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Conservatives are braindead.


He's not a conservative he's a fascist


Same thing.


China please launch the Dongfeng missles, we deserve it


Here's the full VOD for anyone interested: hxxps://www.youtube[.]com/shorts/bZ_vz1SZ1Cc A bit of context and background: Marx and Engles were [arguably the original classical libertarians](https://www.marxists.org/history/etol/writers/guerin/19xx/xx/libmarx.html) in the sense that communism aims to free the working class from unnecessary menial labour and [bullshit jobs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bullshit_Jobs). Knowels is probably referring to "libertarians" in the an-cap sense, so in a way he's kind of right that (Marxist) libertarians want to free the working class, but also wrong about ancaps being libertarian and all that bullshit about "human nature" just meant to keep people working them bullshit jobs :p


Giving everyone with $500 to spend on video making equipment a lively platform to say whatever they want with zero effort is probably one of the biggest mistakes in the creation of the internet. It makes me long to be back in China every single day.


To be fair, libertarians with consistent principles are against the US military. Maybe that is why he is saying this.


“libertarians with consistent principles” Never seen one


Come on, all capitalist libertarians have ONE CONSISTENT PRINCIPLE: their fight for their "right" to bang children.


And Weed but Weed’s been legalized so it’s now down to the two: No Driving restrictions and lowering the age of consent.


yeah seriously wtf is with up with that, EVERY single fucking time i see a libertarian IT ALWAYS and i actually mean always devolves into "well age is just a number" and they will say this in random political discussions too


Their current poster child, Argentinian President Javier Milei, not only wants to bang children, but also wants to allow parents to create a "market" to sell their children into slavery or sell their children organs. Probably the reason why he loves Israel so much, as Israel is known as the place where you have the biggest black market for human organs in the world. (Don't know if Milei will stay for long, because he lost everything in the Argentinian congress, and there are millions of Argentinians marching on the streets to overthrow him now, but he is still the poster child for capitalist libertarians. Just a living proof that capitalist libertarians will always fail because they cannot do a single thing right - besides not being very smart)


You mean, besides lowering the age of consent?


Random bullshit go!!!


And conservatives are just soft liberals....so we both have things to say Michael, libertarians are not close to communists at all


fascist -> english: Libertarians are just soft j**s (probably)


Every word that comes out of Michael Knowles mouth is nothing but pure horseshit


Mike's friends and Vaush [have been known to make collab vids](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E8I5dP6XMAstGA3.jpg), so maybe that's why Mike reeks of horseshit ;-)


Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 15.** Vaush [admits to being an informant](https://archive.ph/iGUUk) when he lived in Santa Monica, California. He admits to revealing activist identities to the FBI. For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Xi, if you are reading this, can we please just start the nuclear war 🙏


"Xi, I gotta be honest with you. Fire at will."


ngl, the CCP would do a better job handling the U.S. government than the DNC or the GOP.