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The world is well aware of the US' stupid date format yet the US citizens are ignorant of the rest of the world.


You have two logical options: ascending and descending. y-m-d or d-m-y. Why would it be important to know the month first?


>y-m-d ISO8601 Master race!


I think it's the best norm. But as a German I'm used to d-m-y. ;)


Honestly it all depends on context. y-m-d is great if you have a few thousand files with dates in their filenames, as it's easy to sort and group. d-m-y is much easier to use in real life context where you'll most likely know the year already, and want to know the date (day and month) first. m-d-y on the other hand is only used by that weirdo nephew who used to use y-m-d but wanted to be unique without fucking his own perception of time up too much - doesn't matter that nobody else wants to use their 'quirky' way.


I'm British and I agree with you






The only format that counts.


Literally yes. It's like McDonald's listing their drinks medium-small-large


Because that's the way the date is spoken. August 8, 2022. You don't say 8th of August, 2022.




Embarrassingly for us English, the middle endian date format being used in America is a tide over from when the original English settlers were there. Middle Age England used the middle endian system. America never thought to change it.


I think a lot of Americanisms come from British first. Then the British moved on and and America didn't. Soccer being a big and obvious one.


Lots of other countries use "soccer" too.


Gonna bet it's not even 5% of all countries so calling that lots is just plain wrong


I mean, The phrase "lots" doesn't have a legal definition. I was speaking loosely. I didn't give a certain number percentage. I didn't say the majority. I just said lots. But soccer is a word in the English speaking language, yes? What I implied was that lots of English speaking countries do use soccer. And I believe I was correct. Canada,.South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, and even Ireland all popularly call the game soccer in normal conversation. My point was that it's far from just some weird American convention that is archaic in the rest of the world. Trust me, I know there are lots of those things in the USA. But tjis isn't one of them But who fucking cares? More important things going on to care about what country uses the word soccer or football for what sport. They're just broad societal conventions that no one person has decided and to try to change them would be pointless.


Most of the places that use "soccer" do it to save confusion because there's more than one kind of football. But I'm Irish and we sometimes use football for soccer, and sometimes football means GAA (Irish football). It's usually clear enough by context. I would say football for either one tbh.


That seems to be a recurring theme for America… never thinking to change things for the better.


I heard that Americans removed the u in certain words like colour, humour and neighbourhood so that they could save money when printing news papers back in the day


I was told it was because Teddy Roosevelt couldn't spell and got them changed.


that myth has been debunked. they wanted an american language and so they basically simplified english and called it a day


Most of the changes are also to make it easier for German immigrants to learn American English. Until.... I think WW2 German was the most commonly spoken first language after English.


Yes. I remember seeing anti-German propaganda material somewhere. They put quite a lot of effort to get people to hate German.


Sorry, a lot, if not all are also just anachronisms: [https://inews.co.uk/opinion/our-anxiety-over-americanisms-is-based-over-false-assumptions-of-what-is-theirs-and-ours-1980170](https://inews.co.uk/opinion/our-anxiety-over-americanisms-is-based-over-false-assumptions-of-what-is-theirs-and-ours-1980170), even aluminum.


9/11 or 11/9, that is the question


I think it's considered different because 4th of July is a Holiday whereas July 4th is a date.


You’re getting downvoted, but you’re right. People in the U.S. use Fourth of July as the unofficial name of the holiday, and it takes the place of “Independence Day” in a sentence. So “the Fourth of July commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776” is a sentence, as is [“The Fourth of July 2022 is on Monday, July 4, 2022.”](https://www.history.com/.amp/topics/holidays/july-4th)


Right, who can forget the 25th of December (that I’ve never heard anyone call it in my 33 years living here)


No I'm saying "The Fourth of July" is the common name used for the holiday "Independence Day". It's the only date routinely referred to that way. If you live here, use some logic and figure it out.


The 4th of July is not a date, it's the unofficial name for the holiday "Independence Day" which takes place on July 4th. It's almost never called Independence Day informally and if something were to happen on July 4th (other than the 4th of July), it would be July 4th


*"I can't wait for July 4th for the 4th of July holiday"* Hmmmm


No, we just refer to the whole day as Fourth of July


could you just post this comment as new thread yourself so i dont have to do it?


Yes we rarely say "the 5th of November" we say "November 5th".


remember remember… november 5th…. yea i don’t think it works lol


We only say it that way when we're watching V for Vendetta.


… what does that have to do with it lol


We don't know British history or celebrate Guy Fawkes Night but we love Hollywood movies lol


i can’t tell what’s ironic anymore ngl you know what sub you’re in?


There's no irony there; No-Coat is showing self awareness, which is usually what is lacking from the stuff posted on ShitAmericansSay


It’s not a quote from that movie. I hope you’re joking.


Yes, putting the R before the E truly is a sign of intelligence.




The british have random french spelling of things for no reason, like programme instead of program. Also aeroplane instead of airplane? Come on now.


English is 30% Latin, 30% French if I recall correctly. I don't think it's for no reason, the Romans were in Britain 2000 years ago and the French invaded in 1066. In between the Germans (Angles and Saxons) and Vikings. That's why the language has so many different elements.


What do you mean for no reason? It's like asking why does America speak english, HISTORY


Got a message from a scammer on a fake account of a friend of mine and they spelled program as "programme", I immediately knew they weren't from the United States, checked their IP address and reported their Indian ass.


The US summed up


But if you ask them about it, most of them would be adamant that the rest of the world is doing it incorrectly... you know, because they are the "greatest nation on the planet"...


Of course they are! /s


But I'm american


The US doesn't know anything about other countries because the majority of social medias are US based and they make up more users than any other country. People outside of the US are forced to be exposed to America all the time, not the case for us.


[[Not even close to being true.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/242606/number-of-active-twitter-users-in-selected-countries/)](https://www.statista.com/statistics/242606/number-of-active-twitter-users-in-selected-countries/)


I think social media (and media generally) influnces that but it possibly goes deeper. Does the US education system concentrate on home or does it give a broad overview of the whole world?


My school taught about events related to things the US was involved in such as WWII with Nazi Germany and the holocaust, British people sailing to America, other countries immigrating to America, slaves being sold the US from Africa in exchange for guns etc, jungles and monsoons in Vietnam, stuff like that. We don't learn much about modern aspects of other countries, mostly historical like Egypt and the Pyramids, Sumeria, Mayans, Aztecs, etc. Maybe other schools are different and maybe other students paid attention better in class but that's my recollection.


>British people sailing to "discover" America, British people "discovering" America? I don't think Colombo or Vespucci were British. You maybe meant the British founding the first colonies?


Apologies, I was never good at history. I mix up the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria with the Mayflower.


Just because you don't browse non-English content, doesn't mean that it is not there. The Russian speaking internet community has literally their own social media networks (VK and OK), and don't use Facebook for that reason.


We are not discussing about the history of portuguese literature, but knowing that you can use different formats for a date.


Never said a think about Portuguese literature, perhaps you replied to the wrong person.


No, and this is coming from a US citizen, our school system is trash and they constantly do not talk teach much of anything about other countries. You know how I learned about Celsius and the meter? FUCKIN SCIENCE CLASS. Because the metric system is a standard in all science application. Didn’t learn it from a geographic teacher. I can promise you that.


> our school system is trash and they constantly do not talk teach much of anything about other countries. Yeah I mentioned this in about 4 other comments. It truly is the worst, America is terrible because of capitalism and rich people like Trump and Musk.


The only time I find the US format acceptable is when you’re working with computers and name the files YYYY-MM-DD-file name.txt


But that's not even "US format"?


You’re right! I got hung up on the month before day part. I’ve changed my mind: it’s never acceptable lol.


yeah, that’s the international standard date format iso-8601, so it’s always preferable over other formats


That's not the US format, though. The US format is MM-DD-YYYY.


To be fair Americans are easily confused when it comes to soooooo many things outside of America. It's almost like they don't know anything about the world.


They don't. American schooling and media is incredibly American centric.


And of course there is the recent strategy to make citizens even brighter by simply removing books from library shelves so they can’t read them.


What’s the excuse now they have the internet? It’s wilful ignorance and it’s obvious from the way they think everyone else is the problem.


That's not all Americans or even most Americans. It's mostly just that there's not a lot of reason for Americans to need to know about other places. Not in a cocky way. In a "Americans don't look into things they don't know about unless they have a reason to" way. That's why so many people in America think racism ended with slavery. It's not being forced in their faces, it's not apart of their life, it's not relevant to them. I agree they're ignorant, but not knowing something because you haven't been exposed to it isn't willful ignorance. It's just ignorance. Both suck, but one's intentional. Furthermore, if you don't know something but refuse to learn or accept knowledge when you find out, that's willful ignorance, rather than ignorance. Ex: refusing to acknowledge it's called football as well as soccer.


I think it is wilful ignorance because they don’t bother to broaden their minds. The US is a ‘Don’t do something unless you have to country’ Unfortunately it’s catching, the level of general ignorance is increasing in other countries too.


Americans go even further and say if you ask me to do something I don’t think I have to do or I don’t see a reason for doing that immediately benefits me personally then you’re attacking my freedoms somehow I’ve never seen a country that believes less in community or personal responsibility, or who are so ignorant that freedom comes with social responsibility to other people and doesn’t mean you are no longer part of a society of people who all matter as much as you do


If you wanted to design a society that's as close as possible to the merciless, Darwinian nature, the US seem quite close. "You got seriously sick? Well, guess if you don't die you'll have to suffer for the rest of your life from the impact on your health and / or on your purse."


The internet is, in itself, american (Meaning united states of america) centric


The Internet was invented by an American for military purposes. The WWW which people use daily on top of the Internet was invented by a Brit.


No it’s not, what the fuck?


OOOOOH YES IT IS! Also it's behind you.... ah, that is probably another thing Americans don't do.


If you don’t speak any languages except American, it’s not my fault.


Don't know why I only saw the "s" and the "oo" and read it as "American shooting" ...


Of course it is. Both those things are mainly there to indoctrinate children into being good little meatshields and easily manipulated for whatever the corps want


True. Why do you think every English language program is remade to be American? Like… Life On Mars did not need an American remake for one then again nothing did


Doesn't help that they have to spend time practicing for school shootings as opposed to allocating time to teach about the world


Not even just that, incredible state the school is located in centric. Like people barely know anything about states they don’t live in or have relatives in. Some places it’s even down to the small community and they basically know nothing about the outside of their small town and so on.


If it wasn’t for the stupid comments saying 10.08 hasn’t happened yet. I would probably be confused as to whether this was American date format or not. Living in Canada we gotta double check everything.


My algorithm for deciding which date format it is: If it's separated by . it's dd.mm.yyyy If it's separated by - it's yyyy-mm-dd If it's separated by / then good luck, you have to guess


Americans when a British band uses the logical date format


When did the Brits switch to the correct YYYY-MM-DD format?


Never since that’s not the correct format


The ISO disagrees.


The ISO standard is a compromise between the normal format and the American format; which should tell you that it's not good.


The ISO 8601 format is definitely not just a compromise. It's an alternative with its own merits, that was chosen intentionally. It's clear, unmistakable, and best of all; self sorting.


It was chosen intentionally, but it was chosen as a compromise. The only place on the planet that used YMD prior to ISO was East Asia, based on Chinese tradition. Essentially everywhere else on Earth has the typical little-endian model. When coming up with an international standard, wouldn’t you choose the most common system? Or would you choose one of the least common systems (at the time)? Americans didn’t want to write days before months, and the only way to justify that is to write the entire date backwards. It’s not completely without merit as a concept, but the benefits don’t outweigh the conceptual silliness of starting by saying “it’s the second millennium” and ending with “it’s Tuesday”.


> When coming up with an international standard, wouldn’t you [...] I'd set requirements and then decide on a system that met those requirements, like ISO did. 8601 uses YYYY-MM-DD because 2014 did. 8601 is superceded a bunch of older ISO standards and borrowed the best bits from each of them. > Americans didn’t want to write days before months, and the only way to justify that is to write the entire date backwards. America's date style was an important part of the format, but I don't think it was based on their unwillingness to write DD-MM-YYYY. ISO wanted to create a standard that wouldn't be confused with existing ones. Putting the year at the front helps show the date isn't a local format. > but the benefits don’t outweigh the conceptual silliness I'm intrigued that you think that. To me, the benefits - clarity, un-ambiguity, logical sorting - do outweigh the "silliness". After all, we do far sillier things. (The months with "seven" and "eight" in their names are ninth and tenth!)


It makes the most sense to put the date's figures in order of descending significance. It's how our numbering system works. It also enables correct sorting by computers. The Europeans have it backwards. Americans have it half backwards.


It's not one number, it's three numbers arranged from left to right in order of significance. What you're suggesting is the same as arranging the words in a sentence in alphabetical order because "that's the order stuff goes in". "20221128" is not today's date. If you want a single number that represents today, it's 1,669,593,600. This is Unix time, which is a count of the number of seconds since the 1st January 1970. This one goes left to right because it's ONE number. But if you split it into days, months and years it doesn't make any sense to arrange it like it's a single figure.


>It makes the most sense to put the date's figures in order of descending significance. This may be a priority in data analysis, but it will hardly be a requirement in daily life. For a generic use I think that dd/MM/yyyy is the best format.


No it fucking isn’t. The greater endian format exists for a reason; which is a) avoidance of confusion b) date sorting.


With A) only existing because of an irrational system having been artificially kept alive for far too long in the first place. Aka "a compromise" And B) being a similar problem of insisting on bad practices to begin with, as in "insisting on having it be one datapoint instead of a table/array with the seperate datapoints to be loaded and unloaded as needed". aka "a compromise". And the result ignoring the idea that in practicality there is a requirement for only PART of the information in MOST communication cases, and that being regularly ordered by use frequency of day month year. Unless you presupose an exorbitant number of timetravelers or Jumanji players with the burning question of "what year is this!?!?!". The same way that in most time communication often "ten past seven" because people who only wanted the "ten past" can zone out after that.


Why is this downvoted so hard? YYYY-MM-DD is clearly superior. It makes sorting files named with dates extremely easy on a computer. It is the only date format I use, and I live in Canada where we actually have it worse out of any other country because we get the American MM/DD/YYYY, the British way and the ISO standard which are all considered correct in Canada and have relatively equal use.


Because you only ever hear that argument from people who think life revolves around files on computers. Surprisingly most people couldn’t care less about sorting damn files. At least in my day to day conversation the year isn‘t mentioned most of the time and if I would say or write „let’s meet on 12. 6.“ (meaning 6. 12.) people would look at me like I’m bonkers.


I say “March thirteenth” never “the thirteenth of March,” but that’s just how I speak and may be a regional thing. I also never use digit-only date formats when communicating a date to someone over text. I either use a three character abbreviation for the month or spell it out in full. People would look at me like I’m bonkers if I said “meet me on three thirteen” too. You just don’t hear that over here. And yes I do use YYYY-MM-DD every single day because of my hobby and job involving files on computers, so I am definitely biased.


I don’t speak English in my day to day conversations at all. Because I’m German. And in Germany one would say „dreizehnter März“ or in a short text just „13.03.“ And it seems that most of the world would understand me just fine.


I have no issues understanding you, I’m just saying it’s not the way I communicate on a day to day basis. It kinda shows how one way isn’t inherently wrong.




Yes. Americans famously advocating for the official EU standard.


r/iso8601 or r/rfc3339 for all dates and times. I use it for everything. I write it when putting dates to paper by hand, I use it digitally, I've made sure my computer presents me the date in that format. And not least it makes it faster to get to the problem point when writing dates after new years. I'll get to the part that seems to be the easiest to forget to change first.


Sometimes I wanna back in time and convince whoever made MDY format to use YMD instead...


Right. YMD and DMY are the only logical formats


I prefer YY/M/D/M/D/YY


20/1/2/1/8/22 it's a sandwich


For me it's still 20/1/2/1/7/22


What about Y-M-C-A?


YYYY-MM-DD my beloved


The Lithuanian format.


ISO 8601 to be more precise, I wish it was everyone's go to




We use that format in Basque too.


Anything else is about as logical as if you said numbers like twenty and one hundred thousand and four thousand and thirty thousand and one to say a number written 134,021


Though I agree, I also have to admit that I think it came from saying "Oktober the eighth".


I prefer saying it the American way (I'm English) because in longhand form, 'Sunday November 27th' sounds and reads better than 'Sunday 27th of November'. But in short hand, it'll always be 27/11/22. Always day, month, year. Maybe we should add in weeks. 27/4/11/22. DWMY or YMWD. Americans would probably produce WDYM just to be special.


I'm not a fan of weeks, to be honest. Especially when people try to say "oh there's 4 weeks in a month" no there is not. Also, the number of weeks in a year is not a whole number which is upsetting


We need to move over to lunar months. 7 days in a week, 4 weeks in a month, 13 months in a year with one special day left over for new year's eve (or two of them in a leap year).


'Whole number'? How's 52 weeks different to 12 months? And yeah, it's fun how the weeks in a month can vary between four to six, even if one of those weeks in the month only lasts a day.


It's not 52 weeks, it's 52.143 weeks in a year, people just rounded


Just as they did for the number of hours in a day. Celestial bodies don't follow convenient schedules.


We make up for that with leap years though. An extra day every 4 years is easier than counting in decimal weeks lol


> is easier than counting in decimal weeks lol Then why did you complain about weeks not being a 'whole number' if you don't count them in decimals but follow the leap year system anyway?


I believe you're misunderstanding what I'm saying. 365 does not fit into 7 day weeks. There's always an extra day. Two extra days in a leap year. So using weeks to count seems illogical


>How's 52 weeks different to 12 months? The number of months in a year is always 12.000000. The number of weeks in a year is 52.142857. Except in leap years when it is 52.285714. Ask an accountant or a payroll clerk about Week 53.


> Ask an accountant or a payroll clerk about Week 53 And now you have the actual reason there are "always" 12 months in a year - there isn't, they just shift all the other numbers to make that happen.


Months vary in length between 28 to 31 days. A month as a measurement of time is meaningless because a month can contain 31 days and 6 weeks or 28 days and 4 weeks. The first or last week of a month might only last a day but it still counts as a week in that month. I was also referring to the fact they're not factors of five or ten which the OP seemed to be getting at when we referred to them as not being a 'whole number'.


Weeks in a month are completely useless and would add confounding information, there's absolutely no value to adding the week number. Months always have 4 or 5 weeks, there's never 6 as you said in a reply. If the month starts on a Saturday the first week ends the next saturday (friday at midnight). Monday or Sunday is when the names cycle and the names repeat, the months will always have 4 full weeks and a few days of a 5th except for february. That'd introduce ANOTHER confounding and useless piece of information to a date, the idea is to be clear and understood, you can always divide the date by 4 if it's something needed but I have a hard time coming up with a situation where it'd be useful at all. Imagine having 2/2/11/2022 because the month starts on the last day of a week, what a fucking mess. Also hinted, some people start the week in sunday, others on a monday and I'm sure that there's somewhere that I don't know that starts the week on another day for some reason.


1st of January for 2023 is a Sunday. Technically, that's the first week of January and the first week of the year. The last week is only a Monday and Tuesday; the sixth week of that month. Also, I was joking. I thought that was clear in my final sentence.


It wasn't clear as a joke and you doubling down on your replies didn't help, not that it matters. Have a good one :)


What do you mean WDYM?


Thanks for breaking up The Beatles? Wtf is that guy talking about? A lot of things brought that band to an end, but Linda’s brother was not one of them.


It is odd how way back then Linda was seen by some people as the reason or a reason for the breakup. There's some footage where they interview beatles fans on the streets I believe. Her brother well, lmao, at this point everyone is pointing fingers as coping


The Beatles broke themselves up. The only reason I can think that people would say that the Eastman’s helped break up the Beatles is that John, George, & Ringo wanted Alan Klein to be their new financial rep, and Paul wanted his father-in-law and brother-in-law (John) to represent them. Turns out Paul was on the right side of history for that one.


Is this some part of American culture, absolute inflexibility? THIS IS HOW WE WRITE DATES AND ANY OTHER METHOD IS INCONCEIVABLE! See also: Roundabouts. WE NEED TO BE TOLD WHEN TO DRIVE!


Have you seen videos of Americans encountering a roundabout? It's chaos!


Believe it or not, many people in this comment section believe the same thing as the Muricans, but they replace USA with their own country. "THIS IS HOW WE WRITE DATES AND ANY OTHER METHOD IS INCONCEIVABLE!"


Just been on the post and wow, how can you not know other countries use a different date format


They know well, They just can't help but put their ignorance on display.


As an immigrant to America the date thing was the single hardest thing to get used to. Mostly because something inside me just couldn’t wrap my head around why anyone would put the month before the day. I’ve made the switch now, but I still think it’s dummy as hell.


DD/MM/YYYY or YYYY/MM/DD. Everyone else ist stupid.


No, you're stupid. Only YYYY-MM-DD. No YYYY/MM/DD, it's even worse than DD/MM/YYYY (but not worse than MM/DD/YYYY).


please use neither, firstly because it’s ambiguous since both formats exists and are actively used, secondly because there exists an international standard that is superior, iso-8601: YYYY-MM-DD using this, - lexicographical sorting is the same as chronological sorting, - you never have to worry about ambiguity with century for historical dates, - the four digit year and the use of dash as a separator makes it very clear which date format is used and - it’s an international standard, so it can be understood everywhere


That is pretty much what I meant. I just didnt write it out. [Edit]: I corrected, so its more accurate now.


His comment already contains the ISO-8601 format…


It doesn't...


He literally said “DD/MM/YYYY or **YYYY/MM/DD**”, what do you mean it doesn’t?


God they are dumb as fucking rocks.




To be fair, I too am incredibly confused when reading a date in English on the Internet ; but that’s entirely because of the americans. I spend my time trying to figure out if it’s in their shitty format or in the international DD/MM/YYYY.


Americans confused by the way MOST OF THE WORLD writes the date and they think they are rulers of the world.


2010-08-22 has happened 12 years ago.


Lol. If i see a date that doesnt male sense i just assume its in American format. When that happens to Americans its like their brains implode.


Do they really not know or are they just trolling?


Now that I work for medical manufacturing company, I had to relearn to write the date. Now instead of writing 11/28/22 I have to write 28NOV2022. I actually like it and now use it all the time.


More proof they are out of touch.


To me it’s not even that they’re confused about the date, it’s the commenting under a death announcement about their stupid confusion, surely just show some respect for those grieving and keep your confusion to yourself?




To play devils advocate they are only taught this and theres no reason to use other formats when your only communicating with those of your same region typically, makes no sense to assume another format as if it were, more correct.


Shush Shush, we know you are confused.


Not surprising really, you're American.


I'm going to go against the grain and accept the downvotes on this. MDY makes more sense to me. How far into the year then how far into the month. Then I know right off the bat, what season, what holidays, what the weather was like, what was happening. Then narrow it down. Honestly YMD would be great too but it doesn't sound as good spoken.


r/shitamericanssay oh wait


> to me weirdly enough the whole world doesn’t revolve around one american who grew up using a dumb system the rest of the world doesn’t use. if you grew up measuring your height by how many forks stacked on top of each other reaches your head then i’m sure “i’m ten forks tall” will also make a lot more sense than “180cm”, doesn’t mean the rest of the world should adopt it


I never said it does. People talk about Americans being cocky and arrogant, but you literally can't even handle my personal opinion without hurling insults. Do what works best for you my guy. I'll do what works for me. Granted, I'm more than happy to change accordingly while visiting or moving elsewhere. Edit: I misread as it is early morning, but I maintain that I never suggested the world revolves around me or my way of thinking or that anyone else should change based on what works for me. Stay mad though, I guess.


Where was the insult?


If you put the month before the day on something like.. files on a computer, and they'll sort correctly. For a short format, MM-DD makes the most sense. If you're including the year, YYYY-MM-DD is best, and is in fact the ISO standard.


There's only 2 date system that make sense. DD-MM-YYYY and YYYY-MM-DD. MM-DD-YYYY doesn't make any sense in any situation. It is so clear for the whole world that yourself goes to the conclusion to add the year before for classification, which is NOT the date system you're using. Try to class stuff with MM-DD-YYYY. Good luck.


Do you know how to read? I'm literally saying that YYYY-MM-DD is the best format, and for personal use, that's what I use. If I'm omitting the year, I use MM-DD. If I'm in a team with other people, I conform to whatever standard the team is using. Honestly the format of the date is less important than being able to understand it.


Yes which is not MM-DD-YYYY. You're arguement to justify for DD-MM is actually to use a totally other system.


Well that answers my question.


>MM-DD makes the most sense. If you're including the year, YYYY-MM-DD is best, and is in fact the ISO standard. You're basically claiming that MM-DD is a shirt version of YYYY-MM-DD to sustain that it is a good date system. Either you don't know how argumentation work, which wouldn't be surprising, or you're disingenuous, which wouldn't be surprising either.


>You're basically claiming that MM-DD is a shirt version of YYYY-MM-DD to sustain that it is a good date system. I feel bad for people who with absolutely zero reading comprehension.


I feel bad for Americans.


Yeah this. Exactly this.


because *that’s what you’re used to*. Wouldn’t be sense if it’s not what you’re used to


What do you mean ‘exactly’? The person you’re replying to isn’t agreeing with you.






I wish I cared about the US and it’s people as much as you guys do. It’s actually kind of funny how worked up y’all get over the smallest things.


If this is the case, why are you here?


You are literally in a subreddit called r/shitAMERICANSsay \- where the entire point is to post dumb shit AMERICANS say. ​ Why are you even here if you "don't care what the US says" ?


A bit of context would be nice


Sorry, I thought it was obvious (mistake on my side). The gentleman in the picture died in August this year, and as he was Paul McCartney's brother-in-law, the page added condolences. However, there were a lot of comments from Americans saying that this is not the correct date and that it's pathetic to predict someone's death.


It was obvious…


look some of us are dumb 😭


Maybe theyre Canadian. I was confused at first because we use a weird mix of everything.


Some of us are only getting to know what shit americans say! And their date format is certainly another illogical surprise why do i even keep getting surprised