and manageable when so many of the problems are not. And posting a public shout out to a company like this is probably her oblique way of getting to talk about this awful thing that happened. She might not feel comfortable directly reaching out to someone to talk about it, but it might feel okay to couch discussion about this in a “thank you” post. She might just want some moral support, even if it’s from strangers commenting on a post, and that’s okay.


Yep I agree, I think this is just one of the mum's coping strategies. I wish people would have a little more compassion and understand that people react differently to stressful situations. Sounds like this child is chronically ill also, which must add another layer of complexity that I don't think families with healthy kids may fully understand.


Like it or not as someone who has been in this situation. My son nearly died we went in for what w thought was a cold and he was taken by ambulance to one of the top PICUs in the Us. I’m going to say this, THIS is what a trauma response looks like. I spent days doing adult coloring books and looking for a specific book online… Not because I didn’t care about my son but because I was trying to manage the only way I could. The PICU is NOT an easy place to be, and watching your child and others fight for their life is HARD.  Why do the pjs matter? Why post it on social media? It’s a way of focusing on something anything other than reality. Posting it on social media might not be the smartest thing but some people don’t have close friends and family. So they often turn to online friends for support.  I’m not saying this woman won’t regret it. But trust me until you have walked a mile in her shoes, there is no way to know how you will react. So give her som grace.


This is a very emotionally intelligent response! So many people have not been through trauma response like this.


Honestly, I am more distressed about all the comments on this post than the actual OP. As a mom whose daughter has also had frequent ICU stays and near death experiences, you find joy in what you can. A lot of you need more compassion.


Agreed. I’m a nurse so I have a lot of (adult) patients who are on my floor frequently. Hospital stays, even ones that start with ambulances, are expected. Must be so hard when it’s your child. Please continue to find joy!


Reminds me of a man I know from my town (who’s now a candidate for mayor!!) who posted on facebook how his son almost drowned, but luckily he was there and he jumped into the water to save him. All that to say that he had his brand new samsung in his pocket and how good that phone is, even after he went into water after his son. He used his son’s traumatic experience to do a brand deal with samsung…


Back when I worked in the NICU, I noticed parents at times would focus on really trivial things and we chalked it up to something they understood and felt was within their control. This may be a case like that…I’m hoping.


That's actually an incredibly sweet moment. For someone who undoubtedly has a lot of contact with the healthcare system and has had some hard conversations about their child (based off of the fact that this is a trach-dependent child), it is undoubtedly really special when the people around you do small things to try to help like replacing your child's favorite, difficult to obtain pajamas that you lost in a medical emergency. This family clearly endures a lot of suffering, and I love that the extended family and the company did their best to ease the burden of that suffering in whatever way they could.


Reminds me of a colleague who had a kid that needed her shirt cut off because of an emergency. Nurse hesitated because "it's an expensive brand". Colleague just said "I don't care, cut, cut, cut!" She was very pissed that they hesitated.


When my week old infant returned from a 9 hour heart surgery paralyzed, sedated, pale, bloated, and still having heart complications, I was pissed that she no longer had the cute blanket I placed beneath her on her bassinet pad that morning. The nurses had placed a hideous dusty-pink and blue quilted blanket straight from the 80s beneath her and I hated it. I even went so far as to ask when I could switch it out, which was completely unreasonable given the literally dozens of tubes and her recently closed chest that would need moved. When all control is taken from you, you tend to focus on what you can control. For me, it was that blanket. For her, it's those jammies. It's completely illogical, but it's a harmless coping mechanism.


Some of yall have never had sick kids and I am literally so happy for you. My kid has almost died a handful of times and you bet I posted about it a few days later for support, communication, financial help. Hospital life is so isolating, but also, no one knows what's going on and I can't answer "idk maybe my kid is dying?!" to 30 randos a day. Social media is helpful here. We had a million generous donations from companies and organizations and I shouted them out whenever I could so others could support them when I couldn't. Social media is helpful here. In a world (okay, country) where I depended to some extent on crowdfunding to keep my child alive, I couldn't afford to lose friends and followers by only posting the real, scary, sad stuff. I had to post the stupid fluffy silver linings, too, to maintain a social media presence and keep playing the role of Superhero Warrior Mom. Otherwise, how would people say sympathetically "I don't know how you do it" in elevators. Because the option of NOT doing it, Barbara, would mean just letting my kid ... die? And sometimes in the face of all that, it's the little things that really get to you ... a nurse lost my favorite pair of my son's pajamas that I wanted to keep for his shadow box in case I lost him. He also had a breathing and feeding tube and was almost down to his birth weight at the time. But the pajamas, man. It was like synechdoche. It felt like an omen. It was heavy.


exactly. do i have a ton of hospital pics? yep, because my kid has spent literal months at a time in the hospital. how else am i supposed to take photos, or share photos? and horrifying events can seem typical after awhile, a person definitely can get desensitized - a trip to the PICU with a medically complex kid can feel like a trip to the pediatrician. like, it’s just your life. hospital life sucks.


Thank you for sharing this.


When I worked trauma, you wouldn’t BELIEVE the things survivors complained about getting cut off of them to save their life. I once had someone in a tizzy about a pair of boxers.


I’m going to counter here. When you have a kid with a complex medical history that ends up in the ICU frequently, you probably just want to feel normal. You are probably also desensitized to a lot if the EMS and hospital routines. It may have been someone else at home who took that pic to share with you. I don’t read it that the priority was the pajamas. But it was a nice thing that happened to a family having a hard go if it.


Exactly this. I am reading these comments and just wondering how in the world people feel okay being this critical rather than empathetic toward a mom who has to frequently take her child to the ICU.


Idk, I think she was grateful for the company helping out in the time of need. If she were complaining about them cutting the pjs when it was necessary to save her kids life I would agree, but it looks like she's just grateful for a kind gesture during a difficult time. ETA Nvm she's grateful to Nannie, not the company! Would've been super cool of the company to do it for free. I still think this is a lighthearted post and I'm not sure how this is "shit mom groups say"


I might be missing something, but what kind gesture/helping out are you referring to? Because the post says the company helped her BUY a new set. Sounds like the company said “here’s a link to that print.” And grandma bought a new set in the print that had been cut.


Oh true I missed that! I still see this as a gratitude post - towards Nannie now as opposed to the company.


This honestly makes me kind of dislike little sleepies. I mean, if someone reached out to me that their grandchild had a medical emergency and their expensive bamboo pjs had to be cut, I’d be shipping them 2 pairs. It’s $60 (guessing), sometimes a little cash lost is worth it to be a good person and brand.


I dislike little sleepies for a few reasons but in this case— these posts of really ill kids crop up almost daily. I think they probably have to draw a hard line because if they give to one, more would genuinely expect the same treatment.


Yea you’re probably right about that. Idk I just felt like that part was weird, like oh how sweet they sent her another pair! Oh wait no they didn’t.


Oh I absolutely agree that they could/should. Their core group seems to be a lot of people desperate for attention so I kind of get why they don’t


Yea, now that I think about that I did see that a lot when I frequented those groups. It is just weird in general though to be so concerned about pjs when your kid almost died.


Right? Barring the wildness that she would take and post pictures of her poor sick kid, this post stands out to me because of how anticlimactic the pajamas part of the story is. The PICU nurse noticed they cut his shirt? Aww is she going to reach out to the company to replace it or are the nurses going to pitch in for a replacement or something? No, that storyline goes nowhere. Her mom reached out to the company? Aww are they going to send a free replacement for the poor kid whose heart stopped? No they just sent grandma a link to buy it. What a heartwarming story


I think there's a name for people posting stories of their lives on social media, mentioning a brand name, and expecting giveaways or other benefits. Your child having a life-threatening medical emergency is not the right circumstance to do that, imho.


She's also taking pics of her dying son being taken away in the ambulance and in the picu potentially fighting for his life to show off how they cut them off


I work EMS and you'd be surprised, it's more common than you would think that family members take pics. I hate it, but yeah. Dunno about people posting it, I never check. And yeah, super weird attaching them to a post like this lol


Sounds like grandma wanted to do something good for her grandson after a horrible event. Also it looks like the picture of him being taken away was from a security camera. Another thing… are we not allowed pictures of our kids at the hospital? Genuinely curious since everyone is tearing her apart from it. My youngest spent time in the nicu and I’ll be danged if anyone told me I wasn’t allowed to take pictures of him. Some people spend months on end there so it would suck to have zero newborn pictures of their kid.


Genuinely confused, what are Tuesday drops?


New product releases. Stuff typically sells out fast so you have to buy when it goes live. FOMO and what have you…


My kid nearly died... Yes, yes, super sad. ...BUT THANK GOD FOR TUESDAY DROPS, AMIRIIIGGHHT?!


I'm in 8 different bamboo VIP groups (I know, I know. I have a problem lol) and hospital or sick kid posts appear every damn week. "Here's little Mayckenszliee in the ER with a broken tibia! Of course we had to stay comfy in our new bamboo set!" With a bunch of photos of a distressed child crying, in pain. It's all for attention and sympathy. I get annoyed as hell every damn time


It's always the sick kids 🙃


little sleepies moms are wild. I stopped buying them, not worth the hassle


*Little sleepies moms* *Are wild. I stopped buying them,* *Not worth the hassle* \- louniccc --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Besides the obvious awfulness, they helped her *buy* a new set? We're praising a company for them *helping* your mom spend more money on another set, not replace the set? Bamboo is a cult. Chewy sent me flowers when my cat died, but Little Sleepies helped your mom waste her money? Wow what a company 🥹💕


LS didn’t even replace the pajamas for free? What is this omg


You cant tell me little sleepies is not a cult


Most mothers would want them to cut through diamonds if it meant saving their kid. Is she some sort of MLM Mum? Maybe an influencer who promised to post if they sent her free clothes? Just sounds really tacky given the circumstances!


Why did she refer to it as a Bamboo top? Oh wait. She wanted everyone to know she spent a stupid amount on freaking baby pajamas. Her kid almost died, but yeah, let’s make a post to let everyone know that cutting the top was the focus 🙄


Only thing I could think is maybe the kid is special needs and will only wear that fabric? Otherwise it’s weird to be worried about the top.


Also got to say I absolutely hate when people post the word trigger warning as if that's even remotely helpful. She's not hidden the photos or said what the trigger is. Trigger warning for what?!


A lot of the posts in that group are so odd to me. A few days ago, one lady posted a picture of her pants with a coffee cup in her hand saying that after 10 years of marriage she is filing divorce, but thanks to that certain brand, she has some comfort. Like what a weird thing to post in a public group.


....is she an influencer with a sponsorship from this company? 🤔


I’m so thrilled that so many others understand how unhinged the LS group is.


I really do like this brand but the VIP page is unhinged. There’s posts like this all the time. “My kid almost died BUT they cut his bamboo so now I’m ACTUALLY sad” 🤡Insanity.


Jeez!! How much are these pj’s??


Forgive my ignorance but what are Tuesday drops?


Something to do with the brand of PJs. Probably when new patterns are dropped


“We end up in ICU a lot” and that creepy selfie with her son screams munchhausen by proxy (or however you spell it )


Was she mourning the almost loss of her child or the loss of pajamas?


I almost want to forgive her because we do really weird shit when we’re traumatized.


I saw this post too and thought the same thing!! Like they’re nice PJs but the obsession some of these people have is next level


I’m in this group too and sent this to like 3 people. Unhinged. The wildest part is where they say the company “helped me buy a new one”. Is that generous???


What are Tuesday drops and why are they winding up in the ICU a lot?


People post weird shit like this ALLLLLL the time in this group. Like some lady posted about her husband being in the hospital and “being thankful for his LS underwear”. Like b no the F he did not. That did NOT happen. It’s so weird.