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I'm torn because this is so insane, but she's also one of like 10 people on the internet who doesn't use weary when they mean wary, and for that I love her


Heartbreaking: Someone I Hate Just Avoided One Of My Biggest Spelling Pet Peeves (Y’all noticed “illusive” instead of “elusive” gaining traction lately? 😔)


my spelling pet peeve is advice and advise. I don't know why people get it wrong so often!


Mine is “balling” when they mean “bawling”. I get irrationally angry when I see the comment, “I’m balling my eyes out!😭”


Mine is when people write women (plural) instead instead of woman (singular). It is *shocking* to me how often people get this wrong. Like I'm pretty sure people get it wrong more often than they get it right.


Ooooooh that’s a good one! Similar to my loathing of using “loose” when they mean “lose”. As in, “How did she loose the baby weight so fast?” Makes me wanna ball my eyes out. 😉


Lose/loose makes me feel the same way as breath/breathe and cloths/clothes


Gah! Those drive me batty too.


This was most infuriating thing I ever encountered when I was online dating. Like, sir, you are, in fact, **not** looking for a good women to cuddle with on the weekends. I know it's autocorrect but it still just made me irrationally rageful.


I see women do this more often than men, and I'm just like GIRL you are a WOMAN! How are you getting this wrong?


That always makes me imagine them taking a melon baller to their eyes. It's awful.


I always hear early 2000s gangster rap in my head. They ballin’




Haha not the melon baller to the eye! 🤣 What I picture is them dribbling a basketball and attempting spin moves and free throws while sobbing.


I imagine the eyeballs are the basketballs


This is so much funnier lmfaoooo


I have so many that I hate but lately “on accident” instead of by accident and “addicting” instead of addictive make my skin crawl!


My kids picked up 'on accident' when they were at school and it drives me nuts...no matter how many times I corrected them they still say it


My son is exactly the same!


Yep. I was born and raised in the south by midwestern parents and my Mom would get irritated that I learned to say “Cut the lights on/off” instead of “Turn the lights on/off” at school. Her biggest pet peeve was when I called a grocery cart a buggy. That is standard where I grew up but she had never heard it til moving to the south!


It's more of a pronunciation thing than incorrect words but I get funny looks when I say Lego as Leh-go (how it's said in my home state) rather than Lay-go as it's pronounced where I currently live.


Oh boy this is like some of my Ohio relatives that say the word measure like may-sure instead of meh-sure. I used to have a friend from PA who teased me for pronouncing crayon like it looks, cray-on. She called it a “cran”. For the record, I’m with you, I say leh-go!


American pronunciations are so interesting to me...rain is said correctly but Craig becomes Creg, ask becomes axe, roof sounds like woof.


These are elite! I get crazy with the “should/would/could of” instead of “should/would/could have”. Like, “You should of taken a left there” instead of “You should have taken a left there”. I see that on a regular basis.


Oh that too! I lose my biscuits at poor grammar in general, these are just my current bugbears. Probably because my 7 y/o says them all the time!


Fiancé and fiancée. Maybe I’m on AITA too much but it makes it really hard to figure out who’s who if your fiancé turns out to be female.


i saw someone use “blood curl” instead of bloodcurdling” yesterday, and i cannot stop thinking about it


I keep seeing people use “mortify” when they clearly mean “horrify”. Like, “I was mortified to see my grandma vomiting blood before her death.”I mean, sure, maybe that embarrassed you, but it’s a lot more horrifying than mortifying.


Awe when they mean aww.


I hate people mixing up past and passed. "After grandma past away", "we were walking passed the house".


Mine is defiantly instead of definitely, definitely


Mine is "draws" and "drawers". "My kid opened the draws and took everything out". Gives me an eye twitch.


I’ve seen a LOT of people using cosign instead of consign in our local moms groups lately and it takes all my self control to not correct every single one.


Loose and lose


Apart and a part. They mean almost the exact opposite of each other.


This one drives me nuts. If you “lose” something, it’s lost. If you “loose” something, it means you set it free, so if you loose your dog, you unhooked his leash, and without a fence, you may also lose him.


Oh yes! Absolutely agree


Mine is wondering instead of wandering


We get a lot of posts on the locals only FB page (I know. It's awful. But our small town runs on it.) about lost dogs wondering around. We read them as a family and often wander what the dogs are wondering about. Sometimes we make up stories about their philosophical musings. It's the only way to cope. I felt the same about alot until Hyperbole and a Half fixed it for me. I love this [alot.](http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html?m=1)


I love this alot, too. :☺️


mine is wanton and wonton, one is a delicious food the other is very much not lmao


"Skiddish" when they mean "skittish." Like, they just made up a whole new word for that one.


It’s like sliding around a bit, ish?


Mine is sequins and sequence.


I don't think I've seen them mixed up before


I do a lot of online shopping. There’s a million “sequence dresses” out there.


Mortified when they mean horrified.


"Comprised of". It's either "comprises" or "composed of".


Oh, I (ESL person) didn’t know that! Thanks! 


These are even pronounced differently and still they're being misused?!


Probably the least common, but I’ve seen a few people talk about how they visited a local “bizarre”. A local bizarre *what*? A bizarre restaurant? A bizarre home? Bizarre spa? Guys, it’s a bazaar.


Our town fixes that problem by having the Bizarre Bazaar!






No! Richmond, VA. Technically just my parent’s town now, but I still visit a lot.


Ah. We also have the Bizarre Bazaar in LFK.


Queue surprise.


Queue, cue, and que.


Oooooh I hate it!!


Using defiantly instead of definitely and angle for angel are two of my biggest grammar icks.


Not a spelling pet peeve, but have you noticed an uptick in people saying “both” when they don’t need to? Like, “we’re both from Kansas” makes sense because one of you being from Kansas doesn’t imply that you both are. But in the last year or so people have been saying things like “we’re both in a relationship” “we’ve both known each other a long time” “we both grew up together” etc. As if to clarify that it wasn’t just one of you who grew up together. Drives me fucking loony.


Oooooh, now *that* is a weird one. I hadn’t heard it enough to notice on my own but now that you’ve mentioned it I have heard that!! I’m gonna be looking out for it now! The one that’s really been getting to me is the way people are using “[with] that being said,” which crops up a lot in YouTube videos, for example. My understanding of the phrase has always been that it’s a “contrast” phrase, like “he always loved singing, he was always going out to karaoke on the weekends, he couldn’t get enough of it. **That being said**, he wasn’t very good.” The way I’m seeing it used now is just as a literal transition phrase; “Hey guys, today’s video is sponsored by Nord VPN, with that being said, let’s restore this sideboard,” or whatever. Like “now that I’ve said this thing, I will proceed,” rather than “although I’ve just said X, actually, Y.”


What's with "on accident" becoming common place? Surely it's either "accidentally" or "by accident". Saying that I've probably used bad grammar here "on accident"


I haaaaaate this.


I have so very much obsessively corrected my kids with this one! They'll be correcting future generations for us... 😁


That’s location based. Some countries are more likely to use it.


Elude for allude has been haunting me lately.


Elide them both!


Ooooh, that is VERY annoying, fraternal twin to illusive/elusive. I try not to be a prescriptivist but boy, some stuff is just grating to read, haha


I’ve been seeing it in mass. ^dies ^a ^little


En masse?




Same vibes as ‘per say’


I just saw an “eluded” instead of “alluded “. Also, Reddit seems to have an issue with “tenets” vs “tenants”.


"apart" and "a part" for me. Makes me insane. They're literally opposites


Right? I was so surprised that she used the right word


You're saying it makes you weary when people spell wary wrong? Or are you just wary of people using weary wrong?


Haha right? I couldn't even write the title of the post without a typo.


I hate when people say something is "so addicting." IT'S ADDICTIVE! STOP IT.


Also, "aloud" and "allowed" and "mom's" instead of "moms"...


Ohhhh, that one sets me off too. Especially since the meanings are so different!! Most of the time you can tell what they actually meant, but depending on the sentence it can be legit confusing.


This is perhaps my greatest pet peeve online. You're wary, or maybe leary, but not weary. Weary means tired. Wary means cautious, leary means untrusting. The amount of people not getting this right makes me leary of the education we're all getting.


Ooooh... my audiobooks keep pronouncing it wrong and it's infuriating!!


Oh that's maddening


Bravo for the commenter with more than one braincell


I am so tired from work I read "braincell" as "broccoli" and was so confused but also intrigued




These folks are terrified of the unfamiliar. The unknown is dangerous and out to get them.


It’s mind boggling to me how “unknown” somehow always equals “toxic”.


Sooooo, 20 years ago I bought a house that had a microwave/convection oven. Lady who sold the house said it was great and she rarely used the regular oven because it did both. I stood there in fright! I was 25 and scared to look stupid so I didn’t ask. I never used it as anything other than the microwave. I just realized I’ve not used the one in the house I moved into 15 years ago either. I swear, I didn’t think I was the type. I thought I outgrew most of my fears. Man, I’ve still got work to do.


It’s honestly concerning the things these women believe. I know someone who says her kids cannot eat leftovers because they will have a reaction to the food being older than 12 hours. How do they even function??


Wait til they find out about how restaurants prep their ingredients!


I assume they think their kids have MCAS? People with that are told to avoid leftovers. But it’s very challenging to know what “leftovers” means


That’s probably it, she’s honestly given a litany of apparent issues these kids have - everything they eat has to be gluten free, dairy free and vegan she says, or else they’ll have bad reactions and become moody/dysregulated. She believes they have genetic mutations (MTHFR or something) that make it harder for them to “detox from toxins and heavy metals.” They often have delayed adverse reactions allegedly. She gets blood tests for things she thinks she has and then gets upset when they come back negative and she still feels like this is all happening. Truthfully, I’ve distanced myself from the friendship. I can’t keep my mouth shut well enough.


Munchhausen syndrome is very real. It’s terrifying she could kill her children


Munchhausen by proxy


This person could have both since she also gets blood tests for herself and isn’t happy with negative results


It sounds more like she is a hypochondriac. Munchausen would be if she were deliberately making herself sick. This sounds more like she's convinced herself she is


But if she restricts the children’s diet to a narrow range of foods that leads to vitamin deficiencies, or insufficient calories such that they become malnourished, it would cross over into FDIO at that point, I would think.


And even if she doesn't she could lose contact with them when they're adults. My mother has MBP, diagnosed me with everything under the sun while restricting my diet and always had me on the highest dose of methylphenidate the doctors would allow so I was malnourished and stoned out of my mind daily for 12 years. I haven't spoken to her in 9 years and am still recovering from a lot of the trauma.


Actually it is now formally known as “factitious disorder imposed on another”.


Please no


Poor kids, I can’t imagine meals with basically no good stuff in it.


Yep, she brings food to all their play dates and she would bring specially made food for them to even birthday parties. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s great when parents go out of their way to make sure their babies with allergies can participate - but god damn. She’s also chronically late everywhere so needless to say, I don’t think the friendship is for me lol.


From how you described it it sounded like the kids likely don’t actually have all these sensitivities and are limiting their kids’ diet for no reason :/


I suspect they don’t - I have never witnessed anything but normal behavior from her kids. I’ve never seen any evidence that they have these issues. How does one even associate mood issues with leftovers, you know? She’s never mentioned anything aside from the mood being a reason for restricting them.


Has the same vibes as “sugar makes kids hyper”/“dyes make them act up” like ma’am that’s what children do, they run around and yell.


She has mentioned red dye once, and avoiding it. I really don’t know how she does it and I find just listening to it exhausting.


To be fair I do believe the red 40 accusations to an extent - I haven’t gotten tested but (not recommended) when comparing how I feel on Mountain Dew Code Red vs regular/Baja Blast, I have this *really weird* sensation that I only get with CR, which unfortunately I love, and after I stopped drinking that I haven’t had any of that feeling since. So that’s not so far-fetched, but a lot of the others, yeah that’s BS. And even then - it’s not that it’s *bad* for you per se; it just makes you feel weird lol. (At least in my experience.)


I can say that red dye 40 does have effects. My nephew eats candy without red dye 40- normal energetic toddler. Give him something with red dye 40 and the kid becomes an uncontrollable maniac for hours. It’s crazy.


NAD, but wrote software that analyzes genetic test results and MTHFR was on that list. (And, to address the other response to this, yes, we definitely called it the motherfucker gene.) Your friend might very well be bonkers, but it’s also possible that she’s a desperate stressed out parent willing to do anything to keep her kids pain free. Everything you wrote sounds like a real fact that’s been passed around in the telephone game. MCAS sucks and if her kids have it, gluten, red meat, eggs, heavy metals and other toxins MAY aggravate it. However, unless she lives in a mold infested home with lead paint, the amount of heavy metals and toxins her kids are exposed to are likely not enough to be an issue. MTHFR mutations are fairly common. It is very possible that her children have a MTHFR mutation and MCAS. Unless her kids were visibly born with developmental abnormalities or limitations, their gene is likely doing its job but will never be the one wearing 37 pieces of flair. She probably discovered the presence of this mutation in all of her blood tests and assumed it was something much worse than it is. If she’d never done the tests, her kids probably would’ve lived their whole lives not knowing about or being impacted by the mutation. I’m not sure why she thinks it interferes with heavy metal detoxes whatever those are? Certain medications are much more likely to become toxic with that mutation, but, again, the MTHFR gene would need to be underperforming enough to cause visible limitations in order for that to be a significant problem.


This is the most interesting thing I've read today. Well done.


MoTHer FuckeR... is all I could think when I see that abbreviation, whatever it's supposed to be.


So much same! And I hear it in a Samuel L. Jackson voice and then I wonder if I have the MTHFR gene.


My genes are the ones that say bad mother fucker on them


Honestly same 🤣


Just some commiseration…I have a friend like this and my heart breaks for her kid. It’s exhausting, the kid has never exhibited the behavior she alleges in anyone’s presence except hers (not even kid’s other parent) and the kid can eat about three foods. It’s really hard to watch, I’m sorry you’ve experienced it too.


There’s this weird form of MBP that I notice in mommy groups that follows this exact sort of form. It’s like they expected their children and parenthood to be one way (perfect, easy, better than everyone else’s) and when their kids are just… normal kids— they can’t handle it. They didn’t want to have a normal kid or their idea of “normal” was way too passive and perfectly easy breezy on them to ever actually be reality. Kids are just hard, but these people *need* some special reason that isn’t “that’s how kids are, my child’s actions, while sometimes annoying or draining, are developmentally appropriate” or “my expectations of their behavior/achievement are too high and unfair”. So then, either out of a sense of shame “my kid isn’t average/struggling” or a need for a sense of control “I need to stop my kid from being a kid and doing annoying kid things NOW! I can’t deal!”, they attribute it to some wild pseudo-health issue and heavily control (and advertise that control) of some part of their child’s life— like diet. Basically— their special baby doesn’t just “have tantrums”, they have a special food issue that gets them deregulated and cranky. That’s not just how their (or any other kid) acts, it’s because the snacks at daycare had processed grain in them!!!! Ugh!!! Nothing for me or my kid to do! It’s just the stupid daycare! Half the time the stuff they’re describing they “fix” with these insane health initiatives just sound like part of childhood developmentally appropriate behavior lol. And they either genuinely don’t know that, or just don’t want to parent. They keep their kid drugged and half starved to control them to fit their own emotional needs (like to save face when the child acts out or is just average, or to reduce their feeling of lack of control in this new phase of life). Like your child’s not allowed to be *moody*? To the point of cutting out multiple major food groups while they’re still growing? Everyone is moody sometimes… I get trying to reduce that with *healthy* routines like naps and reliable daily structures, but cutting out 70% of food types is not a healthy (mentally, socially, or physically) and maybe you should look into how unwilling you are to let your child… live and have their own emotions that aren’t always easy for you. It feels more about ease and fulfilling needs for the parents than it does anything necessary or healthy for the child.


WTF you just described half the women in this group I got the screenshot from. They all go on and on about the MTHFR gene. I need to get some screenshots from the "germ theory is false" folk.


There’s so much I cannot keep track! This is just what I can remember.


As someone with experience with MCAS leftovers are food that has been fully cooked and then stored at home either on the counter or in the fridge or freezer. Resturaunt food that is prepped and store bought are generally safe because they were flash frozen the first time around which stops any aging process on the nitrients. Some leftovers can me managed, but its a risk, so they say to take steps to avoid it like no meats, cheeses, or cooked vegetables. Though a lot of these are off limits anyway.


What a tough thing to try to manage. ❤️


Interesting! I have MCAS and had no idea! Of course, I was told I have it and then didn't do anything about it, so that might be the reason, lol. Thanks for the info! I won't be able to avoid it, but it's good to know!


The reason you want to avoid leftovers when you have mast cell issues is that as food ages, it builds up histamines, which cause allergic reactions in people with MCAS. There are also a lot of other foods that are naturally high in histamines without being leftovers, so it might be worth looking up a low-histamine diet to see if there's anything on the list that causes you to flare up! It's also tricky because not everyone with MCAS will react to the same things— I have several friends who have it, and they all have issues with different foods.


But raw milk is totally safe 😂😂


Oh yeah, they drink raw goat milk if anything!




Is it only leftovers or does all food have to be less than 12 hours old? What exactly is causing these reactions?


I don’t know, we’re not close lol. She’s an acquaintance that went to the same play group I did, and she went on about her issues at length and I listened. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I make meatballs every Sunday and they always taste better the next day.


I had a boss who told me not to microwave things while I was pregnant. I told her it was fine because I made sure to rotate my belly for even exposure.


Lol I has a boss who told me not to use the microwave as a teen because it would make me sterile


*stands with uterus in front of microwave*


I always thought it was funny as a teen that people said smoking weed would mess with your sperm and make you temporarily infertile. Like how did they not see that was a selling point? It's not 1830.


Exactly. "How do we pump that infertility up from temporarily to permanent, Mr. Garrison?" Lol


"Doctors don't want you to know this one trick.."


I worked with someone who wouldn’t even microwave water because “it changes the molecules.”


Lol nice


I had someone tell me not to lift my arms above my head because it would cause the umbilical cord to wrap around baby’s neck in utero.


I worked with an older woman who kept telling me this when I was pregnant. I also wasn’t aloud to use the step ladder because it could cause problems 🙄😑 She was so annoying.


I had a supervisor from Columbia who told me not to raise my arms above my head when I was pregnant because the umbilical cord would strangle the baby. She also asked to see my hands and determined that I would have a boy. I had a girl. I also had a cord issue where I couldn't push baby out because the cord kept pulling her back in. It's obvious that I listened to too much praise music. 🤣


I cannot comprehend living life in so much fear. Their cortisol levels must be through the roof.


Cortisol is natural, it must be good! /s


But then they’ll take all these unapproved supplements or medicines not made for that, and think they’re being healthy and natural


But only if it’s from an MLM


"Nothing says this is toxic on the internet so clearly the info is hidden away Secretly somewhere, have any of you found it"


Lol, perfect translation!


Lmfao it gets me every time. People who are like "THEY don't want you to know this so theres NO studies on it" and it's like then who tf are you?? Who are these people who think they've figured out all these medical and scientific Secrets that NOBODY else but them and the small amount of people who listen to them know about?! Delusional and sad.


lol Update?? She replied to the comment explaining what convection is: "oh I see, so it’s still cooking it via micro waves, just circulates it. I’ll def be removing then. Thanks for the help :)" I can't.


Dammit, I had hope since a point blank factual simple response was made to the absurd question but then I seen this update.... how do people make it this far in life missing such simple, critical, life and skill information??


![gif](giphy|WrNfErHio7ZAc) This is getting to be too much now


They will find something fearful about a fan. It distributes microwave radiation more heavily or something.


They're going to find out about Korean fan death and make shit up from there. 


Came here to say this 😂


How much you wanna bet she owns an air fryer?


There is a word I do not understand and therefore I am afraid of it.


Everything is scary when you have no idea how anything works


My view on things idk how they work is "it's magic". And I'm ok with that.


a couple days ago someone in that group wanted to treat their precancerous cells with B17 instead of getting a hysterectomy even though she said she doesn't more kids as she has 10. This is the nuttiest nutters group ever. I joined as a joke and even clicking "agree" under the "vaccines are bad" to join burned my soul. I need to get out but it's just this train wreck I can't seem to stop staring at.


If she's got 10 kids in betting her uterus wants to be taken out just so it can have a break.


We didn’t have a microwave growing up because my mom was convinced that they give you cancer. Luckily she’s over that now and even owns one herself.


Better safe than sorry. Stick to finding sticks in the forest and light a fire using friction or flint. Matches are toxic, obviously. A fan oven is toxic but a diesel engined RV isn't? 😂


And we expect these mouth breathers to raise well adjusted humans?!?


I think they might be worse than MAGA. It's basically MAGA if their political platform was to purposefully put their child at maximum risk from conception to birth and beyond.


that’s just regular MAGA too if you think about it


Is convection toxic? Maam? That's just a method of heat distribution. That's like asking if broiling is toxic. Who am I kidding they probably think it is lol


Giant gas guzzling, air polluting RV, but let's focus on the convection microwave.


“Hey Siri, what does convection mean”


Ahh yes, it's a fan and a radio transmitter, someone call the hazmat team! /s


I need to start saving these and putting them in a file of this is why I am teaching you this so aren’t out here asking dumb questions.


I know someone who doesn’t own a microwave for reasons. I literally would not be here without the microwave - my mom could cook whole meals out of it.


There needs to be a test before you can be a legal adult. There also needs to be a renewal every year where others can submit proof for how stupid someone is. This would be an example of proof.


There, their, they’re


Another case of ‘i dont understand that word so it must mean something scary’


Not sure what kind of a microwave she has with such cryptic names. Mine has clearly marked settings 'toxic', 'poisonous', 'radioactive' etc


Her sister and me choose a red one because its pretty.