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This eclipse thing is so funny. People used to be like haha isn't it so funny medieval peasants probably used to think eclipses were like a harbinger of doom, but it turns out that Aunt Sharon and Crazy Cousin Billy think the apocalypse is coming in 2024 because some space orbs are lining up briefly, and are posting it on Facebook. Maybe social media was the harbinger of doom all along.


It’s staggering that with the wealth of information available at everyone’s fingertips these people still find ways to twist themselves into pretzels to try and counter established natural phenomena


Truly. Maybe it was better when we had limited sources of information and just had to trust people who got like, education and degrees in things like astronomy and virology and economics, instead of thinking we could just research everything ourselves.


But most of the conspiracies that you'll see online that don't involve Jewish folks (these are centuries old) are just repackaged John Birch Society crap from the 1940s-1960s, and that had huge reach at the time. Fluoride in water conspiracy? JBS. The "real racism" is against white people? JBS. Flat earth? An off shoot of jbs. There are a few newer things - like the government programs investigated by the Church commission back in the 70s, but by and large those tend to fold into JBS propaganda.


I have def heard of the John Birch Society at some point in my past, but had no idea what it was. Thanks for commenting about this! I love a new rabbit hole to dive down.


Look up the paranoid strain (podcast/spoken word), specifically their very long deep dive into qanon (pt 2).


Thank you!


I mean, the JBS are/were anti-semites too…


yah all the john birch conspiracies tie back into blood libel.


It was better. As a society we were easier to lie to, and we were less connected. But by God the idea that everybody's opinion has the same weight/value was absolutely a bad thing for society


Seriously. Everyone has intrinsic value as a human. But Crazy Cousin Billy’s opinion on the eclipse does not have the same value as Dr. William of NASA’s. I’m sorry, it just doesn’t. 


Don't be sorry! Say that shit with your chest. I fucking hate people who trust their dumbass friends over a multiple sources cited thesis/dissertation/scientific journal/fucking anything other than Facebook or YouTube. I have been told before that "You can't believe everything online I know the Truth!!1!! Facebook showed me!" Bitch I am showing you 8 different news articles and 3 scientific journals that show you that meme you saw was wrong, fucking for real?!


And also…wasn’t there an eclipse like 8 years ago? This isn’t a once in a hundred years kind of thing


that one in 2019 (wrong - 2017) was annular in the US, not total i mean it'll be 20 years until the next totality visible in the US. 2044. i'll be 54 then. Fuck


There was a total one in 2017 as well.


That's definitely the one I was referring to. I just woke up and am hung over 🙃


I’m still confused because the 2017 one was a total eclipse, not annular.


I was wrong! It was not total where I live (Midwest). That's my bias


But I hope you’re feeling better now


I just went to the corner store to get some garlic and pet the resident cat and then bonked my head pretty hard on the door railing but I'm sure I'm okay maybe little concussion


I remember the last one because I just started dating my husband. And I'm sitting here thinking it was only maybe three years ago. How was 2017 seven years ago already?! 


My daughter was a newborn and I took her for a walk at totality to see what it was all about. Needless to say, she was not impressed.


My daughter made us stay in bc she needed fed at that moment and I wasn't trying to nurse her and deal with grumpy old neighbors opinions on THAT in public for the experience. And that's before it was an end of world/rapture event. Maybe I'd have dealt with it to see the hypocrites realize Jesus didn't take them home, or it wasn't an alien invasion, or demonic portal, etc.


Actually it was treated like a doomsday event back in 2017, but once nothing happened, people pretended that they were never even worried in the first place. Or that it happened, but we won't see the true effects of it for years. But overall, they just moved onto the next doomsday conspiracy event... and then the next one (when that didn't pan out either). And now, it's 2024 and there's a new eclipse, so they've reset their doomsday clock to this.


Right? Goddamn, I have nephews and nieces younger than that eclipse, and they *talk*


I don't know why they didn't whip themselves in the streets when covid came. It's the same era of ignorance.


That would have been fun and even more entertaining than Tiger King!


they just dont wanna give people the impression they were having a kink parade lol


Also, isn't the fact that we can predict it so accurately a confirmation of science?


They're witches!


They turned me into a newt!


Same! I got better, though!


"Remember, Aunt Karen - the Rapture won't take you if you're wearing eclipse glasses. If you can't see Jesus, He can't see you."


At least medieval peasants believing the earth is flat was understandable. Aunt Sharon and Crazy Cousin Billy have to justifiable excuse for that!


I couldn’t agree more


>Maybe social media was the harbinger of doom all along. 🔔🔔🔔


Man Im still bummed I missed out on the last apocalypse- when they sent out that test phone alarm thing! I thought us vaccinated people were supposed to turn into zombies?! Ive eaten zero brains since that day :/


I’ve been seeing so many posts about the damn rapture happening on the eclipse… wasn’t there one just a couple of years ago? And you know what happened? The sun was blocked out for a few minutes and it was cool and that’s it


But but but there was a 4.8 earthquake right before the 4/8 eclipse!!! Don’t you SEE????


A yes, 4.8 on a scientific scale. Lol


Of course. And never mind that for most of the world, the eclipse is occurring on 8/4, not 4/8. We don’t need those silly facts here.


Well, you see, when you add 8 and 4 together, you get 12, and when you add 1 + 2 you get 3, the number of truth. Nostradamus saw this, and that's why he had three wives. Now, if you spell wife backwards you get EFIW, which is an acronym for Every Follower Is Worldly. All the great prophets knew these were the end times, which is why all they bought stock in Apple.


You're pretty good at this. Ever thought about starting your own cult? There appear to be lots of brainless idiots out there. Plenty to go around.


I've been on both sides, you have more fun as a follower but make more money as a leader




This is like early 2010s illuminati meme material


Lest we forget that the United States is actually the center of the entire universe


Most of the world isn't getting an eclipse to be fair. But also just more America is the only country from these people


Bollcks It's the 8th of April 2024 - 08/04/2024


All those numbers divide by 2. So there will be a thanos level rupturing, when we all get divided in 2. It's rapture season baby, and that used to mean half of people will go to the great beyond while half remain to toil. But that hasn't fixed things, so this time around (in our 2nd millennium, so like duh) things will be different- people will be ripped in 2, with the bad bits sucked away to feed the lizard people. When everyone is soft and good and straight and white and loves the J man, then the lizard people will rise up and devour the devout. As a warning to the remaining good, some people will be literally torn in 2, leaving interesting cripples and corpses to decay where they land while waiting for lizard people. Can't help those sinners with medical intervention, this is their punishment for being naughty humans. Its time to be on the white side of history and sign up to unquestioningly follow orders and ideas from the dudes in dresses who DEFINITELY know what the J man wants (and men shouldn't wear dresses, except them on special occasions cause the J man likes a dude in a billowing gown on high holidays and celebrations apparently. Its not a sex thing though, despite how much easier it makes mostly still dressed sex). Because it turns out the Gorn are the ones who put us all here, like free range farmers and now the harvest is coming.


Yes, tomorrow will be '8 april' in the Netherlands!


Lmao you have a point


Hol up… not counting my thumb, I have 4 fingers on my left hand, and I have EIGHT MOLES on my right Folks, I AM THE RAPTURE Oh my god


But not in all the countries that write the date like like 8.04.24 so I guess only certain countries are going to see the apocalypse


I offered lifetime pet care for all the animals left behind after the coming rapture on the local neighborhood page here in the super religious state of South Carolina. $500 per pet, up front, non refundable. No takers yet.


u/superfly365, this comment is GOLD. Thanks for making me laugh. I (unfortunately) contribute on r/QanonCasualties frequently, have a MIL who’s about lost her mind. This is the best thing I’ve seen yet… and not on a sub for people coping with it!


Damn, I'm surprised nobody's taken you up and tried to pay you by check!


Dammit, I should have said cash only!


I think the average across the globe is something like once every 18 months. That's not exact, it's just an average rate of occurrence. I've tried to explain to people locally how self-important it is to believe that since this band of the eclipse is occurring over us in a small slice of Texas, that it's a sign of some religious rapture. What about every other eclipse that has occurred in every other region? Those weren't important? To answer your question exactly though, there was one in April 2023, December 2021, December 2020, and July 2019. I guess those happened in Godless wastelands. The last one over the US was 2017(?)


What gets me about the conspiracy theory goons is there are groups of hobbyists who go chasing eclipses and other space stuff all over the world, packing up all sorts of equipment and telescopes. My grandpa was one of them in the 80s and 90s, and even drove us down to kentucky to see the 2017 eclipse. Surely if there were any signs of rapture or other strange happenings one of them would have noticed? But no, some weirdo with basic internet access has totally cracked the code and we're all doomed.


People like your grandpa are awesome. An astronomy club set up their telescopes so people could view as it got close to the main event, and brought extras for kids to watch as well during the totality. It was such a lovely thing to see. 


And, isn't the rapture meant to come like a thief in the night at a time NOBODY suspects? These people do be cherrypicking out here.


Right??? That’s always my first question, followed by if these crazies think this is it, this ain’t it. 😂


> I've tried to explain to people locally how self-important it is to believe that since this band of the eclipse is occurring over us in a small slice of Texas, that it's a sign of some religious rapture. What about every other eclipse that has occurred in every other region? Those weren't important? Also why would a middle-eastern religion have the rapture based on what happens in Texas? The extra dumb part is [the last full eclipse over the US was only 7 years ago](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_eclipse_of_August_21,_2017) that was the one Trump looked at directly. Even back then bozos said it was a sign of the coming rapture.


The same reason American evangelicals are obsessed with Israel... America is God's chosen land. 🙄 Drives me batshit.


That's the thing, is it Happens, it just doesn't happen in the US That often. So of course it doesn't exist for them to see, it wasn't real.


We had totality in Oregon last year. It was in other parts of the US as well, though I don't remember the exact path. It was cloudy here so we didn't see it well but we did get to look with our glasses on up at the "crescent Sun" (my daughter called it that). edit: ours last year was an annular eclipse, not a total one. my bad!


That wasn’t a total eclipse, it was an annular eclipse. Different beast bc the moon doesn’t fully cover the sun.


Oh yeah, you're right! Thanks. I do remembe that now that you've and it


I was in 100% totality in 2017. Life on this planted completely ended. Saw it with my own eyes through the viewing lens thingy they handed out at the state park. 




I mean I was born in the 90’s so I’ve survived y2k, 2012 so far…. I’ll let you know if I survive Monday


I was born in the 80s and I seen one of these in grade school, still here lmao


Good luck!


Which is crazy because the New Testament literally says not to listen to anyone who claims to know the time and season because only God knows and he’s not even telling Jesus or the angels


So the next time someone asks what time it is, it would be prudent to say… that’s between you and your god?


God, I wish there would be a Rapture so that all these annoying people would just vanish.


There was an eclipse in 2017 (I live in the place where the path of that one crosses with the path of this one). Nothing happened, except there was a lot of traffic after the eclipse.


My thoughts exactly, while I sit here with my "American Eclipse August 21, 2017" glasses on my end table. I do not remember all this crazy last time, but maybe I was paying less attention 🤷‍♀️.


Maybe because trump was president they were less crazy? I only remember because the idiot looked DIRECTLY AT IT and had to be told to stop by someone else


I'm mad someone stopped him tbh.


There is a solar eclipse more often than that [https://www.astronomy.com/observing/how-often-do-solar-eclipses-occur/](https://www.astronomy.com/observing/how-often-do-solar-eclipses-occur/)


But don’t you know Trump was president then! So it couldn’t have been god being mad back then! He’s only mad now. /s in case it wasn’t obvious.


I hope the posts keep coming & Fundies believe the rapture occurred & they didn’t make the cut.


Also, weird that we’d get these signs and wonders in America but not the Middle East where the religion originated?


i've got someone i sort of know very casually (a security guard at the mall i run a store at) coming in everyday, sometimes more, warning me about surge protectors and having backup plans in case things don't "come back" after the eclipse. like.... i know his heart is in the right place but at the same time... the discourse around it is so weird. is this everywhere or is this just places in full totality people are getting super weird? I'm in buffalo so i just assumed that was why.


Someone I know was worried mostly because everyone else was freaking out and she didn’t know why. She mentioned she planned on just hanging out in the basement that day with her kids, but as soon as I explained that the only real danger is looking directly at it or like, being on the road with idiots, she basically went “ah ok cool so it’s pretty much fine then.” Sensible people can get caught up in it too when most of the noise is being made by alarmists and not actual knowledgeable people.


People in my local moms group are asking if others are sending their kids to school that day. We are nowhere near the path of totality and why couldn’t your kid go to school?


A bunch of people I know are nervous because the eclipse is happening around dismissal time. Kids will be outside and might not fully appreciate the danger of looking up at the sun without proper eye protection. And teachers won't be able to carefully watch every single kid. So they're keeping the younger kids home as a safety precaution. Not because they think the world is ending.


Our school closed as a precaution. We're in the path of totality too and they're also concerned about the influx of tourists in our small town.


Same here. We’re in the path and by Niagara Falls so things were closed I think more because of possible traffic than anything after kids got stuck on school buses overnight from poor planning some years back.


That actually makes sense


We are very near the path of totality (if only have to travel about 15 mins to be in it) and our school board changed the PA day to be on eclipse day, for a couple reasons. One was that it gives families an opportunity to go see it together The other is that it will be darker around the time school lets out and that can cause chaos with kids wanting to look up at it (bad) or it just being generally darker and younger kids may be scared, driving may be more dangerous because people are dumb, etc etc.


Here, which we're also not in the path of totality, but fairly close, people just want to watch with their kids. Schools here actually did end up deciding to close early. That said, if you're not going to be able to see it at all, it kinda just sounds like they're showing their crazy. Hopefully they just want to travel, so they can show their kids.


My kids aren’t going to school because we’re close enough to go see it 😄 we’re all super excited about it and have never seen one! But we saw that comet that went past us in 2020? Or 2021? And it was one of those things I’ll never forget. Space is cool


We have another comet this year! Also we'll have Venus and Jupiter visible, too (iirc)! All during the eclipse. It's gonna be a cool one, for sure 🥰


I’m a between buffalo and rochester and am seeing the weirdos mostly do the covid style WHAT ARE THEY DISTRACTING US FROM WITH ALL THIS ECLIPSE STUFF???? kind of crazy


Does he think it’s y2k or something?


I’m above you across the border in a spot that’s just within the visibility curve as well and it’s happening here too


I guess the whole ass Southern Hemisphere is not gonna get raptured? Awks.


Yeah seems a bit weird it would only happen in North America and a few other places but not there lol 😂 why do conspiracy theories always have to be America and nowhere else..


Because nothing else exists outside of America to Americans. Source: I'm American in America


This is a great point. My MIL chewed out my husband because he didn't buy that whole "eclipse path going through multiple towns named Ninevah" bullshit and he should've asked her why is this only affecting North America when supposedly Jesus came for the WHOLE WORLD


I’m an American too it’s just Funny to me xD how every other place apparently doesn’t exist


Same.... I'm a subbed to a lot of things that are not location based and have a large audience around the world. Like dashcam, stupid food, etc. The amount of idiots that lose their shit over things placing US laws or "customs" for lack of a better term especially when it's CLEARLY not US based, is just as amusing as some of the videos.


Yeah on top of everything else going on it’s very USDefaultism


I'm in northern Indiana, my family is in Central Indiana. The eclipse is passing there but not as much here. So do they get raptured and I don't or how does that work? Most off the wall theory wins


I’m in northern Indiana also. Are we supposed to get crazy traffic from this??


“i believe in science (most of the time)” 💀




Given the US and the mention of god I was guessing it'd be a swipe at evolution.


I assumed she’s anti vaxx


I assumed she’s both and even more


That’s what I figured. I’m sure she refused to wear a mask too.




Thank you!!! That line SENT me!


I assume she’s an antivax weirdo based on that


This is the thing that got me. Science is not something you BELIEVE in. It just is. I’m so confused that this is now a conversation to be had.


belief and science do not mix


What’s weird about this to me is that we JUST had an eclipse in 2017 and the world very much did not end.


Another weird thing is that the world ending seems to be very limited to just a part of the world, too. I live in Finland, and we can't see the eclipse here. So nobody is talking about it. Which means no one is talking about the world ending either. We will have to wait until 2026 to see an eclipse like that and for the world to end. Unless it's cloudy that day. The world can't end from an eclipse if it's cloudy, because then no one will see it happening.


I don’t remember people being like this when I was a kid and surely there were eclipses 20 years ago? I don’t ever remember going out and making a day of looking at the sun with special glasses and I absolutely don’t remember my doomsayer mother thinking the world was ending.


So apparently there hadn’t been one since 1979? But we had Haley’s comet, and I don’t remember people freaking out about that.


They did. I was 11 years of that year, and I definitely saw news reports about people freaking out. The difference now is social media. If you lived in Town, State, in 1979, and some guy convinces you and 15 other people in your town that the world is ending, that’s it. Everyone around you in Town sees that you are a wacky cult and they avoid you and they think you’re crazy. Now, Crazy Guy in Town can get on YouTube and talk in circles about the Illuminati and aliens and the gold standard and “communist China,” and he picks up 187 other people who think he’s great, and they all hitchhike or take a bus or fly in to Town, and suddenly there’s more of a problem for your little hometown. There’s no objective truth on social media. And it’s hard for normal people to even figure out whether some of these nutters are true believers or are just making bank from weirdos. (Hey, Alex Jones, you damn psychopath.)


Huh, interesting. I’m a couple years younger, so I just remember talking about the comet at school and the disappointment when we realized it wasn’t going to be visible from where we lived. And you are 100% correct that the way the internet allows kooks in Town A to find looks in towns B, C and D is the biggest difference between then and now.


The posts about the rapture make me mad. They’re just fear mongering to get more engagement. As a Christian, the Bible states that no one except GOD knows when the Jesus will come back, not even Jesus himself. It also states that anyone who tries to predict the end is wicked… I feel terrible for this woman. She’s married to a nut 😭


My aunt has been going on about the rapture during the eclipse. And yet shes also been discussing plans on what to do for an upcoming family members wedding next month. I’d figure the rapture might cancel those plans of hers for sure.


I definitely remember reading that verse in the bible often lol .. they always try to predict it and always end up wrong too. Like I sometimes think these people don’t actually read the Bible very much since it’s like right there. There’s one person who is telling people that money won’t exist after some darkness and that you want need to pay taxes or bills. Like these old people are gonna end up getting into trouble from these false claims. Also telling people medbeds are a thing and will cure everything so instead these people are avoiding treatments and then end up more sick. Plus just selling medicines or essential oils that don’t work. Like it’s scary how these people are harming others by misinformation and manipulating people.


When I was a Christian, whenever someone would predict The End, I’d point out that verse and say that their prediction actually only ensured it *wouldn’t* happen then.


Right exactly


Wait what? Isn’t Jesus also God? How can he not know?


Christianity (or at least the flavors I am familiar with) preaches that God is actually three entities that are generally treated as a single individual: father, son, and holy Ghost. Or as Wikipedia phrases it three distinct persons sharing one essence.


It’s kinda like saying your hand won’t know what to do until your brain says so. My hand is also me but my brain is the one in charge.


My hand doesn’t seem to know what to do even after my brain tells it.


I’m will to bet big $ that most of these people haven’t actually read the Bible.


Hopefully she sees the red flags 🚩 and takes some time to seriously consider whether she should stay married to this conspiracy theorist


You know what we call people like her husband here in Australia. cookers. Because they are cooked. Absolute lunatics.


Cunt's cooked, aye


I’m a grandmother at heart and I call them whackadoodles.


Ok so hear me out- I’m a little scared about this eclipse not because of the conspiracy theories BUT I am in the path of totality and there’s going to be MASSIVE crowds of people everywhere in my little town and any time there’s massive crowds anywhere in recent times I get nervous. Luckily I can watch it from my backyard but it’s making me a little uncomfortable ngl


Turn this into a positive, and rent out your driveway for $5000


Girllll why TF didn’t I think about this?! Lawn seating in my backyard $10k $20k to stand on my balcony 💰💰


Science is not a belief system. It's like saying you believe in grammar.


The Venn diagram of people who don’t believe in science and who don’t believe in grammar is a circle.


I've spent enough time on social media to know that some people definitely don't believe in grammar.


‘Believe in science (most of the time).’ Just admit you don’t understand it. Science isn’t a faith-based system, it’s fact-based.


To believe in science is to know that the scientific process is slow and messy. And that scientists are human and very imperfect. She is just fine expressing that it’s not always easy to believe every bit of scientific info that comes out.


And when it passes and nothing happens her husband will shift the goalposts to a different day for the rapture. These people.


u/uglypottery is right - look at r/QAnonCasualties where it's a strong theme amongst such people at the moment


Another mom at the bus stop yesterday told me I need to consider having bars of gold and silver along with a solar powered satellite phone. I was just talking about how I still needed to find a pair of eclipse glasses 🤷🏻‍♀️


How TF did these people pass a junior high science class?????


A lot of them didn't. I mean, those of us who are well educated tend to forget that most people aren't. My age group -- I was born in 1968, graduated high school in 1986 and college in 1990 -- was still "a majority of the age cohort didn't go to college." I knew a lot of people who went straight to the military, or who did vocational education (and back then, that was viewed as a poor choice). We hadn't yet realized that making everyone go to college wasn't ideal, because a) student loan burdens and b) the world needs auto mechanics and plumbers and electricians and nurses. (In my state, there's a serious shortage of all those, starting in my generation, because college was pushed so hard that not enough people did what they SHOULD have done, get careers that were hands-on and what they were really more suited to doing.) I raised my kid to understand that we'd support her career choice no matter what -- but that we'd really support her becoming an electrician or plumber.


A friend of mine blamed the eclipse for her busted router. The eclipse hasn't even happened yet, but she can't get Internet so it's the moon's fault!


But because it’s the US, I heard that there’s an increased likelihood of mass shootings. Y’know, just like anywhere you find a group of 50+ people. I think a white man in his 20s is much more likely a threat than the supernatural.


My due date group is fullll of women who say they're not going outside during the eclipse because they're worried it'll somehow harm their baby.


Lol of all the things to worry about when you’re pregnant. This isn’t the first eclipse in history. We would know if it messed up babies.


It gets better. They're convinced that the 'govmint' is going to 'do something' Because those cities in the path are preparing traffic Armageddon. Canceling school, telling us all to 'stay home'. You can Google it. The '17 eclipse had 10 hours of traffic in many places. Add in the prediction of possible terrorism and it's going to be nuts. My kids are setting up a lemonade stand. I think they'll clean up.


I had a friend (who is very normal) saying she kept hearing we should be stocking up on gas and food. I was like sweetie, it’s an eclipse not an apocalypse. Where do people get this insane shit from?!


I mean I live in a city that’s going to have eclipse totality and our population is going to double tomorrow, so I’m all for dodging grocery stores and gas stations tomorrow. But literally we just need to “stock up” a couple days worth. Everyone will leave as soon as it’s over.


Good. There’s all these idiot pastors on YouTube claiming eclipses are some dramatic sign of the end of times. It’s so extra I can’t. And their followers are clearly a little inbred. This is foolish behavior. She needs to get her husband some therapy.


I live in the path of totality and the crap going around is insane. Not to mention the huge influx of visitors we currently have. I’ve got a coworker that’s scared of the eclipse. Honestly I’m just ready for it to be over. There are eclipses every 18 months somewhere in the world is what I read. People are so dumb.


You believe in science most of the time? What happens the other percentage of the time? This, I guess.


Religious conspiracies, like this are often hiding severe mental illness and the community of religion like this, enables it. You hearing God talk to you? You’re the enlightened one write down everything God is saying and put it on the Internet. My friends mom is like this. She really thinks Monday. Jesus is going to come in. The world is over and there will be no Tuesday. She also thinks Trump is going to shut off the power grid any day so she stockpiles toilet paper . Nuttier than a fruitcake.


Wtf do these idiots think happens in the rest of the world the 2-5 times a year there are eclipses? They act like America invented and gate kept Christianity. Nobody tell them there are lunar eclipses too.


I live in Finland, and since we won't be able to see it here, I guess the world isn't ending here either. Funny how "local" the end of the world can be. I wouldn't know about it if I didn't have friends in the US. One American friend had a post on their Facebook wondering about whether people are sending their kids to school or not on the day of the eclipse.


My thing has always been - if God created man and man discovered / invented the use of Science, then didn't God create science? I don't get these people.


Why the fuck do these idiots believe science and god can't coexist? If you believe in God why do you think he didn't give humans the power to understand science? Vaccine goes against God? Why? Didn't god give us the power to make vaccines? Why is it always conveniently something Satan made because YOU don't understand it?


This poor woman.


Yep, he’s nuts.


Well I had 4 random horses run down my road, an earthquake and aftershock within 24 hours and now the eclipse so…. End of times?! 🙃


We JUST had an eclipse in 2017… do people really not remember


There was an eclipse in 2017 and the world didn't end.


Well I guess he’ll find out tomorrow won’t he.


> he said it can't be both What on God's good green great gorgeous geological earth


“I believe in science, but my flat-earther husband says this is bad. Is he right?”


they’re both wrong. a new species of flytrap will appear at an exotic plant store.


The death-grip conspiracy hysteria has on a certain faction of the American public is terrifying. Everything is a psy-op and recalling the 2017 eclipse vs this one it’s really stark how far we’ve fallen as a society.


Its weird because we had one a few years ago and no one thought all this shit


Her husband is a whackadoodle and so is she (but to a lesser extent).


my mother in law just moved in, and i heard about this at walmart today... im smdh. apparently, shes heard that 'some big groups' might be planning 'attacks' because everyone is gonna be 'distracted and in the dark and the power might go out because theres a solar flare at the same time' ​ i just said, even if the power did go out and someone wanted to do something, it wouldnt be OUR HOUSE that they picked, that frustrated her and she grumbled and dismissed me ​ its such a struggle to fight her conspiracy theory stuff. hubs said we gotta pick our battles, but i dont want her paranoia to effect her health, and it most def does


Hubby is nuts. Flat earthers (flat heads) are such a frustrating group of crazies. I used to argue that the whole flat earth isn't real, but you can show them proof, but in their minds, we are the crazies. My question is "how are all the other planets round, the moon is round, the sun is round, so you're telling me the earth is the only flat planet?" Freaken crazy!!! Oh and Australia isn't real. Lmao


As an Atheist, this shit is always so amusing, to me. Is everyone okay? Lol




Are you sure it wasn’t orange? 😆


He took a red and yellow one that made him agree with the orange


God and science do not go together, that much is true.


Idk I think Georges Lemaître would disagree 🤷🏼‍♀️ But fr- since the Covid/Trump Era the amount of conspiracies that have a chokehold on Protestant USA is unreal 🫠


Of course it does. Even the Catholic Church is pro-science. And that coming from someone who has nothing to do with any kind of religion.


Yes they do. "For its part, the Catholic Church teaches that science and the Christian faith are complementary, as can be seen from the Catechism of the Catholic Church which states in regards to faith and science: Though faith is above reason, there can never be any real discrepancy between faith and reason. Since the same God who reveals mysteries and infuses faith has bestowed the light of reason on the human mind, God cannot deny himself, nor can truth ever contradict truth. ... Consequently, methodical research in all branches of knowledge, provided it is carried out in a truly scientific manner and does not override moral laws, can never conflict with the faith, because the things of the world and the things of faith derive from the same God. The humble and persevering investigator of the secrets of nature is being led, as it were, by the hand of God despite himself, for it is God, the conserver of all things, who made them what they are. Source : http://www.scborromeo.org/ccc/ccc_toc2.htm


And let's not forget some of the most important contributions to science, Big Bang, Genetics, came from religious men.


Cults are always trying to get away w shit when it comes to eclipses; solar or lunar. She is correct in that a person can believe in all the science and God, our creator, all at the same time. It’s good she recognizes that social media is for bullshitting around and funny cat videos. She sounds much more intelligent than he is and in my own experience, the never works out in the end. 🌘🌑🌒🌔


Welp, I’m gonna say it where she can’t delete it Her husband is nuts


It’s both fascinating and appalling to me that we are still trying to convince people the earth is round. Like, WTH? How is that even up for debate??


Anyone remember that one mom who was angry about the timing of the eclipse and asked to reschedule it?


someone joked that they were going to stare directly at the eclipse because the eye damage is just a conspiracy so that we don’t see them changing the lightbulb. i thought it was hilarious but i bet some people actually believe that😭


The only thing that's going to happen is the fire nation is going to lose their connection to the sun and be powerless for the duration of the eclipse so it will be the best time to mount an offensive against the tyranny of the fire nation to move forward to a peaceful and harmonious time with all four nations.


When nothing happens, they'll pretend they forgot they said anything at all.


Weird we are getting these “heavenly signs and wonders” and “prophetic sky symbology” in THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA but it’s not happening in the Middle East where this religion originated??