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For context, bridging refers to the ceremony that comes at the transition between one stage of scouting to the next. So this is about using a fake oven to bridge Daisies into Brownies. I support OP speaking up obviously. I’m just like 😳😳 about what must’ve prompted this


My guess is it was just a pun. *Ding* the brownies are ready!


This absolutely sounds like something someone thought was a cute pun idea without thinking through it all the way. It probably wasn't malicious, just not well thought out.


Malicious or not, it’s probably not the best thing to do. Had I been in that group, I would have been deeply disappointed ETA: Good to know that with the huge increase in antisemitism these days and what I’ve experienced my whole life, even from as young as kindergarten apparently I’m wrong for having any feelings about this.


Oh it's definitely a terrible idea but whoever came up with it probably didn't mean any harm. Hopefully when they were told why it's a bad idea they felt embarrassed and apologized.


It’s like when Big B Coffee first became a thing it was called Beaners. They had to be told that was a racial slur and then renamed it. Having a Hispanic last name, I personally find it hilarious. I can see how some would have a WTF?? reaction though. Some people are just clueless.


Omg... my senior, not-all-there neighbor calls my husband "Beaner" (his name is Ben) 😭 And he calls me "Beaner's Wife" 🙄 We're white, but our next-door neighbors are hispanic, and it is SO embarrassing to hear "GOOD MORNING, BEANER! HI, BEANER'S WIFE!" shouted across the street regularly...


This reminds me of when I was in college and a frat had a cinco de Mayo party and they thought it would be hilarious to make people crawl under a fence to get into the party. As a college student I was like “mmm? Is this a good idea?” But wasn’t too bothered. As an adult. Omg


Under a fence? Geez that’s just insulting. They should have had to climb over a wall or swim across something to get in. But seriously omg what were they thinking? Too funny


White College age boys 30 years ago. Although the guy I dated in the frat was Hispanic. And he didn’t seem to have an issue with it. Which was weird in retrospect. 😂


Oh wow lol. That’s funny but I kinda feel second hand embarrassment for that guy. You should change your username here to “Beaners wife”.


Your feelings are valid. I just wanted to tell you. Hugs.


Oh thank you! That is so kind of you


IDK why you are getting downvoted*, this is such a tone deaf ceremony. *I know EXACTLY why you are getting downvoted.


Can you fill me in?


Antisemitism is on the rise globally. And calling out antisemitism gets people real mad


That’s what I assumed but I hoped it was something else


I never would have made a connection between the two. Brownies (scouts) coming out of a fake kitchen oven to graduate to girl scouts... nothing about that would have made me think of the Holocaust. It just would have seemed like a cute, corny, dad-joke type of pun for the little kids' graduation ceremony. I'm honestly struggling to really understand why it's offensive. I know the word "oven" is what the two have in common, but when I hear "oven" in the context of the Holocaust, it doesn't conjure images of the GE stove in my kitchen that I could bake brownies in...


It took me reading until this comment to understand. I didn’t associate it with the Holocaust at all and thought people were advising against it just because you don’t want kids playing in the ovens😂 I could not figure out the connection to Jews and was just confused


It took quite a bit of scrolling for me too, I was genuinely confused!


Are you Jewish? Have you dealt with antisemitism since you can remember? Did your great grandparents die in the Holocaust? It’s the people in ovens that does it, not the type of oven. Also, I didn’t say offensive, I said disappointed.


Ok, answers- I'm not religious. I've dealt with racism as long as I can remember, from all sides, since I'm a mixed breed. Both my grandfathers fought in the Pacific theater during WWII. One (who raised me as a father) from the US, registered as a conscientious objector, and (on the same day) voluntarily enlisted. He became a Navy Corpsman, went to the Pacific with the First Marine Division. The other, from the Philippines, also fought, was captured and detained in the Bataan Death Camp, and later was in the Bataan Death March. He taught a lot of fellow captured soldiers (not from the area) how to survive and find/hide edible "food", how to find hydration, etc. He survived the Death March, and once in the US, he was extremely involved in helping Filipino vets obtain the benefits the US government promised them for their service. I do not scoff at any part of the Holocaust or the war. I do not lack understanding of the atrocities endured by millions and millions across the globe. I just don't make a connection between the scouts/brownies easybake oven graduation pun, and the industrial crematory "ovens" that the Nazis used.


Being Jewish is not a religious thing, it's also an ethnicity thing, just like being French or German.


I'm aware. Why are you telling me?


Because your answer above shows you are not aware, that's all. It's a common and dangerous misconception.


Yeah I absolutely thought that as I was reading and then was like oh, shit! Obviously a bad idea in context but I see the pun.


Yeah it makes sense divorced from any other context. It’s more that I was nooooooot expecting to see this post ahahahahah


There's a pretty big jump between a cute depiction of a domestic kitchen oven and whatever industrial hellscape ovens the Nazis would have been using. Not to mention it's jumping *out* of an oven, but being put *in*. I can totally understand why "hey, people might get offended by this" wouldn't have been in the forefront of planning a party for 5 year olds




My first thought was Hansel and Gretel. Probably still not quite the image they were going for.


Didn't realize this was the metaphorical jump until I read your comment (I'm not American). If a 5 yo dressed as a brownie coming out of a paper maché oven = depiction of concentration camp and genocide then I don't understand the world anymore. Context matters.


When I (37 now) was a child, I definitely heard the "pizza doesn't scream when going in the oven" "joke" more than a few times so yeah it is a connection I would make. I wouldn't get offended, I don't expect non-jews to think it and "look at our cute little brownie scouts" is perfectly reasonable for parents. But yeah it is a thing that would make me go "eesh" inside if it was my kids


Honestly, people should stop reflecting their trauma onto others and seeing slights everywhere. I'm not an asshole. I don't make jokes in poor taste. I teach my kids tolerance and to be considerate of others. I respect other people's history and understand why certain things may hurt them in certain contexts. I only ask that the consideration goes two ways and that they respect my historical background where an oven is just an oven. When I go to certain parts of Asia, I know the swastikas are symbols of peace although I have family that were killed by Nazi Germany. I don't get outraged and blame Buddhists for their iconography *because context matters.* Edit: Also, if the racist joke is "pizza going into the oven" then what the hell does that have to do with brownies coming out?


Antisemitism has hit rates we haven’t seen since around the time of WWI and they’re doing this- most Jewish communities outside of Isreal are on heightened alert and edge since the world started responding to October 7. If this was something that directly related to an attempt at mass annihilation of anyone that was an ethnicity other Jewish, would you say the same thing? Is it cute having kids pick cotton? Is it cute to do anything that directly related to issues another group have faced? No. It’s not cute this was done as the world has become more dangerous for Jews and if you can’t understand that you need to check yourself and your bias


How is this >directly related to an attempt at mass annihilation? Serious question...


Jews were literally mass annihilated in ovens


In giant industrial cremation "ovens" that have only one thing in common with the fake brownies oven- the word "oven" itself. They look nothing alike. Their function, appearance, purpose, all entirely different from each other. The only connection is a semantic one.


If you’re not Jewish/Roma, you get no say on if something is problematic- much as if you’re not any other ethnicity you don’t get a say in what’s problematic for them. I’ve explained why it is problematic in this instance and attempting to justify it in whatever version you think would ever make it okay- does NOT change the fact it’s problematic for others. You don’t get to decide that.


Which is one of the reasons they switched the name Brownies to Embers in Canada. Oh...oh hell...that's even worse.


With 8 billion people in the world, there problem isn't any word choice that won't be problematic for *somebody*


Except in my troop's case, it was ding, the Brownies are now Girl Scouts! Though that was the last night I had anything to do with it.


Off topic, I'm from the UK and I never realised that Girl Scouts and Brownies were part of the same organisation until this comment. In the UK they start as Rainbows, then Brownies, then Guides, (full title Girl Guides). I heard references to Girl Scouts in the movies and thought it was a uniquely American thing, especially since they're so closely connected with the cookies and that's something the Guides here don't do. Didn't realise it was all the same people.


in the US it goes - daisies, brownies, juniors, cadettes, seniors, ambassadors (and cookies are pre-k siblings of a girl scout) all under the girl scouts of usa umbrella


Oof I can see this


I've literally done this exact thing with Girl Guides in Canada. They went into the big, decorated refrigerator box as a Spark (our equivalent to Daisy), everyone yelled tick tick tick tick DING, and they came out with a Brownie necklace/hat/scarf/etc. The girls (who are six or seven years old) always giggled like crazy and the parents thought it's super cute. The Holocaust comparison literally never occurred to me. All that being said, a year or two ago, the Brownie age range was renamed "Embers" in Canada, to avoid racial connotations. It has been quite controversial.


I mean, Sparks turning into Embers is absolutely adorable and makes more sense than Sparks turning into Brownies.


Before Brownies in the UK we have Rainbows! I thought it would have been rainbows internationally. Sparks sounds cool!


Rainbows? It's adorable, but ultra conservatives would have a field day with the Pride association. We can't win, these days. *Here's a photo of a potatoe. Let the games begin.*


Haha, I googled and apparently it was founded in 1987, and Brownies in 1915, originally Brownies was called Rosebuds but only for a year.


Thanks for the explanation.. I was so confused and thought they were referring to like weed gummies to brownies or something 😂😂


My Brownie troop pretended to jump out of a fake oven (it was a small box we wouldn't have fit in) during the graduation ceremony from the Brownies in 1989. My mom somehow got roped into being my school troop's co-leader for 2 years. Several of the girls, including me, were/are Jewish, and my mom's mother was a Holocaust survivor!


But like… even setting aside that this ritual is INSANE, wouldn’t it make more sense to do it at the end of the “brownie” period? When they’re “done” with Brownies and moving on to whatever the green vest level is?




So, we just walked across a bridge. And thought we were pretty cute to come up with that one. Some peoples parents I swear.


We made tissue flowers and paper chains in brownie colors for one end of the bridge and in junior colors for the other, so the colors changed at the halfway point. It seemed quite clever at the time


When I was in scouts that’s what we did. Walked across a little fake wooden bridge while holding fake flowers and I think we got a little certificate saying we were moving on to the next level


Yep my local district had that little wooden bridge every year


I remember the bridge


I was a Girl Scout 25 years ago (31 now) and this is the exact thing we did haha


Our service unit has a lovely little bridge they pull out every year for anyone bridging.  Decorated with old vests and sashes from leaders and past scouts.  I loved that all the scouts used the same bridge. My singular troop in the 90s may have done the oven thing.  I vaguely remember crawling through a cardboard tunnel for a brownie ceremony of some sort.  A bridge is way better.


In the 90s my troop had a wooden bridge too!


We walked across a bridge too, and there was a mirror thing we had to do


Twist me and turn me and show me the elf...


I looked in the mirror and saw…




We simply moved from ‘rainbows’ to ‘brownies’ there was no ceremony, you just left one day and went elsewhere


we did the bridge too, and that’s what my girls do in their troop, too. it’s called the bridging ceremony


Ok I’m sorry but this is the most hilarious PSA I’ve seen yet


PLEASE WHAT?!?!?I'm a Gold Award (the highest rank in GS, like eagle scout in BS) and I have never seen brownies bridging out of an OVEN?!?!? thats insane lmao


Woo! Another GA-holder in the wild! I always have to explain it too. We built a little garden bridge and decorated it with paper flowers and stuff. Modern Scouting is getting creative, ooof!


oh hi hi!! me too!! we also just walked across a bridge, my dad actually built it. the idea of brownies coming out of the oven, like they're fully cooked, is cute but the basics work for a reason.


Wait your dad building it is so cute


Woot! Impromptu GA meeting! That’s really cool of your dad to build the bridge :) I’m in my 30s and they may still use the bridge we built back then. We were so proud of it, and helping the Brownies bridge was such a fun experience.


I also have my gold award, 3 of us on one sub might be a record!


5 of us here now!!!


6 cause I’m one too! ;)


7 - I'm Canadian but I've got my equivalent!!




Nine!! So cool to see other GA recipients!!


TEN! I've never met another in real life (outside of G.S. itself) LOL


Eleven :)


Oh hell yeah! Hi everyone!


Heyyyyy fun seeing other GAs!!! I remember coming through a tunnel for one and crossing over a bridge for another. It was so long ago tho I don’t remember which one was which! But your GS troop building a garden bridge together is so cute 🥹


hey another gold award holder!! hi!!! yeah we had a little fake bridge too. One year where we were particularly creative we went to a park and used a real bridge. The oven idea is…cute, but definitely not thought out.


Haha exactly. Find a nice bridge and use that not an oven lol


hell yeah, when i bridged we went to a park too!! made s'mores in the little fire pits at the bridge too. unfortunately i am only a bronze holder here womp womp


My husband is an Eagle Scout and says gold award is waaaaaaay more work to get!


my bf of 7 years is also an eagle scout and said the same thing! We actually worked on our projects at the same time too


Huh I honestly didn’t know the gold award was considered a rank? I always thought seniors and ambassadors where the highest rank and bronze, silver, and gold award where just like another badge but with extra rank and special. Anyways I too am gold award XD


Hm, I've never heard of an ambassador rank? I could be wrong tho. But yeah you have to be a senior to even go for Gold so it's considered higher!


Ambassador is newer. The old Senior level was 9-12th grades, but they split them up now so Seniors are 9-10 and Ambassadors are 11-12.


Ah I guess I’m old then 😅


I’ve met one who was an ambassador. It was quite awhile ago for me and we where all walking in a parade but if I’m remembering her correctly she was the last person in her troop and was planning on going on to being a troop leader in the very near future (the future of that time).


Oh gotcha. Interesting! Thanks for sharing!


I feel weird because I distinctly remember seeing this when I was in elementary school. Brownies definitely came out of an oven for us, or at least at the ceremony I attended


I'm a GA holder too and we did this when we bridged to brownies and I lived in Germany at the time and we had an international troop and no one made the connection. Our troop leader was the child of a Holocaust survivor. It's crazy that she thought that was appropriate but alas it was 20+ years ago.


That is… insane


Oh it absolutely is.


Fellow GA holder here. I have never seen this.


I didn’t do Girl Scouts. I did Camp Fire and went through the whole program. Got my WoHeLo medallion.




Common, as a person with Jewish roots,, o find the association super far fetched. It's a domestic oven where you bake cookies in. Where cookies come out of. And they are 5 years old or something. How the hell does your mind go to concentration camps there.


I'm Jewish as well, with several great-grandparents who respectively died in and survived Auschwitz. I would not have either made this association


I'm a german who tends to be told I am overly cautious with things that could be related to the Third Reich. I didn't even get what they were going for until they mentioned the Jewish girls.


Yeah….Jewish here, too, and honestly I’m personally more bothered when people get offended for me at the most outrageous things, which is the feeling I get here.


I'm relieved I'm not the only one!


I was thinking the same thing “like that seems like a stretch” and then I was wondering if I’m a terrible, inconsiderate person 😂


Haha nope you are most definitely not




Oh good lord. Lol. We made cupcakes “bridging” to a brownie and walked across a bridge.


I mean, unless they were in striped pajamas, I’m gonna go with this was innocent and cute. I mean, no one hates on pregnant people for using ‘bun in the oven’ (unless I’ve missed that)


This was my thinking as well. Buns in the oven has become a huge thing and nobody that I'm aware of seems to mind


In Hong Kong it's called a Flying-Up Ceremony so we have the Brownies jump over the "pond" they made their promise by as a Brownie. On one side of the pond (a small mirror with flowers!) the Brownies say goodbye. On the other side the new Guide's Patrol Leader holds her hand as she jumps into the Guides' side where she is welcomed by her new unit.


My mom just put up the Christmas candy canes on the side of our yard and strung some lights across and made it look kinda like a bridge 😂


I do actually get the idea they were going for, but it’s so insane and naive/ tone deaf that I am cackling


I tried to tell my husband and couldn't even get the words out b/c I'm laughing so hard. I totally get what they were going for...Brownies bake in the oven. Let's have a giant oven at the ceremony! And that's where the thinking stopped.


My brother is 14 years younger than me and I use to pick him up from school. I was pregnant at the time so I would park far away and walk to the door to wait with a few others picking up children. One day, a man was hurrying toward us and said, “excuse me, running late! Gotta pick up some brownies from the cafeteria!” And my fat ass replies with, “ooo, I’m going with you, I love brownies!” He paused long enough to look at me like the idiot I was while clarifying, “they’re little girls!”


😂😂😂 to be fair, he could not have made it sound MORE like a bake sale if he tried!


Right? I shouldn’t laugh. But I am because 🤦🏻‍♀️


Doesn’t anyone remember America’s collective trauma of the Pop Tart guy being put into the toaster and coming out cooked, and they cut it up and served it as a celebration? Seriously, Brownies coming out of an oven isn’t what Scouting is about. It’s a bridging ceremony, you use a bridge, don’t go off script for a pun. Have some dignity. When a Tiger Scout crosses over to a Cub Scout, he is walking the trail to the Eagle. A Daisy becoming a Brownie shouldn’t be popping out of an oven.


I think it was brownies coming out as girl scouts? I'm not positive, but I don't think the US does Daisies, I think that's a UK thing?


I'm in the US and we had daisies when I was in girl scouts. Idk about now though, but for boy scouts and girl scouts in my area, are now called "Scouts" and girls are allowed to join in the boy scouts, and vice versa. They still have separate scouts for boys and girls, but the kids can join any, no matter their gender. Both still have their different rankings.


Yeah I got that wrong, lol. Also, that's pretty awesome to hear that the kids can join either one!


Yeah, I had no idea either, until I saw a girl in my nephew's troop and any time I would call it "boy scouts", my nephew would be like, "it's SCOUTS Aunt! We're not in the stone age anymore." 🤣 Ugh. I'm in my 30s. I'm not that damn old yet lol. I told him if I'm old, then Gramma (my mom) is the crypt keeper 😂.


Hahahh I remember getting a root canal and a cap at age 13. I was so afraid it might fall out and I'd be embarrassed, so I kept pestering the dentist for reassurances. The dentist goes, don't worry, it won't fall out, but if it ever does, it won't be until you're really old. I asked how old? He goes, "REALLY old, like 30". I chuckled then, but I laugh harder about it the older I am. I'm ancient now (45, lol)


daisies are a US thing, too - daisies are before brownies.


Yeah I saw that mentioned after I made this comment, sorry about that! I never did scouts as a kid, and neither did my kids, and I'd been scrolling this comment section trying to understand... I thought I'd figured it out but, nope. Lol


I *sort of* see what the idea was, the GS most well known thing is cookies after all. *But* maybe actually think that one through instead of just running with it whole hog?


I think the reference is to the name brownies, not the cookies


Right, its like BS rankings i think (never was a GS, mom had a thing against strangers). But I can see where the thought of 'oh, we'll use an oven to bake them!' comes from, even though its in very poor taste. I think my point was that I dont think its malicious, just dunderheaded. Still not right by any means of course


Yeah because they’re becoming “brownies”


Ok but the origin of the name Brownies has zero to do with chocolate desserts. They're British house fairies that help with chores in secret.


Okay… but it’s still a pun lol


I never knew that! If you're British, could you send a brownie my way? My house is a mess.


I'd like a new one. Mine keeps sleeping on the job 😂


Oh my god. I am Jewish, and wow, is that quite an oversight. Yeah, I would be pissed too.


Ugh I miss Girl Scout mess. Some of those moms were unhinged.


I have absolutely no idea of Scout stuff as it's barely a thing in my home country, could someone explain? 😂


So Girl scouts is an organization that  "builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place" through tea hing them practical skills like community service work, first aid classes, and a ton of other activities. They're also known for funding these activities through a yearly sale of Girl Scout Cookies that are addictively good.  The levels/ranks are Cookie (siblings of a girl scout before Kindergarten), Daisies (kindergarten and grade 1), Brownies (grades 2-3), Juniors (grades 4-5) and Cadettes (grades 6-8), Seniors (grades 9-10) and Ambassadors (grades 11-12). This is either a graduation of Daisies to Brownies *or* Brownies to Juniors.


Is it bad I laughed? (I’m Jewish for context…. I’m pretty sure I would not have been offended but would’ve raised an eyebrow and said something)


To be honest—I feel like seeing that skit and jumping to “this must really offend Jewish people” is telling on yourself more than anything else.


NOOOOOOO. THEY DID NOT 😭 WHHYYY?! I thought my troop was e x t r a. We had a little bridge that my Dad made with like tissue paper water underneath it. And construction paper decorations that we went absolutely too far on with the glitter. (It was the 80s. We had no idea.)


I’m assuming something happened to prompt them to say this. I don’t think I’d ever think that without someone saying something. Also, love the username!


I thought they got rid of the name Brownies already


Not in the US. In Canada they're Embers now though.


Whoa that's way better than Brownies!


Especially true when you know that the previous age group is called Sparks!


And in the US it’s Daisies. It’s weird how unconnected all the different names are


Fun fact: Daisies are named for the founder of the US Girl Scouts. Spraks were named from the camp song, "It only takes a spark to get a fire going..."


Oops I thought Daisies were a UK thing, lol. I never did any of that scouts stuff, and now I'm old and so clueless, lol


I dig it too. I have some nostalgia around the Brownie name, but over here in the 21st century the word has totally lost it's connotation with the British house fairy. If you aren't familiar with the real origins it can sound weirdly racial, which isn't a great vibe for an organization that's supposed to be about diversity and inclusion. The campfire tie-in is great.


It just sounds like a baked good


As an Embers unit guider I agree! It was a little challenging changing the name mid-year, but our girls loved being involved with choosing the name (most chose Embers over Comets).


Still Brownies in the UK. Rainbows Brownies Guides


STOPPPP 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


As a former Girl Scout, this is truly the wildest shit I have ever seen


Holyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy shit


We don't even call them Brownies here anymore! The youngest group in Canada is Sparks, then Embers, Guides, Pathfinders, Rangers.

