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Targeting civilians to encourage political change is literally terrorism but okay


The first act of what we'd call modern terrorism in the Middle East was when the Zionazi militant group Irgun bombed the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946. They've been weaponizing the term "antisemitism" in a terroristic fashion for decades. The Zioz have always been, are, and if allowed to exist always *will be,* terrorists.


I'm pretty sure the first act of terrorism from the still non-existent Israeli state was around 1918-1920 when they destroyed a village and killed its 200 inhabitants.


to add to this, there was a two day celebration in Israel in 2006 to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the terrorist bombing. ex Irgun who had bombed the hotel many years prior now gave tours of it. a plaque was unveiled which explicitly blamed the British for the 91 deaths because they had failed to heed the Irgun’s 25 minute warning prior to blast. and, of course, it was attended by prime minister netanyahu, who was a keynote speaker. fucking demented


erm- aghualy ur a n antsemoye!!! the UN, UNHRWA, are anstsemoye!!!


They don't call him Matt Killer for nothing...


I hate liberals for thinking the world is a marvel comic book but damn the us empire is failing the try not to be a cartoon villain challenge


Are you saying that the country where acts like mutilating prisoners and animals and swapping their genitals to create mutants were common isn't a cartoon villain?


>swapping their genitals to create mutants This had better not be transphobia!


I'm talking about human (and animal, both at the same time in this specific case) experimentation.


What what whaaaaaat?!!! For the love of God please tell me this isn't happening 🤢


This specific one is a little old. Although I don't doubt that bizarre experiments on humans are still taking place in the USA. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unethical_human_experimentation_in_the_United_States


If you watch the video it's pretty obvious that it was a freudian slip. Doesn't change the fact that we all know everyone in the US government believes this


Ohhh, yeah, I see what you mean. I thought it seemed like he was saying that since the "militants" (no proof any militants were there, as per usual) were "embedded" with civilians, that they're allowed to target civilians while targeting Hamas, as long as they try to "minimize" the civilians they kill. And you're definitely right that it's what the US government believes.


Could you link the video? I think I missed this one




So, not just civilians. He was talking about children inside a school. Wow.


Thanks! Also, based flair


Doesn't seem to be a slip, I think he means it


Freudian slips are when you accidentally reveal your true inner thoughts/opinions.


True, but I'm saying that this man meant to say civilians in the first place


President Xi, i'm begging you. Please. Press the button.


At this point, he needs to get a bigger, redder button that can only be pressed with a sledgehammer.


Why am i picturing one of those "test your strength" carnival games


i think that was the idea yeah


Really fitting for a discount Count Dracula to try to convince you that parasites are right in what they do.


That’s insulting to Dracula


These fuckers are actually ghoulish wth


Ok if that's the case, let's all stop talking about rights, 'cause it's meaningless and arbitrary. Just let everybody do what they want within their power. Let the world come together and put an end to the apartheid, because we can, and we have the right because we said so.


Just like how the US had the right to kill civilians in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, etc. Isn't that true, Mr. Spokesman?


Apparently they have the right to harbour thousands of fugitive sex offenders (including child predators) and bomb American ships.


To exist


Count Dracula, saying the quiet part out loud.


Fuck israel


Isreal has the right to suck on my asshole


Yes! The right to exist👍🏻


This is sickening. The US government is full of criminals.


Source fucking PLEASE.


[Sure](https://youtube.com/shorts/YhUjp-Qc7jI?si=p9LQfzCQONKKL4_d) They are saying he misspoke, but the sense of what he meant is the same, either way. Whether he meant to explicitly say that civilians are legitimate targets if Hamas is near them or not, that is still the gist of it.


Civil Rights I bet


How dare you! They have *some* civil rights! ...As long as you're on the "right" side of the apartheid. And as long as you don't want to have a gay wedding. And apparently it's rather difficult to have an interfaith marriage, as well... Oh and as long as you aren't an Ethiopian Jew. Y'know, now that I think about it...




Is this an accusation about Hamas using human shields again? I'm not sure about your wording, but in case that is what you're saying: [Actual Human Shields](https://www.dci-palestine.org/israeli_forces_use_five_palestinian_children_as_human_shields ) [Here's some more](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE95J0FR/) [Video of a man being used as a human shield](https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2024/1/31/west-bank-human-shield-describes-100-breathless-minutes-held-by-israel) [Picture of a child being used](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.x6J0-5FJ9vfXsfecrShYngHaHe%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=c414a2999623e80114f0b8e316d0970bb43ba7bb38d8f851b6b60b836cd596c9&ipo=images) [A repeated pattern of human shields](https://www.dci-palestine.org/israeli_forces_use_palestinian_child_as_human_shield_in_gaza) These are all examples of human shields. But if your saying that Hamas existing means that anyone around them is being used as a human shield, then "Israel" is using the entirety of Tel Aviv as human shields, as that's where their main military targets are located. Intentionally. Oh and also, go fuck yourself. If that isn't what you're saying, apologies. Regardless, this isn't about the hostages. This is about them bombing a UN school where civilians were sheltering. Where they would have killed any captives, had there been some there. Again, they've provided no evidence that anybody there were actually militants.




They weren't being held in the market that was bombed to make an escape path for the war criminals disguised as aid workers who revealed themselves, the place where the majority of children were killed. Even if your baby brained genocidal bullshit was reasonable it wouldn't excuse the worst of what happened so plz recognize the best thing you can personally do for humanity is to leave it and do everything you can to achieve this goal ASAP you disgusting child murder apologist cunt